A touch of dead : Sookie Stackhouse : the complete stories

by Charlaine Harris

Paper Book, 2009



Call number



London : Gollancz, 2009


A collection of every short story featuring Sookie Stackhouse, the telepathic waitress heroine of the best-selling Southern Vampire novels.

User reviews

LibraryThing member fyrefly98
Summary: A Touch of Dead collects all of the Sookie Stackhouse stories that have been published in various anthologies into one slim little volume.

"Fairy Dust" (from Powers of Detection) takes place between Dead to the World and Dead as a Doornail, Sookie learns that fairies Claude and Claudette
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are actually the two surviving members of triplets, and they want her help in tracking down their sister's killer.

"Dracula Night" (from Many Bloody Returns) also takes place between Dead to the World and Dead as a Doornail. In it, Eric is getting Fangtasia ready for the celebration of Dracula's birth, in hopes that his idol will actually appear. Things, unsurprisingly, do not go exactly to plan, and once again, Sookie's caught in the middle.

"One Word Answer" (from Bite) is the only story in this collection that contains critical information to the plot of the main books, and belongs in sequence right before Definitely Dead. In it, we finally get the scene where Sookie finds out her cousin Hadley is a) a vampire, and b) dead. We meet Mr. Cataliades for the first time, since he's the one who has brought Sookie the news all the way from New Orleans... the news, along with other, even more unpleasant things.

"Lucky" (from Unusual Suspects) takes place between All Together Dead and From Dead to Worse. In it, Sookie and her witch roommate, Amelia, team up to figure out who has been rifling through the files of their local insurance agent.

"Gift Wrap" (from Wolfsbane and Mistletoe) takes place a week or two before the start of Dead and Gone. It's Christmas, and since most of Sookie's friends are out of town, she thinks she'll be spending it alone... until she runs into a most unusual person in the woods near her house.

Review: While these stories were a fun brief distraction, there was nothing here that was nearly as good any of the normal series books. Because they came from anthologies, marketed to people who haven't necessarily read the series books, they're mostly fluffy and disposable, and filled with exposition that's unnecessary for those of us who actually are fans. Because they needed to exist separate from the series, nothing of consequence happens or changes, and I noticed a few times that something Sookie learned in a short story had been forgotten by the next book in the sequence. (The flip side of that coin was that there were a few lines in series books - about the tie she gave her great grandfather for Christmas, for example - that are raised from being throwaway comments to something a little more, because we actually get to see the events take place.)

The one exception to the generally light, fluffy, and take-it-or-leave-it nature of the anthology is the story "One Word Answer." It's probably the darkest story in the book, and it contains some critical information that would have been excellent to have *before* I started in on Definitely Dead. It was my favorite story of the bunch, but I think that's mainly because something actually *happened*. As for the rest of them... eh. Harmless, and a fun diversion, but nothing to get too excited over. 3 out of 5 stars.

Recommendation: If you're handed a copy of this book before you start Dead as a Doornail, I'd definitely recommend reading the stories in the order that they fit into the chronology of the series. Don't read ahead, though, or things will get very confusing, very fast. Otherwise, I'd say before starting Definitely Dead, get this collection out of the library and just read "One Word Answer" so that you're all caught up to speed.
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LibraryThing member mstrust
This book was passed to me by my older sister, who is not a reader. That I know of, she had read two books in her life, and then Sookie Stackhouse and the HBO TrueBlood series came along and for the first time in her life she was anxiously waiting for a book release and asking for books for
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Christmas. So when she finished this one she brought it to me because she wanted me to love it too. That's sweet.
I hadn't read any of Harris' books but figured there must be some fantastic writing for her to have turned someone like my sister into a reader, so I looked forward to this.
It's appalling. Halfway through the first story I began to wonder if this series had actually been intended for children. The sentences are so short and the vocabulary so narrow that I felt like I was reading something just slightly more advanced than a school primer. The characters are one-dimensional, like stick figures, with descriptions that are little more than, "This vampire is tall, blonde and hot." By the second story I was sure that it was written by a child. A thirteen year-old had to be meeting publisher's deadlines in between orthodontics appointments and homework assignments. Nope, there's a picture of a grown woman on the backflap. Which just leaves me more confused than ever- what could possible have made this awful writer a best-seller? I just don't get it. I'm sending my sister a copy of Shirley Jackson. *
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LibraryThing member amberwitch
A collection of urban fantasy short stories about Sookie Stackhouse. They range chronologically from the beginning of the series till before Dead and Gone, and topicvise from fun and games to murder and mayhem.
Only resommended for fans of the series, and as such it is fun to see what else Sookie
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gets up to between novels, but the stories in themselves aren't particularly good, and it annoys me that some of the events in these stories are necessary to read to get the full enjoyment of the novels.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
In A Touch of Dead you get five Sookie Stackhouse short stories that Ms. Harris has written over the years and have finally been published together for the first time.

"Fairy Dust" takes place after Dead To The World.
There we meet Claudine and Claude who have asked Sookie for "special" help in order
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to solve a murder mystery.

"Dracula Night" takes place before Dead As A Doornail.
Eric is throwing a big bash at Fangtasia to celebrate the birthday of the one-and-only, you guessed it Dracula. And Sookie's got an invitation to the fun.

"One Word Answer" takes place after Dead As A Doornail.
Sookie finds out that her long lost cousin is dead and meets some well-known characters for the first time.

"Lucky" takes place after All Together Dead.
Sookie and Amelia are approached by local real estate agent to help him solve a mystery. But this mystery is much more complicated then the girls originally anticipated.

Gift Wrap" takes place before Dead And Gone.
Sookie is spending this Christmas on her own. But when when she finds a naked man on her property and an unexpected guest pays a visit, it just might be a Christmas that is unforgettable.

As a fan of Ms. Harris' Sookie Stackhouse novels - this book is a needed addition to your collection. I don't know if you're like me, but there was a time or two where I would start one of the books and feel like.. huh? did I miss something? Now we know why. These short stories fill in some of those gaps no matter how small they were. THIS is what you were missing. I personally never went out to buy any of the books Ms. Harris and Sookie were featured in. With A Touch of Dead, you have them all in one volume and can read them as you are reading all the books or, like me, who is all caught up in the series, can read them all together.

This was a fun, quick read... with a special dose of the Sookie Stackhouse universe we have all come to love. This is a must-read for any fan of the series.
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LibraryThing member schoolnurse
I loved this book of short Sookie stories. I am glad I did what a friend of mine suggested. She said I should wait to read them until after I finished the series or the stories wouldn't make as much sense. I agree and I am glad I waited. This book is a great alternative if you are waiting for book
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11 and need a Sookie fix like me.
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LibraryThing member TiffanyAK
A quick, fun read. Really fast, but I enjoyed it.
LibraryThing member nerdyapple
A collection of previously published short stories that take place in the Sookie universe. I'd read most of them before. It is a quick read, nothing earth shattering. More like interesting fillers for between novels.
LibraryThing member krau0098
This is collection of 5 short stories featuring Sookie; "Fairy Dust," "One Word Answer," "Dracula Night," "Lucky," and "Giftwrap." If you are someone who faithfully reads all of the Sookie Stackhouse short stories in previously released anthologies; then you can skip this book completely. I
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personally had only read "Dracula Night" which was released in the "Many Bloody Returns" anthology. This book was okay and a super quick read.

Personally I didn't like "Fairy Dust" and "One Word Answer" all that much. I thought these two stories were kind of boring. I had already read "Dracula Night" and I thought that one was okay. The two stories that stood out in this anthology for me were "Lucky" and "Giftwrap". Both of those were very entertaining and "Giftwrap" added a little to Sookie's background.

Even if you haven't read any of these stories elsewhere I wouldn't buy this book new; I would either get it from the library or buy it used. It is super short, maybe took me 1-2 hours to read all of the stories. I didn't think any of them really added a lot of understanding or background to Sookie's character. I guess if you are an absolute die-hard Sookie fan you might want this book for your collection, or if you really need to get your Sookie fix before the next book comes out.

Overall the book was okay, but most of the stories are forgettable. It's a good way to get all the Sookie short stories if you really want to read them.
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LibraryThing member susiesharp
This was a collection of short stories about Sookie Stackhouse that have appeared in a number of other books I was glad she put them all in one book so I don't have to buy all the others. This book filled in some gaps in Sookie's story although I didn't like the story Gift Wrap I thought it was out
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of character for Sookie and just about some frivolous sex.
3 1/2 stars
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LibraryThing member C.Ibarra
As a huge fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series I had to read A Touch of Dead. It’s nice to have these five stories compiled into one volume as opposed to buying five separate anthologies. A great way to get a Sookie fix while we wait for May 
LibraryThing member emhromp2
Anything about Sookie is fine by me. The stories were a lot of fun and actually filled in some gaps. Harris does insult her readers' intelligence by explaining things over and over again. When you pick up this book, obviously you know about synthetic blood, for instance.
LibraryThing member allthesedarnbooks
This Sookie Stackhouse book was also a disappointment. While some of the previously published short stories explain things that were touched upon in the novels but not fully explained, the majority of the stories are pretty lackluster. The only one I really loved was "Dracula Night," simply for the
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hilarious dose of Eric it gave me. Recommended only for the hardcore Sookie fan. Two and a half stars.
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LibraryThing member wortklauberlein
Not the place to start for a newcomer to Charlaine Harris's innovative and usually textured stories about the supernatural beings in our own backyards. These five short stories have the Sookie Stackhouse charm but lack the depth of characterization of both this strange yet familiar world and the
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people (and un-people) who inhabit it. Telepathic Sookie works her way through a variety of little mysteries that fans of the series can sip while waiting the next full bottle of Trueblood.
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LibraryThing member mary1963
Two minute review for “A Touch of Dead” by Charlaine Harris

This is a series of short stories about everyday events in Sookie Stackhouse’s life. Granted, it is an odd life, but wonderful. Sookie’s voice is rich and true in each story. These do not advance the story line but I am just happy
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to revisit her world. They are funny and interesting stories too.
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LibraryThing member susanbevans
Charlaine Harris' A Touch of Dead is a collection of all the short stories from the world of Sookie Stackhouse. Contained within this slim volume are "Fairy Dust:" in which Sookie must use her telepathic ability to help fairies Claude and Claudette to find their sister's murderer, "One Word
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Answer:" Sookie finds out her cousin has been killed, "Dracula Night:" Sookie helps Eric celebrate the birthday of Dracula, "Lucky:" Sookie helps solve a mystery for a real estate agent, and "Giftwrap:" Sookie has a very eventful Christmas.

Generally, I don't enjoy the short stories that authors write to supplement their series. Unfortunately this was the case with the Sookie stories as well. I didn't feel that the stories really added to the Sookie-verse, and I mostly just wanted more. The characters that were introduced could have easily been worked into the regular books, and with the possible exception of "Dracula Night," I wasn't entertained by the plots.

A Touch of Dead is just that - a touch, and a light one at that. The stories are short, the margins are enormous, and the print is massive. If you are a dyed-in-the-wool Sookie fan, this book is for you. I suggest however, that you get it from the library rather than spending money on it.
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LibraryThing member sabs83
A young girl is telepathic and offers advise and solves problems for her friends, who happen to be fairies, vampires, witches and werewolves.
LibraryThing member richardderus
How fun. Sookie Stackhouse in short tales that are placed within the Sookieverse in gaps between the books. I think Harris has a superb grasp of what her readers expect and so has made her fortune with this clever, amusing set of tales. She delivers consistent and coherent world-building entries
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into the developing canon of stories. She makes certain her books have all the elements that have caused these otherwise slight stories to rocket to the top of the heap: Sex, spooks, sex, a likeable heroine, sex, and romantic entanglements. And sex.

I will never offer these books as evidence of the cultural superiority of the Western world, but I also won't keep 'em behind the other books on the bookshelf, embarrassed to have anyone see that I read Charlaine Harris. I think her writing is perfectly adequate, but not much more than that; her imagination is the thing that makes her books worth reading. She's created an internally consistent and very plausibly presented alternate world, and in a lot of ways a world that I'd prefer to live in, if I could find a way there.

The stories are fun by themselves; but my favorite one is the obligatory Christmas tale in which Sookie's newly discovered great-grandfather Niall the faerie king gives her the single most wonderful, thoughtful, and unusual gift I've ever heard or thought of. I won't give it away, but...like, wow.

Recommended for fans of the series. Not a place to start.
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LibraryThing member annekiwi
Nice to have all the stories in one place. Didn't like the last story in the book. Don't like my heroines to be fooled or seduced into doing something without their knowledge.
LibraryThing member smitten1054
poorly written, poorly edited.Text should not have been published like that. Charlaine Harris is a good writer, but was spread too thin on this book.
LibraryThing member valerieowens
I liked the short stories but would rather have read a full novel
LibraryThing member deep220
A Touch of Dead is a collection of short stories in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Very quick read, under 200 pages. However, each story fit in with the plot and didn't water down the characters. There were 6 short stories, each was a wonderful little addition. I would highly recommend.
LibraryThing member Eilantha_Le_Fay
It’s a compilation of Sookie Stackhouse short stories. My favourites were “Lucky” and “Gift Wrap” and also “Dracula Night”, which I had already read before. It’s a very cute book and I will certainly read it again, since it really is a simple, fun and fast read.
LibraryThing member timeenuf
An excellent introduction to the Sookie Stackhouse novels (all five stories fit in chronologically between various novels in the series) or an extra dollop of Sookie for those devotees who cannot get enough of the series. The stories are short (approximately 5,000 words each) and fun. One of the
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best in the collection is "Lucky," a story about an insurance agent who is unwittingly running all of his competition out of business because his customers seemingly never have claims. Overall a great quick read!
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LibraryThing member bookwormteri
Love the series, love knowing what goes on in between books that we miss. Please please please keep em coming!
LibraryThing member phyllis2779
I've read all but one of these stories before and none of them were particularly outstanding. Kind of a disappointment.


Audie Award (Finalist — 2011)


Original publication date


Physical description

124 p.; 22 inches


0575094435 / 9780575094437
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