Wardstone Chronicles, Book 10: The Spook's Blood (Collector's Edition)

by Joseph Delaney

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Bodley Head (2012), Hardcover, 384 pages


As creatures of the dark hunt for the witch assassin Grimalkin, who carries the captured Fiend's head, Spook's apprentice Tom tries to find a way to finish this terrifying evil once and for all.

User reviews

LibraryThing member LongDogMom
This series, from the first book, has had a special feel that I haven't had from most books I've read. The story just enveloped me and I couldn't put the book down and I've eagerly read every new book that comes out, furthering the adventures of the Spook and his young apprentice. The books and
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their settings have a timeless, mysterious feel that really make the monsters seem vivid and real and the characters are layered with questions and feelings that make them all too human and vulnerable, which makes their heroic stands against the horrible demons and witches even more powerful. Things like good and evil are not always easy to judge and this book illustrates how Tom struggles with his mentor's rigid views and his recognition that sometimes things are more grey than black and white when it comes to what is right and wrong. Things are coming to a head and Tom has some incredibly difficult choices to make involving sacrifice, friendship, duty and his own feelings about is right when so much is at stake. Can't wait for the next installment!
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the tenth book in the Last Apprentice series. In this book we are back to hearing from Tom and the Spook. It was an excellent addition to the series and really shows how the story is shifting away from the Spook and more to Tom.

Tom makes a journey to find out what needs to be done to bind
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the Fiend's soul for good. Then Tom and the Spook journey to a small town to get more books from the Spook's library. When they arrive they find out that the town is infested with Romanian witches on a mission for the Fiend.

This book progresses the story nicely. We find out what must be done to bind the Spook’s soul and what a horrible thing it is. All of these books are dark, but I thought this was one of the darkest books yet. This book was more of a YA reading level than a middle grade read I thought. Very violent at times and kind of creepy and scary too.

All of our favorite characters are here; Tom, the Spook, and Alice. We also get to meet a new character that is one of the Spook's previous apprentices and he made a good addition to the story. Tom definitely takes front and center and is really coming into his own as a Spook.

The Spook is definitely showing his age and takes a backseat to the other characters in this book.

Alice is growing in power and continues to flirt with the dark, yet she remains steadfast to Tom and does her best to try and combat the Fiend. You see a lot of her struggling to balance the necessity of using the Dark and the want to stay with her friends in the Light. She is also absent a large portion of the book since she is off helping Grimalkin.

We meet some new horrible and creepy creatures of the dark. The book gets fairly violent at points, with some scenes of torture as well. Just a heads up for younger readers.

The book ends at a good spot, with things being set up for the next installment. Not a lot of twists or turns in the story, but it is still an engaging read. The creepy illustrations throughout really add to the story.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, it progressed the story nicely. It was a bit darker than other books in the series, more violent with some torture scenes...so just a heads up to younger readers. Tom is really coming into his own as a Spook and it was great to see him take on the Dark by himself. Alice also continues to grow in her dark power. This whole series is highly recommended to those who enjoy adventure fantasy with horror in it.
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LibraryThing member lexiechan
I'm on my tenth one!!! :) Soon I'll catch up with Glam. :)

Whoa. One of the best book in the series. From 'The Dark Lord' to 'Strigoi' and 'Moroi'. HP and VA. Lol. The Spook's blood proved my hypothesis wrong. Since I, admittedly, have seen JP's question to Glam earlier (Yes, it was placed in a
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spoiler and I still read it), I was really shocked about it. I started to think that he's dead.

I actually didn't think that this series would add Vampires in their list of evil denizens of the dark. It is not the 'sparkly vampires' JP always said about Twilight. This vamps here are gross and really monster-like. :/ I don't even want to imagine them for the fear of dreaming it at night.

Oh! Earlier, there's this local show in my country that shows the old legends here. There's this psychic girl saying that this creature, 'aswang', as we called it, was warning them to stay ayaw from its lair or else it'll come to them. And they also have a drawn picture of it after the people in the neighborhood describe it. These aswang could shapeshift from black ominous cats to large dogs. The picture looks like a werewolf. Big and scary looking not like the fluffy Jacob of Twilight. >_
And well, just saying. I believe in Angels and well, to those kinds of things too. Those legends are not just that. Maybe I've been reading a LOT of Spook's books. :O

Back to the review, although Alice annoyed me whenever she said to Tom that she did this and that for him to his face, I'm a bit concerned about what Tom was supposed to do on the Halloween. I pity Tom for having such HUGE responsibilities even though he's not yet completed in his apprenticeship. It's like the whole world is in his hands and it'll be his fault if he didn't defeat the Fiend. Easy said than done.

Overall, a well deserved 5 stars! The Spook's Blood just proved me wrong in a good way! Cause really thought John Gregory is dead. And since the title is Spook's Blood, I thought it was Mr. Gregory's blood cause he'll be dead. >_ I'll read the latest book tomorrow MORNING. Because Glam said that it is SCARY. And she doesn't get scared easily. ???
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LibraryThing member wickedshizuku
I was fairly disgruntled when I started this installment, because of the point of view coming from Grimalkin in the last book. She is a character I can enjoy while it is coming from Tom's perspective, but not her own. I understand her character much better now though. I don't think I would have if
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I hadn't read book 9.
Anyhow though I was taken aback by how the plot came about for this installment. You wouldn't ever expect so much peril from going book shopping unless it was Black Friday.
Also why is the Spook's head in a box on the cover? You'll just have to find out for yourself by reading, because I'm not giving that one away.
I'm also glad that Alice's involvement was minimal in this book, to me she is a nails on chalkboard type of character and that there really is something about her that spells disaster for the series. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure I'll find out in the next book.
Until then cheers pretties!
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LibraryThing member Clare_M
As we get closer to the end of the series, the stakes get more and more dire. We've now learned in this book from Tom's Mam exactly what Tom must do to rid the world of the Fiend forever, but it is a truly horrible sacrifice. Will he be able to do it? Will he have to?

(And for parents, I would
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advise that in these later books I think the age level is definitely going up from the earlier books. They are getting scarier, and much more serious in content. Will include a spoiler at the end for those who really want to know what I mean by that.)

Joseph Delaney has introduced new characters in this book and new villains to fight, Romanian witches and other Romanian entities. They are harder to fight than past entities. There is betrayal, illusion, and Tom and the Spook are finally realizing they must sometimes compromise and work with the dark at times to defeat the dark--which in the past the Spook had always been dead set against. The Spook is getting older and weaker.

This book continues to be extremely well written. I commend Mr. Delaney for his continued deft talent for writing description. I don't think there is any author out there who can describe place and feeling as well as he can and put me *right there* with him and his characters. He uses the minimum amount of words with the maximum amount of effect, and I never have the desire to skip over paragraphs of "fluff" in his books. All of his writing is necessary and part of the story.

Also, when his characters get hurt, they stay hurt until they recover. None of this magical healing in an hour nonsense. I don't want my children reading that people who get in fights don't get hurt. There is cause and effect. This should show in books. It always does in his. (And Derek Landy's as well.)

I really cannot wait to see how this ends, yet I never want it to end. This is one of the best book series I can remember reading.

May Hollywood not completely ruin the Spook.(PLEASE)

Spoiler space:
Don't scroll down if you don't want to know one of the surprises from the book ahead of time. I reveal it here, as an indicator for age appropriateness of the book. Look if you are a parent and feel it would help you judge this, also feel free to write me and ask (I'm a librarian I don't mind answering book questions.) If you plan to read the book, best not to look...

For Parents: In this latest book, Tom's Mam advises him that he must kill his best friend to rid the world of the Fiend. We do not know yet if he must actually *do* it, but that he must contemplate killing his best friend is a pretty adult concept which is discussed several times in the book. I would think this might be difficult for younger children to read without adult supervision/input. I did read this with my 10 year old daughter, however we read the books aloud and discuss them so we talk over the concepts as we go and I can watch her for any discomfort.
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LibraryThing member lkmuir
As creatures of the dark hunt for the witch assassin Grimalkin, who carries the captured Fiend's head, Spook's apprentice Tom tries to find a way to finish this terrifying evil once and for all.
LibraryThing member LynnMPK
I really enjoyed this entry in the series. The last one was a little underwhelming and repetitive. I thought that maybe I was just getting tired of the whole thing, but I really liked the new types of witches/monsters. I feel luke-warm about the overarching plot with the fiend, and even though this
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book was technically dealing with that plot, I found it so much more interesting because we got some new baddies to learn about.
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Original publication date


Physical description

384 p.


0370332474 / 9780370332475

Local notes

Duplicate. In the original jacket design.

Time is running out for Thomas Ward. His final battle against the Fiend is drawing near, and the Spook's apprentice has never felt more alone in his task. Isolated and afraid, the Fiend is set to send the greatest of his servants against him - Siscoi, a Vampire God more ferocious than anything he has yet faced.

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