Paranormalcy, Book 2: Supernaturally

by Kiersten White

Other authorsKaren Pearson (Cover designer)
Hardcover, 2011



Call number



Harper Teen (2011), Hardcover, 320 pages


Sixteen-year-old Evie thinks she has left the International Paranormal Containment Agency, and her own paranormal activities, behind her when she is recruited to help at the Agency, where she discovers more about the dark faerie prophecy that threatens her future.

User reviews

LibraryThing member vampiregirl76
Evie has been living a normal high school life. Missing Lend who is away at college -- she's yearning for a bit of excitement. Being who she is, Evie's wish is granted. But it's a bit more dangerous than she was hoping for.

I loved the first book Paranormalcy, so when Supernaturally arrived in my
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mailbox, I had a bit of a fangirl moment. It definitely lived up to my expectations. Delightful and sassy. I loved it. Evie is such a joy to read. Funny and charming. I love that there are all sorts of paranormal creatures in this world. From the innocent ones to the devious villains. Supernaturally is a fantastic read, filled with danger, romance, and truths are revealed. A fast story with wonderful darkness.
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LibraryThing member SarahZee
What can I say! I love this series! It's so refreshing to read about a funny girl who likes pink and fights vampires and paranormal creatures!Good work Kiersten White! Can't wait till the next book!
LibraryThing member RamonaWray
As good as the first one. Jack was cute. Would've liked more Reth, though.
LibraryThing member storiesandsweeties
What on earth is that breath of fresh air in the YA section? Why, it's Supernaturally---one of the only books that is the second in a series and doesn't end with a break-neck cliffhanger!! Not that I hate cliffhangers, it's just that after coming across so many first and second books that
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practically left me with vertigo, I read the ending of Supernaturally with a sign of relieved satisfaction.

But I'm started backwards. Actually, this one got off to a bit of a slow start for me. Evie has finally gotten her wish and is getting a taste of normal teenage life: high school, gym class, and, yes, Evie finally has her own locker. Unfortunately, she is finding out that real high school is nothing like her favorite high school TV drama, Easton Heights. She's having a hard time fitting in, has found her way onto the gym teacher's torment list, and is pretty bored with the rest of it. After the first book with Evie's fun, sometimes naive, spirit and all the paranormal craziness---reading about her being bored and mundane was just not as fun. The story really picked up further in though.

This one is a little darker than the first---Evie is going through some pretty big emotional conflicts with Lend, leaving and being drawn back into what used to be home to her at the IPCA, worrying about her future, and her in-dream relationship with her new-found sister, Vivian. She's torn in trying to decide how she feels about what Lend's dad does to protect paranormal compared to what the IPCA does to monitor them. We get to find out some pretty juicy bits of info about where she came from, what she is, and what she was "created" for. There's a new face, Jack, who is even more playful than Evie herself. While he was fun sometimes, his actions were just a little too childlike and I kept picturing him as a hyper 11-year-old, jumping on the bed, and pulling silly pranks. Still, an entertaining addition and he's an important part of the story!

On the whole, another great adventure for Evie! Even though the villain was not a huge surprise to me, I still enjoyed the ride very much. With a good amount of closure on most of the storylines that were introduced in book two, the next book can basically go anywhere it wants! I can't wait to see what's next for Evie and Lend in Endlessly!
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LibraryThing member danijohns
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars

I was really looking forward to the sequel to the BLEEPING awesome Paranormalcy. However, I felt like Supernaturally was more of a whimper than the bang I was expecting. I was slightly disappointed by Supernaturally. I really loved Paranormalcy but Supernaturally felt a bit
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bland in comparison.

Supernaturally suffered from what I call the second-book-in-a-trilogy syndrome. Basically, the second book in a trilogy is kind of boring and slow moving and their to establish plot points for the big finale. In many ways, this is how Supernaturally felt for me. I felt this book was very slow moving and I think that was because of the plot. Personally, I’m not really sure what the central plot was. There were a bunch of small story lines, but I felt they did not connect together into one major plot. I was a little bored, and that made me sad. There were also things that were brought up in Supernaturally that then were not mentioned again, such as not hearing for the elementals. I know it is probably set up for book 3 but it just felt forgotten at points.

While the plot wasn’t my favorite, I will say I loved being back in Evie’s world. I lobe Evie. Kiersten White really has created a very distinct voice with Evie. As in Paranormalcy, Evie is just as snarky and hilarious. I was giggling within the first couple pages. Evie has grown since Paranormalcy. Evie knows now more about who she is and has the chance at a “normal” life and that has changed her. I really liked her character growth throughout this book. She learns a lot more about herself and has to deal with that knowledge and she deals with it well.

A lot of the same characters from Paranormalcy are back in this one. Including Lend, but there wasn’t enough Lend for my taste in this book since he was offer at college. Along with a bunch of old characters, Kiersten White introduces a new character, Jack who I really enjoyed. Jack was a character and really funny. He kind of reminded me of a Puck-esque character. However, the one thing I did not like about Jack was I figured out his purpose right when I met him. Other than that, Jack was a really interesting new character who provided some really good entertainment.

Overall, Supernaturally was a decent read. It was nice to be back in Evie’s world and I love Kiersten’s writing. Even though I was a bit disappointed by this book (probably because it had to live up to Paranormalcy) I still enjoyed it. And I will definitely be picking up the third and final book in the series Endlessly when it’s out sometime next year. Also, this cover is gorgeous! I love it and I love how it matches Parnormalcy.
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LibraryThing member mountie9
The Good Stuff

Just go pre-order to book guys, don't even bother reading any further -- it rocks! Ok, I promise to finish reviewing properly
Just as incredible as the 1st book, which is very unusual for the middle book in a trilogy
love the cheeky sass of Evie
Give it my highest compliment that it
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is as good as anything Whedon has written
Lots of twists and turns
Incredible dialogue that will make you laugh your ass off
Fabulous secondary characters including the introduction of the mysterious and fun Jack
again just want to mention the dialogue is frickin hilarious - do not read it out in public if you are uncomfortable at being stared at when you snort out loud
Love the scenes between Evie and Arianna
Opening paragraph grabs your attention and sucks you right into the story
Some sadness but done so beautifully

The Not so Good Stuff

the book ended and I have an ARC so the book hasn't even been released -- how frickin long am I going to have to wait till the final book -- I am so not a patient women
Do you have any idea how hard it was to only pick 3 favorite passages from this

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Working at the International Paranormal Containment Agency might have been close to indentured servitude, and sure, I had some nasty run-ins with vampires and hags and creeptastic faeries, but that was nothing compared to the danger I faced now. Girls' gym."

"The answer was far too many, but figuring it out was more interesting than, say, paying attention to my English teacher's lecture on gender roles in Dracula - and don't even get me started on that Book. An accurate researcher Bram Stoker was not."

"It was bad enough that half of the local vamps tried to use their mind control powers to convince me I didn't want a tip.
I always want a tip, you undead creeps."

What I Learned

That I love Kiersten White and am willing to foster out my children to her - ok who's kidding who, the little heathens have driven me totally insane this week and would foster out to anyone
Evie is one of my favorite characters

Who should/shouldn't read

Everybody should read -- well except for those boring people without a sense of humour. Although I would recommend reading Paranormalcy first, not that you REALLY need to, you will just want to have more.

5 Dewey's

I received this from HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review & all I have to say is I LOVE YOU GUYS! tons of good cookies for you next year at OLA
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in the Paranormalcy trilogy by Kiersten White. I enjoyed this book but not as much as the first book, Paranormalcy. Evie spends a bit too much time whining and lying for my comfort; but you do get to meet a lot of new paranormal races. I listed to this on audio book; in
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general the audio book was well done although the narrator sounds kind of whiny at times she seemed to capture Evie's character well.

Evie is trying to get used to her new normal life as a normal student in a normal school. The problem is as much as Evie longed for normal, well she is finding it is just so darn normal and boring. The only redeeming thing is getting to see Lend who she is still head over heels in love with. Then fairies start randomly attacking Evie and things start getting out of control at the International Paranormal Containment Agency (IPCA). Soon Raquel is begging for Evie's help on a contract basis. Evie wants to help but is worried about what Lend is going to think about it since he hates IPCA, oh and she still hasn't told Lend that he is there is that to deal with too, not to mention college applications to be filled out...

We get to meet some new paranormals in this book which is cool. We also get to meet Jack, who is a happy go lucky paranormal who can walk the fairy paths but isn't a fairy. Jack adds quite a few laughs to the story and some interesting twists to the plot. Additionally it was great to learn more about how Evie got to be how she is and what happened in her past.

I still enjoy Evie's sarcastic tone and how perky she is about everything. The only thing I didn't enjoy in this book was all of the whining, melodrama, and lying that went on. Evie lies to Lend a ton in this book, she rationalizes to herself, but it still made me like her a lot less as a character. Seriously if she had just been honest then most of this book would have never happened. Then there is the melodrama thing; there are couple points in the book where it is wwwaaayyy overdone. Most of the time Evie's over melodramatic nature is kind of funny and cute, but there are a couple of times when I found myself rolling my eyes and just wishing she would get over herself.

There was also a lot less action in this book than in Paranormalcy. Much of page space is given to listening to Evie whine about how she has to lie and she hates lying and she hates her life. The saving grace that balances out all this whining is Lend, he has got to be the most supportive and caring boyfriend ever. So kudos to Lend as a character, hopefully he can help Evie grow up a little in the next book.

The book ends well enough, although there is some unfinished business that I have to assume will be taken care of in book three, Endlessly, which comes out in 2012. Definitely read the Afterword because it was hilarious, even more funny at points than the book itself.

Overall I still enjoyed this book. It is a fun read and Evie is sarcastic and cute throughout. We meet new paranormals and learn a ton about Evie's history and why she is the way she is. There is a lot of Evie lying, Evie whining, and Evie being super melodramatic in this book though. At points I found this irritating and just wanted Evie to move on. There is also definitely not as much action in this book as the first one. I plan on reading the third book, Endlessly, but I am hoping it is closer to the tone of the first book than to this one.
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LibraryThing member MaryinHB
Evie has what she always wanted: a locker and a regular life. She is happy working her shifts at the diner, seeing her boyfriend, Lend and learning how to be normal. Normal becomes boring and when her ex-boyfriend, Reth, shows up along with some other disguised paranormals, things get weird
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quickly. Evie finds herself in the middle of a power struggle between the good and bad fairies, but finds when it comes to fairies, the are only shades of evil. Lend has gone to college and Evie has set her goal to get into to the same school so they can be together. Evie meets up again with Raquel and her new assistant, Jack, when she decides to help the IPCA again.

I really enjoyed Evie spunky nature and snarky comments, but there is a bit lacking with Lend not always in the picture. Her vampire room mate does pick up some of the slack and the introduction of Jack, who at first is super annoying and becomes gallactically annoying by the end of the book. Jack (a human who grew up in Fairy) does provide some relief and makes Evie more human by forcing her to actually have a bit of fun and act like a child, things that she missed growing up at IPCA. There is a major twist and Evie finds out even more about her past. I thought this one was nicely done and left open a bunch of questions and paths for Evie to explore in another book.
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LibraryThing member sithereandread
SUPERNATURALLY, by Kiersten White, is the highly anticipated sequel in the Paranormalcy series. We pick up where the first book left off where Evie is living among humans, going to school, working at a diner, and finally has her own locker! But she soon gets bored after living her whole life at the
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bustling IPCA and finds herself with an opportunity to use her talents for the greater good. With many new faces, some old favorites, loads of action and mystery, this book steps it up a notch leaving you breathless and wanting more.

Where Paranormalcy was Evie trying to break away from the IPCA, Supernaturally is her realization that she needs to use her powers and IPCA is the safest way to do that. Her new job and partner, Jack, puts strain on the already distanced relationship between Evie and Lend. He is away at school and she is at home pining for her man. Jack and Evie end up in some precarious situations together and Evie initially keeps her new employment status hidden from Lend, causing a rift between them for most of the book.

More revelations were uncovered and Evie learned a lot about where she came from and what she was. I was shocked when she found out about her biological parents, definitely didn't see that one coming! Overall, a great addition to the series, I look forward to the next one!
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LibraryThing member summerskris
Kiersten White is a genius. A cute bright (not-so-little) don't-mess-with-me dazzling flash of genius. From the first pages of Paranormalcy, I have been a huge fan of hers, and I knew that I would love Supernaturally as much as Paranormalcy, even though it didn't quite exist at the time. You know
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how seconds and thirds often disappointment? Well, I have a feeling that the Paranormalcy trilogy won't disappoint. Supernaturally was just as awesome as Paranormalcy in its own awesome way. Sure, we don't have the attraction of the boring old Center minus Lend stuck in a cell, but we have school and its boring ordinariness plus (gasp) college Lend and college apps... and wait for it... more makeout scenes! What's not to like?

Paranormalcy wraps its events nicely while leaving us with a bit of intrigue, such as what Reth is now up to (oh how I'm dying to know his new real name. What name could be better than Lorethan? Lorethan is a lovely name, isn't it?) and whether or not Evie will be able to escape the Faeries' grasp while maintaining some semblance of normalcy. However, as always with abilities unusual even among the para-normal, Evie finds it hard to escape the grasp of the paranormal world. And frankly? She's looking for some escape from ordinary life. This is where Supernaturally starts.

Kiersten White brings back a cast of wonderful, quirky characters, including Reth, Lend, Raquel, and Ariana, and Evie (I think the last one was a given); and she brings in new faces, most prominently among them: Jack. The wild, mysterious boy that will bring so much trouble--and action--to Evie's life. Don't worry, Lend will defend his position as Evie's boyfriend gallantly, but you're in for a world of mischief. You will learn things about characters that have the potential to break hearts. You will find yourself wondering who you can trust and who's out to get Evie. You will question how Evie will ever make it out of the mess that her life is in. And you will demand to know what part Reth plays in all of this and what choices Evie will make.

I'm not surprised that Kiersten's so attached to Supernaturally--that she loves it even more than Paranormalcy. Bleep, I have a hard time deciding which one I love more! In the end I have to say that I love the both of them. Initially, I wasn't sure what I'd think about another guy playing a prominent role in this book, but I like Jack as crazy as he is. I like who Evie has grown to be. Bleep, but how Reth still enchants me with his charm as much as he tries to compel Evie into following him and leaving Lend behind. And bleep, will Kiersten never fail to amuse me with her depictions of "widely known" no-so-mythical (according to the IPCA) creatures?

I love them, and I love the brilliant cast of characters in the Paranormalcy trilogy. If I wasn't so sure they would do something evil to me in retaliation, I'd try to take one of them home with me. I'd have tried to take one home with me long ago. Sigh... I'll have to satisfy myself with rereading books one and two until Endlessly finds its way home to me.

Back to Supernaturally.

You will cry. You will rage. Above all, you will laugh. Kiersten White never fails to entertain you with her wickedly awesome sense of humor.
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LibraryThing member SupaGurlbooks
Ok ... I totally heart this and Paranormalcy! When I started this book I was so excited, then I was all woah! hold up Evie. There was alot of that for me this book, however I still loved it. I really like the way Kiersten writes and OMG Evie is so funny! She has a great way of thinking and
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speaking example... * He winked at her. She giggled. And I thew up in my mouth a little. * I was laughing then I was sad , then I was really pissed then *sigh* GREAT GREAT Book oh and you must read her acknowledgments.
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LibraryThing member yabotd
Paranormalcy was one of my absolute favorite books of last year, so I was super excited for Supernaturally.

I'm a little torn with how I feel about Supernaturally. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but last year, Paranormalcy sucker punched me with its freshness and originality. It had that real
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"Wow" factor because it was so unique, not only in storyline, but in the way the story was told. Since I've already been exposed to it, I was less blown away by Supernaturally. That being said, Supernaturally still kept all the awesome elements I loved from Paranormalcy and advanced the story in a way I think will make Endlessly amazing.

Let's start with the voice. Bleeping amazing! Evie jumps right off the page and makes me jealous I don't have Kiersten White's genius. Even in the most dire of circumstances, the narrative is funny but not in a distracting way. Aaand, how cute are Evie and Lend? The book could've been entirely encompassed by their flirting and I still would've been pleased.

I'm a little surprised, but I didn't dislike Reth in this novel. I'll be honest, I hated him through most of Paranormalcy and only at the end did I start to hate him a little less (which, is due to his character, not any flaw on White's part). Reth's involvement in the story makes him more and more intriguing. I kind of want to go back and read Paranormalcy again, knowing what I know now, and see if I can like him a little more. Also, Neamh = lovely.

I think what I really enjoyed about Supernaturally--besides the amazing characters, voice, plot, and overall great writing--was the moral dilemmas. There were several of them in this book and they were examined with just the right amount of attention. They didn't overwhelm the story nor were they rushed over. I have a feeling the conclusions of these dilemmas are key for the last book and it makes me extremely excited.

If you haven't read Supernaturally (or *dies at the thought* Paranormalcy) you should go do that. Now. Even if you're not a fan of paranormal I think you'll like it.
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LibraryThing member alaiel.kreuz
Review By Alaiel Kreuz:

Any other day, when she was working for IPCA Evie would be dying to go to high school, have friends, get a locker and be normal.
Finally she gets all of it, her dreams are no longer dreams and she goes to high school gets a few friends and a locker!
And she hates all of it.
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Where are the catfights, the conspiracy between students, the wild parties or masquerades, the secret loves and affairs?!
It's all so boring, so... normal.

The only good thing is that she has a boyfriend, Lend, a shape-shifter/water-boy that now goes to college and from whom she keeps a huge secret: at the end of the first book she discovers that Lend is immortal meaning that the day he finds out everything will be over since she is mortal.
Or something like that. In fact, she is an Empty One, created for a highly purpose (which we don't know yet) that includes she can suck the souls of other supernatural beings.

So as soon as Raquel (her ex-boss from IPCA and her only mother figure) comes to visit her and asks her to work for IPCA as an freelance employee Evie can't be happier. And once again her life is full of adventures which includes not only her teenager live but also Reth (faerie ex-boyfriend) and Jack (a crazy guy with a cool ability that works for IPCA too). Oh, and don't forget the fact that she tries to her work secret from Lend... yes, another secret, not very wise...

In my opinion, this book was better than the first one. Not only the story is well written but also the twists and the ending are better. Evie's story is really interesting once you get to know it and her relationship with her now-in-coma sister, Vivian is touchy. the only thing that I didn't like to much is that in this book Evie is also very selfish... but that doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed this book a lot more. And yes, I totally and completely love the cover, is gorgeous!!!
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LibraryThing member skaohee
Book 2 is always hard to write. It's in between that first book, where the characters are all shiny and new and pretty, and book 3, where everything is settled. I think Kiersten White did a pretty good job in creating a second book for this series. It's fun and light-hearted - something that Ms.
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White is known for! (especially on Twitter!)

Evie is still the same ole Evie, with her love for "obnoxious pink" and all. However, I will say that she DID annoy me when she was lying to Lend. That is just not cool, Evie! I did like how she finally realized that high school/normal life isn't as great as she thought it would be. I guess she is the perfect embodiment of a teenager after all :)

I would definitely recommend re-reading Paranormalcy before reading Supernaturally if it's been a while since you've read it because I found myself trying to recall what all happened in the first book!

What are you waiting for? Go buy this bleeping book! :)
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LibraryThing member lifeafterjane
You would think that after single-handedly saving the paranormal world from destruction everything else would pretty much be cake. For Evie, life hasn't exactly been normal. Nowhere near normal- not even in the same dimension as normal (the world of the fae can really suck you in). So when she left
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her job at the International Paranormal Containment Agency to try her hand at "normal" life, high school sounded like a welcome retreat. Who knows, it might have been if it wasn't for the fae suspiciously lurking about and a freaky human boy with the ability to create faery pathways randomly popping up in the girls locker room. The IPCA desperately needs Evie's help and with the increase in local paranormal activity she couldn't help but agree. Now she's juggling fighting evil, her after school waitress job, her full time relationship with Lend oh and constantly trying to suppress the urge to suck out the occasional paranormal soul, and it's still impossible to weasel out of gym class?? Bleep.

First, how awesome is Evie? I mean seriously? How many times have you thrown up your hands and begged the YA gods to give you a strong, competent, kick-ass, "Homey don't play that", can-and-will-take-on-the-whole-bleeping-world, lead female character? So many appear that way at first but then you get to a point in the book or the series where for some stupid reason the author decides that her character needs to be "saved". Not our Evie. She gets helped along the way, sure, but you never once forget just who is in charge. She can kick anything's ass and is still smart enough to know that even she is no match for the power of shoes. That's my girl.

As a sequel, Supernaturally is a very good extension of the story. I liked that she didn't leave the first book behind, and there were no drastic changes in storyline or in Evie's world. It was a nice continuation of the original story, and you weren't beat down with recaps meant to bring you up to speed if you hadn't read or have forgotten what happened in the last book (I hate when sequels do that).

Evie goes back to work for Raquel at the IPCA, thank goodness. I don't know if I would have liked it as much if the story was just about a paranormal girl trying to make it in a normal world (boring). Evie's "bag and tag" assignments with the IPCA are what's fun and what I wanted more of in the sequel. Thankfully, White delivered. It's really interesting how her relationship with Lend is playing out. He's such a nice guy and you know as well as I do that there aren't that many of those, especially in YA.

A large chunk of Evie's time is spent either in the faery realms or in the passages between them. Jack is a human boy, who having been raised by faeries, has learned the secret of opening their doorways. Raquel has sent Jack to drive Evie around so to speak, making it quicker for her to get to her assignments. He also makes it quicker for her to get into trouble- a whole other world of it. You'll like Jack- even when you don't like him.

We get a lot of questions answered in this book, but only enough that I'm already itching for the third book. Exactly who and what is Evie, and what, if any, are the extents of her powers?

Oh....and.....maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just sick and twisted. Maybe I just have a thing for bad boys. But I'll say this and you can grab your pitchforks and come after me if you must: Team Reth.

" After a frustrating half hour, I finally caught sight of the glamoured corpse head in the middle of a crowd waiting for the Ferris wheel. He had his arm around a pretty young thing in an incredibly weather-inappropriate outfit that showed off her very slender, very blood-filled neck. She stared at him in that vapid, intoxicated way employed only by women under a vamp's control. Or the way I sometimes got when faced with cupcakes.
Mmm. Cupcakes."
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LibraryThing member nocturnewytche
A good sequel to the original! The plot is well written and leaves you aching for more story. Read this one in day (a habit of mine) and I can't wait for the next one. Paranormalcy has the feel of a great TV series with great visuals and well written emotions that leave you feeling right there with
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the characters.
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LibraryThing member Kr15tina
What I Liked
The previous conflicts still continue to unfold and evolve becoming more disastrous than originally thought. These conflicts makes for great entertainment throughout the entire book.
This book takes on a completely different mood than book 1. Evie is now in the human world
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and trying to assimilate into high school and the whole normal retinue. Without much surprise she is failing and not enjoying it as much as she thought she would. The mood and tone of Evie is depressed conflicted lost, she fits in with neither the paranormal nor the human world and I don't think she even knows where she wants to be. She wants both, but doesn't know how to balance anything. Evie starts to loose herself, but in the process she gains knowledge and understanding.
New Character
Jack: He is very entertaining and very mysterious. A completely unknown factor. I really never made up my mind about him in the book, until the end, but I can't tell now because it will spoil things.
Oh my goodness I almost cried at the end of the book, they were both sad and depressed and complete relieve and happiness almost tears. I was actually surprised that I almost cried, I wasn't expecting myself to start tearing up.

What I Didn't Like
I now have to wait a whole year for the 3rd and final book to be published. I have to wait to find out what the fairies still want with Evie grrr...

A must read for all YA paranormal lovers. You should just get a copy to buy, not borrow from the library.
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LibraryThing member millett23
Once again this is a great series. I love Evie and all the characters in the book. Can't wait for the next book.
LibraryThing member Nightowl2010
Just as good as the first!
LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
WOOHOO! Another book I decided to get off my tbr pile and to finally catch up on the series. I simple adored Evie in the first book and could not wait for her next adventure with the IPCA!

The plot line of this book was a little slower than the first book. Of course, a lot of things have changed
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since then. I really loved that in this book, the reader gets some answers as to what Evie really is. I liked that the plot line gradually built up to change that was completely unexpected.

The characters of the book grow and change. I loved that each of the characters got the answers they were searching for. I really loved how one character in particular really switch gears on me and I totally did not know it. It was a complete surprise when the whole scene went down.

Supernaturally is an rousing moving story that keeps the reader hooked from the first line. Beneath the witty jokes, Supernaturally is filled with a love that makes me smile. A brilliant and passionate story, Supernaturally is bleeping great!
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I have been looking forward to this book for a long time. I love Evie, she is funny and she acts like a teenage girl, which is awesome. I know that may sound strange, but I have read some books, where the character is supposed to be a teenager, but they act like anything but and that can get on my
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nerves. Not Evie, she is great, but I still don’t think we have figured out everything about her yet. In the beginning I thought I had her personality deciphered, but I was wrong. I think this book is just starting to explore who she is and what she is capably of and I liked that.

I did see the potential love triangle in the beginning, but as the story progressed I felt as if that faded. Maybe I just don’t like one of the characters, I don’t know. I will leave it up to you to decide how you feel about each of the guys because I do not want to sway your decision one way or the other. For me though, the one guy clearly fell to into the background and the main love interest came to the forefront and I was completely okay with that.

One thing I do not always get a chance to say about books in a series is how much I loved the ending. Why? Well, in Paranormalcy you were not left with some huge cliffhanger. Oh, there are definitely things that are left unanswered, but you are not left feeling like you were cheated out of an ending. I know that happens to me sometimes, I get to the end of a book and I am so bummed because I didn’t get any answers. Not with this book, I still want to read the next book, I can’t wait, but I am happy with the way things ended in Paranormalcy.

As for the narrator, I think she captured Evie’s voice perfectly. I enjoyed listening to this story and appreciated the voice of the narrator matching the voice I had for Evie in my head. Many times narrators can ruin a book, but that was not the case with Paranolmacy. Evie is very sarcastic and has almost a valley girl type quality to her voice. Normally, that would bug me, but Kiersten manages to pull off a very lovable character with Evie and the narrator, Emily, echoed that with her narration.

Overall this book was fun, mysterious and left me wanting more. I am so happy I got a chance to read it and if you have not then you should go out and get a copy too! It is a great young adult paranormal book that is a refreshing break from the heavy books that can sometimes litter the shelves. It is a fun, light, fast paced read.
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LibraryThing member bkwormblogger
A very interesting read though not quite as good as Paranormalcy...but I'll explain after this...Synopsis:Evie finally has the normal life she’s always longed for. But she’s shocked to discover that being ordinary can be . . . kind of boring. Just when Evie starts to long for her days at the
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International Paranormal Containment Agency, she’s given a chance to work for them again. Desperate for a break from all the normalcy, she agrees.But as one disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural world into chaos. The prize in question? Evie herself.So much for normal. Review:The story is quite annoying in the beginning as it centres around Evie at High School doing high school things and everything that we read about in most other YA american based books. So, tedious, yes. We don't want to read about Evie at school, we want to hear about her high adventures!Thankfully, we're saved early on as Evie finds her Normal life incredible dull and boring. So, yes, she joins IPCA again on a part time basis and this is where the fun starts.Lend is back, albeit in small doses and he really grows as a character in this book. Gone are the early nerves of teen dating. Now Evie and Lend are in lurve! Big time. When Jack enters the scene I shrank at the love triangle occuring. It's an overused tome and really uncreative in a story such as this. But Jack does make for an interesting character who fools around and laughs his way through the story. He reminded me of Puck from the Iron Fey series, so in the end I liked him, though I didn't love him as much as Lend.Evie is still brilliant in her wit, and determination. Although this time she does crank up a little on the annoyance scale when she starts doing dumb things like lie to her boyfriend (and everyone else who have supported her since leaving IPCA), and randomly going off with Jack when she knows full well that he can't be trusted.On the whole I enjoyed the story, I'm still rating it as a 4 for pure genius on White's part for crating such a readable, unique storyline. But I did feel that the story punch line was more of a 'tell' thanks to Jack in his final moments, and then a quick 'rectify-the-situation-quickly' on Evie's part. So, to summarize, lots of story and filler to get the end which wasn't as terrifying and world-ending as the first book.Still a great read though!
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LibraryThing member amusingmother
Let's back up. This is book #2. I loved book #1. If you skip #1, I think you'll be able to catch up but you'll miss a lot of fun. In summary, Evie works for IPCA which is an agency that keeps track of paranormals which roam around us but in disguise called "glamour." Evie seems to be the only
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paranormal who can see through the glamour and know what the creatures really are. She can rebuff the silky sound of a vampire trying to talk her into not tagging him. She can see that he is not a handsome Italian but a withered old guy with age spots hungering for blood.

Bottom line is IPCA captures an intruder who Evie can see and she discovers that IPCA is not so very altruistic after all. For instance, since werewolves are so difficult to control, they just neuter 'em. She falls in love with the new creature named Lend, has fairy trouble, hates the fairy paths they travel (which are quick but scary), runs away with Lend and starts a new life as a regular high school student with her very. Own. Locker. *SQUEE!*

New book finds Evie on her back looking at the sky and no breath in her lungs. That's right, phys. ed. She's livin' the dream. She's working at Lend's dad's diner with other paranormals seeking a peaceful existence, attending high school, making out with Lend when Raquel from IPCA shows up. She needs help. Weird stuff is happening. Evie agrees to help if she doesn't have to work with fairies because they are seriously creepy folks. And she doesn't want anybody from her new life to know she is covertly working for IPCA.

Enter Jack. Jack is a lunatic. He's also human and knows how to navigate the fairy paths without the help of fairies. He was stolen as a child by the fairies so he knows a thing or two. But he's still a lunatic. He takes Evie on different missions that seem to end up much more exciting (read: dangerous) than she had imagined.

I like the story because it's a near-parody on paranormal literature. I love the protagonist because she says what she's thinking and forgets to do the stupid teenager sulking stuff. I love the dialog because it's just plain hilarious.

From ARC (which may differ from final book):
I stood and tucked it (the iron necklace) into my sock drawer, fingering the heart one last time before turning back to Jack.
"Any other iron on you?" he asked impatiently.
"Just my tongue stud."
His look was a mixture of curiosity and horror.
"I'm kidding, you idiot. Let's go."

Clean read. No swearing besides "Oh, Bleep!" Some violence because, c'mon, they're paranormals.

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LibraryThing member BookSpot
Supernaturally, the follow-up to Kiersten White's Paranormalcy is another don't-stop-until-you're-done glimpse into Evie's world.

Only this time around, Evie's biggest worry should be avoiding getting killed by the overly enthusiastic soccer players in gym class. That's right, Evie's finally gotten
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her wish and has a normal life, locker and all.

Away from IPCA, Evie is attending high school and trying her hand at being ordinary.

Except, being ordinary gets kind of ..... ordinary.

So, when a chance to to work for IPCA again presents itself, Evie agrees.

But as one job leads to another to another, all more dangerous than she expected, Evie wonders if she made the right decision.

Then you throw in Reth, revelations about her past, and trouble with the faerie courts (again) that could mean trouble for everything . . . all that affect Evie.

Looks like both worlds were too good to be true for Evie ... will she ever find a place she fits?

Everything that you loved in Paranormalcy is back in Supernaturally. Thers's the humor, the wit, the characters (well, most of the them), and some paranormal containment, too. Just without Evie living in the Center.

There's also the relationships - actually, more so. Evie and Raquel's relationship is still a part of Supernaturally but it's not the main Evie-and-another relationship that is focused on in this novel. Her relationship with Lend is really developed, as is her relationship with Arianna, her relationship with friends she's trying to make at school, but most of all, her relationship with Evie.

Sounds cheesy put that way, but Evie's really trying to figure out how she works in this normal life, then in a normal life with a bit of IPCA business thrown in the mix.

Kiersten White's talent really comes through with Evie. Love her or hate her Evie is Evie and can never be mistaken for any other character in fiction (or nonfiction or real life, I would imagine). Readers connect with Evie because she is so herself. Evie is a character unlike any other, something that comes through in the writing and really makes this story.

Can't forget, of course, the new character in this book, Jack. I want to know how Ms White had enough imagination space left to come up with him. (Loved him, too.) There is no shortage of imagination or creativity in this book or this series.

The Paranormalcy series is one that should really become a television series. Really.

Rating: 10/10

(and I'm already trying to figure out something constructive to do to bide my time until the next book comes out)

HUGE thank you to HarperTeen for my advance copy of this book!

Naturally ~ Selena Gomez
God Don't Make Lonely Girls ~ Wallflowers
Wait It Out ~ Imogen Heap

ALSO? Make sure you read the acknowledgments!!!!
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LibraryThing member emmyson
I'm pretty sure that words can't begin to describe how much I love this series. From the second I picked up Paranormalcy, I was hooked. It's only been some serious budget issues that have prevented me from running downtown and buying my own copies. (which, rest assured, I WILL do as soon as the
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afore mentioned budget issues are resolved-I simply MUST own these books.)
I suppose there's always the worry that the second book in a series will be the Empire Strikes Back of the bunch. No worries here. Supernaturally delivers another slam dunk for Kiersten White. (Also, I love Empire Strikes Back. Don't get me wrong there.) It's seriously awesome.

Let's talk characters:

Evie: still supercool, still a girly tomboy (which my pal Yume said, so she gets credit for that), still carries Tasey around (though not as frequently as she did while working for IPCA), and she's still madly in love with Lend, who totally remains hot. Evie is the kind of girl that I'd hang out with in real life.

She finally gets some answers in this book, and while she may not like what she hears, at least she knows, right? The cool thing is what she does with those answers. Because really, it's not what I expected.

Lend: a little more absent in this one, as he's off studying at Georgetown. Still extremely hot, even in his real form, still the ideal boyfriend (where can I get me one of those?), and still totally charming. Even when he's upset, he's charming. I still love him. A lot.

Jack: new character introduced. For him, **&^&%^%$#@@#%$@!#$%^^&&**()(*&^%$@!!@#$%^&*())(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&&^%$##$. Take that, Jack. Didn't like him. Not ever. (not the way he was written, just HIM. If he was a real guy, I'd totally hate on him. He was brilliantly written.)

White is still rocking the plotlines, still poking fun of the paranormal formula (In Which Evie Gets A Locker!!!), and doing it brilliantly. Also, I think I've said brilliantly quite a lot. It's just the best word I can think of right now for this book.

I love Kiersten White's writing style. Her wit literally leaps off the page at you. There were moments when I laughed out loud. I love that she substitutes 'bleep' for swear words. I love that she writes like normal people talk. Really, these are some of the best books I've ever read.
Plus: COVER LOVE. A lot of it. Seriously a lot of it.

All of that combines to make me completely Incoherent!
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Original publication date



0061985864 / 9780061985867

Local notes

Evie’s not-so-normal past keeps creeping up on her...and things get pretty complicated when you factor in a centuries-old, seriously decaying vampire stalker; a crazy faerie ex-boyfriend who is the perpetual bearer of really bad news; and a major battle brewing between the faerie courts where the prize in question happens to be...Evie herself.

A very 'bleeping' juvenile sequel, with the heroine suffering majorly from TSTL syndrome (must keep secrets as plot device). No more in this series for me.
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