
by Cynthia Hand

Hardcover, 2011



Call number



HarperTeen (2011), Hardcover, 448 pages


Sixteen-year-old Clara Gardner's purpose as an angel-blood begins to manifest itself, forcing her family to pull up stakes and move to Jackson, Wyoming, where she learns that danger and heartbreak come with her powers.

User reviews

LibraryThing member C.Ibarra
Clara Gardner is the daughter of a human father and a half angel mother. Her parents are divorced, and she lives in California with her mother and younger brother. She was recently let in on the family secret. She is an angel who will have to fulfill a purpose. Now that the visions have started,
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she knows she’ll have to save a boy from a forest fire. Her visions lead her and her family to beautiful Montana. Clara quickly locates the boy she is to save, and is instantly smitten. Only thing is he is taken, and throwing Clara some seriously mixed signals. Soon things seem to be falling into place, but where would the fun be if a few complications didn’t arise.

Wow! Just wow! This is one of those books that has the kind of amazingness that sneaks up on you. I started reading expecting another tale of angel loves human, but things didn’t go at all as anticipated. The authors writing and the plot pace flowed easily. This didn’t feel like a 400+ page book. When I reached the end I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the characters I’d grown to love. As time passes I still find myself mulling over the events that occurred in Unearthly, and growing to love it even more. This is one for my shelf of favorites.

I loved the strength Clara encompassed, and I’m not just talking about her super angel strength. She is an excellent character who I loved from page one. I also enjoyed the family dynamic that was represented. It was so refreshing to see a present mother who wasn’t stupid or flakey. The twists and turns of the plot were nicely done. The love triangle was anything but typical, and didn’t progress as I expected. With that said I couldn’t have been more satisfied by how the ending played out.

Unearthly is an absolutely stunning debut. Truly a breath of fresh air in the world of Young Adult. My only complaint is I now have another sequel to pine for.
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LibraryThing member CCCalGal
I am impressed. I have read a lot of books for reviews and I must say that this one is one of the best I have read in quite some time. Teens (and ladies) will swoon for the love and romance entering into Clara's life as she is becoming one of the purpose driven angels on earth. Young love, passion,
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and compassion abound in this story of making difficult choices, being responsible, and learning that with practice and hard work, you can begin to spread your wings and fly into the world. Stephanie Meyer fans will find a comfortable style within this book, as Cynthia Hand brings together forbidden romance and innocent wonder. Hand's California roots are obvious in both style and grammar throughout the book, making this an easy read for any Cali girl and those who wish they were on the sun kissed beaches of Southern California. Those from Wyoming will find familiar settings and landmarks mentioned throughout the book, bringing a real visual sense to the reader. Hand makes many connections between characters, offers some mystery, and leaves it wide open for a continuing saga. I couldn't put this book down and did read it in one day... staying up until midnight to do so. I would recommend this book for anyone looking for an innocent, first love romance novel in which the character knows that she can be more... must be more than she to fulfill her purpose.
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LibraryThing member katiedoll
I’ve read quite a few angel novels, and while I enjoy the majority of them, I was beginning to get discouraged. Where’s the newness? Where’s the uniqueness? When was somebody going to shake things up?

Thank you, Cynthia Hand.

Unearthly is a fresh, uncomplicated, romantic and intense angel novel
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that completely captured me from the very first page. Unlike most angel novels, Clara already knows that she’s part angel. She knows the gist of her history and her abilities, so we don’t have to go through several chapters of foreshadowing and self-discovery. Instead, Clara is left trying to discover her mission through short visions and a very mysterious boy, Christian, who she can’t help but fall for.

But Clara and Christian’s relationship isn’t what you’d expect. I’m being respectful and not saying much, despite how badly I want to, but this isn’t your typical “girl falls for brooding boy” book. Not by a long shot. The romance in this book is a mystery of itself, but I mean that in the most amazing way possible.

Another thing I loved was that Cynthia didn’t confuse us with stories of fallen angels and their history. These angels do have their classifications and complications, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not thrown at you in heaps for you to swallow. We learn when Clara learns at a normal, understandable pace.

And the ending? I didn’t see it coming. Not at all. Which is incredibly rare since I’m kind of the master at guessing books. But I always appreciate a curveball, so once again, thank you Cynthia hand, for leaving me speechless.

Overall, Unearthly is probably my favorite angel book yet. It’s original, romantic, entertaining and intense all told by a genuine teenage voice that manages to be appropriately graceful and young at the right times. I definitely recommend it to everyone!
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LibraryThing member fefferbooks
Kinda diggin' these. Nothing super original about the premise--supernatural girl in high school, struggling to fit in, figuring out her purpose, and love along the way. But like most decent YA lit, there's something that sets it apart, and it's full of interesting characters and a plot that'll keep
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you turning pages. Love Tucker to pieces.
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LibraryThing member dukesangel002
I have been looking forward to this book since I saw the description on the publishers website months ago. I was afraid that I would be disappointed after having my hopes up so high. My fear was totally unwarranted.
Unearthly was all I thought it would be and so much more!

Clara's journey to fulfill
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her purpose is a mystery to her from her first vision and it is constantly on her mind. Since it's such a mystery to her, it is to us as well, and I was never able to guess what was going to happen.
Clara was a great character who was smart and funny, yet also insecure and scared about what her purpose was and whether she would be able to do what was expected of her.

All of the supporting characters were fantastic as well. Each breathed life into the book and added to the overall story. They were all strong personalities that stood out, but at the same time didn't take away from Clara as the main character.

The ending left me completely in shock and dying to have the next installment in this series. I was completely satisfied with the book, but still full of questions about what will happen next for these characters. I'm shocked that this was a debut book since it has the awesome feel of a seasoned writer. I can't wait for more
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LibraryThing member sgcallaway1994
Summary: Clara Gardner is not your average high school gal. She's an angel-blood, one quarter angel (Quartarius). Something revealed to her by her mother, who is half angel (Dimidius), when she was fourteen years old. Its hard enough dealing with the usual teenage problems, but being an angel-blood
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means having an additional obligation or "purpose", the reason for being placed on earth. Each angel has a unique one. Its so important to fulfill this "purpose", Clara's family moves from California to Jackson Hole, Wyoming when she starts having visions. Visions of a forest fire and the young man she is supposed to save. Starting over at a new high school, searching for the guy she's supposed to rescue Clara encounters many obstacles, but nobody ever said it would be easy. As the school year comes to a close, things finally start to fall into place. However, when the school ends, everyone leaves for the summer, an unexpected birthday gift proves to be a great distraction. Will Clara get back on track to fulfill her destiny or with she unexpectedly fall in love and follow her heart, but face the consequences?

Ramblings: Unearthly is set in the beautiful town of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Its the first book in a Trilogy. The next one is due to be released in January 2012. The book doesn't start off at a quick pace. It trots along, slowly building the characters and action. Cynthia Hand, a 2011 debut author, likes to create mystery and suspense in many aspects of the story. For example, Clara's mother doesn't tell her she's an angel-blood until she's fourteen. Even after she's revealed this to her, she still doesn't tell her everything she knows about angel-bloods. Its clear she's withholding information. But why? Also, the visions Clara has slowly become more vivid. With each one another piece to the puzzle fits into place. Techniques like these keep the reader interested, building a strong desire to keep turning the pages passionately.

Some topics explored in this book are teen relationships, following your heart and the desire to do what's right and fitting in. Clara, the main character and narrator of the book has a mostly normal life, facing many of the same problems teenagers have today. She's definitely both believable and likable. Even though she has a lot to deal with she seems to handle things well. One of the most fascinating aspects of the book is how Cynthia Hand has created her own "angel lore". The reader learns alongside of Clara about the secrets of being an angel-blood and all the unique aspects and terminology along with it. Here are just a few terms which will be defined in the book: "Black Wing", "Glory", and "Angelic". It would have been nice if the story ended with more of a conclusion and some small sense of closure. As it turns out, cliffhangers seem to be "in vogue" and this book is no exception. Too many questions are left unanswered. Unfortunately, all of us who are invested in the series will now have to wait until January of 2012 to find out what happens next.

Recommendation: I recommend this Unearthly to readers 14 years and older who are interested in an angel story with a twist. I also believe since there is quite a bit of romancing going on girls may be drawn more to this novel than boys. Still, I do feel the book has strong male characters and enough action boys will enjoy it, too. Though a love triangle exists in the story line, the action is only PG. If you are turned off by cliffhangers or hate having to wait too long for sequels to be released, I'd advise waiting a little longer to read this one, but don't miss out, its a really great read!!
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LibraryThing member highvoltagegrrl
I loved this one. It’s a coming of age story mixed with a love story. Yes, it has fantasy in it as well, our main character is part angel after all. I love fantasies, but often times the writer seems to focus only on that and leaves the characters somewhat dry. That was not the case in this book.
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The fantasy part didn’t overwhelm the rest of the story, it enhanced it.

The characters all feel as if they exist in this world, realistic, flawed, and human. They want the same things most of us want – to be loved, accepted, happy. When a writer can meld these human qualities together with an angel, it makes for a great story. While many angel stories have been focusing only on fallen angels, this one moves in a more romantic and “good angel” direction, which is really refreshing.
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LibraryThing member Urbanfan
Cynthia Hand has added a new recipe of angels and their workings here on Earth. She starts out with a family of angels, mom a half-blood and the kids, Clara and Jeffrey, are a quarter. She cracks open a Purpose for Clara at age 16, and mixes it with a move from California to Wyoming to find the
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object of this purpose...Christian. A dash of chance meetings, a sprinkle of a girlfriend, a couple of cool friends, and a boy that rubs Clara the wrong way are main ingredients added for flavor, fun, romance, and plenty of surprises. All this yields about 8 months worth of learning about being part angel, great friends, family, your first love, a choice, and finding if you will succeed in the Purpose you were placed in this world to fulfill.

Unearthly is a young adult fantasy romance, but has enough uniqueness to set it apart. There are characters along the way you just know you are going to hate, but just wait. Hand does something in a tricky way of webbing plot and development (let's call is a tricky twist) to make what you thought about the book and the characters not what you end up thinking at all. I can honestly say, this is the first book I've read that I finished not hating at least one character. That isn't to say that I won't in sequels to follow, but right now, what I thought I thought, I no longer do. Confused? Good. It's worth reading and figuring out what I'm talking about. You will come back, read this and think, "Yep, she completely makes sense now." Unearthly will grab your attention, hold it, and make you want more for completely different reason than you wanted more half way through the book. Just...trust me.

Hand's style of writing is fluid. She takes you through beautiful descriptive scenery, character development, twisting plot development, pieces of possible future plot development, easy to follow dialogue, adventure, and relationship building. If you have ever visited Jackson Hole, Wyoming, you will be able to picture the setting in your mind and those notorious antlers the town has hanging around. There is skiing, rafting, swimming, hiking, horses, and even a momma bear and cub sighting. In addition to visions, angelic flying, ability to speak all languages, beauty, and secrets. Word to the wise, not everyone is who they pretend to be. (wink, wink)

AND...what would a young adult romance be without those hunky guys we all wish lived in our neighborhood or went to our schools? Yep, they live in this book too and not a one is named Will. (*gasp*) But, I have to say, Hand's boys, Christian and Tucker will give all those Wills a run for their heart throbbing money. There will be collective sighing once this book is out. This I do know for sure.

Unearthly is scheduled to be released January 4, 2011. If I were you, I would make sure Santa had this on my pre-order Christmas List, New Year's Resolution To Read List, or whatever it takes to get this book in your hands. The ending is one of those cliffhangers that leaves your mouth slightly opened, with an "I know she didn't just end this" going through your mind. Thankfully, it's not the kind you want to smack the author about, but a cliffhanger none the less. I am pleasantly looking forward to where Hand is leading down this road of part angels, love, and Purpose.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
This book is complete and total awesomeness! I loved reading it and was hooked immediately.

Clara knows what she is. She has had her first vision and is excited to fulfill her destiny. Finding her way to her purpose, Clara discovers it is not as easy as it seems. Clara is faced with a new town,
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people and is suddenly struggling to fit in. When an unlikely person takes notice on her, something breaks. Clara is faced with a descion on who to save. With her heart hanging, she must save only one. Who will she choose?

Clara is an extraordinary character. With her back round on angels, she is contempt and ready to face the world. After moving, she faces many struggles that teenagers face when you move to a new town, new place. I was glad that their were a few who were nice to her.

The romance in the book was staggering. I felt her heart falling for the guy. The guys was sweet and caring. Everything you would hope to have. When Clara made her choice, I was heartbroken. I felt for her and hope it would all end well for her.

The ending was shocking. It left me surprise and hanging. I loved how it ended. It was perfect to what the book was all leading up too. I just want to read the second book already, so I can figure out what happen.

If you love a great angels story, with research and romance, then read this book. I can guarantee you that it will be on heck of an reading experience.
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LibraryThing member jinkay
When I read the synopsis for Unearthly, I thought it wasn't too original. I thought I knew what was coming: a girl (who's part-angel) receives her purpose which has something to do with a guy whom she falls in love with. And then there's this other guy who "appeals to her less angelic side" and I
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braced myself for a love triangle where the third party's probably a hot part-angel too who has a dark side. Hah! Me and my stupid assumptions. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I liked that the story wasn't what I expected. It's refreshing to read something different than the usual "their eyes met and BAM! - they fell in wuuuv!" I enjoyed reading about Clara and Tucker together. The end part of the novel felt a little rushed though. After the slow but steady pace of the first two-thirds of the book, it seemed that a whole lot was crammed into the last few chapters. There was this big confrontation scene with a character we hardly knew anything about and then Clara went off to try to fulfill her mission, something went terribly wrong and then it's the end. It was a little confusing.

I think the author did a great job as far as setting the tone of the series is concerned and the answers to the mysteries posed in Unearthly would probably be given on the next installments. I just hope we don't have to wait too long for book two.
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LibraryThing member amusingmother
I have decided that I am a hopeless romantic and root for the strong protagonist. Unfortunately, if I tell you why Clara is strong, I might ruin the conflict. On the other hand, there is much more to like about this book.

This is clearly a trilogy of some sort since there are many aspects not
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resolved. The book introduces the reader to interesting characters like Maggie, Clara's mother who is half angel and has secrets nobody knows. Jeffrey, Clara's brother, who plays a minor role but there are hints at the end he will become more prominant. Angela, whose angelic roots are mysterious. Christian who is a pretty face and supposedly Clara's destiny but I didn't care about him in anyway. But then nobody asked me. Wendy, Clara's best friend and Tucker, Wendy's twin and my personal favorite.

On top of these interesting characters, the Dark Wing is introduced. Dark Wings are bad angels. Very bad. Pretty sure they are going to play a prominant role in future conflict

Clean read. Really, really liked it. I can't wait for the next one!
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LibraryThing member nizmart
I loved this book, the story was great. The only (small) complaint I have is that ending left me with so many questions, I haven't stopped thinking about the book so I guess that was the intent? Can't wait to read more about Ellie and Christian!
LibraryThing member Krista23
My Opinion: Although there were some things that bothered me as I read. The parts I enjoyed outweighed the ones that distracted me. I cannot say that I am team Angel. This is the Third angel book I picked up in 2010 and have to say it was the most entertaining one. But there is still something
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about Angels on Earth that gives me some pause. I think that Angel stories are a new trend, but I think I enjoyed this one the best so far.

What I enjoyed: I enjoyed this story out of all the other Angel stories (yes I did enjoy it more than Hush Hush and Fallen) Because: we get some action with the main character in this one a lot more than the others. I am a sucker for some good action and adventure. We get to see Clara learn how to be an Angel, thus we see her learning to fly, how to maintain control of her "glowing" features and actually have a purpose that does not just involve love for the boy. (aka there is a higher/more important purpose) Oh ya, and her mom (who trains her) is my favorite character, and it's about time we had a strong mother figure in a book. It seems to be harder to find these days.
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LibraryThing member dasuzuki
Angel books seem to be on the rise and this book definitely shows promise fora wonderful series. This angel book is slightly different from what you would expect in that Clara knows she is an angel and the revelation is not the focus of the story. Instead the main story line follows her as she must
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try and fulfill her angelic "purpose"of saving Christian from a fire. In order to do so Clara and her family pull up roots from Mountain View, California (and I was so excited to see that she was living in city just 20 minutes away from me!) and moves to Wyoming because that is where Clara and her mother finally figure out Christian lives.

As expected Christian is the hottest and nicest guy in school but inconveniently is dating a popular, mean girl who has it in for Clara. Can I just stop and say I'm getting a little tired of these nice guys always dating the bitchy girl. I know some authors do this so the reader doesn't blame him for dumping his current girlfriend to fall in love with the new girl but come on! If you are so nice I'm sure there are other nice girls the guy could be dating and somehow work out a nice way of them splitting up. But back to the story, there is also the handsome guy, Tucker, who also falls for Clara and Clara has to figure out who to choose. Honestly, I did not feel all that much for Christian but I loved Tucker! The romantic tension was thick and you could feel the chemistry zinging between Clara and Tucker.

This book leaves you with a lot of questions but definitely shows promise to be an awesome series.
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LibraryThing member wrighton-time
Article first published as Book Review: Unearthly by Cynthia Hand on Blogcritics.

Clara Gardner is just sixteen when she begins having visions. She was expecting it every since her mother explained her background to her when she was fourteen. That was when she first learned about angel-bloods. Her
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Mother explained that all angel-bloods have a purpose in life and they are all different. How they receive them however, is the same, they always come in the form of visions. The angel blood makes them heal faster, they are better at dance, and most sports,and they pick up languages quickly. They also have wings, invisible for the most part unless called forth. Clara’s mother is only half angel or Dimidius, and her father is human, so that makes both Clara and Jeffery quarter bloods or Quartarius.

As Clara’s visions increase, they put her somewhere in a wooded area,where all around there is fire, and in the midst of the clearing is a boy about her age. She only sees him from the back, but she is sure it is no one she knows. As she shares this with her mother, she describes the smell of smoke, the overwhelming feeling of sadness and that somehow she knows that she has to save him. Because it is her first vision, it is only a taste of her purpose which will get stronger as the time for her to act gets closer.

They both realize that what she has seen in her vision means they will have to leave California. The clarity of her vision gives them the information that they need, this vision, this purpose, is the reason that she was born.

They will have to relocate, using the information gleaned from the vision to put them in the right place. She is not ready for that, and yet she knows there is no choice. Her family will be uprooted because of her vision, it will affect them all. Her younger brother Jeffrey, also angel-blood, has no say, they go where the purpose is.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming is where her vision leads. They find a comfortable home and a great new school. As her power gets stronger, her hair begins to glow whenever she feels intense emotions. Because of the effect that has on most normal human beings, her mother has helped her to die it red to dampen the glow. The red however mixes with the gold of her hair and becomes an orange color. Nothing they do will change the color so that is how she must present herself to her new school. Her brother fits in instantly and makes friends quickly. She however struggles, having to overcome the orange hair, but finally makes friends with two different girls in her various classes. Through it all her purpose becomes the focus, building and expanding, putting her at odds with both her new friends and her family.

Cynthia Hand puts together a wonderful insightful story, full of fun and danger. Her characters leap right off the page, with humor and human feelings. In Unearthly, she has put together a cast of characters, born with angel-blood, on earth for a purpose. She weaves together a story full of feelings and emotions. She has incorporated a unique form of lineage, mixed it with teenage angst and fears, coming up with a story sure to pull at your emotions.

She sprinkles in edgy characters, keeping the suspense strong, only hinting at their purpose and capabilities. As Clara tries to fulfill her purpose she is pulled, first by love and later by the visions, putting her at odds with her heritage. And through it all the danger pushes itself through, keeping the pace of the story moving quickly.

Will Clara make the right decisions, based off her visions and her purpose, and will she overcome the danger that is threaded through it all?

This is a charming story, written with the young adult in mind. It deals with friendships, and ideals, as well as making choices. The action is both suspenseful and fast paced keeping you reading till the very end. This is a great book for that young reader, but if you get it for that reason, take a chance and read it for yourself as well. It is fun and interesting, with just enough inherent danger to keep it interesting.

This book was received as a free ARC download from Net Galley. All opinions are my own based off my reading and understanding of the story.
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LibraryThing member karafrib
When Clara turned 14 she learned she was a Nephilim—a child of angels and humans—and that her sole reason for being on earth was to fulfill her “purpose.” This is the staging for Cynthia Hand’s Unearthly. As soon as Clara begins receiving visions of her purpose, her mother uproots her
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family from California and they move to Montana, the state where Clara’s purpose is supposed to take place. At first, fitting in at a new high school is difficult for Clara, but she soon makes friends, and spots the reason for their move: Christian, the main component of Clara’s purpose, attends her high school. It doesn’t hurt that he is gorgeous, and that she’s convinced she will have to save him from a forest fire. What does hurt is that just as a relationship between Clara and Christian begins to develop, he goes away for the summer…as do all of Clara’s friends. However, her best friend comes through and “loans” Clara her twin brother Tucker, and over the summer everything Clara was certain of begins to shift.
Surprisingly unpredictable, Unearthly is a welcome shift from recent fantasy novels, as it places a female main character squarely in the role of being the supernatural being. Clara is a believably tormented teenager, trying to cope with her difference and the fact that certain things—like her hair that seems to glow—must be covered up for the very sanity of those around her. References to everyday stores, like Claire’s, and events such as prom ground this fantasy in reality despite the wings that appear on Clara’s back and her harrowing first attempts at flying. Clara’s relationships with her mother, brother, friends, and love-interests are all well developed and progress naturally in the novel. A well-developed supporting cast fleshes out this story, whose end will leave readers begging for a sequel. The only weak point is a somewhat slow beginning, but Hand makes up for it as this rousing angel fantasy takes flight. Recommended for grades 7 and up.
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LibraryThing member TheLostEntwife
I'm on a roll with picking up really decent YA literature these days. Despite having sworn off Angel stories after a few.. really bad ones, I picked this up fully expecting to be disgusted with it within the first fifty pages. I was pleasantly surprised.

Cynthia Hand's treatment of angels doesn't
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stem out of any sort of religion, necessarily. She seems to take her information from mythology and refrains from putting any sort of religious slant on the book - which works. A lot of the issues I had with other books dealing with angelic beings stem from their connection to God (or a god of sorts) and usually involved a bunch of breaking of the rules in order for the story to "work". And then the story didn't work for me, no matter what the ending said was supposed to be happening.

So with just mythology backing up these angelic beings and a "purpose" being their reason for being on Earth, this story worked - and it worked well. Plus, there's a nice little twist in there that I didn't see coming and couldn't figure out how exactly it would work out. I'll be putting Unearthly on my list to watch for the sequel for and Cynthia Hand on my list of debut authors to watch.
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LibraryThing member pollywannabook
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

UNEARTHLY is the story I was hoping for when I saw the cover of HALO (there’s even a scene in the book where the couple embraces at sunrise). It’s sweet and lovely, with a wonderful new heroine and a deeply romantic story.

Angel stories are all the rage
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in Paranormal YA fiction right now. Personally, I’ve been growing a little weary of them lately (especially after reading HALO), but UNEARTHLY has made angels so enchanting, so new that I’m back on the bandwagon.

UNEARTHLY reminded me a lot of WINGS and THE BODY FINDER in terms of tone, the pure loveliness of the romance, and wise yet in no way pretentious heroine. Clara is one of the best YA heroines I’ve read in a long time. She is witty, kind, and determined all while being a believable seventeen year old with all the insecurities and hang-ups common to all teenagers, except heightened because of her angel heritage.

Speaking of angels, the mythology in UNEARTHLY is pretty straightforward and nicely sidesteps the religious connotations that can get a bit messy when dealing with angels. Clara is a quarter angel. She gets wings and a few other divine perks, but she’s pretty low on the power scale and is still learning to master her abilities (like failing to diminish her angelic appearance and having to dye her glowing hair a hideous shade of orange right before starting a new school). Yeah, imagine that first impression.

Easily my favorite part of UNEARTHLY was the romance. It’s not at all what I expected, but it’s the surprising direction it takes that makes it so memorable. There’s a genuine tenderness that grows between Clara and her love interest that is still resonating with me. Really beautiful. I’m thrilled this is the start of a new series and I’m already looking forward to the sequel.

Sexual Content: Kissing. References to rape
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LibraryThing member Tatiana_G
Honestly, after reading at least one of the following books - "Hush, Hush," "Halo," "Fallen" - do you really believe there is a good paranormal YA romance about angels out there? A book about proms, love triangles, hawt boys, that doesn't make you want to hurl? No? Neither did I before reading
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I was very much impressed by this novel. I was cautious and not trusting of positive reviews of it, and it ended up exceeding by expectations. The book never even once made me roll my eyes - something that I always expect to do when I open any teen romance. It is not driven by the main character's stupidity, like many paranormal romances are. It is not focused on some girl's obsession over a guy who treats her like crap. It is pretty much a breath of fresh air.

Carla is an angel-blood (1/4th angel, 3/4th human). She just received her purpose - a task that all angel-bloods have to fulfill in their lives. This purpose has something to do with a boy Carla sees in her visions and she thinks it is her duty to save his life. She moves closer to him, tries to get to know him and has a bit of a crush on him. Only it seems her purpose in regards to Christian is not quite clear and neither are her feelings towards him.

Apparently, it is possible to write a paranormal romance which employs all standard elements of the genre, and make something good out of it. Cynthia Hand proves with this novel that you can write a teen girl with supernatural abilities and not make her a Mary Sue. That there can be a romance between a supernatural and a human, and neither is obsessed with another and ready to die if they break up. That nobody in the relationship has to be a stalker or a doormat. That teens can fall in love with each other not because one of them is inhumanly hawt or sparkly, but because, you know, they spend time together and TALK first.

The story is well paced and never gets boring. The mystery of Clara's purpose is sufficiently mysterious and creates a nice tension. The romantic story line is sweet and, oh my, HEALTHY! Can you believe it?

The angel mythology unfolds at a good pace as well. Whenever you write something about angels, there is always this question of God, how to place him in the story. Hand does a great job of not mucking the concept of angel by making angels in her novel some sexy beasts who are allowed to do whatever and still remain angels. And God's place in the story is also carefully written, avoiding being preachy (for non-believers) or blasphemous (for those who believe).

"Unearthly" might not be one of the books that I recommend to anyone who would listen (like I do with "Lips Touch: Three Times" or Melina Marchetta's novels) and that I am in awe of. But I can guarantee you will at least not want to bang this book against the wall. It is not morally reprehensible, misguided or poorly written. As far as teen paranormal romance fluff goes, "Unearthly" belongs in the top tier IMO. I am even impressed enough to read the sequel, many plot lines remain open and I am curious!
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I have been oogling this book from the first time I saw it and read the description. Thanks to my crazy awesome friends James (from Book Chic) and Susan (from Wastepaper Prose), I got to read a copy early. I was so stoked when it came in the mail!! I devoured this book! I could have read it in one
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sitting but around 2:00am my hurting eyes won out and I reluctantly put down the book and went to bed. The next day I immediately grabbed the book and finished it off.

This book delves into a world that is not uncommon in the YA genre, angels, but I think it put a whole new spin on things. Plus, I am in love with the main character, well not in love, I just really like her a lot. Clara is an intelligent, funny, a little stubborn, but adorable leading lady. She does go a little swoony every now and then, but definitely not the damsel in distress and I loved that about her. She is a breath of fresh air as far as leading roles go and I loved the way Cynthia has written her.

I also thought the time she spent in school was highly amusing. I know that sometimes when the main characters are in school that can be the part that bores us. When characters go to classes, it is not the most exciting thing. However, in this book it is really funny. Especially in her British History class, the teacher has them all assigned to a “role” from a time period. For example: a serf or knight and they see if they survive through the semester. It was hilarious, especially the way Clara and Tucker try to come up with ways to kill each other off, fantastic! Those were some of my favorite scenes in the book. I think you will agree once you get there too.

Speaking of Tucker, I don’t know the last time I saw a cowboy type take the lead in a YA book and totally rock at it. I loved him. No bad boy, no mysterious past, what you see is what you get with him. I thought that added an awesome element to the book, a normal teenage boy for once is the one who steals the show for me. Not an angel, not a vampire, not a demon. It was nice just to see a little normalcy in a paranormal world. Plus, I would take him over Christen any day, but I guess you will have to decide for yourself and see where your loyalties lie when you read the book.

Overall, this book captivated me. There is just enough mystery to keep me intrigued in the plot and always wanting more. Plus, I loved Clara and being in her world was an amazing ride. Though the story is about angels, we do get some new mythology that is interesting and I hope will be delved into more in upcoming books. The ending wrapped things up, for now, but there are some serious unanswered questions which will make waiting for the next book difficult, but I will try my best.

Language Love:

I haven’t done this in a while, because nothing has really jumped out at me. That changed when I read Unearthly, I knew I was going to love this book from the first page and this line is why.:

“For a moment I’m filled with such a smothering grief that it’s hard to breathe”

I am not sure why I am so captivated by this line, but I am. I can feel Clara’s grief when I read this and I was immediately sucked into this world and I could not pull myself out. The book continued to keep a firm grasp on me from this point on.
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LibraryThing member Malbebe
I simply love Angel books. So when I found out about Cynthia Hand’s debut novel Unearthly I just had to have this book. I can honestly say Cynthia is one of those authors that make such a stellar debut that they make it on the must buy everything from this author list! Cynthia writes in a way
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that makes you feel like you are there. Literally, no lie, while I was reading I was actually smelling the smells and picturing the world that she was describing. Don’t worry though the descriptions are not boring or painfully redundant.

Instead of mysterious and dangerous fallen angels Cynthia writes about the good Angels. Well there is a dangerous fallen angel in the book but that’s only a minor character. The main character, Clara, is an angel but she is not a full blooded angel. All angels are sent to Earth to fulfill a certain purpose. Clara starts to get visions of what her purpose is. Her visions include a boy and fire.

Clara’s mother soon decides its time to move to a town that is out in the middle of nowhere. It doesn’t take long for Clara to meet the boy in her visions, Christian. Christian is the kind of boy that is too perfect. Even though he has a girlfriend Clara can’t stop thinking about him and what exactly it is she has to do with him in her visions. But is Christian all that he appears to be? To make things worse Clara seems to have a guy out to make her life a pain. That guy whose name is Tucker happens to be her new best friend’s brother. What is Tucker’s problem anyway? Well us girls (and maybe guys who do this) should know what his problem is. I don’t want to spoil anything but as the book progressed I started to love Tucker. He is a really down to earth kind of guy. In my opinion Christian seems more friend material for Clara. Boys aside, Clara made some pretty cool friends one that seemed to know what was best for Clara before Clara even knew what was best for her. This girl would be none other than Tucker’s sister Wendy. The other friend is quite quirky. I hope I’m using the right word to describe her. But I still don’t know whether Clara should trust her or not. Clara’s mother and brother. Well gotta love them. I’m glad Clara has them in her life.

With Unearthly I don’t ever remember being bored. The mystery, characters and the ending was enough to keep me on the edge of my seat until I finished reading.

I don’t know what else to say without giving out a review that is over 600 words. I’ll just say buy this book for Tucker, Clara, the story itself, and for Cynthia Hand because without her this extraordinary book would not exist. Most of all buy it because I’m sure you will fall in love with this book as much as I have. Plus how many YA books have girls as the Angel instead of the guy being an Angel falling for a mortal? Only one other that I can think of. So if you want to read a book that puts a fresh spin on Angels read Unearthly!
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LibraryThing member seescootread
When I received Unearthly I was not sure where I was going to find the time to read it along with everything else I had going on. Well no worries there – you don’t need to find the time, you make the time. This book had me hooked from page one. Jumping right into the story I was quickly caught
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up in the vision Clara was experiencing and was enthralled as she worked to solve the mystery of her purpose. Clara’s life is turned upside down as she follows the clues in her visions to a new town, new school and an all around new life - dragging her younger brother and mom with her. Discovering that life and people are not always what they seem, Clara struggles as she learns more about being an angel-blood and about her destiny seemingly wrapped around the one boy she can’t seem to talk to. Clara is torn between doing what she is destined for and following her heart. I loved the characterization in the book, each character felt real and unique. The bantering between Clara and Tucker had me constantly smiling. The story pace was great and the romance felt authentic. As for writing style, I loved how the story just started – no over explaining of details and back history to get the ball rolling... it was just GO. You slowly gained more knowledge of what was going on and past details as the story developed. Unearthly is a great read that I highly recommend. Make sure to grab your copy when it is released in January of 2011!
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LibraryThing member stephxsu
Clara’s mother is half-angel, which makes her quarter. She still has superhuman physical abilities, wings, and a purpose that she needs to fulfill, though. When her visions of reaching out to a boy standing in the midst of a wildfire brings Clara, her mother, and her younger brother to Jackson
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Hole, Wyoming, however, she does not realize the scope of what she has stumbled into.

At her new school, Clara meets and feels an instant connection with Christian, the school’s godlike idol and the boy of her visions. But her attempts to get to know him don’t seem to go right, and then Clara finds herself getting closer to another boy. Meanwhile, a new friend introduces Clara to more angel lore than her mother ever taught her, and it seems like something sinister is out there, just waiting to get them. Will these unexpected complications in her life steer Clara irreversibly off course from her purpose?

I thought the paranormal romance YA genre was truly done for. It seemed like every single paranormal romance YA I read in the past two years were, at best, shoddy imitations of Twilight, or shoddy attempts to be the anti-Twilight. But Cynthia Hand’s debut novel, UNEARTHLY, brings some much-needed quality back to this genre.

I enjoyed, and would recommend UNEARTHLY, because of its characters. Clara is a gem. Even she, I think, would make fun of all attempts to label her as a personality-less damsel in supernatural distress. Clara has a refreshing sense of humor and attitude. She is above the need to engage in high school drama, which makes the drama she does inevitably get involved in easier to read about. I also really liked her family, how the hidden depths of her mother’s character slowly unfold throughout the course of the novel, and Clara’s younger brother is wonderful, and their relationship, is so real, and relatable, despite the fact that, you know, they’re angels.

The love triangle was, I think, as reasonably good as a paranormal love triangle will get these days, in that both guys are actually very viable choices. Christian is the school god, yes, but he’s also just a really good guy. But so is Tucker, despite his initial rudeness towards Clara. You really can’t decide who Clara should end up with…though sometimes I suspect that Hand tries so hard to make both guys equal that they lose some appeal and realness as a result.

Definitely give UNEARTHLY a whirl if paranormal romance is your thing. And if it’s not, you can still give this book a try. It’s the best YA book about angels out there. I don’t think you’ll regret it.
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LibraryThing member gubry
The blurb of this book does not do this book much justice, in my opinion. Because it's much better than that. Anyways, I remember getting real excited for this one, but then not very much after getting disappointed with many angel YA books with romance I don't really like or not enough angel
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mythology. Even though angel books are a subject that I find is fascinating, in my opinion. Unearthly sets itself apart from all those books and is an unexpected read. And when I was reading the excerpt, which I thought I was only going to read a page or two, I couldn't stop reading. Chapters became into five until I reached the very end of the excerpt on facebook.

And that is the exact reason I got this one. The writing in this book is easy to read through and the descriptions of Wyoming make me want to go to the place. I also liked who Clara's friends were, because sometimes, in some books I read, the characters 'best friends' aren't exactly very friend worthy at all in the book.

You know how sometimes a plot twist (MC is really a supernatural or mysterious guy is actually a -insert paranormal here-) is revealed by the cover of the book's flap summary but takes a while for the MC to actually discover this? Well, we already know Clara is a part angel (quarter to be exact) so there isn't anything like that. And Clara is an awesome main character that I enjoyed a lot.

This book's romance in this book was quite nice (healthy even? I wonder if that's possible...), and despite what the blurb says, does not have a 'big' love triangle than what you'd think. It's a small one that I expect to grow in future books. But for now, the romance is a squeal-worthy one.

Looking forward to the sequel.
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LibraryThing member Nikkayme
Let me preface this entire review by first saying that I don’t like angel stories. I rarely come across one that I enjoy, let alone love, but Unearthly is one of those rare exceptions. I loved it. Every. Single. Page. Of. It.

Clara Gardner is part angel or angel-blood as Cynthia Hand calls it. But
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the thing is, Clara isn’t an angel-blood who just happens to be a teenage girl, she’s a teenage girl who just happens to be an angel-blood. And she acts like it. She’s insecure and moody and fights with her mom and her brother. She’s a little bitter about her purpose as an angel and how it controls her life. Clara is a teenage girl, but she has to balance that with her destiny as an angel.

Hand masterfully creates Clara’s story, so that it reads like a contemporary love story, but has plenty of angel lore to reel in paranormal/supernatural lovers. This take on angels is something I’ve never read before and I was enthralled with the mythology behind these angel-bloods.

The characters of Unearthly are well-developed and I never felt like they were lacking. Clara’s Lorelei Gilmore-ish mom, her fun-loving younger brother Jeffrey, and friends Wendy and Angela are all unique and engaging in their own way. But let’s get to what everyone wants to hear about: the boy.

Clara’s love life really does not exist for the majority of the book and it’s wonderful – we get to know the real Clara, instead of love-struck Clara. But the boys are swoonworthy nonetheless. Christian, the boy from the visions Christian, is, as Wendy puts it, god-like. You can’t blame a girl for fainting around a guy like that, especially when being around him may or may not trigger visions.

As great as Christian is, I feel the need to gush about Tucker – Tucker who is snarky and rude and teases Clara and her orange hair by calling her Carrots. I love this boy and trust me, you will too. He’s engaging to read from the get-go, but once the story picks up, I never wanted Tucker to go away.

Unearthly is a sweet love story hidden in the mythology of angels on earth; here to do some life-saving, purpose-driven, destiny-following deeds. Cynthia Hand’s debut is tender, wrought with tension, and will easily be one of my favorite reads of the year. If the cover isn’t enough for you to pick this up, then hopefully this review directs you straight to the bookstore.

Opening line: In the beginning, there’s a boy standing in the trees. ~ pg. 9

Favorite lines: “Oh, come on. You eye-hump him all through British History. I thought you were just enraptured, the way everyone at school seems to be. I’m happy to find out that you have a good reason.” ~ pg. 106

*This is the ARC version and lines, cover art, etc. may be subject to change before official publication. E-book page numbers may not match with physical copies.
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Soaring Eagle Book Award (Nominee — 2013)


Original publication date


Physical description

448 p.; 8.3 inches


0061996165 / 9780061996160

Local notes

Clara just recently found out that she is an angel...well, one-fourth angel, that is. Her mom is one-half angel, and her dad is a normal human. When she starts having visions, her mom tells her that she is coming upon the time when she will find out her purpose.

Waaay more fun than I anticipated. Great way to approach the 'teen angle' genre. Literary swoon: Tucker Avery.

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