Lorien Legacies, Book 2: The Power of Six

by Pittacus Lore

Hardcover, 2011



Call number



HarperCollins (2011), Hardcover, 352 pages


In a Spanish convent, seventeen-year-old Marina longs to join forces with her fellow Loriens to prepare for battle with the Mogadorians who destroyed their home planet, while in the United States, John, Six, and Sam elude authorities who think John is a terrorist.

User reviews

LibraryThing member kirathelibrarian
There are nine of them. 3 are dead. They caught up with Number 4, but they didn’t succeed. Marina is Number 7. Living in a Catholic Orphanage in Spain with her protector, Adelina, she longs to leave her past behind her and follow her destiny. When Marina finds her chest that she brought from
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Lorien with her, she opens it. There, in one of the objects, she sees Number 4’s image. Soon after the Mogadorians catch up with her?

John is Number 4 and he is on the run from the Mogadorians. In the last book, he made friends with Sam, a human whose father knew of the Lorien’s presence, and was found by Number 6. The cops are on their tail, thinking their terrorists and John longs to go back to his girlfriend, Sarah. When a secret from Number 6’s past drives them back to Ohio, John’s last known hometown, to uncover a deep, dark secret in his and Number 6’s past. When John and Number 6 finally open his chest, they see Number 7 in Spain through an orb, but manage to alert Mogadorians back to his whereabouts in Ohio as well as to Number 7. Can Number 6 get to Spain in time to save Number 7? Will John make it book number 3?

POWER OF SIX starts off slow, but when it starts picking up, the plot takes off. The characters are well-developed. The overall plot is well-written and gripping. Readers who like science fiction, superpowers, and saving the world-type books will enjoy this book. I do recommend, however, that they read I am Number 4 first.
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LibraryThing member AngelaFristoe
From the synopsis this book sounds as if it were going to follow Number Seven through the entire story. Instead the book alternates between Number Seven and Number Four. This changing view point is part of what I liked about the book, but also part of why I didn't like the book. The transitions
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between view points is abrupt and very confusing for most of the book. There is no signal that it is changing, and considering both perspectives are told in first person I sometimes had to read an entire page for clues to the setting and mentions of other characters in order to figure out the perspective had changed. Although it did get easier to notice the changes as the story progressed.

The change in view point however did let us back into the mind of Number Four (John Smith), and pick up on where he, Sam, and Six left off. There was a good continuation to their storyline and it meshed well with that of Number Seven.

Number Seven's plotline was really interesting and I liked how she was having a completely different experience on Earth than Four and Six. We get a few more clues about what happened to all of them after landing and how they managed to survive. Through Number Seven we also get to find out what happened to the second vessel Four saw leaving Lorien.

Overall, The Power of Six was a good solid transition book in this trilogy. It had enough new info and action to keep it from feeling like filler, answering some of the questions raised in I Am Number Four, and building even bigger mysteries to be answered in the final book. This is a book though that needs to be read after reading I Am Number Four (not just watching the movie).
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LibraryThing member jjameli
I really really loved The Power of Six. We find out about number seven, Marina. The Power of Six changes points of views from Marina and John, number four. Along for the ride are number Six and Sam.

I thought it was great how Sam has a bigger role in The Power of Six. We get a bigger picture of why
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he's a character, and how important his role is in the war with the Mogadorians. The girl power in this sequel is freaking awesome. I love kick ass female characters.

I didn't like that in the beginning number four couldn't stop thinking about Sara, but that didn't last too long. I didn't like her in I am Number Four, so I was ecstatic that she wasn't really a factor in The Power of Six.

It definitely ends in somewhat of a cliffhanger which totally sucks. I can't wait to read the next book.
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LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
I absolutely loved book one in this series, I Am Number Four, so I was giddy when I got my hands on book two. The only problem? I had so many other books to review that this got pushed to the bottom of the pile. I finally got a copy of it on audiobook and was able to listen to it on my way to and
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from work. So since this is an audiobook I am going to review the content first and then talk about how I felt about the narration.

When it comes to the content of this book, I will say that I liked, not loved, all of it. Let’s start off with the positive though, and talk about some of the aspects of this book that I enjoyed. The biggest would be the non-stop, heart pumping action. There are very few down moments in this book and even when there are revelations are still being made and the plot is moving forward. I enjoyed reading every unique fight scene and relished every detail we were given.

I also enjoyed getting more background information on the Lorian. There are so many details revealed since we get to see a new character, Seven, and since we get to know Six a little better. It was fascinating to dive into the Loriac history and learn more about how they came to be and how they got to where they are now. More of John’s past is also divulged and how Six came to meet up with him and Henri. I was happy the author took the time to let us get to know them more and soaked up the history of this alien race.

I liked the alternating point of view as well. Seven aka Marina, was an interesting character and I enjoyed the chapters that focused on her. She has had a completely different upbringing from John and Six and it was interesting to get her story. She still has her guardian, but they have been hiding for so long that her guardian has completely given up and does not teach Marina anything. So Marina is flying blind with her legacies and has no one to turn to for help. The fresh perspective on being Lorien from another one of the nine was intriguing and helped keep the plot engaging.

Now I need to talk about a couple of the downsides of this book. The first would be the dialogue. At times it just felt awkward and rushed. There were other times when it sounded like the author dumbed down the language from the first novel. Some of the things that John or Sam or even Six would say just seemed so out of character and it irked me. There were moments when I laughed at the silly nature of the discussion when it was clearly not meant to be funny. I am not sure why this change, but I did not enjoy the dialogue in this book at all.

The other major flaw was some of John’s decisions. He makes careless calls when it comes to the next step in his life and the next step his heart. I am sorry, I know there are some Sarah haters out there, but I am not one of them. I really liked her and even though after reading this book I am not sure where her loyalty lies, I still don’t like the idea of John and Six right now. It seems like the author has changed some of the mythology from the first book around so John can be with Six and I hated it. If you make a statement in one book saying it is fact, I feel like it should hold true for the story and having John be wishy washy about his feelings was making me crazy. Indecision is such a turn off for me and I felt it was unnecessary in this book. There is enough going on in John’s life right now without stirring up his feelings for Sarah and the whole thing did not sit well with me. I have no idea where his love life will go from here, but at this point I almost wish it was not even a part of the book because it was annoying me so much towards the end. It is a forced love triangle that just does not work.

As for the narration, I am split because there were two narrators. The female narrator, Marisol Ramirez, was great. I enjoyed how she read the part of Seven. I cannot say the same for the male narrator Neil Kaplan. Actually, his reading was driving me a little crazy. I think the main reason I was turned off by him was his “overacting” throughout the novel. I realize he is not actually acting, but I am not sure what else to call it. He overemphasized words that did not need to be and tried to make some scenes more dramatic than they were. When it came to the fight scenes it was great, but in the down moments his voice just irritated me. I also did not like him making Sam’s voice so nasally and Six sound like a valley girl. Six is a bad a$$, if you have read any of these books you know that, and Neil just did not do her justice.

Re-reading my review just now it sounds like I am harping on this book a lot, but I have to say that overall, I enjoyed this book. I am just disappointed with some of the character personality changes and the writing was not as good as the first book. I will be reading the next book, Rise of the Nine, but do not recommend the audio version. Towards the middle of the audio I just had to give up and reach for my ARC instead. I could not take the male narrator any longer. This is a series I recommend, because those fight scenes alone are worth reading, but I would pick up the book instead of the audiobook. I am really looking forward to the next book in August, especially after that ending in this book. I also hope to get more sweet action sequences and meet the remaining Nine. I’m keeping fingers crossed that the dialogue gets amped back up and John wises up a little, but only time will tell if those hopes become a reality.
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LibraryThing member GaryBabb
I was anxious to get this book and pre-ordered it. I loved the first book of this series, "I am Number Four" and the "Lost files". Unfortunately, I had to buy a Kindle to read this one, as it was only available in digital format. Oh well, I needed one.
One of the first things I noticed about this
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last book was that the editing had much improved. It is still written in first person, but still it flowed in a quick and enticing read. What I disliked about "The Power of Six is that the story didn't end... drats! Now I will have to wait for the next book, maybe two, and I hate to wait. But, the book was good and I WOULD recommend it to anyone. I give it a 5!
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LibraryThing member CuteMcGinn
Wow, what a cliff hanger! I can't wait until the next book in this series comes out. I'm uncertain about exactly who the author(s) are, as every one is I am sure. Despite all gossip surrounding the author(s) of "I Am Number Four" and "The Power of Six" the books are decent, action packed, and quick
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The second book in the Lorien Legends series, the novel starts begins with a new and unfamiliar narration, number seven. Hidden within a convent-slash-orphanage in the countryside of Spain she searches for signs of the remaining six. But Seven has more problems then worrying about Mogodorians showing up at her doorstep because she has lost her Cepan. Seven's Cepan is sucked into earthly religion, slowly losing sight of their mission on Earth in the first place.

Meanwhile, in America, John Smith (number four), Six, and Sam Goode are on the run with a hefty bounty on their heads. They must remain hidden from not only the Mogodorians but also now the F.B.I. . They are alone, with no adults, their Cepans are all dead and the children must train themselves. Trying to strengthen their legacies on their own while in hiding proves difficult but they must if they are to stand against the Mogodorians. John Struggles with losing Henry and Sarah at the same time Sam struggles with the demise of his father and leaving the comfort of his mother back home.

I must say aside from Seven, Mariana, I felt that all the characters fell a little short of just plain flat. I saw little development in any of the central three character, John, Sam, and Six, relationships to each other. Everything, even the conversations between these characters on a simple car ride seemed forced and a little cheesy. I felt it was all telling and no showing me and a bit disappointing. However, I loved Mariana's character and all the struggles that came with her. She was by far the easiest to identify with. While six is definitely a hard core bad ass, the newest male addition is disgustingly awesome!

One thing I try to do when reading an action packed novel is try to figure out what is going to happen to which characters. I must say that with this book I was exceptionally correct in all my assumptions and it was all a little too predictable. I'm also still very confused about why the author is Pittacus Lore when the point of view is not his, isn't that the point in the pseudonym? The point of view was a bit jumpy. Although there was a shift in the font it was still difficult to differentiate the voices at times. I wish there was something more clear such as a name to indicate the shift.

The plot was great, no slow and uneventful passages. Something is always happening and this book was difficult to put down. I was surprised how much there still was to learn. I thought I learned everything about the Loric's purpose but was shocked at how much new information was packed in. The book definitely left me on edge, certain that there will be another, I can't wait to pick up the next book.
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LibraryThing member Joles
I was so excited for this book to come out, and then I was rather disappointed with it. :/

The writing is just as good as the first and the story is still compelling. The author chose to use a curse word (sh**), which bothered me because it was unnecessary for the age level that this is geared
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The story in Power of Six bounces back and forth between John Smith (Number 4) and the newly introduced Number 7 (Marina). Both stories are compelling to a fault. It's sometimes hard to determine at the start which character we're following and it blurs the line making it less enjoyable for me. There are also too many weapons involved--it almost seems like the author saw the movie and decided that the audience needs more gunplay since that was the big addition to the movie.

I would read it again, but would mostly be interested in Marina's storyline.
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LibraryThing member jshillingford
I enjoyed "I Am Number Four". Despite a very familiar premise, it was well done and had potential. The sequel novella, "I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy", was interesting and really pulled me in. The Power of Six blew them both away. Book one was told from Four's perspective, and the
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novella from Six's. This book switches between Seven narrating her life to this point while following the news for any hint of John, and Six, John and Sam on the run from the human authorities and the Mogs. I liked the alternating perspective because it kept the pacing of the book fast. It was action-packed with tension, chases and fight scenes. The author didn't slack by having Seven be just another copy of Six and Four's lives, either. Her Cepan lost faith and turned her back on Lorien, leaving Seven at a serious disadvantage. But she does have some very cool legacies. Also, John finally opens his chest and reads the letter from Henry. I've wondered how 9 kids were supposed to stand against a race that wiped out an entire world of people gifted like they are, and the book actually addresses this. The letter also has unexpected consequences for Sam, who has evolved from being just a tagalong to an ally. Plus, there's the surprising, and welcome, addition of the new character Ella.

However, the book has a serious flaw. The romantic element started out predictable, moved to frustrating, and quickly became damn annoying. John's starting to fall for Six, but he loves Sarah. Sam likes Six too. Sam is John's friend but also jealous of him. Six likes-likes Sam, but also John. Bleh. I might not have been so annoyed except we're expected to believe these teens would be just like normal teens, only with homicidal aliens who murdered their parents after them! Sorry, I don't buy these kids making stupid, life-risking decisions (which John does on more than one occasion) because they're in "love". John doesn't just risk his life, but also Six and Sam. This after watching Henry die? Thankfully, the romantic element was significantly reduced compared to book 1 in favor of plot development. Also, it seems ridiculous that Henry would leave John a chest full of items that he doesn't know how to use and could even endanger him. Henry knew he could (and likely would) die at any time. It felt contrived. These were minor issues though. Overall, this was an engrossing read with a electrifying conclusion that left me eager for the next book. Highly recommended!
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
Sam, Four and Six are on the run after their successful battle against the Mogadarians in book one that destroyed the Paradise, Ohio high school but got them branded as terrorists. Number Seven is just coming into her Legacies, but unfortunately her Cepan seems to have forgotten her
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responsibilities and is more interested in praying at the convent in Spain where they have taken refuge for the last eleven years then she is in training Marina. Four eventually reads a letter left for him by Henri, which reveals that Sam's dad was actually a Lorian contact. It is suspected that he really was abducted by the Mogardorians. Sam remembers that he has hidden a transmitter in a sundial, and encoded it was Sam's birthdate, so Sam and Four go to retrieve that, while Six goes to help Marina, who, unbeknownst to her, is being tracked by the Mogadorians. I don't usually enjoy second books, but I liked this one. The new legacies that are revealed, and the new characters we get to meet, are awesome.
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LibraryThing member Laura_Corbett
Yes! I loved it as much if not more than the first book - I AM NUMBER FOUR! When is the next book coming out? I can't wait! Fast read!
LibraryThing member creighley
Fast-paced and exciting.....may be better than the first book. (Only weakness was the tie-in with Sarah.) Sam, Number Six, and John are on the run....Henry has died. Now, they are on the road looking for the other Guardes.
LibraryThing member PamelaA1
Good story, exciting. Shame the end was wound up so fast and prepared for another book. Why didn't the girl heal the monster under water with her hands as she was walking past? Seems such a shame to creat this magnificent monster to have it killed off in five minutes by some little creatures for no
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I look forward to the next book.
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LibraryThing member sunnydrk
As good as the I Am Number Four. The storyline continues as we meet additional members of the 9 and their Garde. As with I Am Number Four, the storyline is fun, the characters are interesting and the book moves along at a good pace. Definitely a fun read.
LibraryThing member av0415
This second installment is more action packed than the first. I liked how the author told the story on the views of two different persons. Now that I finished this book I more than excited for the third book.
LibraryThing member shannonkearns
I really, really love this series. It's fun and action packed. Interesting world/mythology behind it. Wonderful. Can't wait for the next one!
LibraryThing member rbrtpmry
The power of six is the second book in the series. In this one John,sam, and six are on the run from the world. they start out without a goal just traveling around. Then point of veiw changes to seven. A girl who lives in spain, under the identity of a human orphan. her cepan has seemingly given up
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and now is insistant there is no hope bu the bible. but not far into the book she discovers a man watching when she goes to a cofee shop. A man who looks suspiciusly like a mogodorian. so when the real real mogs show up he is revealed as tens cepan ten being a girl at the orphanage seven thought was a human. meen while john while going back to paradise ohio with sam and six is arrested by the fbi and six must come to save him and sam. but the mogs find them giving them the chance to escape. then they split up and six goes to save ten and seven cause they are being attacked by an army of mogs. then sam and john go to a mog base in a hollow mountain where sam ecetially dies and they find nine and steel there chests back.
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LibraryThing member yearningtoread
The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore (Lorien Legacies #2)
Pages: 406
Release Date: August 15th, 2011
Date Read: 2011, September 29th - October 1st
Received: Library
Rating: 5/5 stars
Recommended to: 14+

This summary contains spoilers for the 1st book. If you haven't read I Am Number Four, but would still
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like to hear my thoughts on The Power of Six, just skip the summary!

Marina is one of the orphans of a convent in Spain, but in reality she is more than that. She is a Garde, Number Seven, native of the planet Lorien. Her Cepan is a nun in the convent, and it seems she has forgotten their mission. But Marina knows she must do something. Others are out there, fighting, using their Legacies, while she sits in the same town for years with only one friend to speak of and nowhere to train herself to use her Legacies.

John Smith is on the run, mourning the loss of his father figure and friend, Henri. He has teamed up with his best friend, Sam, and Number Six, who came to the rescue during their fight at the School in Paradise, Ohio. But now they are being pegged as terrorists, trained weapons to be stopped. John is struggling with loving Sarah, the girl he left behind, and liking Six, the girl he's with now and could someday build a life with.

And there is a storm brewing; the Mogadorians are growing more and more powerful; their leader could show up at any time, and something big is happening in Spain. Can the Garde stop the Mogadorians? Can they unite as one force and finally defeat their enemies, once and for all?

Holy freaking crud. I had no idea it would be like this. There was no telling which way things would go, and even as they happened my mouth hung open in disbelief. This book is right on. The authors totally know their craft - they are story crafters at the finest.

The Power of Six has a completely different feel to it than I Am Number Four. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but it turns out it was just as excellent. And the writing! So neat!! In my review for the first book, I mentioned how I didn't like their short sentences at first, but grew to love their style. This time around the style hadn't changed, but the talent had. It matured and smoothed out and lengthened the sentences and made everything way cool. It was very interesting to witness that change.

John, oh John. He's just...the best. Who am I kidding - I love him. He's awesome and I'd seriously love to meet him and be his bestie if he were real. I'm so glad The Power of Six wasn't just about Marina or Six, because I would have missed John super much.

Sam Goode, too. I love that kid, with his shaggy hair and his "turd" look (don't ask - just know it was hilarious!). He's awesome, the coolest best friend anyone, especially an alien, could ask for.

Six was more prominent and it was nice to get to know her. I really like her, with her hard edges and tough story.

And Marina! Her side of this story was totally and completely engrossing, because she is who she is. Her desire to do something now, to get out there and fight, despite her lack of training, made her irresistible. I just love her. She tugged at my heart and gave the story even more emotion than there already was, which was surprisingly a lot. She and Ella and some of their fight scenes and their desperation to live had me so emotionally involved I found myself holding my breath, afraid for them, more than once. I believe that's a sign of good characters, don't you think?

Dang, these fight scenes are epic. And that's an understatement. I can still picture quite a few of them instantly, word for word, as thought I'd just read them. They take up quite a lot of this story, filling it to the brim with intensity. Some of these scenes even had the craziest twists. And the end - it's such a cliffhanger to me!! I mean, it's wrapped up well, but...what is going to happen next?!?!

But this story is also emotionally gripping, as I've mentioned before. There are so many personal struggles in these characters I love that it was hard not for me to turn the pages quickly, searching and grasping and the words to see how things would turn out. The invoked emotion, especially for Marina, surprised me, just like it did when I was first introduced to John.

The Rise of Nine - you have a lot to carry on your shoulders to make up for leaving me in the dark for so so long!

Epic. Truly, truly. This book is worth every inch of the giant five stars I give it.

For the Parents -
A bit of nondescript kissing; some brief strong language. (1 GD, a few s**t, 1 d**k) Overall, about the same as the first book. 14+
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LibraryThing member edspicer
I'd recommend reading I AM NUMBER FOUR first, but the other wordly action in the book is inviting to me. Q5P3 AHS/Tyler W.
LibraryThing member Sharon_T
This one introduces us to quite a few more of the Lorien people. The love triangle is a bit weird but the action is as nonstop and exciting as the first.
LibraryThing member mountie9
Mini Book Review: I didn't enjoy it as much as I am Number 4 but it was still a fast paced fun story. I think the real problem with it was the character of Number Seven who was just a blah forgettable character. I did enjoy some of the secondary characters in her storyline, but not her. I found I
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skimmed her chapters just so I could get back to John and Six who were far more intriguing. Their storyline is moving along nicely and there are some lovely fun light moments interspersed within the intense on the run plot. John is a loveable character who you cheer for even when he makes stupid mistakes and Six is the kick ass chick that I would love to be. I also liked the development of Sam's storyline and I look forward to finding out what happened to his Dad. The ending is fantastic and has left me counting down the days until the next installment comes out.

4 Dewey's

I purchased this for my Kobo
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LibraryThing member arielfl
This is a super fun series. It is always action packed with lot's of twists and turns that keep you dialed in to the action. I picked up the first book in this series I am Number Four to read along with my tween daughter. We both loved that book and couldn't wait to follow along on the further
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adventure in The Power of Six. In the new novel, the story is told from the point of view of Four/John Smith in the U.S. and a new character Seven/Marina in Spain. We are introduced to many new characters, hello seven, nine, and ten, some mysteries (who was that in the tunnel?), and even some surprises (Sarah). My only complaint is the minute detail of some of the battles and skirmishes. It would be great for a movie but in the book it all starts to run together. As a mom I appreciate having a book series that both my daughter and I can enjoy. A lot of the teen books have too much sexually explicit content in them for my taste. The romance depicted her is pretty chaste. There is also a good moral message about sticking up for your friends and being loyal. I don't really like science fiction but there is just something so endearing about how these characters are written that keep me caring about them. I look forward to further reading from the Lorien Legacy series.
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LibraryThing member BornBookish
Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I waited so long to read this book. Biggest mistake of my life!

Usually with a book this size there is always a dull patch at some point or another, but let me tell you that is not the case with The Power of Six. The ENTIRE book is fast-paced and full of action
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without a single dull moment. I started the book in the afternoon and read straight through the day and into the night until I was finished.

To clear up any misunderstandings, since the first book was called I Am Number Four and was all about, you guessed it, Four (a.k.a John Smith) I assumed that the Power of Six would be all about number six, but it’s not. The story continues on with Four, Sam, and Six but it also introduces us to number Seven. The two different stories are woven together perfectly, switching back and fourth at the most intense moments creating a constant air of suspense. The switch between characters is easily seen and marked by a change in font.

One thing I do want to mention is the violence. There are a lot of battle scenes with the Magadorians getting stabbed or dismembered with knives. At times this got a little too graphic for my liking but was easily skimmed over. I mentioned this to my sister however, who laughed at me and said what violence? So it all depends on your tolerance, I guess.

Ahhh the ending! The ending left me sitting there staring at the last page, not ready to accept that it was over and that I would actually have to wait until August to find out what happens next. I started frantically searching the Internet to see if anyone was lucky enough to have an ARC of the Legacy of Nine, who I then planned to bribe until they agreed to send it to me!
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LibraryThing member ah1999
The Power of Six is the second book in the Lorien Legacies series. This is a book is a 1st person science fiction book that is about nine children from the planet Lorien and have been chased to Earth by the Mogadorians. But in the second book Marina is trying escape the Mogadorians in Spain and
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trying to find John Smith and Sam in America. But while Marina is doing that John and Sam are running from the FBI and the Mogadorians at the same time. This is a phenomenal book that goes back and forth between Marina and John telling the story. The only thing I don’t care for about this book is that at sometimes it gets confusing. But other than that it is a great book.
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LibraryThing member dustbaker
The Power of Six is the second book in the Lorien Legacies series by Pitticus Lore. The series is about a group of 9 children coming to Earth when their home Planet of Lorien is destroyed by the power-thirsty race known as the Mogadorians, or Mogs for short. This book adds Marina(7) to the
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storyline, which gives both her, then John Smith's(4's) point of view. The book is about Marina escaping the mogs in Spain, and John and Six in America. This book is great for People who love Science-Fiction and Action
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LibraryThing member Liz_S
Another hit for Pittacus Lore! I really enjoyed the first book in the series I Am Number Four! This next installment did not disappoint! I love where the author is taking it! Very imaginative, almost like watching a movie! Cant wait for the next book! The characters are very real and believable! It
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has just the right amount of emotion and romance not to ruin the non stop action throughout the entire book! A definite must read for adults and teens alike!
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Original publication date



0061974552 / 9780061974557

Local notes

There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams? The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine? The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together? They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed. I am Number Seven. One of six still alive. And I'm ready to fight.

Foiled design on the boards under the dustjacket.

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