
by Kathleen Peacock

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Katherine Tegen Books (2012), Hardcover, 404 pages


Fantasy. Mystery. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: Fans of Maggie Stiefvater and the hit television show True Blood will flock to this first book in the supernatural mystery series set in a town where werewolves live in plain sight. Mackenzie Dobson's life has been turned upside down since she vowed to hunt her best friend Amy's killer: a white werewolf. Lupine syndrome�??also known as the werewolf virus�??is on the rise across the country, and bloodlust is not easy to control. But it soon becomes clear that dangerous secrets are lurking in the shadows of Hemlock, Mac's hometown�??and she is thrown into a maelstrom of violence and betrayal that puts her in grave danger. Kathleen Peacock's thrilling debut novel provides readers with a mystery that Kimberly Derting, author of The Body Finder, calls "clever and frightening," while Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author of Firelight, raves: "Forget every werewolf book you've ever read. This one breaks the mo… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member jennrenae
After reading Hemlock, I find myself stuck in Limbo, not really able to decide how I feel about it. I am not particularly fond of werewolves, but after seeing the gorgeous cover, I was hoping that this book would change my mind.

What did I like about it?

There was great imagery in the transition
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from man/woman to wolf. I found it interesting how Kathleen Peacock described the doubling over and snapping of bones. I really liked this idea versus Stephenie Meyer’s snap your fingers and bada bing you’re a wolf description. This just seems so much more realistic, the fact that shapeshifting can be painful and ugly. I think she did a great job of using this idea the transformation to symbolize how the lupine disease can strangle you from the inside.

I really like Kyle, one of Mac’s love interests. He seems very genuine with a hint of I’ll-kick-your-butt if you cross me. He was definitely the most believable of the characters, and I would probably read book 2 just to see what happens with him in the future.

Amy is haunting Mac’s dreams, and I can’t tell if it is actually a haunting or just Mac’s subconscious going wacky. Either way, her dreams are very intense, and I think they were my favorite part of the book.

The ending….peeked my interest just enough for me to wonder what’s to come in the next installment.

What disappointed me?

The romance was very bland, and since romance is the part of books that I really LOVE to read, it disappointed me that this love triangle was so anticlimactic. It was very wishy-washy, back and forth, and I got to the point where I wanted to thump Mac…hard.

There were parts of the plot that were slow and predictable. I wanted something to really make me say, “No way,” but that point never came.

So…I’ll leave you with a few answered q’s:

Did I enjoy reading it? There were times I was reading because I wanted to know more and other times I was reading to get to the end.

Will I read the sequel? Probably, especially if the cover is awesome. Plus, I want to find out about the Amy hauntings.

Would I recommend this book? To those who like werewolves, if you are like me and even dislike Jacob, you might find this book is not for you.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
As a reader, I come across a lot of stories overdone. Werewolves being one of them. I must tell you that this book is pure AWESOMESUACE! Not only it is unique but the world building is simply amazing!
In the words of Luigi from Disney Cars, this is how I feel:
"I must scream it to the world, my
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excitement from the top of someplace very high."

What I loved most about this book is that it is what is really is. Werewolves. Not nice werewolves who can speak to each other through their minds but wolves full of blood lust. People fearing for their lives. Rising politics that want to rid the world of them. And a love form from a long time friendship. I'm telling you, awesomesauce!

The characters of this book have very distinct values. I really loved how each voice is loud and clear with where they stand. You have friends that are for the werewolves and friends against. Though it is easy to see how each character plays a bigger role that what the reader sees.

Another part of the book is the amazing love interest. I don't want to say too much for I might give it away, but trust me when I say the love is good. There is sort of a love triangle going but not really. I guess we all will just have to see what happens in the next book.

Hemlock is an amazing story that shines. The romance is unforgettable with werewolves that do the unimaginable. Hemlock gives the reader a rare opportunity to enjoy a real were wolf story as it should be told. Engrossing and stunning, Hemlock will take you away!
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LibraryThing member AmberFIB
Wow. This book had a lot going on, and it was all good. First I liked the blatant condemnation of bigotry, though it took a new form. Hemlock shows how dangerous it can be for people to judge those who are different from them, and it shows what terrible lengths some people will go to in order to
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ensure that everyone is the same. I normally try to avoid books that have authors preaching a message, but Peacock doesn't preach. She just shows the dangers associated with bigotry. She doesn't state that bigotry is wrong, and she doesn't make any judgment calls at all in the novel. She also has characters that are likable do some pretty terrible things. She shows that no one is perfect and that we all make mistakes. She also illustrates that sometimes the people who are different are a million times better than the people who are bigots. I really enjoyed her approach in dealing with this important social issue. In addition to a strong message, Hemlock delivers a strong cast of characters, an intriguing plot, and an unpredictable mystery.

Each character in Hemlock is dynamic and flawed. Some are more flawed than others, but everyone has their own skeletons. The only thing that got on my nerves about the characters was the fact that Mac kept being shocked when she found out someone had hidden something from her, and then she threw a childish fit. I mean seriously, after about the 12th person, you'd think she'd come to accept it. It's not like she ran around telling everyone everything herself. Hypocrite much? As I said, the characters were flawed, but they were still, for the most part, likable. I did like Mac, just that one personality trait really annoyed me. There was only one character in this book who was completely bad, and that was a given from the beginning. The others, regardless of their roles in the story, had both good and bad aspects. Peacock left it up to the reader to decide who was acceptable to like and who was not. She presented the actions of the characters and left the judgment up to us. I absolutely loved Jason and Kyle, though they were both fairly flawed. Especially Jason. He does redeem himself at some points though. I think he means well, he's just got a lot of growing to do. Kyle is a good guy, but he also has a dark side. And how he handles things sometimes gets on my nerves. Tess was a good character, and pretty present in the story. She was the parental figure. I also liked Serena and Trey, though again, they were flawed. Amy's ghost/figment of Mac's imagination/Mac's hallucination/whatever she may be was intriguing. I'm looking forward to learning more about that and finding out what, exactly is going on there. I can't wait to see what happens next with all of these characters. I felt attached to all of them in some form or another.

The plot was unique and intriguing. I had the killer figured out pretty early on because Peacock dropped a hint that I picked up on. I like mysteries, though, and I'm usually pretty good at solving them. However, I didn't know for sure who it was until the very end. Some of the things going on did shock me, though. There were a lot of revelations that I wasn't expecting, and that kept me on the edge of my seat. The big reveal was of the killer, which I had already guessed, but I hadn't guessed his motives. That part shocked me. Also, the pacing of the story was spot-on. It was a quick read, even though it was around 400 pages, but nothing ever felt rushed. The ending tied up most of the loose ends from this novel, but it opened up another question in order to lead into the sequel. I cannot wait for the next book in this series.

There is a lot of shape-shifting in the book, since it's a werewolf book, but it's not like the other wolf books out there. No other paranormal stuff happened other than the mystery surrounding Amy, which isn't answered in this novel. There's no pack dynamic between the wolves. Most of the wolves don't even know who the other wolves in the community are. The werewolves are out of the closet, but it's not like the Mercy Thompson series where they have alphas to keep them in line. The people who are infected have to hide who they are or they get locked up in internment camps of sorts. It's really a horrifying thought, and most of the wolves didn't seem that dangerous. Sure, they could infect and kill people, but most of them were good people deep down. I mean every once in awhile they got a crazy, but that happens with normal people, too. I think that was one of the points of the book, though. Genetics, differences, etc. don't make someone good or bad. Who they are as a person is what makes them good or bad.

There is a love triangle, of course, but it's not annoying. Mac isn't all indecisive about it. She has one moment of confusion, but other than that, she's pretty set on who she wants. I don't mind love triangles as long as they're handled well. Also, there's no insta-love, thankfully.

Overall, I'd recommend Hemlock to anyone who likes a good mystery/YA romance with a paranormal twist. I know this book has had mixed reviews, but I, personally, can't figure out what people didn't like about it. To each their own. Everyone has a different opinion. I really enjoyed this novel, and I think everyone should give it a try!
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LibraryThing member titania86
Werewolves are a part of reality caused by a disease known as lupine syndrome. The second a person is infected, they lose all rights and privileges as people and are sent to camps to keep them away from humans. Many werewolves hide undetected among humans, but transformations are sometimes
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unavoidable due to emotion and bloodlust. A murderous white werewolf is on the loose in Hemlock. It killed Mackenzie's best friend Amy and a few other girls along the way. The Trackers, an extremist anti-werewolf organization, come to Hemlock in an effort to catch the werewolf, but they also cause a lot of trouble for the citizens. They view themselves as above the law and pretty much do whatever they want without consequences. Mac decides to investigate the murder for herself since the Trackers are absorbed with harassing people and the police do nothing. She gets more than she bargained for when she uncovers secret after secret about Amy's boyfriend Jason, her best friend Kyle, and Amy herself.

I didn't really know what to expect when I started reading Hemlock. I'm usually not a fan of werewolf books because good characters are inevitably changed into insufferable jerks. This actually wasn't the case in Hemlock. The world is different than the usual fare. The public is aware that werewolves exist and they immediately lose all rights as people when their existence is known. The driving force behind the werewolf camps seems to be primarily fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of being attacked. Fear and the need for protection or security over freedom also allows the Trackers to take over and do whatever they want. This group is so frightening to me especially since the Hemlock world is basically our world with werewolves. A fanatical group taking over, pushing their own secret agenda, and running wild unchecked is one of my worst nightmares. The Trackers' actions become more and more violent and reprehensible as the book goes on.

The characters are also more than I expected. The back of the book describes a typical YA love triangle, but it's a little different than usual. It's not just a girl mooning over 2 guys and waiting 3 books to choose and the romance aspect never takes over the entire plot. I really like Mac and sympathized with her. Unlike many YA heroines, she was strong, fiercely loyal, and full of heart. The two young men in her love triangle are both awesome and annoying in their own opposite ways. So many surprising revelations come out about these characters and it makes the book exciting with all the twists and turns.

Hemlock was a very surprisingly good read. I loved the characters and crazy plot twists. I can't wait to read the next book!
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LibraryThing member novelgoddess
GoodReads Synopsis: Mackenzie and Amy were best friends. Until Amy was brutally murdered.

Since then, Mac’s life has been turned upside down. She is being haunted by Amy in her dreams, and an extremist group called the Trackers has come to Mac’s hometown of Hemlock to hunt down Amy’s killer:
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A white werewolf.

Lupine syndrome—also known as the werewolf virus—is on the rise across the country. Many of the infected try to hide their symptoms, but bloodlust is not easy to control.

Wanting desperately to put an end to her nightmares, Mac decides to investigate Amy’s murder herself. She discovers secrets lurking in the shadows of Hemlock, secrets about Amy’s boyfriend, Jason, her good pal Kyle, and especially her late best friend. Mac is thrown into a maelstrom of violence and betrayal that puts her life at risk.

Kathleen Peacock’s thrilling novel is the first in the Hemlock trilogy, a spellbinding urban fantasy series filled with provocative questions about prejudice, trust, lies, and love

My Thoughts: I must come clean…I picked this one up only for the name. Didn’t read the blurb or any reviews, I just knew with a name like “Hemlock” it would be a book for me. And I’m so glad I didn’t read the blurb or I would have put it back down. I’ve read more Werewolf and Vampire books than you could shake a stake at! And I am bored with them, to say the least.

Thankfully I didn’t know this story was werewolf related. This was different in that everyone is aware werewolves exist…so while there was still the whole hiding you are a werewolf thing but it was for different reasons.

This was primarily a story about 4 best friends and what happens after one of them was murdered by a werewolf. How the three remaining friends dealt with the death, and the one friend who just won’t let it go. And it was the “who dunit” angle that really sucked me into the story. Peacock did a wonderful job of weaving together the mystery…I was able to figure out the who, once that one clue showed up, but never would have guessed the why(s).

Also, I appreciate that this didn’t feel like a typical beginning to a trilogy/series. This was a completely self-contained story. If no other books were to follow I could be satisfied with how this ended. Fortunately, it’s looking like there will be another book and I’m anxious to see where it takes us besides Denver…LOL.

Really enjoyable and hard to put down, this book is for anyone that likes a little paranormal romance and even those who don’t think they do. Enjoy!
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LibraryThing member kissedbyink
Let me preface this review by telling you that I have had Hemlock on my TBR list for quite a while. Luckily, I was able to trade one of my ARCs with another blogger so I could read it before being released. This being said, I had very high expectations for this story. Kathleen DID NOT disappoint
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me! To say that I loved Hemlock is an understatement!

Why did I love Hemlock so much?

1. I am a cover-lover. Hemlock’s cover is hauntingly beautiful.

2. One of the character’s is named Amy. Yes, she’s dead but so what!?

3. I love werewolf stories.

4. There was such wonderful description, that I was able to completely see the vision that Kathleen had as she wrote Hemlock.

5. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle.
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LibraryThing member mountie9
The Good Stuff

Mac is a fabulous well rounded character with an awesome name.
Tons of mystery, intrigue and plot twists - I was surprised on many occasions by what happened
Storyline is fast paced and never boring
I'm not the biggest fan of werewolf stories, but thouroughly enjoyed this one & look
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forward to reading more of the series
Author is a good storyteller (and a Canadian!)
Another suprise for me when reading this was I didn't mind the sorta love triangle thing, it actually really worked in this story - you can understand why the boys feel like they do and why Mac might have feelings for both of them (and why oh why can't two boys fight over me -- oh yeah 41 and married, probably not a good idea)
Fabulous character development and most of the characters (well except for the adults) are realistic in terms of actions, feelings and dialogue
plenty of thinly veiled commentary on the evils of prejudice and government control (you can see the paralels to the Salem witch trials and the hollywood blacklist against suspected communists and even towards the treatment of aids victims and homosexuals)
Enjoyed the dark humour added in at just the right time
The relationship between Tess and Mac is lovely and some of their conversations are hilarious
The Not So Good Stuff

Majority of the adults are useless uninvolved jerks -- you know how I feel about that
some repetition of plot points (for example 12 years ago when the government announced the existence..) we get it no need to keep repeating it
Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Yes, a werewolf had killed Amy. But I couldn't blame an entire group of people - even if that would have been easier. The only person to blame was the one who had killed her."

"The intercom buzzed. "Wow," I muttered, we're more popular than a pretty girl at a Star Trek convention."

"He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "In some ways. After enough time passes, you realize that maybe a whole day went by where you didn't think of them. Then you feel guilty because you're not supposed to forget - even if it is just for a day."
"We'd watch The Birds last year, and ever since, she claimed that pigeons were just biding time before making their move.
For some reason, 90 percent of Tess's fears seemed to come from movies we watched on cable."

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

For those who enjoy a twist of mysery and the paranormal
Fans of Kelley Armstrong will enjoy
4.5 Dewey's

I picked up a copy of this at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2012 from the HarperCollins booth
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LibraryThing member ahandfulofconfetti
Mac and Amy were best friends, but then Amy was suddenly killed by a werewolf. After her death, everything starts to spiral out of control; Mac is having dreams where Amy haunts her, Amy's boyfriend, Jason, is drowning his grief in alcohol, and Mac is busy trying to convince herself that her
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feelings for her friend, Kyle, are purely platonic. When the Trackers come to Hemlock to investigate Amy's murder, things get even worse, and Amy decides that she has to figure out the truth behind Amy's death. But she'll soon discover that there are plenty of secrets surrounding her town and her group of friends, and those secrets may very well endanger her life.

Hemlock is set in a (an?) US where the werewolf virus - known as Lupine Syndrome - is running rampant. Those infected are confined to "internment camps", which are very reminiscent of concentration camps, including the comments that they're not as bad as reported. In fact, the whole entire thing had a very WWII/Holocaust feel to it, what with the propaganda going up to "report any suspicious behavior" and the charismatic leader of the Tracker group using anything necessary to find and punish those with LS who are hiding their illness. It's definitely a pretty bleak world, not only because of the illness itself but all of the hatred and fear that's swirling around because of it. If you think about it too much, it starts to get rather depressing, which I'm sure was the point.

There is tons of guilt going around in this book. Mac feels guilty about Amy because she cancelled plans with her the night she died. Kyle feels guilty because he didn't answer his phone when she called. Jason feels guilty for ... something I won't spoil. All of them are "dealing" with this guilt in their own ways, and failing miserably. Because Mac is our narrator, we see everything from her point of view, and for the most part I enjoyed her. While she carries the guilt with her, she's also a bit of a fixer, trying to get Jason to sober up and straighten out. She's fairly witty, and I liked her determination to discover the truth about Amy; she was a very strong character. But all the while I was thinking, "Aaaaand here's another book where the main character decides to take it upon herself to solve a crime!" I have read at least three books that had this same plot this year alone, but will say that this was the first to include werewolves. I'm just kind of done with the whole "teenage girl thinks she can solve the mystery better than the authorities"-trope.

And then, of course, because this is a YA novel, we have to have a love triangle (because no YA novel is complete without one!), too, but at least it's done in a somewhat humorous way. See, Mac doesn't realize that Jason actually has feelings for her - the reader, of course, knows this pretty early on, but Mac is a bit obtuse - and instead has feelings for Kyle, which are brought to her attention when Kyle kisses her (after her protesting that they are "just friends" for the first part of the book). I am honestly not sure what to make of this whole love triangle thing, because it seems pretty apparent that Mac loves Kyle. But at the same time, Mac can't help trying to fix Jason, too, and it really gets kind of convoluted and confusing. I did like this line, though: "My life was not becoming one of those torrid teen-angst shows on cable." (80%) Kind of like the author was poking fun at the trope herself, but not enough to, you know, NOT use it. And because this is the first of three books, I'm sure we'll see even MORE of the indecisiveness in the future, although I really hope I'm wrong.

And the librarian in me loved the little shout-out to the Patriot Act. It's a little frightening to think how it would be used in a world like the one in Hemlock; I don't know if it was particularly chilling to me because we talked about it so much in our classes or what, but this line really grabbed me: "Maybe it was extra paranoid on my part, but if I were a creepy hate group dedicated to finding and eradicating werewolves, I'd try to get the library records and see who had checked out the books on [Lupine Syndrome]." (38%) One can only imagine how dangerous that would be.

Because all of this probably leaves the impression that I didn't enjoy the book, let me try to rectify. This book - once I got about 30% or so into it - was a really quick read. It is action-packed, full of danger, twists and turns, and definitely keeps the reader interested. There were definitely things I didn't like (see above!), but I found the story compelling enough to give the next book a read. It's not the best book ever, but is a decent start to a new series. If you like werewolves and strong, motivated female leads, give it a read. Hemlock is now available in North America from your favorite bookseller.

An e-galley was provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member thehidingspot
I usually avoid werewolf books, so it says something that I was intrigued enough by the premise of Hemlock to pick it up. Though, I admit, the title might have been one of my deciding factors. And that the cover model is wearing a purple dress. I do have a penchant for purple...

Luckily, I ended up
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enjoying the werewolf aspects of this novel quite a lot... perhaps more than any other werewolf novel I've read. Definitely enough that I'm excited to continue with the next installment and maybe enough that I'll give some other werewolf books a chance.

In Hemlock, werewolves are public knowledge... and most of the public isn't a fan. The disease that afflicts those who shift into wolves is known as lupine syndrome and is remarkably easy to spread. In a supposed effort to slow and eliminate the spread of the disease, those infected are sent to camps reminiscent of internment camps. The public, and the reader, are only given a vague impression of what goes on in these camps, but I'm hoping that this idea will be further explored in the second book.

The novel centers on Mackenzie, a girl dealing with her best friend's murder by a werewolf. Amy's death was one of four among a series of attacks and the person, or wolf, behind the gruesome murders is still free. Mac can't stop dreaming about Amy and believes the only way to stop her from haunting her sleep is to find out what happened the night her boyfriend found her torn apart in an alley. It doesn't take long for Mac to discover that people - and werewolves - are not at all what they seem...

Add to the mix that Amy is the daughter of a Senator. Making what might have been a small story into a media frenzy... especially when the Senator, a previous supporter of werewolf rights, completely reverses his stance, going so far as to invite an extremist group known as Trackers into the small town of Hemlock. The Trackers are there under the guise of looking into Amy's death... and crack down on local werewolves. The law stands aside as the Trackers overwhelm Hemlock, recruiting local teens and going to whatever means necessary to root out those hiding their abilities. It doesn't take long for Jason, one of Mac's best friends, Amy's boyfriend - and the one that found her dead - is lured in by the extremist group by the idea of violent retribution.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed the paranormal parts of this novel, there were some other aspects that seemed forced to me. As much as it pains me to say it, I wasn't invested in Hemlock's romantic plot lines. The love interests were all right, but neither really popped for me. I really liked them as characters and can't wait to see how they develop in subsequent novels, but I couldn't bring myself to care who Mac ended up. I'm very hopeful that I'll see some kind of spark or more chemistry in the next book, but, as of right now, I was a bit bored every time there was a romance related scene. I just wanted to learn more about the werewolves and the murders and skip the love scenes.

Despite that the romance missed the mark for me, I really did enjoy Hemlock. The mystery was intense, the paranormal aspects well developed, and discussion of how the public was handling (or not handling) the spread of lupine syndrome was extremely interesting. It appears there will be a change of scenery for book two, and, I won't lie, I wish I had it in my hands right now!
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LibraryThing member BookAddictDiary
Okay, I really, really hate to say this, but I was completely set up to hate this book. Why, you ask? And, even more importantly, if I thought I wasn't going to like this book, then why did I read it? Okay, let's start with the first question. After seeing this cover and reading the blurb, I was
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expecting yet another run-of-the-mills, teen supernatural romance that's essentially just a clone of everything else that's out there (just with an emphasis on werewolves) and I am just so sick of all that stuff.

That's also somewhat what made me read the book, given the opportunity. I've been dying for something fresh and original in the YA world these days, and the blurb here just had something that seemed like it was a little bit of a twist on the more traditional tale. It's hard to describe -this blurb was obviously written to appeal to the majority of teen readers (who seem to enjoy these same elements over and over again), but yet it hinted at some sort of twist, something new, I decided -why not.
In many ways, Hemlock relies on many of the common elements that are popular in the YA genre right now: werewolves, teen romance, angst, high school drama and so on. Yet, here, being a werewolf means that you are contaminated by a virus -and being one is absolutely not romantic at all -werewolves are not something you want to be in this world. And the mystery -debut author Kathleen Peacock has done a great job of building a twisty and intriguing mystery that balances out the romance element and gives readers an exciting ride through the story. Honestly, I thought that Peacock did a better job of offering a significant plot (other than just a romance) that was enjoyable to read.

The most impressive part? The writing. Peacock is definitely a cut above the average YA paranormal author. Her dialog is excellent, real and filled with personality. I found myself just getting lost in the dialog and characters because I was so captivated (and impressed) by Peacock's fresh writing approach.

Thus, Hemlock was much better than I expected. Though many elements were just re-hashes of what's already out there, the mystery was exciting and unexpected enough to bring something different to the genre. And the ending -never saw it coming.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I love getting a book that I know nothing about and end up absolutely loving. "Hemlock" was definitely one of those books. Surprisingly "Hemlock" is also about werewolves and I have noticed that I seem to be getting tired of vampire and werewolf books lately. It takes something really special to
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impress me if one of those paranormal creatures is the focus of a novel. (A side note: I don't mind if vampires and werewolves are side characters in a book or series like they are in Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels books.)
"Hemlock" definitely stood out from the pack. The story is about three friends who are devastated when their best friend Amy dies in a werewolf attack. Amy's boyfriend Jason decides to become a Tracker. Trackers are part of an anti-werewolf group that captures suspected werewolves (often violently) and asks questions later. Mac isn't convinced that all werewolves are murderers and wants to talk Jason out of his decision to become a tracker. Kyle, Jason's best friend, has been acting distant and seems to have problems of his own. All three friends carry their own guilt over Amy's death. Mac ends up becoming entangled in something far more complex than she could've imagined. She quickly learns some things about Amy's death just don't add up.

I will admit that I suspected who was behind the murders on the page he was first introduced. The way he was described just seemed to cue me in. However there were a few twists involved that I didn't put together. The mystery is far more involved than I would have expected. This made for a very entertaining reading experience and while the book does end in a cliffhanger, it was also a very satisfying read. What makes this book stand out? It's the relationships between the characters and the relationship they each had with Amy. What will they be willing to do for each other? Can they accept each other unconditionally? Can Jason be saved from himself? What will happen if Kyle and Mac move beyond friendship? Can Jason and Kyle remain friends if he begins a relationship with Mac and can Jason ever accept the true Kyle?

"Hemlock" immediately grabbed my interest. I read the book very quickly. I had to know what was going to happen with these characters and I absolutely needed to find out what werewolf was behind Amy's murder. Mac was a great heroine. I felt for her and I appreciated how much she wanted to help her friends. Her actions and motivations always felt completely real and just. I can't wait to find out more about a sequel. This author has proven to be an up and comer to watch and I encourage readers to give "Hemlock" a chance.
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LibraryThing member Candacemom2two
Anyone who knows me well knows that werewolf books aren't really my favorite. But I do have some I've really enjoyed and when I saw some early reviews on Hemlock I knew it was one I had to try. And I am so glad I did! This is definitely going on my favorite werewolf books list, no doubt about
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One thing I loved was that we were kept guessing. I thought the mystery was fantastic and not knowing who was good and who was bad was great. I loved how things were not always what they seemed and even when you thought someone was good we were convinced that maybe they weren't good. As things were gradually revealed we could come up with other ideas only to be knocked down by other revelations.

I loved the characters! Mac wasn't an annoying girl that made stupid decisions. She made some choices that weren't so smart, but she did them with passion and not with stupidity. She didn't want to lose more of her friends and she'd do anything to make sure they didn't get hurt, even if it meant putting herself in danger. I never felt annoyed with Mac and loved how she had so much love for her friends and people in her life. The romance in this book worked well because there wasn't any instant love. And while there was potential for a love triangle it hasn't really quite become one. I feel pretty okay with it though and kind of think it works with this book. Hopefully I feel the same way in the next book about that though.

I honestly could really rave and rave about this book. It's hard for me to try to pick out something that I didn't like. I think that the whole story line worked really well and it all felt completely unique to me. In the description it says "filled with provocative questions about prejudice, trust, lies, and love" and I think that's a perfect description right there.

This was a beautiful story that had me at page one. And while it has plenty left for us to anticipate, it didn't have a cliffhanger. I very highly recommend you pick this one up!
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LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review Courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: A single scratch can transmit lupine syndrome and werewolves are forced into internment camps. While Mac and her friends struggle to cope with the loss of Amy to a serial killing werwolf, they find there’s more behind Amy’s death than any of
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them imagined.

Opening Sentence: Blood ran down my hands in thin rivers.

The Review:

Mac has lived in Hemlock since her father walked out years ago, living with her cousin Tess on the “wrong” side of the tracks. But her address didn’t stop Amy, daughter of a prominent Hemlock family, from becoming her best friend. Amy, Mac, Jason and Kyle have been best friends for years, inseparable, until the night Amy’s torn apart by a werewolf. Mac had ditched their movie plans for to study for finals, Jason and Amy had just fought, and Kyle didn’t pick up his phone when she called for a ride. The loss of their best friend — and Jason’s girlfriend — hit all of them hard. While Kyle and Mac kept it together though, Jason spiraled as far down as you can go in a town like Hemlock.

But when, after months of no deaths, the werewolf strikes again, and the police bring in the Trackers. Outside the police, the Trackers specialize in hunting down ‘fleabags’ and sending them to internment camps — provided they survive their capture, that is. The Trackers make Mac uncomfortable. Their beat-first-and-test-later philosophy doesn’t sit well with many, but no one wants to go against a police-enforced gang. Jason, however, doesn’t share Mac’s aversion to the werewolf hunters. Eager for revenge against the wolf that killed Amy, he’s throwing himself into their initiate group.

Mac follows him, tries to keep an eye on him and take care of him, but it almost gets her killed. And Jason is too drunk to realize just how bad things were getting for Mac. When it comes down to it, Mac is always there for Jason, but Jason isn’t ever there for her. It’s Kyle who comes to her rescue [insert swoon] and begins to help her track down Amy’s killer. Because what the police never told the public — and what the Trackers refuse to — is that there’s far more to Amy’s murder than the other victims.

On a mission to find the truth and stop the Trackers from taking over, Mac is pushed face-to-face with her feelings about Kyle and aspects of Amy’s not-so-perfect life that Mac never knew. Honestly, my favorite part about Hemlock was the angst between Mac and Kyle! My least favorite, the unnecessary love triangle the author created here. It worked alright within the story line, but it was like plopping a giant cliché in the middle of an otherwise unique novel. I loved Mac, her desire to take care of Jason as he deals with his grief, the way she interacts with her guardian Tess and Kyle, were all great ways of characterizing her without the info-dumping seen in a lot of other young adult novels.

I loved the fact that lycanthropy stemmed from an illness in Hemlock. Since just a scratch is enough for possible transmission, and you don’t know who may or may not be infected, it added extra tension. Peacock also makes the reader wonder about the pull of cults and the actions they’ll drive people to, the moral ambiguity of protecting the human race and what it really means to be human. Hemlock is definitely a book I’d recommend to anyone who likes paranormal mysteries.

Notable Scene:

Something thick and warm ran down my face. Blood.

“Our Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed by thy name…” The words stuck in my throat. Hank had been an atheist and Tess went to church only at Christmas and Easter.

“They kingdom…”

A particularly loud scream echoed behind me and I choked on a sob.

“Thy kingdom come.”

Tears streamed down my face. Battered, bruised, and terrified, I struggled to curl into a ball. Blackness rose up. There was another scream behind me, and then, mercifully, I passed out.

The Hemlock Trilogy:

1. Hemlock

FTC Advisory: Katherine Tegen Books/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of Hemlock. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don’t receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
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LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Yes, there are tons of werewolf books out on the market. Yes, some of them are good. Some of them are real good. Oh, but this book was really, really good!!! I wanted to devour it. I wanted to quit my job so that I could spend the rest of the night reading it. It was amazing!

I loved the whole
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concept of the book. It may have a plot that is being well exercised by many authors right now but Peacock takes it to a whole new level. This book is a completely different kind of werewolf book.

Mac is a character that you right away are sucked into her life. You mourn over the loss of her best friend with her, you stare at the book and you are just as confused with her about what is going on, and you become torn with her when Kyle and Jason tilt her world.

I found myself falling in love with both characters Kyle and Jason at the same time. Both of them are great guys but they have dark secrets that are coming into the light and I wanted nothing more than just to help them; that is how much I was sucked into this book. I wanted to knock them in the head when both of them couldn’t get their problems straight. And I felt this way because Peacock wrote character that were so lovable.

Seriously, it was wonderful! I can’t wait for the second book.
~BookWhisperer Reviewer MC~
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LibraryThing member summerskris
Hemlock is unique both as a paranormal read and in the writing. This is different from other werewolf stories in that it has become an epidemic. Werewolves may be the hunter, but the majority don't want to be a werewolf. They are ostrichized and hunted. Many other books may include a werewolf who
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wants to be a normal guy, but this book is darker than most. It is clear that there is nothing romantic about being a werewolf or falling in love with one. And especially not being killed by one.

The writing is beautiful and descriptive. Hemlock is a thick book and rather intimidating when you tackle a large pile of books to review after having lost a month due to exams and illness. However, I never felt overwhelmed while reading it. I received an ARC, so there were some rough transitions; for the most part, I was completely sucked into Mac's world. The pacing was spot on. It was slow and riddled with tension when there was danger lurking nearby; it was fast and heart-pounding when there was an attack; and my heart stopped with Mac's when she received a shock. It takes something for me to feel so close to the narrator that I feel like I'm there with her. I never knew what to expect next. There are so many plot twists that I didn't see coming that when I was able to guess something, it felt new and special when it did happen because I didn't know what would happen next.

Mac is one of my favorite heroines of the year. She has strong emotions that she normally hides under a cautiously reserved exterior, afraid of showing the people close to her how much she cares about them. She looks after Jason out of duty for the boyfriend that Amy left behind, but the one she is really interested in is her close friend Kyle, though she insists that they're "only friends." This has been called a love triangle, but I wouldn't call it one when the girl knows who she wants. Mac is someone with whom I can easily relate, despite never having been put in a similar predicament. Having Amy's ghost haunt her dreams was a nice touch. We get to know Amy, who would have otherwise remained a name and a body to us readers, and we know just how guilty Mac feels. The nightmares also help set the plot in motion, as they are one reason that compels Mac to look into Amy's murder.

What really pulls this story together and makes it more than another paranormal romance is the world building. As I mentioned before, Hemlock is dark, much darker than other paranormal books out there. There is cold-blooded murder and politics involved. Werewolves are given harsh treatment even if they mean no harm to humans, resulting in a controversial issue with people taking side: there are those who want a more peaceful approach to werewolves, and there are those who want extreme measures to be taken against them. When the werewolf situation in the town of Hemlock takes a turn for the worse, people must choose sides, and Mac learns more about her friends than she may have wanted to know.

Hemlock explores how change, both good and bad, affects people and what it means to care about someone; it explores different reactions to getting infected and asks if is always possible to see past the exterior and remember who someone is on the inside. Each character has his or her own story to tell. It's a bit weird, but I felt like a proud mama watching the characters grow and take the initiative. I am intrigued by where this story is going and am definitely interested in learning more about the werewolves and ongoing politics on the topic, though I have mixed feelings about Mac's decision at the end, as I hadn't thought of her as one of those girls who'll follow her love to the end of the world. Nevertheless, she is following her heart, and I do want to see her fulfill her mission.
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LibraryThing member sszkutak
Background: Mac is a teenage girl dealing with the loss of her best friend Amy. Amy was brutally murdered by a werewolf, however that is not uncommon. Werewolves permeate society and LS or Lupine Syndrome is occurring all over as the government tries to figure out how to handle the LS infected
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persons. Mac's best friend Jason has been acting strange since Amy's death and it has become her goal to find out what really happened to her friend.

Review: Couldn't put it down! I really loved this book. I started reading and only go about 10 pages in and was a little unmoved by it at first. Seemed like the same teenage angst and whining...only it got so much better! I jumped from page 10 to 71 and then on and on...even when I thought the plot was going one way, the predictable way, it surprised me and took another direction.

Mac is a strong girl, her parents aren't in the picture and she is being raised by Tess who is fairly close to her age. I loved the werewolves in this book. I thought it was great to have them be known about and have LS be a disease contracted, rather than a supernatural ailment that only affects some.

The author did so good. Mac's sarcasm is wonderful and the story line is great. But I cannot say much because a lot of twists occur and I don't want to ruin them for anyone...just go read it!

Recommended for supernatural lovers, those who like some teen angst and a strong female role. Go get it now!
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LibraryThing member shelleyraec
Deadly Hemlock is the first in a new series featuring werewolves and this paranormal young adult novel reeled me in with a heart pounding opening sequence and managed to keep my interest the whole way through.

In an alternate contemporary society, victims of the Lupine Virus are segregated from the
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human population and confined to government controlled camps in a bid to slow the transmission of the disease. Werewolves inspire fear amongst the majority of the population and understandably an infected person is loathe to reveal their status. When Amy is fatally mauled during a series of werewolf attacks in the small town of Hemlock, her best friends Mackenzie, Jason and Kyle blame themselves for her death. They are still struggling to deal with their grief when The Trackers arrive, a vicious vigilante group whose agenda reaches far beyond the hunt for werewolves amongst the populace.

Deadly Hemlock doesn't stray far from the familiar cliches of YA fiction but nevertheless it is an enjoyable read. Underlying the paranormal guise is an exploration of prejudice, bullying, class warfare and politics. Nothing too heavy handed but enough to give the story some depth. A little darker than some YA novels, there are quite explicit descriptions of violence that provide plenty of action. In Peacock's world, werewolves are acknowledged though feared but I liked the authors take on werewolf lore in that werewolves can shift at will (though strong emotion can force a shift) and remain mostly sentient.
Determining the identity of the werewolf that murdered Amy is the main mystery element of the story which Peacock cleverly twists part way through. I have to admit though, I doubted that the werewolf's human self would have been so accomplished at remaining under the radar for so long.

Mac is likeable as a heroine, not the brightest, but she is determined and loyal (if to a fault). As with most YA protagonists, Mac has little self esteem, and is a touch too naive to be completely credible. The author does provide some back story in an attempt to justify Mac's more foolish decisions but I am not sure she was entirely successful. Mac's dream sequences, starring a cryptic Amy, left me cold and I think they were unnecessary. I can only assume they tie into Peacocks plans for further installments.

The ubiquitous YA love triangle veers slightly from the norm, Mac knows who she wants so she isn't torn between the bad boy with a heart of gold and the golden boy with a heart of, well, bad. Kyle is the tortured, brooding type who has been in love with Mac forever but denies it to protect her. Jason is pretty much a jerk though I did feel some sympathy for him and Peacock allows him to redeem himself, at least partially.

I did enjoy Deadly Hemlock for its fast paced action and paranormal element. It's a quick, entertaining read and a solid debut for a new series which has a lot of potential to grow.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
I got a copy of this book to review through the Amazon Vine program. It was a pretty typical YA paranormal read. It was heavy on the mystery side.

Mac lives in Hemlock and her life was turned upside down when her girlfriend Amy was murdered by a white werewolf. Lupine syndrome is on the rise and
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this particular werewolf has killed many. Mac decides to hunt the werewolf down and solve Amy’s murder herself. Little does she know she will uncover many secrets of Amy’s, Amy’s boyfriend, and her own best guy friend. When the police bring in the Trackers, a werewolf hunting group, things get even more dangerous.

This book was more of a murder mystery involving werewolves than anything else. Mac spends a lot of time trying to track down clues to Amy’s murder, stumbling on her friends’ secrets, and getting herself deeper and deeper into trouble.

Mac definitely has some toughness to her, although at times it comes across as stupidity. She throws herself repeatedly into a lot of really dangerous situations...I doubted her intelligence a number of times throughout the story.

The book portrays werewolfism as a kind of national crisis, camps have been set up to segregate werewolves from the general population and the nation is in panic as Lupine syndrome is on the rise. This provided an interesting background to the story, but it was just that...background. None of this is really talked about a ton. This could be really interesting in future books if expanded on.

The book was an easy read and decently written. The plot was fairly simple. I had to groan as Mac went from a being a one man woman, to getting involved with the typical YA love triangle. Mac even bitched about it herself.

Overall this is an okay read. It is decently written and the background is interesting. Mac isn’t the brightest heroine I’ve ever read about. All in all this is a very typical young adult paranormal read; it even includes the ever lauded love triangle. I would recommend the Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer or The Deviants series by Jeff Sampson as better YA werewolf reads. If you absolutely need a werewolf book to read and love love triangles then this is an okay read. I personally won’t be reading any more of this series.
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LibraryThing member YABReviews
What would you do if your best friend was killed by a werewolf attack? That is what happened to Mackenzie. The Lupine Syndrome virus has been on the rise recently. Mackenzie tries to do things as normal after the death of Amy, but she is haunted by dreams of her. These make her want to try to solve
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Amy’s murder.

Amy’s grandfather, Senator John Walsh, however, has other plans. He invited a group of Trackers into the area to help find the wolf responsible. Trackers are militant killers whose specialty is werewolves. Weird things start happening after the Trackers come into town. Mac’s two best friends, Kyle and Jason, start acting different.

Regs for Werewolves, RfW, who are werewolf right activists, set up a “peaceful protest” when the Trackers have their recruitment meeting. That is when Mac discovers that Jason is intending to join the Trackers. He was Amy’s boyfriend and her murder has spurred him on to hating the werewolves. Mac wants to help Jason, but that is proving to be more difficult than she had anticipated. Kyle is suddenly acting different around Mac. There is also the other girl in school who he seems to scare him at times.

Then kids are being pulled out of school by the trackers, thinking that they are werewolves. This can be violent at times. Is this what Hemlock needs to get over the tragedy of Amy’s death? Will the Trackers finally be able to solve Amy’s murder? What is going on with Kyle and Jason?

When I first heard about this book, I don’t know what it was about it, but I wanted to read it. Maybe it was the cover. Maybe it was because it has to do with werewolves. I was hoping that this book would be different than the other werewolf books I’ve read and it was. I liked the way Peacock wrote the characters in this book. There are characters you want to like and those that you don’t. It is just cut and dry. My opinion about the characters changed while reading this book.

Even though this book is about a paranormal subject - werewolves, it doesn't seem like that much of a "fairy tale." I could see why some of the events happened in the book. It also wouldn't be too far of a stretch for me to imagine something like that happening today. I cannot wait until June 2013 until the next book in this series comes out. I will be watching for it.
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LibraryThing member PrettyDeadlyReviews
Initial Thoughts: I feel like I really missed something with this book. Everyone else seemed to love it, giving it 4-5 star ratings. I thought for sure that a mix of urban fantasy and some weird werewolf disease would be absolutely fantastic but I found that the science was lacking, and also, I
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felt like I missed an entire book.

What I liked: I liked Mac. Ms Peacock really brought me into Mac's head, and I felt close to her. Like I've known her forever. Her pain over missing Amy was palpable. I really liked Kyle, too. Sure, he was conflicted a little, but at least he wasn't so cliche about it.

I really, really enjoyed the Trackers. I know they were supposed to be the bad guys according to Mac, and the good guys according to everyone else in town. I loved that conflict in Mac's head about them. More importantly though, I thought they were excellently written, and a nice way to bring in that dystopian sort of theme without having to write an entire book about a dystopian nation.

The action in Hemlock was fast paced and engaging. From the first page we're sort of thrown into the entire atmosphere: the dark alleys, the stalkers, the werewolves' blood lust. I loved it, and it had my heart pounding.

What I didn't Like: The entire time I was reading I kept feeling like I was reading a second book. I felt like there was a first book that I somehow missed and just jumped into the sequel. Ms Peacock spent a lot -- I mean a LOT -- of time telling us about what happened before the book started. Soooo much info dumping about what happened to Amy, how Mac dealt with it, how close her, Amy, Kyle, and Jason had been. I think this series would have been better off as four books, with a book about everything before Hemlock. This book was over 400 pages long, and because of all the memories and info-dumping, it got boring and stale at times.

The world-building was sub-par, too. We have this lupine syndrome, a werewolf disease, and really no history on it. Maybe if the science was there, it would have felt more real to me, but I just couldn't manage to believe it. Then there are the laws surrounding the wolves, how they cease to be citizens, lose their rights and their belongings, and are sent off to concentration camps until they die. It just didn't seem very.... American to me. I don't know. I just couldn't believe it, and that's very detrimental when I'm reading a book.

In Conclusion: This book was just okay. By the last 75 pages or my heart was pounding out of my chest, and I was rushing to turn the page. But with all the info-dumping, and the general feeling of 'Did I miss something?' I just couldn't get into it. All that, on top of poor world building, it just wasn't a hit for me. I probably won't be picking up the sequel.
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LibraryThing member MargK
If I wasn’t previously convinced of the existence of an instruction manual on How to Write a YA Book and Market It to the Masses, I most definitely am now. Yep, I’m pretty damn certain that it’s out there, and it’s filled with ready-to-use stock character profiles, plot templates, story
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formulas, picture diagrams, flowcharts, and checklists...lots of checklists.

Listen, I realize that the writers who have ventured into the YA publishing arena and have managed to get their hands on copies of this manual have probably been forced to sign (in blood) iron-tight nondisclosure contracts that if broken will result in the loss of their souls followed by lifelong banishment to a desolate prison camp in Siberia. So, I don’t expect to ever be able to possess and present to you actual concrete proof, but what I can do is engage in some adamant speculation with Hemlock as evidence.

Let's first examine the book's heroine. Whatsherface (sorry, but I can't for the life of me recall her name or be bothered to look it up) is the not-so-ordinary ordinary girl. As such, she has obligatory average looks and a Plain Jane fashion style that consists of jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers all obtained from a thrift shop of some sort. She wears absolutely no makeup and never styles her hair. In fact, she barely ever even brushes her hair except for maybe running her fingers through it because she cannot permit herself to do anything that might indicate that (unlike most other human beings on the planet) she cares about her appearance in the slightest. She must, at all times, remain immaculately modest and completely oblivious of her potential attractiveness. Because according to YA fiction, caring about your appearance is bad. Very, very bad. Only the mean popular kids do that and we’re supposed to silently judge them for it.

Now, Whatsherface also happens to be parentless. This serves two purposes: (1) it allows her to repeatedly & stupidly put herself in dangerous situations that involve lots of tripping over things while running for her life, fainting, and being rescued by hot love interests and (2) it leaves her emotionally scarred which in turn allows for lots of pointless angst to be forcibly injected into an already melodramatic romance.

Speaking of the romance, there is of course a love triangle. 'Cos what teen girl hasn’t had two hot guys madly in love with her for no apparent reason and willing to do anything for her including lose their pride & dignity fighting over a chick who can’t decide which hottie she prefers to make out with loves more, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Anyways, unsurprisingly the love interests come in two varieties: (1) hot broody bad boy with a self-destructive streak and (2) hot boy-next-door with a white knight complex. Unfortunately, in YA fiction, variety is not the spice of life, and us females are not only superficial but attracted to only two types of guys with two-dimensional personalities and zero purpose or ambition in their lives other than to protect us (and stalk us a little).

As for the plot, well, it’s simplistic & linear with an anticlimactic climax and a predictable ending with a contrived pseudo-resolution that blatantly sets up an unnecessary sequel that will undoubtedly focus even more on the soap opera-like romance than its predecessor. The end.
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LibraryThing member PrettyDeadly
Initial Thoughts: I feel like I really missed something with this book. Everyone else seemed to love it, giving it 4-5 star ratings. I thought for sure that a mix of urban fantasy and some weird werewolf disease would be absolutely fantastic but I found that the science was lacking, and also, I
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felt like I missed an entire book.

What I liked: I liked Mac. Ms Peacock really brought me into Mac's head, and I felt close to her. Like I've known her forever. Her pain over missing Amy was palpable. I really liked Kyle, too. Sure, he was conflicted a little, but at least he wasn't so cliche about it.

I really, really enjoyed the Trackers. I know they were supposed to be the bad guys according to Mac, and the good guys according to everyone else in town. I loved that conflict in Mac's head about them. More importantly though, I thought they were excellently written, and a nice way to bring in that dystopian sort of theme without having to write an entire book about a dystopian nation.

The action in Hemlock was fast paced and engaging. From the first page we're sort of thrown into the entire atmosphere: the dark alleys, the stalkers, the werewolves' blood lust. I loved it, and it had my heart pounding.

What I didn't Like: The entire time I was reading I kept feeling like I was reading a second book. I felt like there was a first book that I somehow missed and just jumped into the sequel. Ms Peacock spent a lot -- I mean a LOT -- of time telling us about what happened before the book started. Soooo much info dumping about what happened to Amy, how Mac dealt with it, how close her, Amy, Kyle, and Jason had been. I think this series would have been better off as four books, with a book about everything before Hemlock. This book was over 400 pages long, and because of all the memories and info-dumping, it got boring and stale at times.

The world-building was sub-par, too. We have this lupine syndrome, a werewolf disease, and really no history on it. Maybe if the science was there, it would have felt more real to me, but I just couldn't manage to believe it. Then there are the laws surrounding the wolves, how they cease to be citizens, lose their rights and their belongings, and are sent off to concentration camps until they die. It just didn't seem very.... American to me. I don't know. I just couldn't believe it, and that's very detrimental when I'm reading a book.

In Conclusion: This book was just okay. By the last 75 pages or my heart was pounding out of my chest, and I was rushing to turn the page. But with all the info-dumping, and the general feeling of 'Did I miss something?' I just couldn't get into it. All that, on top of poor world building, it just wasn't a hit for me. I probably won't be picking up the sequel.
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LibraryThing member IreneReads
Library Summary: “High school senior Mackenzie attempts to solve the mystery of her best friend’s murder in a town affected by the werewolf virus.”

I absolutely LOVE this book! The plot was unexpected. Which is what I want in a book. Normally when you have werewolves in a story, the plot is
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mostly romantic, but with this book, it’s a conflict between werewolves and trackers (humans who hunt werewolves). I mean, there is romance between the main character Mackenzie and her best friend Kyle, who’s a werewolf, but that is a side-story. Kathleen focuses mostly on the problem and less on the romance.

I like Mackenzie or, as they call her in the book, Mac. I mean, even though her best friend was murdered five months earlier and she is plagued with nightmares of her, she doesn’t let that affect her. She may feel like curling up into a ball and crying her eyes out (as most female characters in her place would have done) she knows that she needs to get on with her life, even though she knows nothing will ever be the same.

There is one thing that I don’t really like about this book. You have Mac, who falls in love with her friend Kyle, and then you have Jason, who SPOILER ALERT: reveals that he has feelings for Mac END OF SPOILER ALERT. That bothers me. It seems like every paranormal romance book has to have a love triangle in it. Why? I mean, is it really that hard to write a book where there is romance between only two people!?

Other than that, this is a really good book and I recommend it to everyone.
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LibraryThing member danitronmc
If you’re looking for a book that throws action at you right off the bat, sucking you helplessly in from the first page, it’s right here.

Sweet mercy alive, this book is inTENSE!

Mac seems to be pretty emotional throughout the book, but seeing as her best friend was killed by a werewolf and
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she’s losing everyone around her for various reasons, added to the fact that she almost dies about a BILLION times, I’ll let her emotional displays slide. Because how on earth is anyone expected to deal with the life she has?

Good gracious.

Not to mention all the mental blows from the abundance of secrets and betrayals that are hurled her way. Seriously, who knew one town could harbor so many secrets?! It’s like every character we meet throughout the book is hiding something, and it blew my mind every time one of their secrets is revealed.

There was a little while at the beginning that I was worried that the stereotypical love triangle was going to form and I was going to go lay back outside in the sun until it actually incinerated me (because that would be preferable). So I wasn’t too sold on Mac’s love interests because of that shaky, what-if-this-turns-into-one-of-those-triangle-debacles fears I harbored, and it looked like it might go that direction. But the love triangle vibes died down and I was able to believe her relationships more, and not feel like it was just a plot point.

*silent cheers*

So the story is this whole action-filled mystery-thriller where danger is thrust in your face at every turn and whenever I guessed at who I thought the murderer was–as I was constantly trying and failing to do–someone else would pop up on the radar as a possible suspect. Until that complete WHAT THE BLEEP moment where I realized who it was and I’m fairly positive my eyes almost snapped out of their sockets and my jaw flopped open limply.

I’m over-the-top impressed by this book’s ability to blindside me.

Over and over and over again.

Also, let’s talk about how creepy Amy-the-horribly-slaughtered-best-friend-who-haunts-Mac’s-every-dream is. Even I dreaded when Mac would fall asleep, because that meant another interaction with that overly eerie version of Amy.


And that ending? Creepiest moment of the entire story! GAH why do authors just leave you hanging by your fingertips, your grip slipping on loose gravel as you try to hold on until you get the closure only the following book will bring?!

So yeah. You want an acutely intense and paranormal read? Read Hemlock. I loved it, and I hope you do too!

4.5/5 STARS;)
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LibraryThing member libgirl69
Cheap read I picked up that I thoroughly enjoyed.


Original publication date


Physical description

404 p.; 8.25 inches


0062048651 / 9780062048653

Local notes

MacKenzie and Amy were best friends, until Amy was murdered. Not only is Mac being haunted by Amy in her dreams, an extremist group called the Trackers has come to Mac's hometown of Hemlock to track down Amy's suspected killer: a lone, white werewolf.

A solid read, but nothing spectacular.
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