The Body Finder

by Kimberly Derting

Paperback, 2010



Call number



Headline (2010), Paperback, 329 pages


High school junior Violet uses her uncanny ability to sense murderers and their victims to try to stop a serial killer who is terrorizing her town, and although her best friend and would-be boyfriend Jay promises to keep her safe, she becomes a target.

User reviews

LibraryThing member abbylibrarian
Ever since she was a little girl, Violet has had a special talent - a sixth sense that alerts her to the presence of people (and animals) that have been murdered. She found the first body when she was eight. Now in high school, Violet's dealing with other things, namely a huge crush on her best guy
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friend Jay. When more bodies start popping up, Violet will have to use her power to help find the killer before it's too late.

The book started off really strong, but it went on a little too long and the tension lagged. Even so, I enjoyed the read, particularly the sexual tension between Violet and Jay. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on Kimberly Derting and looking for more books from her in the future!

I'd try this one on fans of WAKE and FADE by Lisa McMann.
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LibraryThing member yesi432
This book was great! I couldn't put it down, it has everything I look for in a novel. The suspense of it all will keep you from putting it down, and the romance between the two characters is so relate-able, sweet and vivid that it will immerse you into wanting to be one of the characters in it.
LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Quick & Dirty: An exciting and heart-stopping tale that will leave you begging for more.

Opening Sentence: Violet Ambrose wandered away from the safety of her father as she listened to the harmony of sounds weaving delicately around her.

Excerpt: Not Available.

The Review:

When Violet Ambrose was eight
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years old, she stumbled across the body of a teenage girl. Violet has the ability to sense death echoes of both animals and people as well as the ability to sense “imprints” on those who have caused death. She’s compelled to seek out the echo’s of the dead and make sure that they are properly put to rest. Only Violet’s family and her best friend, Jay, know about her ability. With the overwhelming love and support of Jay and her family, Violet is able to cope with her paranormal ability. When people she knows start turning up dead, Violet is determined to help catch the killer.

The Body Finder is a well-written novel with a unique premise. Ms. Derting has crafted a strong debut that deals with realistic teen issues head on. I appreciate the fact that the parents in this novel weren’t killed off or tragically “damaged” in some way as to impair their ability to parent. I really enjoyed the dynamics of the loving and supportive Ambrose family. I like Violet because she’s such an authentic character. Even though she struggles with the average teenage insecurities, she’s strong, compassionate, and unassuming. I’m also impressed with the way she deals with her ability.

What can I say about Jay? I simply loved his character. Jay is loyal and very protective towards Violet so at first blush – readers might dub him as the one dimensional/clichéd “perfect” best friend turned boyfriend, but you soon realize that he’s so much more. Violet and Jay share an intense love story. When Jay seemingly turns into a young man over the summer break, Violet struggles to deal with her new and not so innocent feelings towards him. Eventually, Jay makes the first move and the sparks that ignite between them burn up the pages. I like the fact that Jay was a responsible and mature teenage boy able to show Violet in many ways his love for her, and that he wasn’t solely driven by his sexual desires for her. The awkwardness and sexual tension between them is really cute and realistic.

The Body Finder will have your heart racing double-time and your pulse-pounding dangerously out of control. The story is well crafted and the tension pulses and rises as the story unfolds. While I did like the ending, I felt that it wrapped up rather quickly. It would have also been nice to see more from the POV of the killer. Those parts of the novel were really creepy and I loved every minute of it.

Overall, The Body Finder is a MUST read. Ms. Derting crafted a suspenseful page-turner that won’t disappoint. The characters are well developed and believable, making it easy to become invested in the outcome. Rich with clever dialogue and filled with gripping suspense, The Body Finder is an intense thrill-ride. I’m looking forward to visiting this chilling and fascinating world again in the sequel, Desires of the Dead.

Notable Scene:

Violet stumbled backward, nearly tripping over her own feet in an effort to escape him. She covered her mouth with her hand, stifling her own terrified yelp as she caught herself before she fell and then froze, praying that he hadn’t noticed the sound of her clumsy feet crushing the twigs beneath her. Suddenly everything she did seemed too loud to her…each carefully plotted step she took echoed loudly off the trees, each labored breath she took was like an explosion. She tiptoed away, but even that seemed too obvious, and she told herself that she needed to act normal…to behave as though nothing had happened and to sneak away unnoticed. He never even looked up from his position.

FTC Advisory: Harper Teen provided me with an ARC of The Body Finder. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I got this book as an ARC and did not read it for a while, because I was not immediately drawn in by the story so I kept putting it off. Well, yesterday I finished up a series and I was looking for another book to read so I picked this up around 10:00pm last night thinking I would read a couple of
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chapters and put it down, yeah no, I read 150 pages looked at the clock realized it was midnight and I had to work in the morning so I had to put it down. Immediately after work today I came home and finished the book, I just had to know how it ended.

I loved the relationship between Violet and Jay, their friendship was so cute and the way they interacted with each other made me smile and laugh out loud at points. The way they developed from friendship into a relationship flowed so naturally because you were rooting for them and you get to see their progression was just beautiful. There were also some points throughout the book where their connection was so intense you could almost feel it coming out from the book.

The book was suspenseful and kept me wanting to read on because I could not leave not knowing who was safe and who the killer really was. I also like how you got the killers point of view throughout the book, Kimberly did a great job of getting into a series killers head and really gave you insight into their thought process, which I think really added to the tension of the story. There were a couple of parts in the middle where I thought I had things figured out and was almost disappointed, but then I kept reading and realized I did not have everything figured out and Kimberly Derting still had a few plot twists up her sleeve. Overall great book and I read online that there will be a squeal so I look forward to reading that!
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LibraryThing member ldelprete
Let me start by saying that I LOVED this book! I loved the characters, the story line, the pace... everything. I want to live in the "Violet and Jay" world! Fans of Twilight will love the romance in this story.

So now onto the review. Even though I absolutely loved this story I could only give it
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4.5/5 stars because of a few things. First, despite the fact that I love that I have finally read a book where the childhood friends fall in love and are happy together, I found the romance to be a little immature and light. Maybe this is what the author was aiming for but I would have liked the premise to be a bit deeper and a little more advanced than the basic "love-struck" puppy love that we got. I thought that Violet was a little oblivious in the beginning when she couldn't see that Jay was in love with her as she was with him. I mean it was obvious to all the other chracters and to the reader, so it got to be a bit much in the beginning.

second, the scene which I had been dying to read, the scene ( where Violet realizes that Jay loves her) that the entire first haf of the book was leading to, was a disaster. For some reason, the author placed it immediately following a vague abduction scene. I think maybe she was going for suspense but I felt that all this placement did was eliminate the climax and excitement that the scene deserved. I had to read the scene 4 times to decide what was going on, I found it to be a bit confusing and I was left disappointed when I figured out that I had just read about their first kiss.

The second plot throughout the book surrounding the serial killer and the bodies that Violet had been finding (hence the title) was ok. It all was a bit light. I would have preferred it to be a bit more involved.

Violet's character overall was realtively mild. I was intrigued by her ability and fully enjoyed the way the author described how she was able to sense those things. The tastes, sounds, feelings, etc were a great touch. I dound her to be more like a "normal" teenager in the sense that she went through a wide range of emotions. She wanted and almost needed to help find the murderer but at the same time she was afraid for herself, which I think is realistic and believable. I loved Chelsea's character. The humor that Claire brought to the story was good.

Overall this goes onto my "favorite's list" and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a little suspense and romance in their lives.
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LibraryThing member YAaddict
I spoke to my book when I was finished reading it, and this is what I said. "No! You are not allowed to be done! Need more!" Don't get me wrong, the ending was epic, but I didn't want this story to end!

It has a great cast of characters. It's impossible not to like Violet. She is the average teen
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(well, except for the ability of finding dead bodies). I love how involved her parents are in her life. I also liked seeing an aunt and uncle involved in the story as well. It helped to know Violet better when you knew her family. And as far as Jay goes, well, Derting is not getting him back. I am putting him in my little box where I keep all my other yummy male characters. Seriously though, I loved Jay!

The relationship between Jay and Violet was definitely my favorite aspect of the story. The fact that they were best friends all their lives before becoming a couple made it all realistic. The because they already knew each other so well, they could move faster physically without raising eyebrows. They were just so funny together, always teasing each other. Very cute couple.

The murder mystery is what keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. It had me checking the locks on the doors. Derting has this awesome way of writing where you think something might be happening, but you're not sure if it's really happening, and you are full of suspense until it's revealed.

The Body Finder has the three awesomes that I need for a five star review. Awesome characters, awesome plot, and awesome writing. Seriously, after reading Before I Fall and The Body Finder back to back, I have a whole new level of expectations for debut novels. The sequel cannot come soon enough for me. If you haven't read The Body Finder yet, go read it! Right now!
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LibraryThing member wheems01
When Violet Ambrose was eight years old she found the remains of a human corpse. Violet has been able to find the dead her entire life. She senses echoes off both the dead and those who are responsible for their deaths. When a serial killer starts targeting teens in her area, Violet sets out to use
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her ability to find the murderer. What she doesn’t plan on is that as she gets closer to the killer, the killer gets closer to her.

Part romance, part paranormal fiction, part mystery, this book has a little for everyone. Although it has a few slow spots, the mystery and the romance pull you through the book. Violet’s abilities are unique. She can sense, visual, auditory, olfactory, or even taste echoes off both the dead and those responsible for their deaths. It was an interesting twist to see a character who senses violent deaths, rather than ghosts. The romance with her best friend was realistically portrayed and appropriately awkward at times. But my favorite parts of the book were the chapters from the killer’s point of view, which were riveting and kept me engaged. In fact, I found myself wanting to flip forward to find the next chapter from the killer’s point of view. (I was good and didn’t skip to those chapters, but boy did I want to.)

For some reason I am having a difficult time writing about this particular book. Did I like it? Yes. What did I like? It seemed like a very classic YA romance story (or romance story in general). Damsel with special abilities, gets herself in trouble, is protected or saved by her knight in shining armor. I guess what I am saying is that while I found this book entertaining, I am not sure it will be particularly memorable. Don’t get me wrong it is a very interesting debut, but it kind of felt like more of the same. Will this stop me from reading any sequels? No. I enjoyed the book enough that I will definitely pick up books by this author in the future. This was Derting’s first book and I look forward to seeing what she will write in the future. (The sequel, Desires of the Dead is scheduled to be released in 2011.)

Overall this was a fun and entertaining read. Derting has created a highly enjoyable debut novel. I would recommend this to fans of paranormal fiction, romance, and mystery.

Cautions for sensitive readers: While you know girls are being murdered, there are no gruesome descriptions. There is some drinking at a party and an incident where an intoxicated young man makes unwanted advances on Violet.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
Violet Ambrose is your average girl next door except for her one unique ability... she can sense the dead and the imprint that is left behind on their killer. It can come as a smell, a sound, a change in atmosphere - but somehow she be will alerted that something dead is near and it calls to her.
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Needless to say, it was quite the surprise when at 8 years old this uncanny gift led her to a dead girl's body. Lucky for her, she has a supportive family who not only understand her needs to find the dead (and that includes all sorts of dead critters) but will also help her put them to rest. Then there is her BFF, Jay Heaton.

Jay is the only person outside of her immediate family who knows of her gift. They have been best friends since childhood and are very comfortable with their day to day lives. But all that is about to change. Somehow over the summer, Jay has had a growth spurt and his boyish looks are a thing of the past... he has grown into a very good looking young man and Violet's feelings for him (although she's desperately trying to put up a struggle) are making her feel quite uncomfortable when she starts seeing Jay as a hottie instead of her dorky BFF.

But on top of all her worrying over her feelings for Jay, a serial killer has begun terrorizing Violet's small town and bodies are popping up everywhere. It soon becomes apparent that Violet's "deadly" ability might be what this town needs to find the killer.

Forgive my gushing but... I LOVED this book. It is so expertly done - with such wonderful play between light and darkness. What an amazing debut by Kimberly Derting!

There are so many things that I liked about this book. For starters, I thought the whole aspect of the serial killer and Violet's ability to be very unique in a YA novel. Violet was amazing - she was strong, resilient and, considering her gift is so morbid, she never let it bring her down. I also enjoyed that she was not a bumbling idiot, falling all over the place and not knowing what to do. She was smart, brave and took it upon herself to use her ability in a positive manner. Don't take me wrong, she was not perfect and she didn't always make the right choices, but that's exactly what made her likeable, relateable and realistic.

But what I truly loved about this novel was... VIOLET AND JAY! JAY AND VIOLET! They were just amazing together. Ms. Derting did a fabulous job in really fleshing their relationship out. You automatically get their camaraderie, but as their feelings change all the flirting and sexual tension is definitely one that I found true to life. Their dialogue and interaction with one another was sigh worthy.

All in all, I found The Body Finder to be a very refreshing and unique story. It did not have any of the love triangles, or whiny lead females, that seem to be popular at the moment. Instead you get a very likeable leading lady, with fantastic friends and family, throw in a little bit of mystery and suspense, and then add a budding romance that I could not get enough of, and it was the perfect mixture. I cannot wait to see what Ms. Derting comes out with next, but for now, get yourself a copy of The Body Finder, you will not be disappointed.
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
Her whole life, Violet has been able to see what she calls “echoes”: psychic residues imprinted on dead creatures and their killers. Normally she only stumbles across dead animals, but then she is drawn to the bodies of dead girls, and she realizes that there is a serial killer among their
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community. Teenage girls are disappearing and dying at a horrifying rate, and only Violet, also juggling strange new feelings for her best friend Jay, has the ability to find the killer…even if it means putting herself in great danger.

THE BODY FINDER is a frightening and disturbing debut YA novel—and I use those adjectives in the best sense. The plot is fresh, the romance butterflies-inducing, and—despite its flaws—it’ll be hard to get this book out of your head.

THE BODY FINDER’s unique and suspenseful plot is the driving force behind this book. In between third-person narration that follows Violet around, we get flashes into the killer’s mind, which will make the hair on your arms stand on end—until you realize that the watcher (Violet) has also become the watched, and then you’ll be clutching your blanket in raw fright. The paranormal element is unobtrusive enough to still keep the setting firmly planted in our world, which only adds to the suspense.

Violet and Jay are a delightful pair of main characters. Individually they’re unfortunately not especially stellar: the narration felt curiously distant from Violet, despite her being the protagonist, and she seems like a real wallflower character (not just in her world, but also in the YA genre), not really doing much until external circumstances force her to change. Together, however, their connection is strong, well developed, and believable. It’s rather sad that a YA romance that does not involve insta-lust or a perfect boy chasing after the girl is rare enough to make me sit up and nod my head vigorously in approval, but that’s the truth of the matter. Violet and Jay have definite chemistry going on, and it was a delight to read about them discover their growing feelings for one another.

So Violet is a little too passive, and secondary characters unfortunately too flat and unbelievable, for me to lose my heart to this book. But if, for whatever reason, you want a book that will raise goosebumps on your skin, check out THE BODY FINDER. It’s a taut thriller with a great romantic sideplot.
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LibraryThing member ericajsc
This book thoroughly impressed me, from the characters to the plot. I think what I liked about the story the most was that there was a good balance between this strange ability Violet has and how it influences her life when her town is plagued by a serial killer, and Violet as a normal, teenage
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girl dealing with the fact that she might possibly be in love with the guy who’s been her best friend since they were six. Both parts of the story were equally fascinating to me.
The backstory of Violet’s ability and how it works is revealed early in the book, and the way it’s written doesn’t cut into the narrative. In a lot of books of this genre, explaining something this strange seems divergent to the action of the story, but it fits in well as it’s written here. And while Violet’s ability isn’t a well-known fact, I like that the people she’s closest to – her parents, Jay, her uncle – know about it and are there for her from the beginning. It was nice not to have to read through the “I’ve got a secret I have to tell you” scene.
The serial killer portion of the story was creepy, but in a good, I-have-to-keep-reading way. There are certain scenes in the book written from the killer’s perspective, and it kind of freaked me out to read those sections. I’ve watched interviews of serial killers, seen how cold, calculating, and calm they are when talking about what they’ve done to people, and I definitely felt that psychopathic presence in the voice while reading this. Another thing that’s great about this part of the book is that it’s not completely predictable. There’s definitely foreshadowing, but it’s subtle enough that it’s not like a flashing neon sign pointing out what should be noted for the future.
Okay, so the whole Violet and Jay thing… it just works. I could say so much about their friendship and Violet’s crush on Jay, but I won’t, at least not in this review. What I will say is that I think it’s perfectly laid out. Violet’s jealousy, her desire for more, is excellently portrayed. As I read this, I didn’t understand why Violet would be so timid about how she feels about Jay given the way they interact with one another, but when I stopped to look at it from her perspective, I had to admit that I wouldn’t have acted any differently in the situation. However, I will say that Jay is a rather idealized boy. I mean, given that Violet is the main character and the book takes place during a time when her ability is kind of upsetting her life, it’s understandable that what we know of Jay would be in relation to her. But it seems like all I really know about him is that he cares about Violet and doesn’t want her to get hurt. While that’s an admirable thing, and tells a lot about his moral character, it doesn’t reveal a lot about who he is as an everyday guy, living life, when his best friend isn’t in the middle of serial killer drama. I would’ve liked to know more about that side of him. But even without that, I’m okay with the fact that Violet’s attracted to him because I have to believe that, after all those years of friendship, surely she would know that stuff. And even though it could come across as a little shallow that she didn’t realize she liked him as more than a friend until he got hot and all the girls at school started wanting him too, it happens. But at least she knows who he is besides all the external stuff, and it seems like she’s probably attracted to the whole person, not just his newly hot body.
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LibraryThing member noneofthis
Read an ARC and wasn't impressed. Derting's aimed The Body Finder to be a mash-up of the Twilight teen romance with the Grave Sight plotline, and the result is only meh. Fans of Stephanie Meyer will probably love this book. Fans of Charlaine Harris... not so much.
LibraryThing member raboyer
Eerie Echoes

This book gets a great 3 gnomes and a gnome hat out of 5 gnomes for a story with some great characters but it's a tad predictable in some parts.

Violet Ambrose is not an ordinary teenage girl. She can hear and see echoes from dead bodies. The book opens with her as a young girl finding a
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dead body in the woods and then moves to the present day. I like Violet's character a lot she's pretty outgoing and has an interesting relationship with her best friend Jay. She of course realizes that she has feelings for him but doesn't want to have anything change between them. Jay seems oblivious to all this. The reader finds out more about Violet then they do about Jay but since they are together much of the time their story lines tend to mingle.

I like the interludes between some of the chapters that are about what the killer is thinking and planning to do. These interludes add a very cool creepy aspect to the book. I like seeing this aspect in a young adult book because it really heightens the tension of what's going to happen next. Especially when the killer is looking at and thinking about Violet.

Violet has a very close knit family. Her parents, uncle (the police chief), and Jay all know about her ability to find the dead. Her parents even built a cemetery for Violet to lay to rest all the dead animals that she finds. This makes her ability an everyday thing to them but she doesn't like having the ability so she makes sure to keep it a secret from anybody else.

Violets relationship with Jay is fun to read about and great once she figures out that he has feelings for her too. Before that happens though she goes out to a party with another guy friend who she has no feelings for. Things start going a bit too far, she says no and feels trapped. When he won't leave her alone, Jay shows up and starts beating the holy snot out of this guy. I don't like that she's appalled that Jay punched the guy, he pretty much rescues her and then at first she won't even get in the car so he can take her home. This shows how Violet doesn't really think things through as much as she should when under pressure.

The ending of the book is where it gets kind of predictable. It takes place at a school dance where everybody is supposed to be safe. She gets found by the murderer and doesn't really deal with it well. Outside forces figure out the mystery and come to a solution faster then she does. The abrupt ending reminded me of a TV show fake out. You know the kind of plot where something really bad happens and they show a funeral, but the person you think died is then shown in the next scene talking or at the funeral for a different reason. I like to see the ramifications more when traumatic events happen not just cut off to the next time the characters are together.

Overall a great premise and I'm looking forward to what happens next to Violet and if she'll use her power more.
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LibraryThing member storiesandsweeties
Since I read The Body Finder so late in the game, I'd obviously heard things about it. Wonderful things. From my fellow bloggers. From my best friend who borrowed my copy ages ago. Everyone raved. So needless to say. I cracked open this books with some very high expectations. And guess what? It
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lived up to every one of them. A few posts ago, I posted a list of my favorite debuts of 2010...this one is officially added.

Kimberely Derting knows how to write. She knows how to make your skin crawl by making you look through the eyes of a killer. She knows how to give a reader a make-out scene that will bring color and heat to her (or his!) cheeks. She's given us the sweetest friendship around with years of history behind it. And she's given us a new kind of paranormal gift mixed with the typical teenage dilemmas and emotional conflict that made our protagonist a perfect balance of bravery, determination, youth, and vulnerability. There were several amazing moments where the suspense and fear would build and I swear, while reading, my eyes would get bigger and bigger and I would catch myself holding my breath until the scene became clear. Your suspicions would be drawn one way and then the other. This book was quite an experience that I absolutely loved! I could go on and on, but probably not without saying something that would ruin the suspense. I will say it's probably the most deserving book of the "paranormal romance" title out there, as it's heavy on both! I could see this appealing to both readers of paranormal romance and readers of contemporary romance who tend to shy away from a majority of the paranormal stuff, because the story of Violet and Jay is just so amazingly swoon-worthy!

So if you haven't already, get yourself a copy and read this right away!
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LibraryThing member Nafiza
I believe it is because this is the author’s first book that it is a bit difficult in the beginning to get into the story. There is a sense of deliberate effort about the way the sentences are constructed that is distracting. However, once the author gets settled into her pace, the story picks
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up. I love the chemistry between Jay and Violet. Derting writes teenagers and their emotions in a manner that is believable without resorting to being over the top and melodramatic. However, I hate the italicizing in the dialogues or internal thinking of the heroine. It occurs often enough that it’s distracting and, for me, it takes away from the otherwise very smooth narrative. The story itself is very heavy on the cheese but that’s okay because it is interspersed by flashes of brilliance that I believe experience and further books will unveil. I do wish the editing had been a bit crisper. The reason I say this is because in a thriller such as this, things gain momentum as the ending is reached, however the pace in the book lags due to the unnecessary instances in which nothing at all happens. This distracts from the urgent pace the author needs to build so that the book can climax with a bang. I will forgive it though because the book was otherwise so much fun to read. Did I mention that I’m totally rooting for Violet and Jay? Yeah.

I give it four stars and look forward to reading the next one.
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LibraryThing member Bellydancer
Violet, 16, has a special skill, which she discovered at a young age, she can sense dead bodies. Whether they are the bodies of small animals or a body of a young girl. She can smell or feel the echoes of their whereabouts and the imprints that attach to the killers.
But on the brighter side,
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Violet’s best friend Jay has all of a sudden become more interesting to her and she finds herself with more that just feelings of friendship. As their relationship changes, girls start disappearing in her home town, and Violet’s skills are put to the test.

A teen romance with a twist, Body Finder is written with an easy pace, but builds the tension adequately. Derting uses some poetic word pictures that brings the story together with feeling. The characters were appealing and likeable and will appeal to readers. I enjoyed the small town setting and the way the story had separate chapters to tell the killer’s side of the story. The ending was expected although not memorable. The Book cover is standout, and readers will pick it up on sight. Suit readers 14 years and over.
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LibraryThing member callmecayce
Part murder mystery, part teen love story, The Body Finder is a unique take on fantasy and I enjoyed it. While not overly serious, it's both and creepy. Violet can sense bodies, not just any bodies -- dead ones. And she ends up tangled up with a serial killer. It sounds a bit scarier than it
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actually is, which made it more enjoyable, I think. It's a little fluff mixed in with a health dose of darkness.
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LibraryThing member katiedoll
The Body Finder is an amazingly written emotional thrill-ride that I never wanted to put down. If it wasn’t the suspenseful murder mysteries that kept me on edge, it was the gripping, swoon-worthy romance.

Violet Ambrose manages to be a gutsy heroin and a confused teenage girl fumbling with her
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feelings at the same time, officially landing her a spot on my long list of favorite literary characters. The story seems to flip between her investigation of the murders and her blossoming romance with her best friend, Jay, which had me melting into a big puddle of sap. Can I please have a Jay for myself?

Her paranormal power, despite being a key element to the story, wasn’t overplayed and shoved in our faces. And while Violet’s ability to find dead bodies and listen to the call of souls was creepy, reading the chapters where we get inside of the killer’s head was what truly scared the crap out of me. And I loved every second of it.

Overall, Kimberly Derting wrote an incredible, intense and emotionally gripping debut that I definitely recommend to everyone!
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LibraryThing member DeeDee10
I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the next one. I enjoyed the characters and even getting inside of the killers head. When Violet could sense the smell or scent of the killer I felt like I could too.
LibraryThing member ilikethesebooks
If you though finding your beloved goldfish floating lifelessly at the top of it’s bowl, or coming home to find that your parents forgot to feed your pet hamster while you were away was unbearable -you haven’t experienced anything.

Once an echo percents itself, whether it be the strong sent of
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pine needles or the sound of ocean waves, Violet has no choice but to search for it. The restless beings call to her relentlessly and physically pull her to themselves. Unless Violet answers their calls and puts them to rest lovingly, she will stay uneasy and constantly on edge.

A bird or a squirrel here and there doesn’t cause her much fret. She simply answers their calls and buries them in her homemade graveyard. She is back to her old self without much terror. Or at least that is how it used to be.

Currently Violet is experiencing much, much stronger pulls. The pulls of young girls…violently murdered in her town. Worse though, is that at each action Violet makes to help, her life is threatened more and more.

Kimberly Derting delivers a wonderful suspenseful YA debut. I am not a fan of books with horror aspects, so I was a little skeptical at first. After hearing constant recommendations, I picked up this title early this year – a VERY good move on my part. Ms. Derting brilliantly mixes the friendship/romance aspect of Violet and her best friend Jay with the unappealing aspect of murder. Which, might I add, is not an easy task.

I was not at all turned off by the topics in this novel. But it did may be think a little about the author… The pages narrated in the point of view of the killer were a little to mind sickening to read. She got inside the mind of a creep spot on, which makes me wonder… Ha ha, just joking around. I’m sure Kimberly is a wonderful (only slightly odd) person.

Just a piece of advice, don’t be like me and start this novel at 11 pm. You will not see a minute of sleep.

What is your echo?
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LibraryThing member ssalach21
The Body Finder starts out with an intense scene of a young Violet finding a body. It helps get the reader into the idea of what Violet has the ability to do, which is sense bodies, hence the title. Right from that one scene, I was locked into this book. Violet Ambrose is a standout female main
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character. Some authors write their heroines to be either mucho macho or far from it. Violet was a nice mix of both and that made me love her. She was innocent yet strong willed, caring yet capable of telling lies. She knew what she wanted but she didn't just assume she could get it or go after it just to prove she could have it. She's very likeable. Who's even more likeable?! Jay Heaton, Violet's best friend. He was absouletly perfect. So many young adult books these days focus on the swoonworthy bad guy, and while I don't mind that one bit, it was nice seeing the nice guy win out. He was kind, sarcastic and charming... did I mention good-looking??? I found myself rooting for the two of them, and cheering them on. The romance in this book is just about perfect too. Not too much, not too little. I don't think there's anything in this book that I would complain about. The mystery kept me intrigued and the suspense near the end was nervewracking and exciting. It has everything that I look for in a YA book and am so very happy that I read it. I borrowed a copy but I will be getting my own soon so that I can add it to my favorites shelf. I've read a lot of 5 star books this year, but this goes right into my top 3.

I recommend this to everyone who can handle some murder and dead bodies. Other that that theres nothing too sexual besides some awesome kissing scenes and one minor alcohol scene.

I even emailed Kimberly gushing about how much I loved this, which was a first for me.

If you haven't read this yet, then you should!!!
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LibraryThing member gubry
The idea behind this is creepy, scary even. And I really liked it's idea because it's very interesting. The characters and the story really didn't scare me, it didn't. The idea of this book, although did. If you think about it for a while. I'm quite curious about what happens after this novel, for
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the sequel because of Violet's ability. Since you know, if Violet's ability existed in the real world, it would be creepy. I do wonder about the origins of her ability, too. I'll be looking forward to it in the sequel.

I liked this one. Violet was likable, I really thought the chapters with the serial killer's point of view was thrilling and well written. The book was written well, in my perspective. The other characters in this book were realistic because they can exist in real life, meaning her friends. The only thing that bothered me though is probably weird of me to say, but it's true.

I liked Jay, but the second half of the novel, I didn't really like him as much, just acknowledged his presence. I do know that this does involve romance, and I don't really mind romance because I've read Perfect Chemistry and thought it was awesome. This romance however, I didn't really like. I probably would've liked it much better if the romance didn't really become a major thing in the story and instead become a side plot. Since the romance would not just go away as it bigger and bigger and soon it grew into the romance possibly being more bigger than the killer aspect.

So now here's the weird part, I probably wouldn't have minded if the killer had more screen time in this book. (I'm such a masochist, I know. I'm guilty! But in real life, I'm very squeamish) Nevertheless, I really liked this one. The premise, plot, characters, everything was nice, I really like this debut novel and was glad that I liked it because I kept on hearing good things about this one. So I was not at all disappointed and felt that it lived to what people praised it for.
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LibraryThing member michelle_bcf
The Body Finder was first published in hardback in March 2010, and was greeted with excellent reviews. It somehow managed to pass me by however, but I was sent a copy once it was out in paperback.

The book combines two interesting aspects – the first is a girl called Violet who’s able to sense
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an ‘echo’ on dead bodies, and also on their killers. This can be a sound, smell or visual effect, and killer and victim match up.

At the same time, this is also a tale of a serial killer on the loose, something I haven’t come across in a YA book before. This aspect means that this a book for teens and above, rather than younger readers, and it’s probably a really good introduction to that particular genre.

With Violet’s abilities, it apparent that she’s going to become involved in the murders, but it’s unsure for some time to what extent.

Wrapped around the thriller is a teen love story. A lot of time is spent looking at the evolving relationship of Violet and her best friend Jay, and to me, the conclusion to this was never in doubt. Jay is definitely lovely, but the overall niceness of both of these characters gives it a YA feel. Teenage readers will probably love it, but adults may find it a little too sweet – especially alongside the aspect of a serial killer.

Overall though, this is an enjoyable book, with some rather interesting aspects. I understand that there will be a follow up book in February 2011, entitled Desires of the Dead, and I will certainly be looking out for it.
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LibraryThing member lesleykj84
Violet has an unusual gift: she can sense the dead. Like a metal detector, her body tells her where to find them, even her eyes see colors like a beacon. She has only seen one dead person in her life, however, she senses animals regularly.
But when Violet finds a body of a girl while with friends,
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her gift really comes to life. She senses trouble everywhere and realizes that when the police don't have a lead that she will have to intervene and use her talent.
But her best friend Jay isn't about to let Violet just waltz in and find a killer. He's determined to make sure she is safe no matter what it takes. And Violet is finding herself oddly attracted to Jay, making things even more complicated. Why now after so many years? And why is she so jealous of Jay being noticed by other girls?
Dead people, a serial killer, new found love in old friends, what's next?
I started this book before I went to bed (bad idea), and the next thing I know it's 5 in the morning and I have finished the entire book. I should have been exhausted by the end, but instead I was exhilarated and I almost read it again right then!
The relationship with Violet and Jay was a rollercoaster of emotion. I would be happy, then sad, then ecstatic, then scared, then happy again, you name it I felt it. It was an amazing relationship of two friends growing into something more and I enjoyed reading every bit of it. Nothing felt forced, and I really felt like while I was reading I was a part of a great start to their relationship.
And there are even some chapters where you can get into the mind of the killer. It was frightening and chilling to read, and so well written. I felt I was really there with him, eek!
A beautifully written book, and one of the best books I've read all year, you won't want to miss this one. A chilling mystery full of romance and love, I will be re-reading this soon and can't wait to start it again.
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LibraryThing member ReadingWithMartinis
Synopsis: Violet Ambrose has a secret. She can sense the dead, particularly the murdered. Violet becomes aware of her special ability when she is just 8 years old. While walking through the woods with her father, Violet is drawn to the shallow grave of a murdered teenager. After her initially
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discover, Violet can sense murdered animals and constructs her own cemetery in which to put the murdered wildlife to rest. It gives her a sense of calm and quiets the signal that the dead send her.

Flash-forward a few years, and Violet is a regular teenager. She’s struggling with Trig while crushing hard on her best friend, Jay. She’s not all that concerned with her special ability until girls begin to go missing from her town. Then, those same girls are found murdered. Before Violet knows it, she is sucked into the middle of a bizarre string of killings and the killer has Violet in their crosshairs.

Review: I loved this book and absolutely inhaled it! I read it in just a few hours, that’s how good it was. So what did I love? I adored Violet. She is such a down-to-earth, normal character. She wasn’t angsty or bratty. She was just a girl with a special ability. I also really dug her special ability. More to the point, I liked the supernatural angle without Violet being a werewolf, witch, or vampire.

I found the budding romance between Violet and Jay to be endearing. Jay is a very likeable character and I was totally rooting for them to get together (but do they?? *wink, wink*).

I also enjoyed that parts of the story were told from the killers point of view. I thought it made an excellent narrative device and added to the sense of urgency and darkness of the killings.

Overall, I loved it, 100% loved it! I cannot wait for the sequel, Desires of the Dead.
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LibraryThing member ditzeedancr
I really enjoyed the concept of this book. The writing definitely showed that Kimberly is a new author, but shows a lot of promise. It was a little predictable, but I will still read the next in the series.


Original publication date


Physical description

329 p.


0755378954 / 9780755378951

Local notes

Violet Ambrose is grappling with two major issues: Jay Heaton and her morbid secret ability. While the sixteen-year-old is confused by her new feelings for her best friend since childhood, she is more disturbed by her "power" to sense dead bodies—or at least those that have been murdered. Since she was a little girl, she has felt the echoes that the dead leave behind in the world... and the imprints that attach to their killers.

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