Masque of the Red Death

by Bethany Griffin

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Greenwillow Books (2012), Epub, 336 pages


In this twist on Edgar Allen Poe's gothic short story, a wealthy teenaged girl who can afford a special mask to protect her from the plague that decimated humanity in the mid-1800s, falls in love, becomes caught up in a conspiracy to overthrow an oppressive government, and faces the threat of a new plague.

User reviews

LibraryThing member dizzyweasel
The world in Masque of the Red Death is being destroyed by a plague called the Weeping Sickness. Because the air is foul and contaminated, everyone who can afford one wears a mask that covers half his/her face to keep out the sickness. Araby Worth lives in a pastiche of New Orleans and Paris in the
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fin de siecle. There are carriages and corsets, but this is no Gilded Age. The sickness killed the horses, so everyone relies on steam to power their carriages and machines (yes, this is a steampunk novel). In order to prove a person doesn't have the sickness, tattered clothing exposing as much skin as possible is worn. Inexplicably, dramatic glittery makeup and tattoos abound, despite the pseudo-historical premise. Young women of the upper classes go clubbing and inject drugs to pass the time and forget the horror and death all around them.

Araby, the daughter of the scientist who created the masks, goes where she wants whenever she wishes. She spends her evenings at the Debauchery Club with her friend April, niece of Prince Prospero (the villain in this tale). Though the people suffer, the Prince does nothing but send out his soldiers, killing any infected persons. Prospero feasts in his castle, safely behind his walls (this is where the Poe influence comes in). One night, the bouncer at the club finds Araby in a drugged stupor, and decides to help her. The two grow close over the story, as Araby finally finds something to goad her out of her sadness and self-hatred. Since Araby's brother died of the sickness, she has had nothing to live for, preferring to wander through existence in a drug-induced haze. The bouncer, Will, has two younger siblings for whom Araby begins to care, and she tries to help the family, who live in the lower city, the disease-ridden, dangerous part of the city.

But what Young Adult novel is complete without a love triangle? Will pursues Araby, but so does Eliott, the nephew of the Prince (April's brother). Eliott wants to use Araby to get to her father's inventions and medicines, as Eliott is planning a rebellion against the Prince. Araby is just bored and gullible enough to fall in with Eliott's plans. I should probably mention that Eliott is also Araby's drug dealer, so they have some prior acquaintance. Helping Eliott endangers Araby, who now becomes a target of the Prince and of the rival rebel faction gaining power in the city. And to make things worse, a new plague is hitting the city, the Red Death (more Poe!). Araby will have to decide whether to become a part of the world and accept her place in it, or die screaming.

There is some interesting world building in this novel: the city, the sickness, the steampunk elements. For some reason, turn-of-the-century girls have become bright-haired goths, and the young men are tattooed rakes. No one is chaperoned, and despite the terrible sickness killing people daily (publicly), parents don't seem to take much care of their children. Young people do what they please, where they please, mostly at clubs, and stagger home drunk at dawn. This doesn't seem like realistic behavior, but hey, it's alternate history. It takes time for the city to come alive for the reader - the author slowly builds atmosphere and effect throughout the 336 pages, finally creating a vivid world by the end of the first installment. The action sequences are entertaining, and the dystopia/Poe mashup is an intriguing concept.

The characterization, however, falls short of the novel's promise. Araby is a zombie for much of the novel, she's a drug addict, and she's very naive. Dangerously naive. She has to be rescued several times by other characters with more common sense. Araby allows herself to become a pawn in Eliott's rebellion, with little benefit. And for someone who spends her nights in Debauchery, she's remarkably bland. She is neither fun-loving nor exciting. She's more cautious than her friend April, but both do remarkably stupid things. While some of her motivation is provided (the dead brother), the rest of Araby is a void.

Will is equally vague. All we learn about him is that he loves his family, and he's caring enough not to leave Araby passed out at the club. We know little else about him. That said, he's far more pleasant than Eliott. Love interest #2 is rakish, manipulative, cold, and (as I've pointed out), a drug dealer. He fancies himself a rebel poet, and uses Araby to achieve his ends. Eliott is one of those alpha male aggressor heroes that populate romance novels and many young adult books. He's pushy sexually, and he alienates Araby from her family. He's not a very nice person, but he's so broody and handsome that we're not supposed to care. Eliott fully admits that while he is fond of Araby, he would not hesitate to sacrifice her for his cause. Somehow Araby finds all this compelling, so she goes along with it, and we're treated to another 200 pages of her conflicted feelings for the two men.

The novel would have been stronger with more supporting characters and fewer potential lovers. All young adult novels these days seem to require 3 books and 2 love interests, but the formula is getting really tired. Hopefully Araby will decide to become a real character in the next installment, rather than be pulled along by the fellas. By the end of the first volume there are several potential supporting characters introduced, and they may have bigger roles in subsequent volumes.
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LibraryThing member stefferoo
Never have I felt so broken up over writing a review for a book that ultimately ended up not being my cup of tea. It's tough, seeing as Masque of the Red Death is a young adult dystopian novel inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe short story of the same name, and so it is at once creative, original and
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highly ambitious -- which all happen to be qualities I admire in a book. It had some good ideas, and so I wanted to like this, tried hard to like it, but in the end there simply were too many issues that prevented me from getting on board.

The book is set in a gothic, post-apocalyptic rendition of the late 1800s, with a dash of steampunk mixed in for good measure. 17-year-old Araby Worth lives life amongst the elite thanks to her father's illustrious career as a scientist, while the poor are left to fend for themselves in a city ridden with plague and death. Those who have the means to afford them buy the elaborate porcelain masks which help prevent the contagion, but the dictator Prince Prospero has a iron hold over their production. Still grieving the death of her twin brother which she believes is her fault, Araby wants to help change the way things are by working towards making salvation from the disease available to all.

I'm torn over these details. On the one hand, I'm completely in love with the setting, and my one regret is wanting to know a lot more about the history and background than the book was able to give me. I also think the main character had a lot of potential, but for some reason Araby feels pretty much devoid of any personality. If I had to guess, I would say it's the writing style; told in first-person present tense, the narration could have been a lot more powerful, but instead it came across very clipped as I was bombarded with simple short sentences that often described everything Araby saw in front of her eyes but sadly not what was going on inside her head. As such, I couldn't get a sense of who she was at all.

Even now, there are so many blank spots in my mental picture of her as a character, since a lot of her motivations and behaviors just didn't match up. Her father, for example, whom she thinks is cold, aloof and uncaring, is actually in my opinion a sweet, kind and rather cool dad! I mean, here's a man who takes his morose teenage daughter for walks just to get her out of the house and on a whim would buy her nice things like books. Then there's Araby, one of those girls who contemplates betraying her parents for a boy she's only known for a grand total of like five minutes. I'm just shaking my head.

Which brings me to another thing that bothered me -- the dreaded love triangle. It would be nice if I had any interest at all in either romantic option, but behind door number one is Elliott, the prince's nephew who seeks to fuel a rebellion by convincing Araby to join him by his side. Meanwhile, behind door number two is William, the handsome porter with the awesome tattoos who works at the club Araby frequents and whom she is drawn to. One guy is arrogant, the other is dull, and both are patronizing to the extreme. It's really tough for me to get into a book when the romantic drama takes up such a huge part of the story, especially when I think the heroine is deserving of so much more than what she's offered.

I feel like I'm being too harsh in this review, but even after putting my YA-reading hat on and embracing the romance, I just couldn't get into this book. I think it had some great ideas, but I feel like we've only scratched the surface on a lot of them, much like how I think Araby's character could have been much better developed. While this book was a quick read, I can't help but think maybe a little more detail could have gone a long way into fleshing out the story and making it more satisfying.
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LibraryThing member AyleeArgh
In short: Though I really wanted to like Masque of the Red Death by Bethanny Griffin, I couldn't get past the seriously TSTL protagonist.

Though I have not read The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe - and so cannot speak to the specifics of how well this book was adapted - I think Bethany
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Griffin manages to replicate the dark and creepy atmosphere present in all of his stories quite well in her own adaptation. Death and horror are present in abundance in Masque of the Red Death, as is inevitable in a story where a horrific plague has decimated the population. There were also some elements of steampunk, which combined with the dystopian-horror genre, created these sort of strangely and darkly beautiful images of ladies in corsets and porcelain masques and steam carriages and hot air balloons.

Unfortunately, and though I really, really wanted to like Masque of the Red Death because it very much seemed like my kind of book, I found much more fault with it than I liked it. The plot was a bit too reminiscent of The Chemical Garden Trilogy (Wither, Fever) by Lauren DeStefano. A dystopian world with a population decimated by illness, a girl with a twin brother and a scientist parent trying to find a cure, ways of avoiding the reality of life for the rich and complete hopelessness for the poor, and an overall dark and dismal atmosphere. I read so many dystopians that admittedly, many of them start to blend together, but I was still looking for more originality in Masque of the Red Death to really make it a great read.

The worst offense of Masque of the Red Death though is protagonist, Araby, who is Too Stupid To Live in the biggest and baddest way. Some of her TSTL moments include - but are not limited to - blindly following and betraying her family for a guy she just met without questioning who he is or what his motivations are, accepting a drink from the seriously evil Prince Prospero without thought and ending up poisoned, and falling for a guy who in one moment is holding her suspended over croc-infested waters, threatening her life, and in the very next second is confessing his love for her. I wanted a heroine to root for, to take control of the situation and to independently think on her own, and though I got a few glimpses of that girl, she was sorely lacking throughout the majority of the novel.

I really dislike writing negative reviews for books where the popular opinion is overwhelmingly positive; it makes me feel like maybe I am missing something, maybe I got this wrong. Still, I stand strong in my dislike of Araby, who pretty much ruined the novel for me. If I had to recommend Masque of the Red Death to anyone, I would say it may be liked by fans of Lauren DeStefano's Chemical Garden Trilogy. And of course, I recommend reading other reviews because even though Masque of the Red Death wasn't the book for me, it clearly was for most reviewers.
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LibraryThing member BookSpot
A plague has taken out a huge percentage of the population and those that are left are living in fear. As the infrastructure falls to pieces around them, they hope they're not the next one sick. People spend most of their time indoors, the rich have masks, nontransferable things that filter the air
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and allow them to travel outside without the airborne toxin getting them sick, killing them. The poor, though, are largely without masks and leave their health to chance.

Araby Worth, the daughter of the city's most famous scientist spends her nights at the Debauchery Club with her friend April. The girls in their glittery make-up and cut-off skirts are looking for something. Something to live for, something to enjoy in this desolate world filled with despair and so, so much death.

At the Club she meets Will, the young owner of the club . . . and Elliot the young but dangerous aristocrat. Both of whom will lead Araby down very different path but who might also give her that something she was looking for - if not more.

Masque of the Red Death, a retelling of Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Masque of the Red Death" is Bethany Griffin's second novel after her December 2008 contemporary Handcuffs*. Masque was maybe supposed to be set in the same time period as Poe's tale but it was hard to tell - there was talk of the long dresses they wore before the plague, the horses they used to use and there was little to no technology. It could also have been set in a plague ravaged future that had sort of a reverse renaissance before the plague hit as well.

With the few bits of steampunk added in, however, it felt like an altered Victorian era setting

The premise of a story is fantastic. A city that's been ravaged by a plague. Where the air is too dangerous to breathe and everyone - or nearly everyone - is fearing death at every turn. Things are getting more and more dangerous by the day, with uprisings seemingly imminent. Class warfare still exists as the rich have the money to buy the masks that will filter the air and keep you alive . . . But I felt some kind of disconnect between the characters and the plot.

I liked the characters okay and I liked the plot but I wasn't ever that invested in what was happening to the characters or who was taking part in the plot (if that makes sense). There were times when I knew something might happen to one of the characters but it didn't react how I would have liked to (or enough at all).

When there was a lot of action going on plot-wise I felt the characters were weaker and when the we got to learn more about the characters, the plot was weaker - there wasn't great balance.

What (and who) I liked most was Will and those involved with him (won't say who for spoiler sake) towards the end. That might lead me to pick up the second book and see what happens.

Rating: 6/10

Thank you to the publisher for my advance copy of this book

*Masque appears to be on a lot of debut challenge lists, it's actually Griffin's sophomore YA novel, though
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LibraryThing member summerskris
Masque of the Red Death is haunting and despairingly beautiful. From the first words, Griffin ensnared me in the waking dream that is Araby's life: nights in an exclusive club, a safe place to live, and a good friend. However, this lies in the midst of a decaying world. The first chapters are
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devoid of feeling. Araby loses herself in the debauchery that has overtaken the upperclass, as they seek to drown out the horrors of their dying civilization by clubbing every night. As the story progresses, Araby comes out of the coccoon where she has been silently grieving, and she grows into the role of the strong young woman that has been lying dormant within her.

The writing makes this novel the gem that it is. Without it, the characters wouldn't have as much personality, and the world building wouldn't have been as torn and beautiful as it is. Griffin's words capture the heartbreak that Araby goes through as she struggles with survivor's guilt over her twin brother's death and as Will and Elliott spin her around, shaking her heart, wondering who to trust. This is a love triangle without the, "I love this guy for this, but oh... that guy...." that a lot of girls go through in YA lit these days. It does not overtake the essence of the plot. Speaking of which, I would think that I had the plot figured out, but Griffin continued to surprise me with plot twists, leaving me as lost as Araby is at the end.

The world is broken, most notably with contrasting images of light and dark. Araby and Finn. Will and Elliott. Hope and despair. Debauchery and the slums. Masque of the Red Death is filled with grotesque images, but there is also beauty to be found in the dying world. The characters bewitched me with their scandalous actions that belie the purity and strength of their hearts. At the end, I couldn't believe that it was over already. Needless to say, I cannot wait for book two.
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LibraryThing member yabotd
Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin is based on the short story by Edgar Allen Poe. There have been several reimaginings of stories lately, mostly focused on ancient Greek myths, but this reimagining is quite different. It is very true to the original story, with the same character names,
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description of the illness, etc. It's almost as if Griffin plopped her novel into Poe's short story, found a new protagonist and expended it to novel length. Yes, it is in Griffin's own style and yes, there are some differences, but it's the most true-to-original reimagining I've read. That said, it's also highly original because Griffin came up with a novel length story based off a 20 page short story.

As anyone who has read dystopians can tell you, living in a bleak world has varying and drastic impact on the people still alive. It brings out the best in some and the worst in others. At the beginning of the story, Araby is as bleak as the world around her. She doesn't much care for life, but can't bring herself to death least, not intentionally. She certainly takes risks that may kill her and does so without batting an eye. The transition from her state of numbness to one that has energy and a will to live is very gradual. The circumstances in the story lead to small changes that grow naturally. This aspect of the book was very well handled.

Personally, I loved reading about the different characters and learning their secrets. Everybody has secrets and those secrets define key moments in the story. I adored Will pretty much from the very beginning. He was a wonderful counterpart to Araby, the very antithesis of her careless nature. Elliot was intriguing as well. I didn't know what to make of him at first and honestly, I still don't, though I've grown to like him much more. The secrets these two hold are key for the climax of the story.

Every other notable person in the story has a secret as well. As we discover these secrets, it makes the characters more human and more sympathetic. I think of Araby's parents in particular when I say this. They may not be the best parents in the world, but they live in the same debilitating world as Araby with the same struggles.

I'll warn you that Masque of the Red Death will have a sequel, so the ending is not 100 percent complete. I found it satisfying enough, though I'm eager to read more.

Final thoughts: Borrow or buy, just make sure you read it.
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LibraryThing member BookAddictDiary
This one got me with the cover and the title. First off: how can I say no to something that references classic Poe stories? Then, the cover: gorgeous -just gorgeous. Okay, a little gothy, but still beautiful. And with such a gritty blurb to match, Masque of the Red Death was quickly shaping up to
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be one of my most anticipated novels of 2012.

Set in a dark world of plague and death, the world is quickly crumbling to pieces. And young Araby Worth, one of the few people who has the means for one of the coveted masks that protects her from the plague, has little to live for. She spends her nights in a frivolous night club, dressed up in glitter and glam, dancing the night away. Araby is left with little but despair in such a depressing world, until she finds herself in the web of two very different boys, and a missing friend who may have known too much.

For nearly every page of this book, I was torn. Torn between enjoyment and dislike. For much of the novel I was incredibly disappointing that there weren't more references to the Poe work of the same name -the two seemed to share little other than their titles and a few mildly similar themes. I also had a lot of trouble growing into Araby, who spent much of the first half of the novel in a depressed and goth-like funk that made her incredibly unlikable. The tone of the novel, however, was well-constructed and helped to paint the world well, but at times it became so drab and dark that it was all most too much.

Then, there's the plot. Again, I found myself torn. Certain elements of the plot and characters, especially in the later half of the novel, were entertaining and compelling, but the first part of the novel just didn't work for me. It felt undirected, confused, and like it didn't connect well with the second half of the novel, like the author was just writing for fun and then finally decided to get serious and find a direction later on.

Overall, it just didn't hold up for me. I really wanted to like this book, so much that I may have even been forcing myself to enjoy it more than I actually did. There are some rays of interest in Masque of the Red Death, and the tone is incredible, but the other elements just didn't work for me. It was just too weak overall to keep my interest and to hold up to the name and the classic author that it evokes.
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LibraryThing member elissajanine
action, romance, great characters, tension from start to finish...and oh, the longing for the sequel! I adored this book!
LibraryThing member thebookwormsorg
Jumping into Masque of the Red Death was really exciting! It was a whole new world and concept and I couldn’t wait to learn more about it. I had never read this story from Edgar Allan Poe, so its impossible for me to align the two. However, I do believe Griffin wove her own magic throughout the
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concept of the original story.

Araby is trying to ward off the ever impending disease by spending nights at the Debauchery Club, a way for the elite to stay off of the streets. She ends up finding herself in more trouble -emotionally- when she meets Will and Elliot. But when the Prince notices Elliots interest in Araby, she’s thrown into a web of secrets that has been kept from her and she struggles to do the right thing.

Araby was a unique character and I really loved her right from the start. She’s strong, but also very emotional and I was able to build a connection to her. She’s torn between doing the right thing and keeping herself alive and well, which is totally understandable if anyone lived in a world such as hers.

The romance was bittersweet, because there’s Elliot and then there’s Will. Elliot is kind of a tough nut to crack and he knows how to rub Araby the wrong way. And Will is more of a caring person and Araby has a soft spot for his situation and his charming nature. I have to admit, it’s hard to side with just one of them. They each had qualities and little quirks that I adored!

Griffin creates a grim world that will seep under your skin. A world where disease obliterated a large portion of the population. Reading about the side effects of the disease and the way people get around it was fascinating and so gross, yet, I never wanted to put it down. It was THAT good! Griffin paints a detailed picture of the fashions and architecture that still remain in the cities and towns Araby crosses and I was left in awe.

I would highly recommend Masque of the Red Death to anyone interested in dystopian or steampunk, however keep in mind that its a very dark world. It was truly an amazing read that stands out among the rest and left me crossing my fingers that there may be more!!

For those who like: Dark and creepy reads, romance, dystopian, steampunk
Source: Publisher (ARC)
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LibraryThing member jennrenae
From the first page of this novel, I was gripped, and I refused to put it down. I had been staring at the cover for weeks in awe (you have to admit, it's breathtaking). And, I was fortunate enough to get an ARC through Edelweiss Above the Treeline!!!!

This is one of the first books in a while where
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I found myself completely stunned with all the twists and turns--I didn't see a single one of them coming! It's so great to read a book that is anything but predictable.

The setting is absolutely amazing. There were times when the action was slow, but I didn't mind at all because I got swept away in Bethany Griffin's description of the delapidated city filled with the gorgeously dressed rich people and then the grotesquely vile plague victims. Her imagery melts onto the page, and I felt like I was plucked from my recliner and thrown right into the middle of Bethany's world. If only more people could write the way she does!

Her characters are so rich with personality, even the characters with smaller roles. I felt connected to each and every one of them, but especially to Araby. She has experienced great tragedy, and as a result, she sinks into herself, trying anything and everything to escape the harsh reality into which she is thrust. I felt her pain as if it were my own-- a feat very difficult to accomplish for most writers. And then when she meets Elliott and Will--I felt her hope and guilt and indecision. I can't explain it other than I was captivated.

I love Will and Elliott. Will is the mysterious tatooed proprietor of the club who Araby is instantly attracted to, and his secrets (which I won't reveal) make him even more...irresistable. And then there's Elliott--the wealthy aristocrat who is hiding his own secrets. I love these two guys because they are completely genuine, even when they are hiding things. I instantly felt like I could trust them both...but boy, did they both surprise me! READ IT!!! You won't be disappointed.

Bethany builds a world where the macabre and sinister is ordinary. There is no black or white, good or evil, healthy or sick--her story is rife with everything in between. It was so good, I immediately went straight to Twitter and asked Bethany if a sequel is in the works (Yes! 2013!)--I can't wait.

Finally, I will give a warning that this story is for older YA readers. I would rate it PG-13 for drug use, violence, and brief references to rape.
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LibraryThing member breakingdownslowly
Dear Every Author Who Wants to Write a Love Triangle: Read this book. Learn. This is how a love triangle's SUPPOSED to work.

So first off, we'll talk about Araby who has one of the coolest names I've seen in a book in a while. I really liked Araby. She was a good narrator and she did develop a bit.
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I think I would've liked her more if she'd been shallower in the beginning and was able to develop more, but I liked her. She kept the story going and she was interesting to read about.

But really, my favorite part of Masque of the Red Death is the ROMANCE. Sweet Jesus guys, do you know how excited a real, good love triangle makes me? Because, let's be honest, people claim there's a love triangle in like 75% of the YA books but there's clearly NOT. We all know who they girl's going to end up with, whether it be Bella and Edward or Clary and Jace or Elizabeth and Darcy or Katniss and Peeta. No. NOT love triangles. The answer is clear from the beginning, no matter who you favor, and you're just going to have to accept it. Obviously, those books aren't real love triangles, no matter what ANYONE TRIES TO TELL YOU. But Bethany Griffin does it RIGHT. Elliott and Will are both good choices. Araby has feelings for both of them and they both have feelings with her and I really don't know who she's going to end up with. I don't know who I want her to end up with. And that, my dear friends, is the best love triangle you can ask for.


The rest of the story? Did you read that summary and read about how fan-effing-tastic it sounds? Masque of the Red Death does not disappoint. The world is really well built and fascinating. It's DYSTOPIAN and HISTORICAL FICTION and it makes my inner fangirl type ALL THE CAPS LOCK because it's so well done and fascinating and original and slkghjelkhjslhg.

Bethany Griffin is a fantastic author with a story like nothing I've ever read and the swooning romance and the two equally yummy and wonderful boys and a main character who's strong and different and guys...guys. Do not ignore this book, do not ignore this author. A gorgeous cover and a fantastic summary are just the beginning.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
I got an advanced reading copy of this book through the Amazon Vine program. I had been wanting to read this book forever, it just sounded so good. Griffin creates an awesome world in this book and all in all I really enjoyed reading about it. This seems like the first in a series but I haven't
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heard any news on upcoming installments. I know this is based on Poe's short story The Mask of the Red Death, which I have not read yet.

After a deadly plague decimates the population humanity is hanging on by a thread. Araby Worth is one of the lucky ones; she has food, shelter, and protection from the plague. When Araby's twin brother was killed by the plague Araby made a vow never to experience anything that he wouldn't be able to. Instead Araby and her friend April haunt the Debaucery club. It's the one place you are safe without a mask. While April looses herself in scandalous behavior, Araby looses herself in drug induced dreams. Araby is jerked out of her dream state when Will, one of the club's security guards comes to her rescue. Araby is drawn deep into political secrets when April's brother, Elliot takes an interest in her. Now Araby finds that everyone has secrets, maybe in the maze of everyone's secrets she will find the will to live.

There are a lot of very interesting aspects to this story. It definitely has a post-apocalyptic feel to it but also a steampunk or Victorian overtone. It's kind of Victorian turned on its head. Everyone exposes as much skin as possible to prove that they aren't infected. Everyone wears masks with filters to protect them from the plague. Carriages run on steam since no horses survived the plague and gasoline is pretty much non-existent. This is humanity on the edge; people living like they aren't sure if they will survive another day.

Araby drifts through the first part of the book; she goes from one drug-induced dream to another...she obviously doesn't care if she lives or dies. She has a unique place in society; her dad (as the scientist who invented the masks) is lauded as a hero. But mad Prince Prospero controls her father and the city. Initially Araby seems to make some decisions out of a need for excitement, but as the story continues she seems to slip out of her apathy and really starts to care.

Elliot, Will, and April are more interesting characters. There lives are full of secrets upon secrets and it takes a while to begin to uncover the complicated political maneuvering behind these characters. What starts out as a story featuring debauchery ends up as a revolution against a power hungry monarch.

The world in this book is what really steals the show. The world is extravagant with tattered velvets, glittery makeup, putrid streets, and glossy ceramic masks. Its full of things that are almost sickeningly beautiful balanced by scenes of stark despair. I loved the contrast throughout the book and loved this world torn apart by human illness and death. So, uh, yeah this is a pretty dark book but sometimes in a beautiful way. I enjoyed how a post-apocalyptic setting is blended with steampunk elements, Victorian sensibilities, mystery, and revolution.

The plot is also well done; it was unpredictable but never contrived. There is a lot of intrigue, politics, and mystery to be solved. The book is very easy to read and well-written and stopped at a good stopping point with more issues to be resolved in future books.

Overall I thought this was a fascinating read. I love the blend of genres and really enjoyed the world created here. While I was a bit underwhelmed by our heroine in the beginning of the book, she started to grow on me towards the end. The plot is intricate, hard to guess, and easy to follow...all in all very well done. I recommend this to those who are interested in reading a post-apocalyptic book with steampunk sensibilities; it is targeted to a YA audience but I think older readers would definitely enjoy it. Not for younger readers though; there is a lot of graphic death, drug use, and debauchery.
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LibraryThing member squirrelsohno
For me, MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH was one of my most anticipated books of spring 2012. As a fan of Poe and gothic culture, I knew from the moment I heard about this book that I needed to acquire it at all costs. I think I probably set my expectations for this one too high, though, because when I
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reached the end, I felt myself conflicted between only 3 and 4 stars. It was a wonderful book that I know most people, particularly fans of dark, literary YA, will love. I fancy myself the occasional fan, but something about this one fell short of the mark.

MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH (book one in a new trilogy by sophomore author Bethany Griffin) is the story of Araby, a young girl in a bleak post-apocalyptic city hit by a devastating plague that is slowly killing off humanity. The Prince has sealed off the city and now controls everything, including the porcelain masks that stave off the Red Lung. Araby, the daughter of the mask’s inventor, is deeply depressed and addicted to drugs to stave off her feelings of worthlessness and guilt for watching her twin brother die. When rebellion begins to brew and Araby is drawn in because of her father’s connections – and the disappearance of her friend – Araby will be in for a lot more excitement than she anticipated.

I should start by saying that if you are a fan of WITHER by Lauren DeStefano, you’re in for a treat – this is very much up that same alley. Very literary and stylized, with a heavy focus on Araby’s emotions as she traverses the bleak landscape, this is not a book for people who want a breakneck action thriller. The pacing is subdued and built with rich description and exotic, unique world building. Action happens, but it isn’t the main focus, or at least it wasn’t in my opinion. This is more of an emotional story against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic dystopian world with elements of intrigue and action mixed in.

I think my mail problem with this story lies in the love interests and their relationship with Araby. Elliot is a bold, outgoing society gentleman who comes from a wealthy family – and he’s also the nephew of the Prince. He also supplies Araby with opium in exchange for her accompanying him on various trips and missions. The other love interest is Will, a staff member at the club Araby frequents, and a down-on-his-luck guy taking care of his two siblings in the ruins of the city’s slums. I know the majority of people will disagree with me, but I couldn’t find a connection for either one. It wasn’t about Araby to them, it was about themselves and their own interests, and they both show it. But yes, if you have to ask, I am Team Will. You can read the book and find out why, but I am more for the strong quiet types if that makes any sense.

Araby herself is a difficult character to explain. She’s very depressed and naïve about the world, wrapped up in a little bubble of despair brought on by death, being ignored, and some pre-existing psychiatric reasons I would think. She uses drugs to dull her mind, going to clubs with her friend April to forget the world outside, but when she steps out of this bubble, you really begin to see the world for what it is, and all of its faults, along with her. This is the strength of the novel – the world building from the eyes of a girl who has little left to live for, and proof to show this. She is not tough, she is not a fighter, but when she realizes she does have something to live for, that spark of life is back.

MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH is an enthralling, fascinating take on life in the face of death and every manner of steampunk, post-apocalyptic excitement you could think of. With the exception of the love interests and some pacing issues, seeing as how the story is a slow burn that starts off exceptionally slow (oh, I didn’t mention that – the first fifty pages almost lost me with a plodding narrative, but Griffin stole me back by page 100 and the story refused to let me go), this book will appeal to fans of literary YA with a definite speculative slant. Don’t be discouraged by the early pacing issues – this one gets better as it goes along.

VERDICT: Although I didn’t care for the love interests, Araby’s story is gripping and taut. The world building alone makes up for pacing difficulties and characterization issues.
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LibraryThing member AmberFIB
Griffin has created a horrifying world that draws you in and won't let you go. Masque of the Red Death is a dystopian/steam punk cross between V for Vendetta and the movie Contagion, with a little bit of romance added in. It's full of twists, turns, and surprises. The characters are well-developed
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and the plot is suspenseful. My only problem with the novel is that I couldn't figure out what time period it was set in.

As a historian, the lack of a known time period drove me insane at times. They had steam carriages and there was mention of former travel on horses before the plague decimated the entire equine population. However, the building Araby lived in had elevators, they sold florescent necklaces at a celebration, and the masks themselves seemed fairly high tech. Finally, I just told myself that the book was set in a different world all together (which I could convince myself of since there was no city name mentioned) and tried to let it go at that. For the most part it worked, and I was able to enjoy the story.

Araby is a very depressed girl. She has survivor's guilt from losing her twin brother. For the majority of the novel, I could not figure out what she felt so freaking guilty for, but at the end, it was cleared up for me some. Whether I understood her intense guilt or not, I did have sympathy for her and I cared what happened to her. I wanted her to find her happiness very much, even though it seemed impossible to find any semblance of happiness in a world that's so destroyed. I also absolutely loved Will and Elliot, though I am team Elliot all the way. Up until the last 20% or so, I was all about Will, but I changed my mind at the last minute. April was also a fantastic, multi-dimensional character. None of these characters were stock characters. They were all extremely flawed, but it was clear that they still had good hearts. I cared about what happened to all of them. The villains were obvious, but also they were all kinds of crazy. I was not expecting one villain to be who he actually was, so that was a surprise. It's not very often that a book surprises me, but this one did a few times.

The plot is suspenseful, and it will keep you guessing. It is depressing at times, but it's also inspiring because Araby and company are fighting to make a place better when it seems like the only thing left to do is give up. The rest of the world has given up, but they keep fighting. People like that are the ones who really make a difference. All of the characters grew over the course of the novel as well. They were able to rise above all of their obstacles to become better people. The ending wrapped a few things up, but all in all, it raised more questions that it supplied answers. I wouldn't go so far to say that it was a cliffhanger, though. I felt like the first part of the characters' journey had come to an end in this novel. Additionally, the pacing is spot-on. The book only lagged a little bit at the beginning, and other than that, it flew by.

Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who loves a good dystopian romance. I personally love the political/revolutionary aspect of it (hence the V for Vendetta reference) and I cannot wait to read the second book in this series.
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LibraryThing member Kaydence
Summary: This is a cross between a steampunk and dystopian novel. Araby is the daughter of a scientist who "saved humanity" by creating a mask that could save someone from catching the plague. We follow her through several bumps in her otherwise numb existence. At the beginning, Araby goes to The
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Debauchery Club with her friend April. The first love interest, Will, is a bouncer of sorts who checks every patron one at a time to ensure they are not sick before they enter the club. It is a very exclusive club owned by the prince, who is April's uncle. The two girls drink and Araby finds her way to a drug dealer who sticks her with a syringe that leads her into oblivion. She ends up waking up at Will's home. He didn't think it would be good for the club if there was a dead girl found inside, but as the story progresses we find out that he was intrigued with her long before he took her home. The city that the club and Will's home is in is called the lower city. It is filled with crime, disease, and danger. Will walks Araby back to the upper city where she lives in the prince's old penthouse at the top of the Akkadian Towers. She believes that she is in love with Will and wants to help him. She does this by sending him food and attempting to get a mask for the younger brother that he cares for. However, there is a rebel group that is terrorizing the city. They have destroyed churches, and just when Araby wants to order a mask, they blow up the mask factory as well. This brings the second love interest, Elliot, out of the woodwork. Elliot is April's older brother. He meets with Araby in a secret location and talk her into his version of a rebellion to take the city back from the prince and make everything better. From her, Araby is led into several dangerous encounters with people she wouldn't have ended up around without the help from the two boys. Will she survive the death of the plague, the new sickness (the Red Death has to show up somewhere you know), the betrayal from those she trusts, and the general chaos of the city, or will she finally succumb to her need to feel numb and give in to the temptation of death and not dealing with anything?

My thoughts: I'm always drawn in by pretty covers, and this one is gorgeous! It caught my eye months ago as bloggers began talking about it. I was lucky to snatch myself a copy because it was in such high demand. At the beginning, I did not like the story. April is annoying and Araby is not much better. It was like having Gossip Girl in a pretty cool setting. Griffin does an amazing job at world building, and that is what kept me reading. The setting and the ancillary city came alive to me. I could picture everything. It was this that haunted me throughout the day when I wasn't reading. I found myself wanting to pick the book up more and more because I wanted to see where Griffin would take me, and the characters became a means to get there. It took about 100 pages for me to start liking Araby. I believe that is when she stops being so numb and starts thinking about the world around her. From that point on, I couldn't put the book down. I know it shouldn't take 100 pages for someone to get into a young adult novel, but it felt worth it to me. The fact that Griffin gave me so much background on the place and people that surround the main characters made me feel like I knew them better as the action began to unravel. It has also made me feel like the second book will grab me faster. My suggestion, if you are not immediately sucked in, is to lose yourself in the setting as I did and let yourself be intrigued by it as you would for a science fiction novel. My hope is that you will end up liking the book as much as I did.
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LibraryThing member TValeros
Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin is an elegantly crafted story giving homage and an arcane twist to Edgar Allan Poe's short story!
Some people say that it is considered steampunk, but it doesn't really feel that way but more historical-dystopian. Being that the story involves the plague it
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was quite saddening and depressing at times. Although, I enjoyed the bits of romantic scenes and drama that were here and there.
Masque of the Red Death to me felt like a double edged sword. It cut deep within your heart emotionally as you read the strife, struggle, and losses caused by the plague, and when you stop reading you are left longing to read further and find out what is next in store for Araby. 'Plagued' by questions like: what will happen next; will Araby succeed in her suicidal attempts; will she let herself experience happiness; is her brother alive; and who is she in love with, William or is it Elliott?
I am a very empathetic person so I found the book entertaining and enjoyable in grabbing me into the scenes emotionally.
Araby is a bit up and down for me. I don't necessarily hate her character, but she's not my favorite. None of the characters are in fact. I like them equally. I think it is because I was more into the story itself than to pay attention to any specific individual. The love triangle wasn't that extreme like in most books, but it was kind of intense because neither one was the 'good boy' and the other the 'bad boy' ...they were both equally the 'bad boy' if that makes sense hahaha I'm still figuring out which heart throb to root for -- (1) the guy who almost got her purposely killed by his own hands or (2) the guy who betrays her and will get her killed by someone else? Which one would you choose? I loved not knowing!!!
The ending was great and it leaves it off like there is a possibility of a sequel which I am hoping for!! I WANNA KNOW the answers to my questions, so there BETTER BE a Book #2!! hahaha A MUST READ!! I LOVED IT!
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LibraryThing member novelgoddess
WOW! This book had it all!
This is a very bleak landscape where those that can, hang out in the Debauchery Club. A place where the elite can find anything and everything to drown their sorrows over the World that is. And the world that is comes from the viewpoint of Araby Worth. Daughter of the man
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who created the masks everyone must wear to filter the plague from the air. Sister of her dead twin brother. Unwitting prisoner of the Prince. Araby spends her nights with April, her best friend, and complete opposite, at the Debauchery Club, where Araby buries herself in drink and drugs to escape and forget. That is until her world is shaken, her eyes are opened, and she it set on a path to aid those who have nothing.

Author Bethany Griffin did a wonderful job of creating this world that is in utter ruins and where more devastation seems to be just on the horizon. Spellbinding and beautifully written, Griffin launches you into the bleak and hopeless world where some people are still able to hold out hope for a better tomorrow. Very surprising twists and turn propel the story at a fast pace. So much so, I read this in one sitting not wanting to put it down!

There is a fascinating cast of characters. Araby has a case of “survivor’s guilt” that paralyzes her. Will tries to show her that guilt is useless, while Elliot wants her to use it as a force for rebellion. Being a famous scientist’s daughter has everyone wanting to use her for one thing or another and she is oblivious to it because of her guilt. As our heroine, Araby, was kind of tough to like in the beginning. But once is sees how the majority of the populace lives she is spurred to action.

This was a joy to read. The writing was beautiful and absorbing. The despair was palpable. I wouldn’t normally call that joyous, but the fact that I was so engrossed by the story was. While I hated to see the book end, even the ending was perfect. I do so look forward to a second book. I just hope I won’t have to wait too long.
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LibraryThing member booktwirps
I have always been obsessed with Poe, so when I saw this book, I immediately knew I had to have it. I was eager to see how someone would reimagine the tale of Prince Prospero who has taken refuge in a castle along thousand of others to avoid contracting the “Red Death” plague. I was not
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While the aforementioned tale is a short story, Ms. Griffin has taken it and fleshed it out into a full-length novel, placing a broken, yet likable Araby Worth at the center of her story. Araby’s father has invented a mask to protect people from the plague and is one of the greedy and ruthless Prince Prospero’s most coveted employees. Araby and her family live apart from the rest of the ruined city, tucked away in a tower at the edge of town, protected from those who may want to kill her father. But Araby is restless, so she spends many a night at the Debauchery Club with her best friend, doing her best to escape the pain she still feels after the loss of her twin brother to the plague.

I really liked Araby’s character. There are so many layers to her. You can actually feel her sorrow, and while she does make some questionable decisions, you can’t help but support them. I also felt the love triangle was believable. While I preferred Will, I could see why she was drawn to the mysterious Elliot and his cause.

I also loved the world Ms. Griffin has built. Her writing makes it so vivid you can’t help but feel the despair leaking through the city. The addition of Steampunk kind of threw me when I read a few of the reviews, and I wondered if it was really necessary before I read the book. I was afraid it would throw everything off — I was wrong. It fit perfectly and I can’t imagine the book without it.

I will admit that I was a little confused when I first started the book. I really had no idea what was going on because it was so different from what I was expecting, but about fifty pages in everything started clicking into place and the story really took off. The writing is fluid and perfectly fits the tone of the book, and Araby is one of my favorite characters this year. I highly recommend this one.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
Araby is the daughter of the famous scientist who invented the ceramic masks that the rich buy to survive the horrible plague that has killed off over half of the city's population. Her twin brother died years ago and Araby hasn't ever really come to terms with it. She has really shut herself off
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from both of her parents. She goes to clubs with her friend April where the she takes drugs to make herself forget. An evil prince reigns over them, locked up safe above the city. He has kept tight control of the production and cost of the masks. He seems to want only the wealthiest to be protected. "Masque of the Red Death" is the story or Araby and how deceptions have brought the city to the place of despair it is currently in.

Ok, the book is much slower paced than I would have guessed it would be. The story is also very dark. This shouldn't be such a surprise since it is a story about a plague and death. Araby's life is more wrapped up in the plague drama than it first appears. Secrets slowly unravel throughout the story. There were more than a few scenes where I gasped aloud at some revelation or another. Araby's family is always held on a tight leash by the prince. He wants to keep track of this scientist whose hand lead to the masks. Her family is constantly in danger as the Prince disposes of people who displease him with a whim. There is a hint of a romantic triangle as well though it is different than what we normally see in our YA fiction. Elliott is the nephew of the Prince and he isn't exactly beloved by him. Elliott wants to change the world by getting his hands on Araby's father's plans for the mask so he can make and distribute them freely among all who need them. Will works at one of the clubs Araby frequents. Soon she finds out that he works there to take care of his much younger brother and sister. There is no one but the three of them left in their family. I ended up having a very clear favorite side of this triangle.

Though the story moves along quite slowly, I found that I enjoyed it very much. The story is dark enough that sometimes I found I did need to put the book down for a little while. I liked Araby quite a bit by the end of the story and I really felt very sorry for her. Everyone in this book has a sad story though. The book ended leaving me very anxious to finish the story but also it really is quite a cliffhanger. No questions are answered in this book but more and more are brought up. Also, and this could be just me, but sometimes the story was confusing. In one scene character A is about to murdered while standing by character B. Character C comes in and stops A's murder. Next thing we read B and C are chatting away and I had NO clue what happened to A. This same type of thing happened a few times. Maybe it was just the fact that I read an Advance Reader Copy and not the final, polished copy. I hope so.

I will certainly pick up the next book in this series. It is good, but it is definitely more character driven instead of action driven. Also the romance is definitely not a main focus in this book. And it is dark. Really dark.
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LibraryThing member whitebalcony
Promising start but quickly lost its pull for me. An over abundance of awkward teenage angst, semi-steampunk imagery & poorly written kissing scenes do not make up for massive plot holes.
LibraryThing member yearningtoread
Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin (#1)
Pages: 319
Release Date: April 24th, 2012
Date Read: 2012, June 7th-9th
Received: Library
Rating: 4/5 stars
Recommended to: 16+

Araby lives in a world where sickness and disease are rampant. Not owning and wearing a mask will kill you - that's
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exactly what happened to her twin brother. Now she visits the Debauchery Club with April by night, and tries to keep safe with her mother and father by day. She meets Will, a young man who works at the Club, who lives with and provides for his siblings. And she meets Elliott, April's brother, who's planning something, something wild, and he wants Araby to be a part of it. Both boys may be in love with her, and both boys have something to give.
But when Araby's family is threatened by Prince Prospero himself, and a new disease begins to spread, Araby may need to make some daring and possibly disastrous decisions to save the ones she loves.

What a neat book! It's nice - I didn't expect anything more or less than what this book was, and in the end got exactly what I wanted. I was a bit confused at first (Griffin's writing is good, but description is lacking, so I had a hard time picturing it all). But, by the 50th page or so, I was immersed!

Araby is so unusual. Not sure I loved her, but definitely didn't hate her. The more time I think about her, actually, the more I like her. She has an interesting perspective. I'm intrigued by how stark her character was, that's for sure!

The boys, Will and Elliott, were hard to choose from at first. Will is so responsible, the total good boy, which I love. But Elliott... Six months have passed since I read Masque of the Red Death, and I've realized very plainly over this time that Elliott is my man. I believe this is one of the first times I've preferred the bad boy over the good boy. Elliott was presented int he most unusual manner...and that scene where he meets Araby in the garden - WOW! Such fantastic imagery, full of mystery and bad-boy-ness... ;)

The story twists and turns very excitingly! It often had me surprised and got my blood pumping. Intense and dangerous, it made me want more. Prince Prospero's evil plans (he kind of reminded me of the Adderhead from the Ink-trilogy), Elliott's secrets, the masks and the new disease...again, WOW! So interesting!

This book reminds me of...
Poe (obviously)
Brave and daring adventures
Cold tombs
Running toward the light outside a dark room
Red and silver (like the cover)

For the Parents -
I think there was brief swearing but I can't be too sure. This book is very dark and has some disturbing scenes. Mention of Araby taking drugs at the Debauchery Club. People there do more than that. Sex is common (obviously - it's a club), and often in public. Araby mentions the "wild abandon" of the couple in the corner. (I had my 15-year-old sister skip that page.) Mention of rape. Lots of violence, some gore. Recommended 16+
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LibraryThing member titania86
Araby Worth lives in a world run rampant with disease and misery. The Weeping Sickness is airborne, causing the inhabitants that can afford it to wear masks to keep from contracting it. She happens to be the daughter of the inventor of these life saving masks and is therefore very rich and
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privileged. Despite this, her favorite activity is to go the Debauchery District and its clubs to drink and shoot up drugs to forget her miserable existence. At these dubious club, she meets two very different young men with secrets: Elliot, the owner of the club and a rich dandy with revolution on his mind, and Will, the mysterious and tattooed young man who works at the club and has an unexpected home life. Together, they will give her something to truly live for and put her on a path to actually help people.

I didn't have too many expectation going in to Masque of the Red Death. Mostly I expected it to be a retelling of Poe's story of the same name and it's a very, very loose adaptation. The only things in common are disease, parties, large buildings, and the name of the prince (Prospero). Everything else was unique to her book. I really liked the world. It was a great mix turn of the century society with a dash of the black plague, steampunk, alternative history, and modernity. I liked that pre-disease, this society was pretty much Victorian with the same fashion and sensibilities. After the disease, it's more important for people to show that they are healthy and have no sores than it is for people to be modest and proper. Women's fashions are much more risque as a result and expectations of young people are much different. I loved the atmosphere of this world where death is an unremarkable, every day occurrence and people try to live as much as possible because death is so close. This setting made the main characters and the motivations behind their actions make sense. Who wouldn't want to enjoy oblivion once in a while to escape that horrible reality? or change the world you live in for the better? or do whatever it takes to keep your family safe?

Although there were many things I liked about this novel, it seemed to fall in some typical pitfalls of YA books. First is the love triangle. It's just overdone at this point and annoying. Choose one already and having two guys fight over you does not make you in any way special. Second, Elliot (one third of this love triangle) literally threatens Araby's life. This is not sexy or desirable at all. I don't understand this normalizing and sexualizing abuse especially in novels that are intended for a young audience. It would be nice for these heroines to have a normal reaction and separate themselves from this type of person.

Overall, I liked Masque of the Red Death, but it fell a little short of my expectations. I would read the next book and hope the issues I had with the first installment improved somewhat. I would recommend it to fans of dark romances and gothic literature.
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LibraryThing member woodtop255
Do you ever start reading a book and think you’re going to hate it and end up loving it? This was the case with Griffin’s novel. I just couldn’t initially connect with Araby and only really picked up the book because Poe’s short story is one of my all-time favorites. I am so glad I stuck it
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out. It was really a page turner that kept me up late to finish it. I love the dark and deadly world Griffin created and none of the characters were clearly good or bad. Ending was a great cliffhanger and I can’t wait to see what happens!
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LibraryThing member tapestry100
Araby has lived the last couple of years of her life in a drug induced stupor, spending her evenings with her friend, April, at the Debauchery Club, a private club where you go to forget the outside world. And what's wrong with the outside world? First off is the plague called the Weeping Sickness,
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a silent killer that seems to eat away at a body until death. Secondly, Araby is trying to forget the death of her twin brother, Finn, whose death she feels responsible for due to an innocent mistake, and as a result, she has set herself with a promise to him, that she won't enjoy anything in life that he won't now be able to enjoy, which includes falling in love.

Araby's father invented a mask that can keep the wearer safe from the Weeping Sickness, but instead of making the mask available to all, Prince Prospero has turned the manufacture of the masks into a profitable venture, thereby preventing the lower classes from being able to afford masks and being at the mercy of the plague. Because of his invention, however, Araby's father and his family has been able to live in relative opulence, something else Araby carries guilt over. Quite frankly, felt there was a little too much guilt-ridden Araby going on in this book. Don't get me wrong, she's a fine MC, but I'll admit, I found April a sometimes more compelling character than Araby - I'd really like to see a story from April's POV sometime.

Araby eventually catches the eye of both Will, a bouncer at the Debauchery Club, and Elliott, April's older brother, each of whom are interested in Araby for far different reasons. Will sees her as a lost soul, someone that he would like to see rise above her self-imposed vow and begin to enjoy life again. Elliott wants to use her for far more seemly nefarious reasons, and while she doesn't entirely trust Elliott, she decides to help him. Enter the love triangle and most of the emotional impetus that is used on Araby for the majority of the second half of the book.

I've read in several places that Bethany Griffin's Masque of the Red Death is a retelling of Poe's classic tale of the same name, but I can't help but keep thinking of it as a prequel of sorts to Poe's story. Maybe it's just me, but Griffin's story seemed to be leading up to the events of Poe's, putting all the key elements of her story in place to get the key characters in Poe's story into their necessary places for his story. However you want to interpret Griffin's Masque, I recommend reading it. Griffin has created a very unique world, that somehow feels eerily familiar at the same time. The book is not really uplifting; the Weeping Sickness is very real in this world, and people die, frequently, from it. The book carries, quite obviously, a lot of the tropes of current YA books, but still manages to tell a story that is unique unto itself. I just wish those tropes weren't always so obvious.
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review Courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: This brilliant debut mixes science fiction with steampunk and dystopian undertones to create a chilling world. The characters raise the stakes as the world changes everything Araby thought she believed in.

Opening Sentence: The charcoal sky spits
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cold rain as we rumble to a stop at a crossroad.

The Review:

Araby’s father is the scientist that gave the city back its hope when the plague hit. He invented masks that would filter the air against the illnesses, while Prince Prospero made it possible for them to be mass produced. The catch, however, is that once you’ve worn the mask it will no longer work for anyone else. Araby learned that the hard way. It forms to your body chemistry, making them impossible to steal. The hope the masks gave is gone. Science has failed to find a cure and masks, while mass produced, are still too expensive for everyone.

Her twin, Finn, was Araby’s better half. It’s no surprise she finds herself in the Debauchery Club every few days, searching out ways to forget her grief. Her body may be coated in glitter and make up, but inside she’s still clinging to the promise she made at Finn’s graveside. So even though it may be safer to stay home and out of the unfiltered air, Araby finds herself drawn out with April, the prince’s niece.

Though the air is unsafe, the streets of the city are worse. Prince Prospero owns almost everything in the city, controlling the population with an iron fist. He couldn’t care less how many in the lower-city die as long as he can still hold his masquerades at his castle. The people of the city are scared — both science and God have failed to give them a cure. When April goes missing after a night at the Debauchery Club, her steam carriage found abandoned, Araby begins to worry about her.

Soon, Araby learns all about the prince and the games he plays with his family. Elliot, April’s ever mysterious older brother, is worried April might have been taken to the castle, as punishment for embarrassing the prince. Elliot has firsthand experience to the ways his uncle deals with embarrassment. Eager to bring his uncle down, and his vision of a better city bring Araby to his side. Exactly where he needs her. Because to get the citizens on his side, to have even a chance against his uncle, Elliot needs masks.

And then there’s Will, the boy who tests Araby every time she enters Debauchery for a night of forgetting. Sometimes, Araby thinks the only reason she comes is to learn that she’s clean. But the handsome boy is far more than anyone thinks. As Araby finds herself torn between both boys, neither being what they first seem, she begins to question her family and the role they play in this broken world.

I would probably classify Masque of the Red Death as diet-sci-fi with a dash of steampunk. It wasn’t complicated on the scientific level, and Griffin made everything about the world she built easy to follow. I absolutely adored this novel. From the first page, Griffin’s word choice set the scene perfectly, drowning her readers in a world of unseeable danger and grief. I love the tension, angst, and moral ambiguity of Araby’s whole situation. Breaking the laws of this city is no small matter. She’s committing treason and betraying some of the people she loves most to do it. Whose side should she really be on? Masque of the Red Death is definitely going on my list of favorite books.

Notable Scene:

“There’s a new illness. People are dying, lots of people,” April says, her voice serious.

“A new illness?” Will asks. He sounds incredulous, but there’s an undercurrent of fear. A plague robbed all of us of our childhoods. All of us fear unchecked disease.

“Not another plague?” The words felt alien on my tongue. Impossible.

April puts a gloved hand to her mask. IF she’s wearing gloves, she must really be afraid. “It kills instantly. You fall down dead, bleeding from your eyes. They are calling it the Red Death.” She is both terrified and relishing the terror, like a child telling a ghost story.

The Masque of the Red Death Series:

1. Masque of the Red Death

FTC Advisory: Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins provided me with a copy of Masque of the Red Death. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
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Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.

Local notes

Seventeen-year-old Araby Worth lives in a world devastated by plague. Haunted by the death of her twin brother Finn, she and her friend April spend their nights attending opulent club parties, trying to lose themselves in pleasure so they can forget the what's going on around them. In this atmosphere of dissipation and discontent, she meets the reckless Elliott, the nephew of the mad Prince Prospero who controls the city, and Will, a boy who works at the Debauchery Club who is desperately trying to take care of his little brother and sister. Through her association with them, she is shaken out of her numb acceptance of the world she lives in, and learns that she just might hold the key to saving countless lives.

Inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe tale of the same name.

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