Welcome to the North Darien Bible Church Library Catalog. The library is open to all members of our church. Click on the books scrolling below or use the Search function. Clicking on the Down Arrow will lead to the Advanced Search function to search by tags (subject), title or author.
Books are filed on the shelves by collection and author. Librarian - Corrine Koepf

The newest titles in our library include a children's book called Little Dinosaurs on a Big Ark by Lita Cosner Sanders; Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado; The Creation Answers Book; Evolution's Achille's Heels edited by Robert Carter, Ph.D.; Dangerous Affirmation - The Threat of Gay Christianity by M.D. Perkins and The Silencing of the Lambs - The Ominous Rise of Cancel Culture by Michael L. Brown, Ph.D.
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