Not a Drop to Drink

by Mindy McGinnis

Hardcover, 2013



Call number



Katherine Tegen Books (2013), Edition: 1st, 320 pages


Sixteen-year-old Lynn will do anything to protect her valuable water source, but the arrival of new neighbors forces her to reconsider her attitudes.

User reviews

LibraryThing member agarcia85257
Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis is one of those novels that you wished had gone through one more review by the author to clean up the writing a little more but you are really happy it didn't because this story is too well told to have to wait anymore for it. Story dammit. Story! If you have a
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good story then much else is forgiven and Not a Drop to Drink is one of the better apocalyptic, dystopian tales to come along in some time.

Lynn and her mother lie upon the roof of their rural Ohio home, rifles at the ready, protecting with deadly force against anything that threaten them or their pond. Water. Fresh drinking water. Lynn was willing and had killed for it.

"..All over the globe, he said, people was running out of water and the news, they was putting a different spin on it, so we wouldn't know what was going on. All the violence in third-world countries was over water, he said, but they kept telling us stories about tribal wars and religion to keep us distracted, and them poor countries didn't have a way of telling people any different.
Pretty soon, he claimed, the east would be going down. There was too many people over there and not enough water. Then we'd be next. He said the whole environmental movement had shit-all to do with caring about the planet and everything to do with people giving their money to green programs so that desalinization plants could be built for the rich people to survive the coming shortage. It got so bad with him talking about the freshwater shortage that people started avoiding him out of just plain annoyance along with fear. Nobody took his serious until the Aswan Dam was blown up..."

A tragic accident takes her mother's life and Lynn is left alone to defend herself and her pond. She befriends her neighbor Stebbs and a small runaway family in the forest and together they make it through the next winter. But they know that soon danger will come. The great cities are gone and water, any water, even as small as Lynn's pond will being people to them. There is smoke on the horizon and Lynn knows that its from men who don't ask to drink or share, these men take and it won't just be her water they will want.

Not a Drop to Drink starts off powerfully and you know from the first line that goes:

"...Lynn was nine the first time she killed to defend the pond, the sweet smell of water luring the man to be picked off like the barn swallows that dared to swoop in for a drink..."

It sets the tone for a bleak and despairing novel to come. Its about survival. About loss and the absence of hope. In this world Lynn shines. She knows little about the world that was. She was raised after the water ran out and what she knows of the disease that ravaged the land comes from books. Those and her mother are the only links she has to the world beyond her forest. When her mother dies, Lynn is left to learn to trust others and understand the world beyond her forest. The world that is daring to come into hers and take what it wants. What she learns of the people and the cities they left behind gives her a lasting and dark impression of the world of mankind and her own past.

McGinnis is not a great writer, not yet and I haven't read the sequel yet so maybe the writing gets better. But she can tell a story and this is one hell of a story. One part western frontier survival and one part end of the world and forget zombies because people themselves are the worst thing s to fear. McGinnis brings this all to light and shines it heavily on the best and worst parts of mankind.

Not a Drop to Drink does not flinch. It is stark and unnerving and above all else, a damn good story.
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LibraryThing member mcelhra
I thought this book was a great offering in the wide, wide world of YA dystopian fiction. One thing that made it unique in terms of the dystopian YA books that I’ve read is that I could easily imagine a water shortage like this happening at some point in the future. Maybe even in the
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not-so-distant future.

I would have liked to see more world building in this book. It’s never really explained what caused the water shortage. Also, there is some talk of a city – I would have liked the author to have delved more into what the city was like and more of its rules for the people who lived there. What would be fantastic is if Ms. McGinnis wrote a prequel about the lives of some people from the city that Lynn encounters. (If you read the book, you’ll know which characters to which I’m referring.)

I liked how well developed the characters were – no one seemed like a stereotype. Lynn was the tough girl but she had depth as well. And I loved that she was stronger and more capable than some of the men in the story.

I’m looking forward to reading whatever Ms. McGinnis comes up with next.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: Beautiful, realistic, and heartbreaking story about love, friendship, and survival. With a wonderful cast of characters and a very unique idea, Not a Drop to Drink is an unforgettable story that all fans of dystopian/post-apocalyptic books should
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Opening Sentence: Lynn was nine the first time she killed to defend the pond, the sweet smell of water luring the man to be picked off like the barn swallows that dared to swoop in for a drink.

The Review:

The story is set in the future and most of the world’s water supply has run out. At first there was just a drought, then much of the water got contaminated and was no longer safe to drink. Now most of the population lives in a city with very strict reproduction laws, and very little room to live. But if you were lucky and had a water supply, you could live outside the city. It’s not an easy life because there are others who will try to take what little you have, but you are free and safe from the abuse and disease that runs wild in the cities.

Lynn is 16 years old and lives with her mother outside the city. They have a small pond on their property that they have spent most of their lives protecting. They live in the basement of her mother’s childhood home where it is easy to defend from intruders. Lynn’s mother has taught her how to survive and when it comes to any strangers, it’s shoot first and ask questions later. Then one fateful day there is a terrible accident and Lynn’s mother is killed. Now Lynn is all alone and she was never prepared to live by herself, she didn’t realize it would be so lonely. She was taught to be ruthless and to trust no one, but she soon realizes that not everything her mother taught her was always right. Some people have bad intentions but there are also good people in the world as well. Soon she meets some unexpected people and she decides to open her home to them and eventually her heart.

I loved Lynn, she is an amazing character with so many wonderful qualities. She has a very strong presence, and while she is rough around the edges, she is actually very likeable. For most of her life she never was allowed to show compassion, but when her mother passes she is forced to venture out of her comfort zone. It is a struggle for her to open up and trust others, but as she does you get to see the real Lynn. Yes, she has a very tough side and she’s not afraid to fight for what is hers, but she also has a very gentle sweet side as well. You get to experience so many firsts with Lynn which made your connection with her even stronger. She is a character that has a lot of depth and I couldn’t help but love her.

This was an amazingly realistic story of survival. The idea was so unique and it was written beautifully. It was full of hope, love, friendship, and heartbreak. There were moments the made me laugh, moments that made my heart melt, and moments where I cried. It pulled out so many emotions that made me deeply connect with the story. The book flowed perfectly and the plot had some pretty surprising twists. There were parts of the story that I didn’t love, but I felt that if it had turned out differently it wouldn’t have felt as authentic and real. So while I wish some things would have been different, I think that the ending fit the story perfectly. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to anyone that’s a fan of dystopian or post-apocalyptic books.

Notable Scene:

“Shush,” Mother said. “Listen.”

The lights didn’t move, and the utter silence of the night overwhelmed

Lynn. Even though it was cool, she swiped a bead of sweat that rolled down her nose. A stunned cricket tentatively renewed its song, to be answered by another a second later. Soon a chorus had begun. The lights still didn’t move.

“Think they gave up?”

“No,” Mother said tightly. “Be quiet.”

The lights remained still, but the crickets stopped.

“Here they come,” Mother said confidently, cocking her weapon. “Aim at what you hear. They dropped their lights.”

The rustling sounds of field grass followed moments later, and Lynn fired toward it. The scuffling stopped, but another sound followed, a low moan that could only mean she’d hit her target. More silence ensued. A male voice cut through the night, a sound so alien to Lynn that she cringed.

“Come on down now, girlies. We know you’re up there,” he shouted, his voice much nearer than expected.

“And now I know where you are, you stupid son of a—” Mother used a word that Lynn had never heard before, and fired her weapon once. The sound of a body slumping to the ground followed. Minutes passed with nothing but the continuous low groan of the man Lynn had wounded.

“What’s that word you said?” Lynn asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

“Never mind that now.”

A cricket chirped and the wounded man cried out again, silencing it.

Lynn thought she heard movement farther out from the house, and Mother’s taut body reflected that she heard it too. It faded, and they sat tensely together for nearly an hour, hearing nothing but the occasional complaint from the wounded man.

“I think they’re gone,” Lynn said.

“Yeah,” Mother agreed, her eyes still scanning the darkness futilely.

“We’ll stay up on the roof, go down in the morning, get those flashlights.

They’ll come in handy.”

Another low moan rose from the grass. “That was a good shot,” Mother said, nodding toward it.

“Not good enough.”

Mother shrugged. “It was dark.” She rose and stretched out her stiff body, a sign that she truly felt safe. “You’ll get better.”

Another cry. Mother licked her finger, tested the wind, and fired once into the night.

Silence fell.

FTC Advisory: Katherine Tegen Books/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Not a Drop to Drink. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member justablondemoment
So far this reading year this is by far my favorite book. It just gripped me in a way that a book hasn't done in a long time. These types of books can sometimes get pretty complex what with all the world building and stuff. this book was just pretty straight forward with out the fluff sometimes
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used. i LOVED it. Can't wait for the next one
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
I was a little skeptical in picking this book up being that I’m a burnt out on dystopian novels. I practically read every scenario there can be, so I had high expectations that this books will capture me. It did.

Plot: This is what really got me. I love the plot. You have this girl, raised hard
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(emotional & physically) during a time where water is gone. She lives out alone with her mother and they do everything for themselves. These girls are just WOW. Imagine being raised to kill in order to survive. It really is just mind blowing. Every time I turn the page, I got more into the world the Ms. MsGinnis created and could not get out of it.

Love: Despite being out in the middle of nowhere, there are time to time people who cross by. I won’t give much but a group comes and the next thing you know it, they become close. I really love this aspect of the story being that Lynn never knew love. Remember, she was raised to either kill or be killed. She has no idea of the emotions swirling in her heart are. She didn’t realize that her heart could feel this way. I loved watching her fall in love for the first time. It is EPIC.

Ending: Damn, girl! You know, when I reached about 75% into the story, I felt pretty comfortable with the world and with Lynn. Her heart had soften up due to learning new things (like falling in love). When she went to fight, HOT DAMN! This chick went from nice girl to “I’m gonna kill anyone who stands in my way” in seconds. When she pulled the trigger…I gasp and then laughed. Cause man, she really blew me away.

Take it from me, that this dystopian novel will rile you up. Dark and riveting, Not A Drop To Drink packs a punch. A courageous girl, fighting to live, is worthy of reading. A ripping tale that is raw and genuine, Not A Drop To Drink is an superb debut.
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LibraryThing member ReginaR
The world of dystopia young adult fiction is pretty crowded right now. It is the what is the what in genre fiction. Given that, it is hard to find a book that is fresh and provides a perspective not yet covered by all of the post-apocalypse/dystopia books out there – it is pretty exciting to find
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one that is new. Not a Drop to Drink is that fresh perspective.
The book starts from the improbable premise of a young girl who is around the age of 16 and only knows one person in the world – her mother. She knows of a man who lives nearby, but doesn’t truly know him. And she knows nothing about the world but survival by offense. She spends her days either preparing for winter or protecting her water source with deadly force.
Not a Drop to Drink takes place in a world where there was first an oil shortage and then a severe water shortage. The countryside has been abandoned by the government in the US and the cities are tightly controlled. The story takes place in rural Ohio, there is no government and daily life is more brutal than any imagined wild west or Little House on the Prairie.
There are a lot of details about daily survival, food preparation, water purification, house building and that is what made this book interesting – and this is the part I really loved. The author realizes what it would actually take to live outside of society and the infrastructure we rely on so much. She uses those daily survival details to provide the framework of the world she builds. If readers enjoy reading about the daily details of survival then they would like this; these details are where I think the true beauty of Not a Drop to Drink is. There is great character development and a good amount of action, but what a Not a Drop to Drink demonstrates is the day to day living would be like in a post apocalyptic world. This is the Little House on the Prairie for the end of the world readers. And it is not romanticized, it is not idealistic.
Is there romance? So what would a modern post-apoc/dystopica young adult novel be without romance – so yes, there is romance. But, romance is not the driving factor of the story and the book is not working toward a predictable happily ever after.
In short, I loved this book. I could not put it down. It is not without flaws, but it was enjoyable and adds something new to this perhaps too full genre.
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LibraryThing member jeneaw
Not a Drop to Drink has a title and a blurb that just draws you in, makes you wonder what has happened to the water source, who are the stranger that are after her water. It is not like most dystopians that I read with the end of the world crisis, Lynn was born into this world and it her journey
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and struggle that the story follows, and it was surprisingly amazing. And it’s a stand alone too. So, I will do my best not give too much away.

This is a world that I hope that we never have to live in, and it is so vividly described that you can picture the isolation that Lynn and her mother live in outside of the city. The city is controlled, you have pay for highly for water and shelter, and many other things are controlled too, like when you marry, and having to have permission to have children. Breaking these rules came with some serious consequences. There is a constant fear of running out of water, food and just surviving in general. Lynn and her mother have the constant fear of not having enough food, or water and that maybe a animal would attack them or strangers would come after their water source.

Lynn has always known the struggle of having little water and the survival that goes along with it. She is a tough young girl that has only had her mother to guide her and no one else. Yes, she can shoot and probably take care of herself more than most adult can, but she is sheltered when it comes to being around other people. I adored her character, for the strength she has and the determination to take care of herself. There are a few secondary characters that were such a big part of the story, like Stebbs, who was a man that lived that not far away, and someone that her mother seem to trust. He had a mysteriousness about him that just made me want to know more about him.

There are some events that happen at the beginning of the book that Lynn is dealing with while trying to survive on her own. So, Lynn’s story is told with details given a little at a time. This isn’t fast paced, but it doesn’t have to be this constant fighting others, sometimes it is the raw desperation of the characters that pull you in, and this is exactly what this book does. Lynn’s Mother has taught very weel how to survive, cleaning the water and hunting for food and even how to store it for later use. But she didn’t prepare her to have to deal with other people. There was some twists that I didn’t see coming, especially about her father. Jeez, it was Great! Yes, there is a fairly explosive fight for survival toward the end, and the ending was completely heart breaking. This is not the happily ever after ending, but has an ending that is a satisfying one for this with a resolution for Lynn and those involved.

Not a Drop to Drink is a powerful story of survival. It’s both bittersweet and brutally realistic, and sucks you in. It is so worth picking up.
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LibraryThing member mountie9
The Good Stuff

Fast paced, non-stop action. Perfect for the reluctant reader
Fabulous character development in terms of Lynn, as I really, really didn't like her at first and she slowly grows into someone more human. Brilliantly done
Man Lynn's mom is one tough bitch - not sure I would want her as
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my mom, but damn that women would keep me alive
Loved the relationship and especially the dialogue between Lynn and Stebb
A book that both male and female readers will enjoy
Strong women
Realistic dystopian setting - totally believable
Wonderful world building and author does a fabulous job at setting the mood and landscape - it felt oh so real
Fans of Blood Red Road will enjoy
Even though the world is bleak the story still leaves you with an essence of hope
Loved Stebb's - he gives the story the lighter and softer moments it needs

The Not So Good Stuff

Lynn and her mom come across as very hard at first and may turn off some readers
Wanted more about how the world came to be this way

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"The countryside was resplendent with colour, the sky a bright blue. The breeze shifted the grass around her, wafting the faintly spicy scent of green leaves turning brown into her face. But Lynn's eyes saw only usefulness in these small miracles. The fading greens and yellows allowed her brown coveralls to blend nicely with the surroundings; the unclouded sky gave a little more warmth to the earth."

"Your mom taught you a lot, but she couldn't've taught you what she didn't know, like how to take a joke."

"There's different ways of doing things wrong, Lynn, and not all of it is choosing to hurt others. Sometimes it's the things you don't do that make you feel the worst."

4 Dewey's

I received this at the HarperCollins Indigo Insiders Event and wasn't required to write a review, but you know, I just cannot help myself I have to tell you what I think
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LibraryThing member xtastethesky
My third book from the Dark Days selection was Not a Drop to Drink. I always love a good dystopian… and this one did not disappoint, as it’s probably the most realistic one I’ve ever read.

The Story

We follow Lynn in a future (something like 30-40 years from now) in an almost waterless world
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(drinking water, that is). She lives with her mother in the country, and from a very young age she’s learned that water is life, and she must defend their pond–people will want their water, and they can’t let them have it.

The thing about this story is the fact that it was inspired by a documentary that Mindy McGinnis saw, and so this could be a very real future for us. That made this all the more scary (and fascinating) to read–I could potentially have been reading a version of our future in those pages.

The story itself is really great. It’s raw. The end of the novel had some twists I never anticipated. For a book to have twists I didn’t at least half expect? That’s awesome.

The Characters

Lynn was a great character. Her growth was a new kind of “coming of age” story. Where all her life she’s known violence and killing to survive. In this story you get to watch her become more “human,” in a sense. She learns to trust and help others. Your heart breaks for her, but at the same time you’re proud of how strong she is. By the end of the novel she’s almost a completely different person.

Lucy is just adorable. She’s the one that plays a role in really helping Lynn grow. She teaches her compassion patience, and trust, and ultimately just how to care for another human being. You end up loving this little girl–she does so much for Lynn on a personal level. Making her think, making her ask questions before shooting on sight. I just loved her.

Stebbs was probably my favorite character. I wanted to know so much more about him. You learn about his history as the story moves forward. He’s another character that plays a huge influence in Lynn’s life. He ends up half taking a paternal role in her life, also making her grow, helping her learn how to be compassionate.

Ultimately I loved all the characters in this novel. There was a lot of diversity when it came to personalities, giving the reader the opportunity to see the different ways people would change and react to a water shortage–to an apocalyptic-ish future.

In the end…

…this was an amazing story. The characters felt real, and their actions were believable. The story itself shows real growth in Lynn in a very unique “coming of age” story. The pacing of the novel was great, though at times it may feel a little slow or repetitive–it’s a lot of waking up and doing the chores, but I felt like that was necessary. It really set the tone for the novel, allowing the reader to feel like they were right there with the characters, living day-to-day. I’d hand this book to anyone looking for a great read. The writing is great, the characters are wonderful, and the story is completely engrossing. If you’re looking for a slightly different kind of dystopian novel, this one is definitely for you.
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LibraryThing member pnh002

When I first heard of this book, I was put off of by the title of it. An entire book about having no water? But then I realized what that would mean if it were to ever happen... Death to humans, plants, and animals alike, and this story became a lot more interesting and I needed to
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know what would happen.
Something I will say, McGinnis is not afraid to give her readers the FEELS. They were all over the place in this book. From heart stopping moments to awwww moments. It was full of them. I would love to explain, but I can't for fear of spoilers. Just be prepared if you're planning on reading this sometime soon.
One thing I did think it was lacking was adventure. I wanted the villain to appear a little more just to make them fight more. Had the events in the end of the novel been spread sporadically through out it, I would have rated this 5 stars. But for the most part I was a little bored. There were times when I was like O_O but then nothing like that what happen again for a bunch more pages.
As for the characters. I liked them and the writing because they fit together so well. I couldn't really connect with Lynn, but I felt that was because she had a hard exterior due to the situation she was in. And the writing flowed so nicely, ironic in a world where water doesn't anymore. I just wish I could have been given a clearer picture of the world surrounding them. I'm a huge fan of world building (which is why I'm not a huge fan of dystopians... I haven't found one I just LOVE yet.) and while McGinnis gives us a glimpse in the beginning and then again when winter starts, I was still left wanting more.
In short, this was a good dystopian to help me start expanding my horizon It had a solid romance and some thrills that I didn't see coming. This was a solid debut that gave me all the feels! I can't wait to see what else McGinnis has up her sleeve.
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LibraryThing member melissarochelle
Read on December 25, 2013

Water is a necessity and in this future it's a fight to keep it. (Except apparently sixteen years after the water has been turned off you can still get coffee and hot cocoa.)

It's a good book, I thought Lynn was a wonderfully developed character -- you get why she's tough
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and you see her grow as a character throughout the book. She makes her own logical family in her harsh reality and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect them. I think there could have been a little more explanation for this water problem -- I mean, I understand the water has been turned off except in the cities, but what about power? Why don't they have electricity?

It's a quick read, with a few flaws.
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LibraryThing member beverlyjean
Water is precious. Without water they say a person can live for only 3 to 10 days. Have you ever thought of what you would do if your supply of water suddenly was gone? No? Maybe you ought to, because it could happen.

NOT A DROP TO DRINK, the YA debut novel of Author Mindy McGinnis, deals with
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protecting the water supply of sixteen-year-old Lynn and her mother, as well as other troubles that confront them. When Lynn’s mother is killed, Lynn is left on her own to preserve the pond in their backyard from those who would take it for their own. From the time she was nine years old Lynn has known how to kill to protect not only their water but their home, as well. Survival depends on it. Can she do it alone?

The author has given each character in NOT A DROP TO DRINK a distinct personality that makes the reader care for them. Lynn has not grown up like a normal teenager. Her life has been one of survival. Death is always nearby, waiting for one mistake, for one unguarded moment. Who can Lynn trust, besides her mother? Stebbs, the old man that lives nearby, is one of my favorite characters. He does what he can for Lynn, who is fiercely independent. Then there’s little Lucy, five years old, whose story will touch your heart, and also sixteen-year-old Eli, who brings new thoughts and ideas to Lynn
NOT A DROP TO DRINK is a story of survival, family, friendship, and love. It’s also a story of hate, greed, murder, and men that strive to achieve their goals no matter the cost. Some scenes are graphic, but necessary. This is not a light read. Ms. McGinnis’ novel will haunt you as you consider the possibility that the events in her book could happen. A must read for not only YA readers, but also for adults. I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member Magatha
This is a hard-edged YA novel about a brutal post-apocalyptic world. It's set in a mostly depopulated rural area of Ohio, where Lynn and her mother spend their days working hard to subsist and survive.

Here's the thing about YA fiction: because it's about young adults, the story must involve the
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crucial transition from life within one's family of origin to a turning outward into the world. In normal times, this is a time fraught with weirdness, pain, excitement, and uncertainty. In a dystopian or post-apocalyptic tale, all of that is intensified and accompanied by mortal danger and an utter lack of plan-enabling precedent.

But these are still young adults, looking outward and seeking not only food, shelter, survival, but also connection to others. The drive toward intimacy is where YA post-apocalyptic fic often gets hung up. I get mightily tired of reading awkwardly insinuated episodes of flirtation, attraction, and fluttery romantic impulses alongside scenes of bleak or violent efforts to survive.

So when I read a book like Not A Drop To Drink, I'm impressed. McGinnis manages to convey this natural transition during an extreme time without resorting to a kind of anachronistic romantic fluffiness. She recognizes, too, that it's not just about intimacy, but also community. The world may go to hell, but if you don't get killed, you grow up, and you grow up in a world where "happily ever after" has totally lost its former meaning. This is not an easy book. It's filled with violence and hard choices, but it's not without tenderness, hope, and ultimately humanity.
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LibraryThing member WiseYoungFools
Not a Drop to Drink is an excellent book that stands alone, though a sequel is in the works. The story takes place after most of the Earth's drinkable water has disappeared one way or another. The main character, Lynn, is a sheltered teenage girl who has only really spoken to her mother up until
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strangers start moving in on them from all directions.

The narrative of the book flows very well, and the narrative is compelling. The author, Mindy McGinnis, clearly did her research and the dangers presented in the book seem very real as they are encountered. This title reminds me of "Z for Zachariah," by Robert C. O'Brien, as the main threat that looms over the characters is that of simply surviving.
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LibraryThing member Ed321
I started reading this book and could not put it down read it in one sitting. I loved this book. Characters, PLOT MINDY MCGINNIS hit the ball out of the park. Can't wait for the next book. Highly recommend.
LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
Wow. I totally can't imagine living in a world like this and can't help but think that I would be one of the people who couldn't survive. So, when I meet a strong and capable main character like Lynn, I am always in awe.
Lynn grew up with her mom, and her mom taught her everything she knew. In
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this world, their pond is the most important thing, and they defend it with their lives, and for them that also means taking lives. Lynn knows how to shoot, purify water, cut down trees, skin and dress a deer basically everything that keeps them alive in a world without help, stores, electricity, or running water.
It is so hard to review without spoiling things, but basically Lynn grows through some of the people that unexpectedly comes into her life and makes her question some of the things she was taught about outsiders. There are also some that prove everything right. There is such character development and that is one of the things that I love.
Through a little girl Lucy, the most change, determination and strength came out in Lynn. She not only had a helper in Lucy, and someone else to teach how to survive, but she also had a lot to learn from the little girl. Seeing the bigger picture, survival, and not bothering the adults even with something that should have needed their attention, she was selfless and caring to others. The theme of family, togetherness, and friendship really shone through these two characters in particular.
The romance is sweet and subtle, a slow build, my favorite kind. Lynn knew nothing about men except they were evil from her mom, and she realizes that just like women, they can be good or bad, or some shade of gray in the middle. So it is really fun to watch her learn what flirting is.
The story would have been a five star if it weren't for the ending. I guess that for some it would be great, realistic, and fitting for the story, but for me, it did not work. I was so heartbroken and though the way it ended up was full of hope in promise in others, I still couldn't get over the shock and the loss.

Bottom Line: Loved the main character, and 3/4 of the story but the ending was NOT for me.
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LibraryThing member wifilibrarian
Water can no longer be taken for granted. Lynn, 16, lives with her Mother far away from the city. It's been years since the shortages drove them to hide away in a lonely farmhouse. She's trained Lynn to be completely ruthless killer, while quoting poetry and teaching her how to survive the unnamed
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They guard their small pond of water against wanderers, and their nearest neighbor, Stebbs, who lives across the field. Mother refers to him as asshole, but the closest she gets to him is through the scope of her rifle.

Lynn begins slowly to make friends with neighbours, who had escaped recently from the city. She finds she has a conscience after all

When Lynn quotes William Butler Yeats, and her love interest, Eli, recognizes it, my suspension of disbelief evaporated like the water in this story. It also turns out Lynn is gorgeous, but since she'd never met anyone before, she's so modest. She doesn't understand small talk or flirting. But Eli's there to teach her, and teach her that she's so good looking. Luckily he's good looking too.

The book has several moments of shocking violence, that don't fit the tone of rest of the book, but make it less run of the mill, and overall more bearable. Lynn is a cold stone killer, but I'm glad she does have moments of happiness, or else this book would have been too bleak.

I listened to the audiobook and it was well read by Cassandra Campbell, who voiced several distinctive characters and could believe they were different people.
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LibraryThing member Mirandalg14
3.5 stars. It seemed that a lot of horrible things happened without a lot of good to balance it, but it was decently written, and I'm hoping the other books tie it all together. Not the best post-apocalyptic book I've read, but I still mostly liked it.
LibraryThing member tjsjohanna
Watching Lynn gain some measure of trust in humanity, despite the hardships of her life, is a rewarding journey, though there are some heartbreaking moments.
LibraryThing member BookishThings
Not a Drop to Drink is a dystopian, but it’s not like others in it’s genre. Instead of trying to make the world different, it’s very much about survival.

Mindy McGinnis creates characters that make you want things to be better for them. They don’t know anything besides death and trying to
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protect what is theirs. Lynn doesn’t know anything different than making sure the water supply doesn’t dwindle. She doesn’t know how to react with anyone besides her Mom. Lynn’s mom is a very stark character. She tells it how it is, and doesn’t sugar coat anything at all. She wants her daughter to be strong and able to do things.

There aren’t very many places overloaded with action. That doesn’t hurt the story at all. You are focused on the things that the characters have to go through. The shortage of food and water is a possibility for them. Lynn and her mother face many obstacles. With many of these obstacles we meet new characters, but I’m going to leave it at that.

If you’re looking for a story that is heavy with romance, then this book isn’t for you. Make sure you have tissues ready for this book. Mindy McGinnis tore my heart out!
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LibraryThing member Emma_Manolis
The world featured in Not a Drop to Drink is a world that quite honestly terrifies me. Reading the description alone made me want to put the book down, back away slowly and find something more optimistic and cheerful to read. However, my curiosity overruled my fear and I found myself reading Not a
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Drop to Drink. It was every bit as terrifying as I had imagined but somehow even in a world where there would seem to be very little to hope for the author managed to provide hope and entertainment.

It took me some time to get into Not a Drop to Drink. Initially I thought that it would be a female, YA version of The Road by Cormac McCarthy since it seemed to focus on only two characters, a mother and her daughter. Luckily, the author had other things in store for us. I really loved that the characters found a way to foster friendships and care for more than just themselves despite the harsh living conditions. It gives me a teeny bit of hope should something like this happen in real life.

I would recommend Not a Drop to Drink to anyone who wanted to like The Road but just didn’t. I would also recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good dystopian novel, minus the ever-present love triangle. I’m actually really looking forward to reading the companion novel!
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LibraryThing member EdenSteffey
I really liked this book. I liked the changes the main girl goes through and how she grows as a character. Eli also learns to survive and Stebbs teaches Lynn as well. I liked the connection she makes with Lucy. Good book. I was a little sad at the end though.
LibraryThing member Jessika.C
In a futuristic world where water is scarce and tightly controlled, Lynn and her mother protect their pond with their life. The feel of a rifle in her arms is more of a comfort than her mother's arms wrapped around her ever were. With that rifle, Lynn can ensure her survival for another day. Her
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mother is the only person she's talked to in over a decade and the one who has taught her how to survive and she'll need those skills when strangers get closer to her pond and become more hostile and desperate to get a sip.

There's something about survival stories that makes me either hate them or really love them. This one falls into the latter category. In order to survive these kinds of situations you have to have a certain willingness to accept help and learn new skills whenever possible. Being naive and stubborn isn't going to save you when you don't have the experience needed to overcome an obstacle. Lynn is a smart girl but socially awkward because of her lack of contact with people. I'm kind of relieved that she doesn't fall into the same trap her mother fell into because that would have made for a boring novel, her shooting up any person that came within a five-mile radius.

Lynn could be cold but she wasn't closed off. Her mother taught her as much as she could but there were some things she was just going to have to find out on her own. It kept me engaged and I just wanted to follow along as she grew to be her own person without the influence of her mother. In case you couldn't tell, I really liked this book.
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LibraryThing member Jadedog13
Lynn was nine the first time she killed to protect the pond, the sweet smell of water luring the man to be picked off like the barn swallows that dared to swoop in for a drink.
- first sentence

I couldn't wait to see how this one would end. It is the story of a young girl raised in the wilderness by
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her mother. In this world, water is more than scarce. The only water Lynn and her mother have comes from their pond and they will do anything to defend it. Her mother taught her not to trust anyone and to be entirely self-reliant. But how long can they survive this way?

I enjoyed the wild west feel of this one. I loved Lynn and enjoyed watching her mature and adapt emotionally as the book progressed. Her life is full of struggles and the constant threat of death, but Lynn is strong and she doesn't give up. There was a devastating event towards the end that I totally didn't see coming - it was tough.
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LibraryThing member nbmars
If you ever lack subjects about which to worry, you can always google “world water crisis”. You will find out that diseases from unsafe water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. (Indeed, wars in the dryer regions of the world are often fought over access to
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rivers and dams.) You will learn here that more than 3.4 million people a year die of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. Nearly all deaths, 99 percent, occur in the developing world.

But in this story, the crisis has reached the United States, and because access to fresh, purified water means life or death, the world has turned into a dangerous, cut-throat game of survival fought not only among people, but among the animals who are also desperate for water. The population has been depleted because of diseases caused by dirty water, like cholera. Access to antibiotics has also been imperiled; demand has outstripped supply, and there are no longer enough people to develop and produce the drugs. The primary way to obtain them is to forage through abandoned houses and hope one finds bottles of expired prescriptions.

Lynn, 16 and her mother Lauren live in an isolated area by a pond, which they take turns guarding day and night. They purify the pond water by methods Lauren learned from an old National Geographic, relying on sunlight. They have had to kill a number of poachers who have threatened their hold on the pond. Lynn’s mother has taught her a hardened, cynical view of other people, and it is not until her mother is killed that she is forced to interact with some of these people herself, and learn how best to survive in a world in which trust may be the most scarce resource of all.

Evaluation: There have been a few post-apocalyptic books centered on the theme of water shortage, but not many of them have succeeded. [One of them that did work was Blood Red Road by Moira Young. That book, however, had extensive world-building, including a much more sophisticated portrayal of what a water-depleted environment would look like, and a saga-like plot that grabbed you from the very beginning.] This book is not bad, but is, in my opinion, a somewhat unexceptional addition to the vast storehouse of books in this genre.
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Sequoyah Book Award (Nominee — High School — 2016)
Buckeye Children's & Teen Book Award (Nominee — Teen — 2015)
Ohioana Book Award (Finalist — Juvenile Literature — 2014)
Black-Eyed Susan Book Award (Nominee — High School — 2015)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

320 p.; 5.5 inches


0062198505 / 9780062198501

Local notes

Lynn knows every threat to her pond: drought, a snowless winter, coyotes, and, most importantly, people looking for a drink. She makes sure anyone who comes near the pond leaves thirsty, or doesn't leave at all.

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