Magic Strikes

by Ilona Andrews

Paperback, 2009



Call number

Fic SF Andrews



Ace (2009), Edition: Original, Mass Market Paperback, 310 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. HTML: Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, mercenary Kate Daniels has more paranormal problems than she knows what to do with. And in Atlanta, where magic comes and goes like the tide, that's saying a lot. But when Kate's werewolf friend Derek is discovered nearly dead, she must confront her greatest challenge yet. As her investigation leads her to the Midnight Games�an invitation-only, no-holds-barred, ultimate preternatural fighting tournament�she and Curran, the Beast Lord, uncover a dark plot that may forever alter the face of Atlanta's shapeshifting community..

User reviews

LibraryThing member jjmachshev
Urban fantasy fans, rejoice! Ilona Andrews latest Kate Daniels story is kick a$$ from start to finish. This series has a bit of romance (so far without consummation, but still hot), a heaping helping of humor, more paranormal critters than you can shake a stick at, a heroine who's a trained killer
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with a conscience, and enough high drama and action for anybody. In other words, if you like fantasy, urban fantasy, etc...go get this series.

Kate's had a rough week. Waves of magic are wreaking havoc in Atlanta and she hasn't been able to go even half a day without some strange smelling blood fouling her clothes and shoes. The last thing she wants is a call from Saiman--a morphing creature who's developed the hots for her. But Saiman has caught her friend Derek breaking Pack law and Kate can't bear the thought of what Curran the Beast Lord would have to do to punish him. Not to mention Curran seems to be treating Kate like a potential Alpha mate...and she's not a were! The chain of events continues downhill and now Derek's barely alive, Kate's hiding from Curran, and it looks like the only way to save her friends will be for Kate to reveal herself to her nemesis.

I love this series. The stories aren't overly long or elaborate; yet they're as intricate and tightly woven as any reader could wish for. Each book reveals a few more tidbits about Kate's life, her past, and her possible futures. The action is non-stop yet it's not til the end of the book that you grasp the detailed sequence of events and decisions that have dovetailed into an exquisite finale. Yes, this story is finished, but there's no doubt that we still have further adventures with Kate to enjoy. For me, there's not enough stars for this series.
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LibraryThing member Shiinale
Possibly the greatest thing about the series for me is the relationship between the beast lord and Kate. Unlike many other series the heroin doesn't just hop into bed with the mate after they meet. There is tension and I love their relAtionship. Yes there are feelings but it's not that love at
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first sight deal you get with so many UF series. I'm Vietnamese and never in my life had I expected to have my culture I.e the ao dai mentioned in any way. It was an awesome idea! Though there Re the regular shapeshifter sand vamps, there are so many other! Definitely not another twilight feeling story!
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LibraryThing member girlsgonereading
I should absolutely start this review by saying that I don’t like fantasy. It is not my genre, and I was trying it out again just for kicks. Unfortunately, after reading Magic Strikes I still don’t like it. Perhaps, I like it even less.

My main problem with the entire fantasy genre is all the
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the made up stuff. I find fantastical creatures obnoxious, and at one point in Magic Strikes I was introduced to a werehynea, a lupe, and some crazy Hindu god. It was all too much. That being said, I did like Magic Strikes when the fantasy elements were not involved in the story. When Curran and Kate were simply talking, interacting, and pretending not to like each other I liked the story. I got it. That stuff makes sense to me. But then, just as quickly as I was taken in, I was drawn back out. The Pack (werewolves) reappeared and everything went back to being strange. Strange in a way that was not transporting me. Just strange as in: where do people think of this stuff?

My final complaint about the book has nothing to do with the genre (although I never really saw past it). I found the writing of the novel to be lacking. In fact, the style of the novel reminded me of the Sookie Stackhouse books-ones I enjoy, but not the best literature. Just like Sookie, Kate is a tougher than she looks protagionist who is loved by all these crazy creatures. She’ll kick some ass if she has to, but most of the time she speaks like a bad movie trailer. Here is one example:

“A man leapt over the row of cars and landed in front of us in a crouch, blocking the way. Dark hair dripped from his head. He glanced up. His eyes glowed like two red-hot coals. His mouth opened. An unnaturally long tongue spilled out, lashing the air. His lips drew back, showing rows of curved fangs…Alrighty then.”

There are so many reasons why this book just wasn’t for me. Maybe it’s that I don’t get the lingo. I don’t know what a loup is. I have never heard of Lyc-V as a virus. Or maybe it’s because I don’t like war books (or action books for that matter), and this one had a lot of both. Nevertheless, reading Magic Strikes was an experiment into how far I could take my vampire love. Well, I guess I wasn’t ready to jump right in. I just didn’t love it.
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LibraryThing member shadiphoenix
Andrews' third installment of the Kate Daniels series has the reader and Kate moving closer to a confrontation with Roland. In this book Andrews gives us more detailed background on Kate and her life with Voron. The action is bloody and Kate continues as a hardened warrior, but as she indicates,
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she's not a killer for hire; she actually has principles and despite her best efforts, has formed attachments with members of the Pack and one of her fellow Knights. Curran is again seen, but the mood has turned more romantic (though I use that term loosely, what with him watching her sleep and all). There are near death experiences and the next books may show Kate with new and/or expanded powers. Now that she's out in the open, more direct conflict with Roland is just around the corner, but now she has the Pack and Curran (even if she doesn't want them hurt). So I guess Roland was correct in not wanting children, though it is because of his actions that Kate is brought to the place she is. If only he hadn't felt he needed to kill her before she was born; if only he hadn't killed her mother; there are a million if-only's, but I think the result may have always been the same with Kate on a mission to kill Roland. So now there's Curran and their "relationship" and her mission to kill Roland. Can't wait for the next installment!!
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LibraryThing member lewispike
This is a light, fast, fun read. The lust between Kate and Curran notches up several levels, there's a bit of investigating which is nicely handled, and quite a lot of fighting - in a variety of settings, which is very well done.

There's some arc developments too - more about Roland and his
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ambitions, and various people are finding out about Kate's heritage.

A number of old friends come back too, even if they're meant to be safely tucked away at school.

It's not often a combat scene makes me cry with laughter, but the first fight in the big contest in the arena really did. "Go out there and look bad" they're told. In about 3 seconds flat they've killed or incapacitated their foes... and that was trying to look bad! Their strategist's reaction and their lack of comprehension is wonderful and really very funny.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I love this world created by Ilona Andrews...even though I sure wouldn't want to live in it. Magic waves fight periods of high technology. Vampires Masters (not the vampires themeselves) rule over their followers. Kate Daniels has some magic of her own. We get to find out where that magic came from
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in "Magic Strikes", but readers of the first two books will no doubt only get thier suspecions confirmed. Kate works for the Order of Knights of Mericful Aid and ever since she got that job it seems she has been picking up some friends...something she rarely ever trusted herself with before. Now she has some, she is zestfully loyal. When one of her friends, her werewolf friend Dereck gets into some real trouble, Kate is their to find out how to heal him and where to do go to extract some revenge. Unfortunately this plan sees her going against the packmaster Curran and his orders over all of beastkind. My four star (instead of 5 star) review is solely because I didn't care for the gladiator setting and I would have liked seeing the actual revenge scenes play a larger part of the last third of the book. Now I can pack on the praises. Kate is probably the most likeable of the paranormal heroines in novels today (and I still like an awful lot of them). She treats people well unless of course, you are up to some bad things. Then she has no qualms about beheading you. The 'romance' between Kate and Curran is also probably my favorite out there and it has to be because they don't get along on the surface, but underneath these two are nuts about each other. Curran sees it more than Kate will allow herself to. Each book gets us a little closer to their love for each other breaking through but I enjoy their banter a lot so I hope Andrews keeps us waiting awhile longer. The last scene in this book, especially the last page was top-notch. It is a true shame that we must wait so long for another Kate Daniels story as they truly stand out as sensation in an overfilled genre.
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LibraryThing member rivkat
Kate Daniels is a powerful magic-user in a world where magic has returned, intermittently. Sometimes the tech rises, so internal combusion and electricity etc. works, and sometimes waves of magic hit, so it’s magelights and enchanted water engines. Magical creatures exist all the time, but are
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stronger during magic waves. Kate has only ever seen airplanes in pictures; I loved the detail that cellphones sometimes work during magic because, since most people don’t understand how they work anyway, they’re fueled by belief rather than tech. Kate has a deadly secret—the source of the power in her blood—and a freelance job solving magical problems for people. In the first book, she investigates the murder of her mentor, and ends up caught between the People (necromancers) and the shapeshifters, who are the major competing power blocs in her area of what used to be the US. In subsequent books, her troubles continue.

Basically, if you liked Guilty Pleasures--even if the thought of Anita now makes you want to hurl—I recommend these books. Kickass heroine with difficult superpowers, matched with plausibly hard-to-beat foes; palace intrigue; frustrating and hot guys. So you get stuff like this: “To get clear of two hundred enraged shapechangers I’d need a case of grenades and air support. There was no reason to weigh myself down with extra weapons. Then again, maybe I should take a knife. One knife, as a backup. Okay, two.” Andrews occasionally trips a warning alarm on my gender politics sensors in terms of overbearing guys who think that’s what sexy is, but it’s been okay so far. As she’s set it up, rogue shapeshifters—loups—are really into rape with their cannibalism, so sexual violence comes up regularly, though without explicit depiction.
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LibraryThing member DragonLibrary8
I have been enjoying this series very much - but this one is my favorite so far. I love the end. I can't wait for the next book. The characters are great, the adventures are amazing - the twists are sure to keep you going.
LibraryThing member Mardel
I have been a fan of Ilona Andrews' books ever since I was bored in Borders one day, listlessy browsing through the Science Fiction section alphabetically in 2007. I had just finished all of my regular "auto-buy" books, and had nothing interesting to read. None of my "auto-buy" authors had a new
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book out at that time. Magic Bites (Kate Daniels Book 1) had just come out, and it practically jumped off the shelf into my hand. Something about the cover, along with the name, drew me in. I thought it was going to be about witches. I bought it, took it home and read it in one weekend. I already wanted more. I had to wait. To amuse myself I looked online at her website, and discovered "she" was a "them". Ilona and Gordon Andrews, in fact. When I finally was able to buy Magic Burns, (Kate Daniels, book 2) I finished that book way too fast. I've had Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, book 3) for a while, but this past year has been the year of B.A.D.D. (Book Attention Deficit Disorder?, my totally made up affliction)

Curran (beastlord), Jim (security for beastlord and Kate's sometimes partner), Derek (a young were), Saiman (mysteriously rich shapeshifter), Andrea (fellow Knight of the Order, and in-the-closet beastkin) and Raphael, (were-hyena) all make appearances as important characters in this third Kate Daniels book. All of these characters are great secondary characters, and we learn a little more about each of them in this book.

Derek, Kate's friend is tortured and almost murdered by a team of fighters from the Midnight Games, an event that has been banned for the weres by Curran. The Midnight Games has an interest for Saiman, Derek and now Kate, since Derek has been left for dead. Derek has been tortured so badly that he cannot shift, which would promote his healing. He is essentially in a coma, near death. Jim, the head of security for Curran's clan has gone into hiding from Curran, along with his security team. As well as finding out why, and by whom Derek has been tortured, Kate tries to find the reason for Derek's strange condition, tries to keep out of Curran's way, while aiding Jim and his team, and they all try to solve the mystery of a few of the shapeshifters' deaths (shapeshifters who were also unable to shift during a crucial time).

While all this is going on, Curran continues to pursue Kate, in his beastlord, shapeshifter ways, few of which Kate understands. Kate, on the otherhand continues to fight her growing attraction to Curran, as she feels she would be just another notch for Curran. I'm usually put off by romantic elements in urban fantasy books, but the growing attraction between Kate and Curran is handled with humor and some mystery (especially for Kate) which amuses me.

The interplay between characters was very entertaining, and Kate's inner dialogue was wonderful to read, at times smartass, and at other times blood thirsty. The conversations between characters were also good reads.
" '.and Cesare's head'
They looked at me.
'Why the head?' Doolittle asked.
' Because it's easy to carry and I can torture it for a long time' And I didn't just say it out loud, did I? I checked their faces. Yep, I did. "

Another example:
" 'His Majesty needs a can-I girl anyway. And I'm not it'
'A can-I girl?' Andrea frowned.
I leaned back. ' "Can I fetch you your food, Your Majesty? Can I tell you how strong and mighty you are, Your Majesty? Can I pick out your fleas, Your Majesty? Can I kiss your ass, Your Majesty? Can I..." '
It dawned on me that Raphael was sitting very still. Frozen, like a statue, his gaze fixed on the point above my head.
' He's standing behind me, isn't he?'
Andrea nodded slowly.
'Technically it should be "may I. " ' Curran said, his voice deeper than I remembered. 'Since you're asking permission."
......'To answer your question, yes, you may kiss my ass. Normally I prefer to maintain my personal space, but you're a Friend of the Pack and your services have proven useful once or twice. I strive to accommodate the wishes of persons friendly to my people. My only question is, would your kissing my ass be obeisance, grooming, or foreplay?' "

For my own taste, this book has it all. Suspense, fights, new myths, new creatures, danger, humor, good conversations, character expansion (for all the characters), and a little sexual tension. A little goes a long way.

The only thing I hate about reading books like Magic Strikes is finishing them, and waiting for the next book in the series. The consolation, looking forward to the next installment, knowing it's going to be a quality read. A couple of my favorite characters in this third book are Raphael, Andrea and Saiman.
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LibraryThing member cmwilson101
The Kate Daniels Magic Series of books by by Ilona Andrews (a husband-wife writing team) are incredible. It is a captivating series about Kate Daniels, a mercenary who helps to clean up messes caused by magic in a post-apocalyptic Atlanta.

This is the third book in the series, and Kate helps her
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shapeshifting friend Derek with an investigation into an undercover fight tournament.

Kate is tough as nails with a sarcastic streak, but vulnerable as well. She fights monsters with her trusty magic sword (because it always works) and tries to keep a low profile because of her heritage - if it comes out who she is, people will want to kill her.

Kate is slow to trust people, but throughout the series she begins to form relationships with others, including the Beast Lord who is the leader of the Pack of shapeshifters. All characters are well written, unique and authentic, even small supporting characters.

This is one of my favorite all time series; well worth reading.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
Kate's life is running relatively smoothly - she's exhausted, overworked, and missing her last piece of apple pie. But on the whole, things are pretty smoothly: good sign that everything's about to go seriously pear-shaped.

When a werewolf gets seriously dead - as in little pieces strewn all over
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the road - the weres say hands off, and there's not much Kate can do about it. But when the next were beaten to a bloody pulp is a friend, Kate takes a hand. The trail leads to an underground fight club and a team of preternaturally strong humans. The odds are against her, as always, but Kate's going after answers regardless of the consequences (which may involve cooking naked....).

Not the best place to jump in on the series, and there are a few weak spots, but on the whole a very readable next installment.
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LibraryThing member EowynA
The third book in the series reveals who her biological father is, but the foreshadowing has been so explicit that it is no surprise. Lots of fighting in this book - it is about a gladiator-like contest, and so we know that our cast of protagonists are going to end up in the Pit. There is some
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pretty gory fighting. So far, book #2 is my choice of the three.
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LibraryThing member mmillet
Coming back from a long-awaited trip to Atlanta (it's been almost two years since I went home!), I settled into the third installment of Ilona Andrew's much loved Kate Daniel's series with more than a little excitement. With the series set in a futuristic Atlanta that has been ravaged by magic, I
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felt like I was getting to extend my vacation a few more days as Kate described tromping around Buckhead and other notable downtown spots. Also, I've been waiting all summer to snag a copy of this one and the anticipation may have made me a tiny bit antsy. What started off as a pretty good series has now turned into one of my top three current fantasy series, the stories have literally gotten so much better with each book.Kate is back to her usual Order of Knights of Merciful Aid day job after the massive magical flare that rocked the city of Atlanta. She's still trying to figure out how to support Julie - the orphan she adopted in the magical aftermath - and most of all how to avoid His Royal Fussiness or Curran, the Beast Lord. Needless to say, she isn't exactly pleased when the ucky Saiman calls her up to say he's got one of Curran's shifters, Derek, captive in his apartment. Derek makes Kate swear not to tell Curran the reason he's broken into Saiman's apartment - to steal tickets to an extremely illegal, extremely dangerous gladiator-type tournament - which leaves her in a place she does not want to be. But when things with Derek go south in a hurry, Kate throws herself in a deadly struggle to save her friends without revealing her true identity (which she actually finally divulges to the reader! FINALLY).What I think makes me keeping coming back for more in this series is its constant humor. Kate is a smart-mouth and I love her. I guess I just have a thing for girls who can't keep their mouth shut even to the detriment of their health. Sometimes I would completely bust up while reading and just couldn't wait to see what would happen next. This humor element is especially important to me since there is so much darkness that Kate faces. For starters, her whole life has been centered around killing one big, bad guy for goodness sakes. So, Ilona Andrews strikes a nice balance for me. Another reason I love it is becuase of the relationships between the characters: Kate and Curran, Kate and her 'ward' Julie, Kate and Derek, they are all so real and constantly changing, leaving me breathless with anticipation for what will happen next.Does anyone else totally dig the cover? Okay, I know they all have been quite similar: Kate with a sword and Curran as his furry self - but until I saw this book up close and personal and realized that Kate is sporting a set of very colorful bruises along her arms did I think: "Yeah! That's my girl who doesn't know how to stay out of trouble."
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the third book in the Kate Daniels series and what a wonderful book it was. Very creative, very fast-paced, all the wonderful fight scenes, and hilarious attitude that Kate is known for. I actually listened to this on audio book and the audio book is wonderful. If you have a change to
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listen to the audio book it's worth it; the lady who reads it does Kate's voice and personality absolutely perfectly.

Something strange is going on. Shapeshifters are being killed and Kate is brought in to find out why. Then Simone catches Derek trying to steal tickets to some forbidden and illegal event called the Midnight Games. Kate has to cut a deal with Simone to get Derek out of there, as such she ends up at the Midnight games, as Simone's date, and watches a team called the Reapers. The Reapers are supposedly human, but end up being much more. Kate needs to figure out if the Midnight Games and the murders are linked.

This was a great book and super hard to put down. Kate has a wonderful dry sense of humor, as does Curran. All the characters in this book are well done, amusing, and likable. The fight scenes are plentiful and extremely well done. The plot is complicated and takes many unexpected twists and turns. Many very creative things happen; you meet some new races and get to venture deep into Unicorn Alley.

The best part is that you learn a lot more about Kate's history with Roland. It seems that the story is winding closer and closer to a confrontation between Kate and Roland. You learn a lot more about Simone's past too. Oh and did I mention the wonderful fight scenes, and the awesome magical weapons?

Overall another wonderful book in this series. I don't have any complaints; except that I want to read the next on sooo bad. For those of you dying for more Kate; Andrews did write a short story involving Kate, Andrea, and Raphael in the "Must Love Hellhounds" anthology called "Magic Mourns". It's a pretty good read. What a great series; I hope Andrews can keep this up for many more books to come!
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LibraryThing member kayceel
Kate agrees to accompany an acquaintance in order to help out Derek, a werewolf friend, and soon becomes entangled in an underground fighting tournament. When Kate agrees to investigate a new team taking part in the games, she runs afoul of Curran, the Beast Lord, who (several years before) forbid
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all Atlanta shapechangers from competing in the games.

Excellent - this series is smart, the plot lines complex, the action tense, the characters richly drawn and intriguing. Kate is a total badass, and in this book, we learn more of why that is - she just happens to be the daughter of the most powerful necromancer alive and this fact is deadly to anyone who knows it.

And Curran is friggin' HOT. Sigh.

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LibraryThing member les121
Another entertaining, fast-paced story with tons of butt kicking. Although it dwelt more on romance than the first two books, it had an exciting plot and several humorous moments that made me laugh out loud. As more clues are revealed about Roland, what will happen now that Kate's secret is pretty
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much out in the open? Overall, this series is a fun romp into urban fantasy, perfect for the escapist reader.
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LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
I have mentioned this before at my blog, but it took me till the second book, Magic Burns to really get into this series. I am so glad I stuck with it cause this new book I just loved. It's fast paced and full of action and the best part steam scenes between the two leads Kate & Curran. These two
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captivated me from the being of the series, they are one of the reason's stuck with the series. I had to see where the author who take these two. Now I can't wait to get my hands on the next book. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend it. You won't be disappointed.
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LibraryThing member liddlshortydemon
Kate's were friend Derek lands himself in major hot water in Magic Strikes. The two formed a bond when she took control of him and as a result had to claim him as a protector. That blood oath was released, but there are still major loyalty drives on both sides. In order to save him, Kate and some
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other weres must choose whether to disobey the Beast Lord's laws against the forbidden fighting ring. For the weres this potentially means a death sentence. As for Kate, well one never knows whether she is on the good or the bad side of the beast lord. As if angering the Beast Lord wasn't enough, she must be careful of showing her powers when it looks like her enemies of her heritage could be closing in.Kate has been steadily building relationships with others even though it was ingrained into her while she was growing up to never trust anyone. I think this really has helped build her character and the series. Being a loner can be great considering how dangerous being her friend can be, but it was just too lonely for her. By trusting others she is finding support where she never thought she could. Her relationship with Curran, the Beast Lord has been building stronger and stronger. There is a major attraction there, and the sexual tension is really thick. Its only a matter of one or both of them caving from their refusal to relinquish any dominance. However, for those two that idea seems a near impossibility.
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LibraryThing member blodeuedd
My thoughts:

You all knew this day would come, I am officially converted and can say that this series kicks some serious ass.

I kept reading, giggling and laughing, this book is certainly the best so far and if this continues I my heart will be lost. Kate is a great character, strong, and she does
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not back down. I got the meet the pervy Saiman again, and he does amuse me. Then there is Curran, ok ok I admit he makes me drool, but my heart is not entirely lost, he is just too alpha for me. But for Kate he is perfect. Those two, the chemistry, and him trying to woo her his way. Makes it really hard for a girl to put this book down.

Then there is the action that keeps coming, the best part of UF. And this freaky world, loving it. This time bad guys are, I am not going to say, but I like where she took it, oh and what Saiman really is, very nice.

But honestly what keeps making me coming back is her origin. First who is her father, then what is he, then what is she, and when she will meet him. That conflict is what I like about this series.

Final thoughts and recommendation.

The best book so far, and at the end it made me ache to get book 4 and see where it all is heading. I am giving it a 3,75, it has been a step up all the way and I do think the next one will be even better. It was good, and I need the next book.

And yes I do recommend this series to UF and PNR lovers, and to the rest too.
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LibraryThing member turkcebkf
As a third book in a series this feels like a filler. There is an somewhat plot, new characters and monsters but none of the investigations and other elements. Magic Strikes has fun moments but not as good as the second or the first book.
LibraryThing member jimmaclachlan
3.5 stars, rounded to 4 because the series is improving. If you liked the early Anita Blake series, you'll like this. I thought the first two books were OK, but the 3d has really taken off. I think Andrews has hit her stride & I look forward to more good stuff from her. Some romance, but nothing
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icky. Believable characters & a well laid out plot. The whole magic/tech cycle is great & I love her take on vampires. I can't wait for the next!
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LibraryThing member Natalie_Fallon
Magic Burns is the 3rd book in the Kate Daniels Series (1st book being Magic Bites) by the husband and wife writing team known as Ilona Andrews who have also written the Edge series. The series is set in Atlanta but in a time when magic and technology compete with each other to be in charge,
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resulting in a world where nothing is guaranteed to work in 5 minutes time even if it it working now. Kate Daniels is feisty with a sense of humour and an interesting family background but also a tendency to jump both feet first into many situations. Kate is tough which is good when she doesn't always play nicely with others, however she's not the only stubborn one and so luckily doesn't have to face everything alone even when she intends to. Other characters include Shapeshifters such as Jim, Derek, Raphael, Dali and the Beast Lord Curran, Vampire Navigator (Master of the Dead) Ghastek, Andrea a Knight of the Order, Saiman a Shape Changing Consultant (not a Shape Shifter) and Julie a street kid who has become Kate's ward, all of whom have some interesting banter with Kate.

Other people have written more comprehensive descriptions of the storyline but I'm going to write a shorter summary and then concentrate on why I enjoyed the book. When Kate is being kept out of a Shape Shifter investigation it makes her suspicious especially when the Beast Lord is also being kept out of the Loop. When she finds out why though, Kate also tries to keep Curran out of it but he manages to find a way to get himself involved all the same. The Midnight Games really is a tournament to the death and it risks exposing Kate's family history. I love the sense of humour with which the book is written and the depth given to all of the characters. Interactions between characters are always done intelligently and with the tongue firmly in cheek, even when the encounter is antagonistic. This story builds upon the characters from Magic Bites and Magic Burns and introduces more new ones too. It is a story that carries you along with it giving you the information you need as you need it, rather than overloading you and expecting you to remember everything.

It was fun to read the first and all subsequent times when reading the whole set each time I get the next in series.
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LibraryThing member bookwormteri
Every time I pick up a book from this series, I am blown away. From the cover, it looks like so many other series on the market, and I find myself captivated and blown away by the unique mythologies in this series. Semi-steampunky, magic and technology work in waves, vampires are not sexy, they are
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driven by a remote operator and really creepy, and weres are united under one "Beast Lord". Really unique. In this, the third of the series, there are a series of gladiator-style battles in a pit run by the wealthy, and some of the players that have come to town have their own agendas. Just excellent and compelling.
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LibraryThing member spazp
Loved this book so much, I stayed up til 2 AM to finish it, I was so enthralled in the story. Now I'm counting down for Magic Bleeds in 2 weeks!!
LibraryThing member BellaMiaow
This was a marvelously fun read. I don't think it will be very accessible to anyone who hasn't read books one and two, but they're not long and fairly enjoyable. I'm truly impressed with the breadth and depth of mythology Andrews uses in the series. I'm eager to read book 4!


Original publication date


Physical description

310 p.; 6.76 inches


0441017029 / 9780441017027

Local notes

Kate Daniels, 3


Fic SF Andrews


(1075 ratings; 4.3)
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