Tiger's Curse, Book 4: Tiger's Destiny

by Colleen Houck

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Splinter (2012), Edition: 4th Edition, 464 pages


Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will finally break the tiger's curse.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kcody03
A heart pounding new installment that will completely blow your mind!
I have been waiting for the release of this book for ages and so I was absolutely ecstatic to get an ARC. I have to say that this book was well worth the wait and readers will be falling in love with these characters all over
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This book is one of the most intense books of the series so far. There were so many new twists and turns to this installment of the series that I was surprised more than once. The amount of sheer emotion in this book is staggering, but tempered with a good deal of action. I was so engrossed in this book that I read it hours on end. There are also some interesting new creatures that the gang meets that make many of the past ones seem like harmless animals.
We also get to see a new side to Kelsey and how much she really has grown throughout her journeys. She is no longer relying solely on Kishan and Ren when it comes to battling monsters. Kelsey has become a great warrior in her own right and it was fun to see her kick some major butt.
Unfortunately Kelsey isn’t the only one who has grown stronger. Lokesh has found a way to become even more powerful and take every ounce of cunning and skill at the gangs disposal to stop him once and for all. The question is will they make it out alive?
Tiger’s Curse fans won’t want to miss out on this thrilling new installment that holds many more surprises for Kelsey and the boys!
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LibraryThing member Bduke
This isn't the last one? It sure seemed to wrap everything up very nicely. At least it's not a cliffhanger. I found this much more enjoyable than the 3rd book. I liked how Kelsey learned things about herself, although her stupidity about some things did irritate me a few times. I enjoyed the humor
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and the fact that there was no in-fighting between the main characters. I would have been very happy if this was the last book, I hope the author doesn't ruin things with another one.
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LibraryThing member jessn1017
I really enjoyed this story, with a minor quibble or two. Being the fourth book in the series, it managed to continue the tradition of combining action, adventure, romance, and mythology into a great, well-paced story. The characters continue to grow and be forced to make tough choices. There are
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some heart-breaking losses in this one, as well.

The love triangle storyline between Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan continues, and while there were some supremely frustrating moments, and times I wanted to hit Kelsey over the head for her indecision, mixed messages, and the pain she inflicted on one or both of the guys, even if unintentional, ultimately, I found the ending and closure to that story satisfying. I feel she made the right choice, though I'm sure there are others who may disagree.

I felt some of the storyline with Lokesh's obsession with Kelsey, and his desire to have a son with her for the power the child would bring him, a bit, shall we say, creepy. Oogie. Yuck. I'm not saying it wouldn't happen if this were real life, but it did make me feel a bit dirty reading about it at times. Fortunately, it never gets to a critical point before Kelsey is rescued (not really a spoiler, did you really think she wouldn't be?), but readers who have a history of sexual abuse or assault may find those parts disturbing, so be forewarned.

The other part I had trouble with is the time travel aspect. And I'll admit, I always have a bit of trouble with time travel being used as a plot device, just because of the conundrums and/or paradoxes that inevitably arise. I didn't immediately notice any glaring issues that were not addressed sufficiently at the time I was reading it, but afterwards, I did have some questions come to mind. More on that later.

Now, overall, I felt this was a very satisfying ending to the series, with a good ending, with closure for all, and I definitely recommend reading the series. HOWEVER, I have just recently learned that there is to be a fifth book in the series. I have no idea what that one will be about, since this one seemed to be written as the final book. So, I will say that, while I am definitely going to read the next book, there is a little bit of trepidation wondering how it will work with the way this one ended. I'm wondering if the questions I had that arose in regards to the time travel aspect will be addressed in that one, but we shall see. To be continued... ?
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LibraryThing member Tinkerbell4726
I'm not sure what the 5th book could be about, but if this is the end it was a beautiful ending to an amazing story. I did not stop reading until I was done. Ren and Keshawn are some of the most amazing characters ever written. This book made me cry in happiness
LibraryThing member CherryHalle
This entire tale was the best one I've ever read. It deserves more than 5 starts. The enthralling romance, passion, and the magical twists, turns and adventures kept me on my feet and thristing for me. The whole world dissapears while reading this series. The princes are every girls perfect dream,
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no one can compare to Ren and Kishan. Yet Ms Houck twisted a perfect ending with a hint of sadness. Even finished this leaves the reader thirsting for more. Like Kesley you become dependent on the nourishing tale of the Tiger's Curse series, just like she was in need of Ren's love. Truely magical.
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LibraryThing member agille37
Had a really difficult time finishing this book. Finally had to put it to rest.
LibraryThing member saucymama
Loved, loved, loved this series! I read all four books in less than a week! (i know that makes me sound extremely boring). If you want an epic adventure with fantasy and a really wicked love triangle, this is a great one to read!
LibraryThing member mountie9
Please remember when reading my comments on this that I am a 44 yr old mom, and am not the intended audience for this series. This final book in the series was highly imaginative and I thoroughly enjoy all of the myths and history included. The story was unique and the secondary characters are
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fantastic, including Kelsey's two love interests. It was a good ending to the series and I think teens will truly enjoy it. That being said the angst drove me completely insane. Kelsey is so wishy washy in terms of her romantic life and is so incredibly naive. SPOILERS Also, do not get me started on the fact that she marries so young and it was so shmaltzy I wanted to throw up in my mouth a little. You can even have a drinking game based on how many types Kelsey mentions the colour of both Kishan and Ren's eyes. These inner monologues and angsty scenes could have been taken out and made into three positively brilliant books in my opinion. But again I am not a teen, if I was maybe I would totally love all the angst of having two boys love her and believing she wasn't good enough for the hotter one. On a side note I listened to the series on audio book and I would actually talk out loud to Kelsey when I was walking the dog. Her inner voice was that irritating. But again, the adventure part of the story does make up for Kelsey. I won't take off any stars for my problems with the series based on the fact that I am not the intended audience. Oh yeah and Kelsey if you were real I would slap you upside of the head and take both those sexy tigers for my own.
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LibraryThing member jessica_reads
I really liked this book. I really liked this series. It's not perfect in writing and technique, but the author is new. And as far as new goes, it's brilliant. I got these first few when they were available on Amazon Kindle. Then, someone saw her talent and decided to take her on before she got
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grabbed up by someone else. As an author, she's sweet and she, or someone on her team has responded to emails and questions through various media outlets. Her writing style is growing.

For the books: I got attached to the characters and really involved in the plot. I haven't seen a lot of books about India and tigers so it was a refreshing change from most fantasy novels. Though some parts of the series were a bit on the predictable side I let myself really have fun with it and let my emotions get caught up in the swell of things. I laughed, cried, blushed, and yelled throughout this series. It brought me into a new culture that intrigued me enough to pick up some nonfiction books and learn some of the real stories behind a few characters within the series. I was immersed and loved it all. I was in our time and felt like I traveled back to ancient times with these characters.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This was a well done conclusion to this YA fantasy series. I know there is a fifth book planned for this series, called The Tiger’s Dream. However, since release is undetermined for that book and this book does an excellent job wrapping up the series...I am considering it the wrap-up/final book
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for this series. There is a lot of adventure and action and mythology in here which I loved. I was still frustrated by the whole love triangle; it makes the characters (who are otherwise pretty intelligent) come of as dumb and immature.

There is only one prophecy left in the Tiger’s Curse. To break the last portion of the curse Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan must travel to one of the islands in the Bay of Bengal to track down the Rope of Fire. With Lokesh is hot on their heels things are more dire than ever. Can Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan break the last part of the Tiger’s Curse before it’s too late?

I still have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this series. I love the adventure, travel, and mythology. I hate the love triangle and the inconsistency and vagueness around how the magic items work.

In this book there is more travel, excitement, and adventure as we get to travel to the Andaman Islands. All of our favorite characters are here. We meet even more mythical creatures and even get to travel through time to see the origins of the Goddess Durga.

While I really enjoy the setting and magic in this series I continue to be very frustrated about the whole love triangle thing. Kelsey is just being cruel to Kishan and has been for the last two books. With all the “energy” between her and Ren and the way they would both rather die than be apart from each other how can she keep stringing along Kishan? Then there is Kishan’s attitude; he loves all the pretty women and although he professes love for Kelsey he doesn’t shy from ogling others. It’s just silly. Still to prevent spoilers I won’t say who Kelsey ends up with...however I will say it is very predictable and pretty much a no brainer. Why the angst over it for these last couple books?

Anyway, I enjoyed the plot in this book a lot and loved how the final portion of the Tiger’s Curse was broken. The time travel added an interesting twist to everything and I enjoyed it. A lot happens in this book and the story takes some interesting twists and turns.

Things are absolutely and completely tied up in this book. There aren’t any loose ends at all; so I am not sure why a fifth book is planned for this series. On Huock’s blog she mentions that the release for book 5, The Tiger’s Dream, is undetermined because she is working on other projects. I also read that Book 5 is supposed to talk about Kelsey and her life after the curse (again omitting any Tiger names to prevent spoilers).

Overall a good conclusion to this YA fantasy series. I have loved the adventure, the travel, the magic, and the curse breaking in this series. I enjoyed the characters as well. I hated, hated, hated the love triangle. It felt so forced throughout and made the characters seem dumb...it just didn’t do the story or the characters justice at all. I also didn’t like how inconsistent the use of the magic items was; they don’t seem to follow any rhyme or reason. I don’t really plan on reading any more books by Huock, but I would recommend this series if you are looking for a good YA adventure fantasy and don’t mind corny love triangles.
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LibraryThing member mrsdanaalbasha
“A smart woman uses all the tools at her disposal to obtain what she desires.”

[‎Friday, ‎January ‎04, ‎2013] Kelsey, Ren and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga’s final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will
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finally break the tiger’s curse.

“Ren turned toward me and pressed my hand against his heart. “Kelsey, my blood pounds and my heart races when you’re near. I have to make a conscious effort to restrain myself from touching you. From taking you into my arms. From kissing you. I would almost rather be tortured by Lokesh again than be tormented everyday like this be seeing you with Kishan.”

[‎Thursday, ‎October ‎10, ‎2013] As every bookaholic knows, sometimes there are many great books out there that you want to read at once. But sometimes there are unfinished books that you feel guilty not finishing. So I decided to wrap-up all the unfinished books and start fresh next year in 2014. Besides that, Colleen Houck did NOT set a date for the fifth book of the Tiger’s Curse saga, so YES I am VERY afraid to finish this one. So a few weeks ago I was done with good numbers and I returned to Kelsey, Ren and Kishan’s adventure to free the tigers from Lokesh’s curse. And some readers reviews freaked me out but I have my own intuition.

“You are my home, Kelsey. Wherever you are is where I belong.”

I reached chapter 23 “Chimera”, page 257. I think Kishan will either be with Durga, raised to evermore immortal and a lover or Lokesh’s daughter Princess Yesubai when Lokesh dies. I think with his death and the curse being broken, all his victims will either live again or be reincarnated into other people around Kelsey. Even Mr. Kadam. I have many other theories, but one thing I will be sad if it ended [beside the series of course] is Ren and Kishan never changing into tiger’s again.

Well, I don’t know… let’s see what the end holds… *finger’s crossed* I really want Ren and Kelsey together.

[‎Sunday, ‎December ‎08, ‎2013] The ending of this book disappointed me in so many levels. For 3 and 4¾ books we've been living in a teasing foreplay for something spicy to happen between Ren and Kelsey but nothing happened, okay they got married but the ending wasn't satisfying. Durga and Kishan have been flirting nonstop for the two last books, I hoped the author would be strong enough to create real characters with real feelings. I mean the book would have been 100 times better if Kishan fell in love with Durga and married her, not the whole sacrifice bull! I just wasn't enthralled by the ending.
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LibraryThing member mrsdanaalbasha
“A smart woman uses all the tools at her disposal to obtain what she desires.”

[‎Friday, ‎January ‎04, ‎2013] Kelsey, Ren and Kishan race against time and the evil sorcerer Lokesh on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal as they seek Durga’s final gift, the Rope of Fire, that will
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finally break the tiger’s curse.

“Ren turned toward me and pressed my hand against his heart. “Kelsey, my blood pounds and my heart races when you’re near. I have to make a conscious effort to restrain myself from touching you. From taking you into my arms. From kissing you. I would almost rather be tortured by Lokesh again than be tormented everyday like this be seeing you with Kishan.”

[‎Thursday, ‎October ‎10, ‎2013] As every bookaholic knows, sometimes there are many great books out there that you want to read at once. But sometimes there are unfinished books that you feel guilty not finishing. So I decided to wrap-up all the unfinished books and start fresh next year in 2014. Besides that, Colleen Houck did NOT set a date for the fifth book of the Tiger’s Curse saga, so YES I am VERY afraid to finish this one. So a few weeks ago I was done with good numbers and I returned to Kelsey, Ren and Kishan’s adventure to free the tigers from Lokesh’s curse. And some readers reviews freaked me out but I have my own intuition.

“You are my home, Kelsey. Wherever you are is where I belong.”

I reached chapter 23 “Chimera”, page 257. I think Kishan will either be with Durga, raised to evermore immortal and a lover or Lokesh’s daughter Princess Yesubai when Lokesh dies. I think with his death and the curse being broken, all his victims will either live again or be reincarnated into other people around Kelsey. Even Mr. Kadam. I have many other theories, but one thing I will be sad if it ended [beside the series of course] is Ren and Kishan never changing into tiger’s again.

Well, I don’t know… let’s see what the end holds… *finger’s crossed* I really want Ren and Kelsey together.

[‎Sunday, ‎December ‎08, ‎2013] The ending of this book disappointed me in so many levels. For 3 and 4¾ books we've been living in a teasing foreplay for something spicy to happen between Ren and Kelsey but nothing happened, okay they got married but the ending wasn't satisfying. Durga and Kishan have been flirting nonstop for the two last books, I hoped the author would be strong enough to create real characters with real feelings. I mean the book would have been 100 times better if Kishan fell in love with Durga and married her, not the whole sacrifice bull! I just wasn't enthralled by the ending.
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LibraryThing member TheYodamom
The cast has grown onto new roles and have neared the end of their quest. Kelsey is still torn between the two tigers. Usually this triangle bit is an irritant but it works here. Still I found myself yelling at her to just say something, it was never the right time. This level of the quest had some
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high costs. there is a lot of death. Two of my favorite characters, are lost. Oh yeah, sad, tearjerker.
I love the mythology weaved through this series. It is so fresh and new to me I was intrenched with every word. It is a YA novel, no sex, but there is some violence.
Wait till you read the ending !* Excellent * I am surprised there will be another book this book seemed like it wrapped everything up.
Kelsey- less annoying, and grown up, has some major time to shine
Ren- sexy, blue eyed gentle Tiger
Kishan- sexy, hot headed, Tiger
Nilima- Sweet daughter of Mr. Kadam
Mr. Kadam- The mysterious keeper of the Tigers
Durga- Goddess, with a confused past
Lokesh- twisted sick rotten......
and many more exciting returning and new characters
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LibraryThing member readingbeader
At last, the long awaited series finale, is here and it is a satisfying emotional feast. (No golden fruit needed.) My daughter, Rachel, and I “fought” over who would get to read this one first. Rachel did an amazing book trailer for Tiger’s Curse. After we finished, we loaned our copy to
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several other people to read. My high school library copy has been out since I cataloged it. I think the same may be said of the public library copy.

Our story starts with the ending of the third one. Thank you, Colleen! Kelsey’s been kidnapped by Lokesh and needs her tigers to rescue her. She can’t get out of this situation by herself and needs her team tigers. I will not spoil this book, but the series must be read in order. In this fourth installment, all the loose ends are tied up cleanly and decisions were finally made.

I’ve enjoyed seeing the improvement in Ms. Houck's writing. She’s benefitted from a professional editor to help clean up and focus her writing. I hope she continues. I’ll happily read more by her and look forward to seeing where she takes us next.

Series, YA romance, paranormal tigers, India, Durga, mythology, curses, phoenix, time travel
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Original language


Physical description

464 p.; 6.5 x 1.5 inches



Local notes

With three of the goddess Durga's quests behind them, only one prophecy now stands in the way of Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan breaking the tiger's curse. But the trio's greatest challenge awaits them: A life-endangering pursuit in search of Durga's final gift, the Rope of Fire, on the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal.

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