Lux, Book 3: Opal

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Paperback, 2012



Call number




Entangled Teen (2012), Epub, 452 pages


Romance. Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: The Lux series continues with the fourth installment of this riveting paranormal YA series. No one is like Daemon Black. When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn't fooling around. Doubting him isn't something I'll do again, and now that we've made it through the rough patches, well... There's a lot of spontaneous combustion going on. But even he can't protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they love. After everything, I'm no longer the same Katy. I'm different... And I'm not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I'm capable. The death of someone close still lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends will become the deadliest of enemies, but we won't turn back. Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever. Together we're stronger... and they know it..… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
This was an emotional and at times hard to deal with book only because I have come to care so much about these characters that it is very hard to see them in pain and struggling ).
Dawson is so broken, and I can totally understand where Katy and Daemon are coming from wanting to do anything to make
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things right. I also appreciate the empathy that Katy has for Dawson, and imagining that she would do the exact same thing if not more if it were Daemon.
It is also so hard to see the friendship between Katy and Dee so broken. I miss their easy and fun way about them and I hated seeing them not getting along. I also long for them to be able to talk about their love life as well a everything else going on with each other. Though if there is ever any blameless motivation for a broken relationship, Dee and her feelings of loss and that Katy didn't trust her and confide in her, they are founded, though I also understand that Katy was trying to protect her.
As usual, Jennifer kept me on the edge of my seat, only guessing at what would come next, and being completely blown away by where she takes the plot. I love these characters, this series, and Jennifer as an author.
But oh man, talk about one helluva cliff hanger. Sweet alien babies... I mean, really? You're gonna leave my girl like that? But alas, I shall have to suffer with the other fangirls until the next book comes out.
Bottom line: Must read series. Opal is hot, fast paced, with amazing characters.
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LibraryThing member pahel
4.5 STARS!!

OH MY FUCKING GOD. I don't even have words. The ending left me speechless! Believe me people after reading the book you'll feel like ripping out your heads! It was a complete *Torture You* cliffhanger!

I've already read the book like 10 times! Imagined 100 different scenarios which could
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happen! And to wait for the next book till next year?!?!!?

This is the ULTIMATE torture! I haven't read such a mind shattering cliffhanger since 'The Goddess Interrupted' !! Ugh. The ending is killing Me.

Anyway back to the story, so Opal is basically about how Daemon and Katy try to save Beth along with Chris! That name sound familiar?? Yeah....Blake is back guys!

Well, I won't reveal much coz then it'll spoil all the fun! However this book does have alot of Daemon and Katy moments! I fell in love with Daemon all over again. *Sigh* Their chemistry is awesome like always! Lot more romance! Dawson's cool too but well, nothing compared to Daemon! And what to say about the ending.

I can't help but scream when I read it! Gohd, I wish I'd die. Better than sulking around and going crazy for the next book!

Concluding :

Uber hot, smart-ass guy like Daemon Gorgeous but can-kick-your-ass heroine like Kat Amazing *MELT YOUR HEART* romance Awesome plot & a Heart-wrenching ending --> Gives you an "EPIC" !!

Don't waste time guys, buy it, read it and well yeah, beat yourself up over the ending! Jennifer Armentrout will leave you craving for more with this book!

P.S What Daemon says just before the ending will get you even more sad..:(
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LibraryThing member Lpaddycake
The third book in this exciting Lux series had me reading all day and into the night as I couldn't leave the book without wondering what was happening to my favorite aliens. They are sexy and the banter/sexual tension between Daemon and Katy never disappoints.

It seems Katy can't be left alone for
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one-second without a new threat entering her house and ruining her love life. It's exciting to watch as Katy's powers increase and more of the Luxen world is revealed. Out of the entire series this book had the most twists and turns.
July won't come soon enough for me and waiting until then for the next book will be torture.

The only reason why I didn't give this book five stars is because it ended exactly how I expected it to, but hey thats how you keep a series going I guess. I just wanted to jump in the book and smack the characters upside the head and tell them to stop being so stupid. But I really did love this book and it kept stringing me along.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
If you read my other reviews, you know that I hooked to Daemon Black. And after reading this book,
I can. Not. Compute.

I'm going to start with the ending of the book cause my mind simply does not know what to make of it. Seriously?! What in the world just happened? I had to re-read the last
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paragraph a few times just to make sure I read what I read. And then I took a deep breathe, slamming the book to the floor. No. Just no. It can not....*smh*

Alright, now that I got that out of my system I really loved this book. Despite the desperate emotionally ending, I'm officially in love with Jennifer Armentrout. Her writing is phenomenal and always on target. The plot of the book is so awesome, once I started the book I would finish it till the last page.

The love interest is of course freaking awesome! Daemon is back and better than ever. Katy and Daemon love blooms to an enticing level you never want to get out of. I adore Katy's loyalty to Daemon and his family. She goes out of her way to make sure she does her part. Their fights make their relationship real. They don't sugarcoat stuff or lie to each other. They are a team, working together for the same cause.

Back to the ending, it was awesome. In those small moments of change and declaration, my eyes teared up. I felt everything rushing back, the first time they met, the first kiss, the first fight, all for it to come down to this.

Opal is an expertly woven tale of action and adventure. It's set the goals higher than ever for the next book. It creates a deeper depth of emotion that set me on overload. Even days after reading it, I still can't believe it. An indescribable story that keeps getting better and better, Opal is compelling.
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LibraryThing member Jyl22075
Okay, so even though I was prepared for a cliffhanger ending, I still wasn't truly prepared for the torture the author is putting us through. I will admit to not being a fan of cliffhangers as a rule and have even been known to avoid them all together, but I make allowances for series I find
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especially good and this is one of them.

I liked this book quite a bit. We are seeing a lot of character growth for Daemon. I would love to see more from Kat, but she did avoid some of her major mistakes from the previous book this time around. I find Dee and Dawson wonderfully fascinating and would be thrilled to see novellas focusing on their storylines in the future.

There were a few nitpicky things for me toward the end of the book involving the opal that Daemon gives to Kat. He puts it on a necklace for her and then there is some mention of it being in her pocket when they were going into the facility, then it was on her neck again when Blake managed to snatch it.

Other than that this was a really great addition to the series and I'm epically impatient for the next book.
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LibraryThing member HereWithoutYou
I usually don't review this author's books as they usually heap a truck load of conflicitions on me due to similarities to other books I loved.

That said, I still love her books because Armentrout knows how to engage you completely in her writing...

Sadly there's a but, I had trouble gettng into the
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story with Opal. The chemistry and banter between Daemon and Katy is awesome and I enjoy it very much but I just can't help the feeling that this was the weakest book of the series so far.

I was glad for the reunion with Dawson, although he was a lot creepier than the first time around but he's had his reasons.

Other than that, it was crystal clear what was going to happen. The end was utterly transparent for me and I, more often than not, hate that so much in a book. So turning the last page all I could come up with was: "Well, duh." and that's not how the end of a book should make you feel.

I know many of my GR friends don't agree and I'm glad that you guys loved it but for me this was an average read that just kept me reading because I wanted prove myself right.
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LibraryThing member shayanasha
I was so excited to read this book! So damn excited! I LOVE Daemon! I LOVE Katy! I LOVE their banter! I LOVE this series! I LOVE every damn character and I would gladly gobble up ANYTHING Ms Armentrout would give me. My disappointment with this book does not change the fact that I am a fan of
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Jennifer's writing. But I still couldn't like this book.



... and those are the two characteristics I CANNOT tolerate in a book. Each time Katy or Daemon opened their mouths to say something sweet and romantic to each other, or act sweet and romantic around each other, or talked about sweet and romantic stuffs between them to others(this was mostly Katy because we aren't in Daemon's head... yet) I was rolling my eyes. In short, you can say I was doing a lot of eye rolling during this book.

And without any spoilers about the cliffhanger ending (which I oh-so-saw-coming) it didn't torture me as much as it should. That was definitely a bad sign. Also I felt bored (*gasp*) while reading the book and even Daemon's hotness and Katy's sarcasm couldn't hold my interest. I read both the Lux Novels, the Novella and every Extra from Daemon's PoV in a single sitting - without even blinking my eyes. And it took me entirety of TWO days.. with putting the book down every few pages and thinking what is wrong with me for not being to get into this book I was oh-so-excited about!

The fault's with me I guess. I love fight and tragic separations more than romantic kissy scenes. On that note I hope I will like the next installment better *winks*

After a bit of back and both I'd have to say 2 Stars.
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LibraryThing member lexiechan
For reals? December 2012? Now, that's awesome. Just few more months. Please don't let the RD be moved. >_

12.04.12 (in my time) UPDATE: Dammit! They released it early!!! Weeee! :) LMAO. I'm gonna read it next after Wallbanger! :)

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Katy! >:(

I don't even know what to say! As soon as I read that last line, I plugged in my laptop and while it was booting up, I was busy pacing around my bedroom. I was so frustrated that I need to exhaust myself or something. I then reached for my phone and opened my email to compose one for Katy. I ranted to her as much as I was ranting right now.

First of all it started off a bit sad. With Dawson being not Dawson... You get the point? Well anyway, I still laugh, smirk, and love jerk Daemon but as many pointed out, he is not that much of a douche in Opal. He is so wise that it is surprising. I mean, he got lots of answers for Katy's questions and not the sarcastic answers or smart-ass one. But answers that have really real meaning.

Second, we all know what happened to Adam at Onyx... So there's a strain in Dee and Katy's relationship. I was really sad about that and I kept thinking they would never be together again. They would never mend their broken friendship... Sorry is not enough...

And I really hate Buff, I mean Biff, I mean Blake now. >:( How could he... They should've fried him on book two. They shouldn't let him go. Just kill that damn guy! >:(

Then then.. then... I can't tell you without spoiling it! I don't know how. :( Just... It was so frustrating to end like that. Ugh. I don't know how will I say it anymore.

AND BTW, that SEX scene? I didn't even notice they were doing it. Just when they already finished. The make-out scenes from the first book was much hotter than the sex scene. How in the world that that happen, I don't know but that's what I felt about it.

I am so done with ranting. I need to cool off.

BTW, It's a total CLIFFHANGER ENDING THAT I JUST WANT TO SLAP THEM IN THE FACE. LOL. But yes, I did get teary eyed cause of what Daemon said before it ends!
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LibraryThing member Jey_13
I need the next book!! Damn, this waiting-for-the-next-book shit is hard. :O
LibraryThing member margaraawr
The ending was heartbreaking. Going to read the next installment ASAP.
LibraryThing member AmberFIB
Wow. Okay, first of all, let me complain. TWO CLIFFHANGERS IN ONE YEAR, JEN? REALLY? Ahem. I feel better now. This book was SO intense and emotional and beautiful. The ending was so "omg did this just happen?" As I've come to expect with JLA books, Opal blew me away. I couldn't get enough of this
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novel, and when I finished it (at 4am), it was all I could do not to scream "NOOOOO" at the top of my lungs. I did not see that ending coming, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I know I have to find out what happens next. I know that I'm quite concerned for everyone. I also know that July can't come quickly enough. The characters and their relationships evolved realistically. There were a lot of surprises. This, in my opinion, is the best book in the series.

Katy and Daemon are turning into amazing characters, and their relationship was explosive in this installment. Katy sometimes sounded like she went to marriage counseling one too many times with her repeated proclamations that she "knows this is coming from a good place," though. I've always loved Daemon, but this side of him totally sealed the deal. He's got to be the most swoon-worthy YA male love interest EVER. Dee changed a lot, and while I understood what she was going through, I didn't like the change. She was slowly coming back to herself, but I missed the old Dee. Ash got on my nerves as usual. Andrew wasn't so bad, and I actually liked Matthew this time around.

The plot was intense, emotional, sweet, soul-crushing, and amazing. I don't even know how to talk about it beyond that, really, and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't read the book yet. There are TONS of surprises in this novel, and I'd hate to be the one to ruin them all, so I'll just leave it at the plot does not disappoint and fans of JLA and the Lux series will be thrilled with it. As I mentioned, the ending is a cliffhanger, and while I hate that, I understand. It totally sets up the last two books in the series. I have a feeling Origin, which comes out in July, is going to be a tough read though. I bet I'll cry a ton.

Overall, I'd recommend this book (and this series) to EVERYONE. Opal is the best book in the series, and arguably the best book JLA has written to date. You can't miss this one, but be prepared to lose some sleep.
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LibraryThing member .riley.
Oh my god!!! Are you kidding me with that ending?! Why do authors insist on torturing me with cliffhangers?! I've loved this series, but now I have yet another book to wait for in August. Really not cool. Otherwise, this has been and excellent series. Read all three in as many days. Can't wait for
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LibraryThing member jacquiemak
This novel was more romance-centric than the previous two. I feel that a romance like this can only carry a series so far and there has to be more story beyond that in order to keep my interest. The story on the Lux / Arum did not progress very far, and took a backseat to Daemon and Katy. I wanted
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more on the aliens! It will probably please a lot of Daemon / Katy fans, and teenagers, but it's just not really my cup of tea.
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LibraryThing member emmytuck

The third book in this series may be my favorite of them so far. In this one Katy and Daemon are finally officially together and we get to see the sweet side of Daemon Black. And boy, what a sweet side it is. Even though he has yet to tell Katy that he loves her, it is obvious in everything
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he does for her. He is still arrogant and conceited, but its now tempered with an unbelievable sweetness with Katy. He is thoughtful, overwhelmingly protective, considerate, even affectionate. This was a Daemon I could get on board with! I loved seeing how their relationship had finally gotten to this place. There were still insecurities between them, but they had come a long way and finally were able to enjoy being together.

Spoiler alert

Anyway, this book picks up right where the second one left off, with the return of Dawson, who immediately wants to rescue Bethany from DOD. With the added return of Blake, who blackmails them for help rescuing Chris, the plot of this book focuses on their rescue mission.

As the synopsis of Origin will already tell you, at the end of the book Katy is captured by DOD during the rescue mission. This definitely is the biggest cliffhanger yet of the series and, for yet another cliffhanger, I had to knock off another half a star. If it hadn't ended on such an upsetting note, it would have been a full four.
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LibraryThing member Dravite
I expected so much from this book because I loved the first two. However it felt rushed, details didn't add up, and it seemed like she was avoiding the difficult scenes.
All in all; I was very very disappointed...
LibraryThing member MVTheBookBabe
2.5 star review

Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.

You remember how I said that I was devouring this series? I was. I was really enjoying it, averaging a book a day - until I got to this one. For whatever reason, I just read this one so much slower - and I didn't like this one as much
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as the others in the series.

Now that Daemon has Katy, obviously the angst is gone - and that's a nice thing. I kind of thought that we would see more of them as a couple in this one - and while that did happen, the moments were just too few and far between for my taste.

And don't get me started on the introduction of a new character - Dawson was... interesting, I guess. I wanted to like him, I really did. But I feel like as a character, Dawson didn't really get the development that I hope for in all characters. As in all of these books, development of Daemon won out in the end. That's where my problems truly start - I think that the other characters should get better personalities too! I WANT MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

And in other news, DAWSON IS CREEPY. I want to like the boy, because he's related to Daemon... but I just find him creepy. I don't even know why I do, but... he is. So many things happen that make me sort of doubt the boy, but I guess I'll have to keep reading to find out... and I'm not so sure that I want to do that anymore.

I feel like the longer this series goes on, the less unique the plot becomes. It just seems like it's dragging butt now, so I can't imagine what it'll be like with a few more books! The ending wasn't even surprising at this point.

All in all, Opal disappointed me. It wasn't as good as the first two books in the series, and I don't really know if I'll continue reading it now.
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LibraryThing member VanyaDrum
Oh my! *fans herself* Such a cliffhanger. Gosh! It's mean. Seriously mean!!!

I so did not expect to love Opal more than Obsidian and Onyx. But I did. And it had nothing to do with the hot scenes, though I won't lie, I liked them too.

But let me say that the way the story develops is breath-taking. We
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get to see all sorts of different qualities and sides of all the characters. Where Daemon was mostly a jerk in the previous books, here he's grown into an overprotective boyfriend. He's also understanding, loving, romantic and adorable. I believe it's safe to say I want one of him for myself ;)

Then Katy goes a long way from being defenseless to being a kick butt heroine. I loved how well she was developed. I only didn't like how she hid things from Daemon... very important things I might add. And of course she hid things from her mom.

Dawson was slowly returning to himself, not that we know what he was like before, but still.

I hated how Dee had to be all alone without Alex. *Sigh*

I just don't know why everyone just goes ahead and trusts the wrong guy time and time again. Seriously, it gets old. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to put your faith in the one person whom YOU KNOW you CAN'T trust? Is it really that difficult to be suspicious? So many things could have been avoided...

Anyway, the cliffhanger is a killer. I want more. And when I say more, I mean MORE!!!! You get my meaning. ;)
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LibraryThing member Heidi_Lozano
This was indeed a good read, worth the late nights i stayed up reading it. The ending was so heartbreaking i almost shed some tears. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book!
LibraryThing member BornBookish
With the second book surpassing the first, I was expecting things to keep getting better and for this to be my new favorite, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. This was my least favorite of the three.

While it was nice that Katy and Dameon were finally an official couple, I got tired of reading
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page after page of them making out. The romance was really steamy in this one, a whole slew of descriptive make-out scenes along with one sex scene. I was really getting tired of hearing about Dameons rock-hard abs and great body. It’s book three, I’m pretty sure we all know what he looks like at this point and the fact that he’s hot! I don’t need Katy to go over these points every time he enters a room!

The story was pretty slow going. There was a little action at the beginning followed by a lot of training and build up for the big action scene at the end. And to make matters worse, that scene it had been building up to for 366 pages cuts off during the most intense moment of the book. Bam. Gone. Nothing. I cannot even believe it ended where it did. Probably one of the worst cliffhangers I’ve ever read! I was one Miss Cranky Pants that night, that’s for sure.

I loved getting to learn more about Dawson in this one. I wasn’t sure how I felt about him at first since he hardly ever talks, but he really started to grow on me by the end. I discovered that there’s a short story called “Shadows” that is all about Dawson and Beth before all the crap hit the fan. Hopefully that will give us a better look at what’s going on inside that brain of his ;) I’ll definitely be reading it sometime during my three-month wait for book number four!
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LibraryThing member margaraawr
The ending was heartbreaking. Going to read the next installment ASAP.
LibraryThing member Raeadav
I really enjoyed this book. Until the ending. I couldn't sleep well. Ugh. How am I supposed to wait to see what happens? Great cliffhanger...terrible for my nerves. "/
LibraryThing member cool-mom-e
Great series but not for young teens

While I did like this story and characters a lot, it was not for a young audience. The language and detailed descriptions of the relationships in the book were not appropriate for a young audience.
LibraryThing member AaminahNisa
LibraryThing member AaminahNisa
LibraryThing member AaminahNisa


Original publication date


Local notes

Each step Daemon and Katy take in discovering the truth puts them in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids.
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