Justice Calling

by Annie Bellet

Ebook, 2014



Call number

Fic SF Bellet



Doomed Muse Press


Fantasy. Fiction. HTML: Gamer. Nerd. Sorceress. Jade Crow lives a quiet life running her comic book and game store in Wylde, Idaho. After twenty-five years fleeing from a powerful sorcerer who wants to eat her heart and take her powers, quiet suits her just fine. Surrounded by friends who are even less human than she is, Jade figures she�??s finally safe. As long as she doesn�??t use her magic. When dark powers threaten her friends�?? lives, a sexy shape-shifter enforcer shows up. He�??s the shifter world�??s judge, jury, and executioner rolled into one, and he thinks Jade is to blame. To clear her name, save her friends, and stop the villain, she�??ll have to use her wits�?� and her sorceress powers. Except Jade knows that as soon as she does, a far deadlier nemesis awaits. Justice Calling is the first book in The Twenty-Sided Sorceress urban… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member T_K_Elliott
I didn't used to write 'bad' reviews of books, or even rate them, but having got more involved in the social side of Goodreads, it's less easy to just let those books you didn't enjoy slide off into merciful oblivion. It's embarrassing on my side, and probably on the other side, when someone
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recommends me a book and I have to explain that I already tried reading it and didn't like it.

So if I don't like a book, I either stick it on my DNF shelf unrated or give a rating and no review - especially if I can't think of anything nice to say.

But this one is different, because much of what made me give it two stars is related to why I should never have read it in the first place, not because I objectively think it's a bad book.

The Positive Side
Annie Bellet can obviously write. The storytelling flows nicely, without the weird lumps and bumps you get when the author could have used a better editor.

As an aside - many reviewers complain that this is very short. It is. It's more of a novella than a novel, and I think it would be fairer to make that clear to readers. However, it's better to have a story done with the right number of words for the amount of tale to be told: there's no point padding out a little story into a novel. The way it's written, this is a very little story. Dragging it out to novel-length would not have improved it.

Why I Should Not Have Read This Book
Gaming. That should have been an immediate turn-off. However, Jim Butcher (until recently) has managed to put in his pop culture references with a light enough hand that it doesn't bother me, so I decided to give this book a chance. Bad decision on my part. If you like gaming and comics and so on, then you might be part of the audience for this book. If, like me, the whole thing leaves you cold, the continual gaming/comic/pop culture references are more likely to be annoying.

Insta-Lust. I believe in love at first sight. However, lust-at-first-sight does nothing for me - particularly when the MC has a tough-looking guy with a gun and an attitude walk into her shop, and all she can think about is how sexy he is. No worry about her personal safety, or anyone else's safety. No, just instalust.

Juvenile Characters. In general, I do not read young adult. I'm too old and too bitter and too cynical. Despite the fact that at least three of the characters had to be in their late twenties at least, and probably older (MC at least is 'closer to fifty than thirty'), they all spoke and acted as if they were in their teens or early twenties. I truly could not see the MC as a woman in her forties - certainly not a woman who has spent twenty years in hiding.

And while we're on the subject, MC keeps referring to the big-bad-sorcerer, who is centuries old, as 'her ex'. If he's that old, there's a lot more to him than just being 'her ex'. And, if he wants to track her down and eat her heart for the power, then it's not about past relationships. It just seemed weird that in her mind, he's just 'my ex' rather than 'the terrifying sorcerer I'm fleeing for my life from'.

Plus, I'm rather fed up with heroines who have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the action. Give me Harry Dresden, and his determination to protect his city at any cost, any time.

This is a light urban fantasy that - despite the lack of sex in this one - seems destined to be more on the paranormal romance side. Recommended for people who want that sort of book, and who also enjoy gaming/pop culture/comic references.

Will I be reading any more of the author's work? Probably not. She clearly has talent, and I hope she succeeds - but no author is going to appeal to everybody, and I'm obviously not in her audience sector.
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LibraryThing member empress8411
I only picked this up (or, downloaded it, to be precise) because I play D&D and it was free. I read it will at the gym, huffing away on the elliptical.
To say I was surprised by the quality is an understatement. I actually LOST TRACK OF EXERCISING and ended up going for eight more minutes just so I
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could finish this book. The action, the plot, the characters - fantastic! I loved the world building, the idea of a tiger-shifter, a sorceress, and a game shop. It's a bit short, so it feels rushed at points, but overall, I rather enjoyed this story - enough that I bought (as in, paid real money) for Volume II. Read this. It's worth the time.

NOTE: This refers to the eBook, read on a Kindle.
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LibraryThing member stacejb
This book has it all--paranormal characters, a little bit of mystery, action, and romance. My only issue was that it was short, although there's going to be other books in the series.

I enjoyed Jade's character. Despite knowing that her ex would find her and eat her heart if she used her powers, she
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was still brave enough to do so to help her friends and shapeshifters she didn't know.

Alec, a shapeshifter and a Justice for them, is a little more of a mystery. There really wasn't any background given about him. One of Jade's friend suggested he's a tiger shifter, but it wasn't confirmed. All we really get to know is that he dispenses just for shifters. I would have liked a little bit more background on him. I'm hoping he'll be revealed a little more in future books.

This is a fast-paced story. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in a paranormal read, and I look forward to reading more in the series.

**A free copy was provided by the author via LibraryThing in exchange for an honest review**
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LibraryThing member talenoree
First of a new series. Jade Crow is a Gamer...and an on-the-run sorceress who stayed in this wyld west town just a little too long. Surrounded by shapeshifters and leylines, she hoped to hide out as a hedgewitch running a comic book & gaming store. Until Dolph Lungren shows up as a shapeshifter
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peacekeeper who accuses her of murder. Trouble is, she hasn't killed anyone...trouble is, he can tell she's hiding something. And then a shapeshifter is stuffed, only she's not really dead, yet.
If Jade leaves to protect her friends from the really bad dude that wants her heart, (literally), she would be abandoning them when they need her most. But, if she helps them, she makes it easier for her pursuer to find her. Decisions, decisions. Aleksei Kirov, the tiger shapeshifter, engages Jade on many levels, and she finds herself telling him things kept secret for a long time and revealing to her friends things they never knew about her. I want to read more.
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LibraryThing member ruby.ridge
I was given this book complimentary via LibraryThing.com in e-book form this is my my honest review. Everything stated in this review is of my own opinion and I was not compensated monetarily for providing this review
I gave this book 3 stars as I feel the series can go one of two ways. Either Jade
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Crow grows as a powerful heroine and if the author gets rid of all the 'Oh!I'm having inappropriate thoughts. Goddamn, I want to sleep with him' which just make Jade into a lame character and makes her into a Harry Dresden or the series degenerates into yet another romance with a ridiculous constantly swooning heroine.
I am looking forward to #2 - I hope I will not be disappointed.
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LibraryThing member JaiW
I enjoyed Justice Calling and find Annie Bellet's world of mystic beings, living alongside the non-magical, appealing. This short story moves right along with good suspense and strong characters. I look forward to more in the series.
LibraryThing member girlwonder87
I liked the plot of this book, but I wasn't impressed with the main character. Her narration came across as very immature for the age that she is supposed to be and the experiences she has supposedly had in her past. It would have been different if there was an explanation of her acting younger to
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blend in, but she maintains the same "voice" throughout. I also thought the profanity was unnecessary to the book and could have just as easily been left out.

A free copy was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member Marc.Secchia
Justice Calling is a smart, sassy paranormal urban fantasy story with enough attitude to keep the storyline gripping and real. The world-building is sparse but never misses a beat, the characters well-drawn, and even in the novella length (don't be fooled, there are plot twists aplenty just in
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these 150 pages) the author manages to pack in some surprise punches. This is a neat and gritty story. If I had any complaint, it's that the bad guy - the real bad guy, not the faintly ridiculous bad guy - is pretty much offstage for the entirety of this story and we will need to wait for a sequel to meet him in all his ancient, evil panoply. That's a shame. I felt Jade Crow, our heroine, deserved a more powerful enemy to sink her claws into.

However, this is a recommended read. Definitely a page-turner, with a believable heroine, a dash of romance, gaming action, and real action all rolled into one. Justice Calling rocks. 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member WolfFaerie17
Meet Jade Crow, a sorceress on the run, owner of Pwned Comics and Games. Jade's friends don't know that she's sorceress and running from her ex Samir. When Justice Alek walks into Jade's shop claiming she's a murderer standing at the crossroads between life and death. Jade hasn't used much of her
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magic in recent years for fear that Samir will find her. Someone is harming shifters with black magic which Jade can't figure out. Will Jade's friends learn the truth? Whose behind the black magic? Your answers await you in Justice Calling.

Annie Bellet has written another winner in this series. While raising questions and answering a few along the way. I love the characters and story! This book is a page turner from first to last page. Ms. Bellet's work hits the ground running and doesn't stop. I will definitely read more of this author's work in the future.
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LibraryThing member lilfries
I was given a free copy of this book for an honest review. Jade whom her friends think is a witch is actually a sorceress in hiding. Enter Aleksie one of the Justice of the Justice of the Council of Nine. The Justice accuses Jade of murder! Since Jade knows she has killed no-one follow the twist
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and turns of this page turning fantasy.
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LibraryThing member dearheart
Jade Crow, a woman with a great deal of magical power, has been on the run or hiding since her ex-boyfriend, a very powerful sorcerer, attempted to kill her and obtain her power. Wylde, ID is a town with a liberal arts college, and a whole lot of magic that draws a number of different species who
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don’t want humans to know they exist. Keeping her magic use very limited, she figures her ex won’t be able to trace her. That is until someone else using magic is hurting her shifter friends and she has to decide if taking the next step to make herself more powerful is what she really wants to do. Could she live with the alternative?

I like it. Kind of short for a novel, but with 4 books coming out in a small span of time it seems like the author is giving us just enough to grab out attention, especially at the .99 cent price. More people are apt to give it a try, and it worked. I enjoyed the story and eagerly started to read the chapters for the next book that were provided at the back of this one. And before starting this review, I bought the next book.
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LibraryThing member willowsmom
An interesting lead (she reminds me of a female version of Atticus O'Sullivan from the Iron Druid Chronicles: owns a magic/gamers paradise shop, friends with shiters, long life, longer backstory, snarky attitude, even a canine compation--although hers is invisible) and great dialogue got me though
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this mildly interesting plot. If I'm at a loss for something to read in the future, I may pick up the next in the series, but there's no rush.
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LibraryThing member authorhollynewhouse
This book was amazing! I cannot wait to read more by this author!!
LibraryThing member specks_us
A very good book, but like all good books, it wasn't nearly long enough. The story and the characters are very engaging. I cannot wait for the next books. Ms. Bellet is going on my must read authors list.
LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Enjoyable, interesting, a bit short. I like the universe here presented, and the characters therein - Jade has a small self-esteem problem, and Alek has the opposite (at least, for as much as we learn about him here - not much), but they're still fun. The crisis (all several of them) was a little
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rushed, and it was hard to get really involved - I couldn't feel the shock of Rose, not having met her in any form (not even a mention) until the awful thing happened. And I did think, at that moment, that taxidermy takes longer than a week if done right, which apparently none of the characters had any idea of (OK, it's not a subject shifters would be spending much thought on if they could help it, I suspect). The idiotic romance-style lusting after each other was at least kept under control, though it was regularly referred to - they didn't stop the action in the middle to go have hot sex (a very stupid, and very common, trope). They dealt with matters as they came up, and _then_ considered personal business, once the crises were over. Good story and I definitely want to read the next one (if only to see if the real Big Bad manages to show up, or Jade stays scared of a shadow).
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LibraryThing member cissa
A fun, though brief novel!

And when I say it was quick, I mean it- this was a very short novel indeed. Since I got the Kindle version for free, I'm not complaining... but I see later books in the series are priced at $4, mostly, and I'd feel very annoyed if I paid that and it turned out to be
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equally brief!

That's too bad, because many of the scenes would have been improved by being longer, making both the world and the characters more vivid.

Jade's love interest suffers the most from this- he is barely a sketch, and yet she is unaccountably mad for the lad. No explanation as to why, or what appeals (besides his amazing good looks; his personality seems like an acquired taste), but lo! she is smitten.

There were some very nice touches in the world-building, like the ability Jade has of understanding ALL the languages... but not necessarily being able to identify what language it is! Her magical ability is sort of like a Babelfish: you can understand everything, but cannot tell the difference between Maori and Alpha Centaurean. Very well-thought-out! And I can see that Bellet has given aerious thought to the shap-shifters, and to other styles of magic, and I am interested in finding out more.

The sequel is only $1, so I'll probably get it- short or not. After that though, I want more reading for my $4!

recommended, with some reservations, to urban fantasy fans looking for a new approach.
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LibraryThing member nhalliwell
Great story

Really good read. Characters and references to the gamer life spot on. Thanks for taking the time to build that world.
LibraryThing member gilroy
For a novel, this is awfully short. The author has created the start of an interesting world, which I can see myself gladly burrowing into. Not happy about the romance angle that's started, but that seems to be a requirement in Urban Fantasy nowadays. At least there were no scenes that could be
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The main character felt a lot like a coward, a runner, until pushed to be more. I feel like the entire book lead to the push to the next level for her.
It didn't strike me until I finished it, but the plot felt a touch like the TV show Lost Girl. Though change some of the background details.

The shift from animosity to lust between Jade and Alek felt... rushed. I'm just hoping the constantly shifting between the extremes don't fill the pages of further books. It gets annoying when authors do that. Come to think of it, for a character trying to stay OUT of the plot, she always seemed to be within it. And the plot felt rushed as well.

Overall, yeah, I want to go through more. Just hope the author learns about fleshing things out more as she goes...
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LibraryThing member kmartin802
Jade Crow is living a quiet life in Wylde, Idaho, running a comic book store and playing games with her friends. Wylde is filled with shifters and seems like a great place for Jade to hide from the evil sorcerer who wants to eat her heart. As long as she doesn't use her magic, she should be
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But a new magic user has come to town and he's getting his power from the life force of shifters. When Jade's best friend's mother is taken and put under some sort of spell, Jade has to decide if she's going to keep hiding or use her magic to help her friend.

Another new shifter has come to town too. Justice Aleksei Kirov who represents the Council of Nine has been drawn to Wylde because of a vision which starred Jade. His vision indicates that she is a murderer which comes as a real surprise to Jade. She doesn't like being in the spotlight even if it is being shone on her by a really hot tiger shifter.

I liked the setting in this one. I liked that Jade just wanted to live a peaceful life surrounded by her fellow nerds and gamers. This was the beginning of a new urban fantasy series. I'll be reading more.
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LibraryThing member LisCarey
Jade Crow is running a gaming shop in Wylde, Idaho, living very quietly. Quiet is good; she's hiding from her ex-lover, the evil sorcerer who killed her family and tried to kill her, to eat her heart and steal her magic.

And Wylde is a good place for someone with a magical secret to hide. half the
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residents are shape-shifters. A sorceress doesn't stand out--at least as long as she doesn't use her magic. If she doesn't use her magic except in minor ways, her enemy may not find her this time.

Bu when a shape-shifter enforce, called a Justice, walks into her shop, believing she's about to kill shape-shifters, she has a major problem.

Then the leprechaun who owns the antiques & oddities shop next door buys a taxidermied fox who turns out to be the mother of Jade's best friend in Wylde, the problem gets even bigger. To save herself and her friends, she has to help find the perpetrator and stop him.

But in the process, she'll use enough magic that her enemy will be able to find her.

This novella is the start of the series, and it's all about getting to know the characters and the world. Bellet does a great job of world-building and character development in the little space she's given herself, and the plot moves. Not deep, but a lot of fun.


I bought this book.
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LibraryThing member tldegray
Jade is a sorceress who taught herself to use her magic based on D&D. Which is about as awesome as it sounds and much more useful because she used the spells and objects from D&D as ways to train her brain. She's also a sorceress in hiding from an evil sorcerer who wants to eat her heart and take
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her powers, which is way less awesome than it sounds. Right now she's running a comic store in a small town and gaming with a group of close friends and she's happy. When something awful happens to the mother of her friend Jade has to use her magic to help, even though it will attract the evil sorcerer. This novella contains geekery, pop culture references, shapeshifters, sorcerers, and found family. I also really like that this is a series of novellas, because I can read them and be satisfied in one sitting.
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LibraryThing member JessMahler
This was a good solid read that gets an extra star for breaking the usual urban fantasy/paranormal romance tropes enough to not be cliched. The world is recognizable as the semi-standard urban fantasy with multiple types of paranormal creatures living in some manner of secret society, each type
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with their own subculture/rules/thing going on. But Bellet's characters, style and story twist the usual world enough to feel fresh instead of over done.

Characters are enjoyable, story is solid, but it's that fresh feel to the "standard" urban fantasy world that makes this book stand out. If you enjoy urban fantasy but are tired of same-old, same-old, pick this book up. If you want something really different or really stand out, pass on.
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LibraryThing member Mary_Beth_Robb
Love these
LibraryThing member nmhale
This fantasy is a quick read that is enjoyable, if a bit shallow. In other words, a great fluff read. Jade Crow is a sorceress that has hidden her true identity, because she's so powerful that another sorcerer wants to kill her for her magic. Instead, she lives a relatively quiet life as a comic
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book and game shop owner. She has supernatural friends, such as shapeshifters and leprechauns, who know she has magic, but think it's only low-level witchery. However, when another magic-user starts to murder people in her community, putting her friends in danger, Jade has to start using her powers and risk drawing the attention of the person she's been hiding from. To make matters worse, a council that polices magical crimes has sent a shapeshifting were-tiger to investigate, and he thinks that Jade may be the culprit behind the murders.

The tiger shapeshifter, Alek, also happens to be incredibly hot. Chemistry and star-crossed romance ensues. I enjoy urban paranormal stories, and also appreciate a good tale with an underdog main character who happens to be way more powerful and dangerous than the other characters realize. The world building is pretty limited here, but the comic book shop setting is great fun, and I loved all of the nerd culture references. The side characters were a little flat, and we could definitely have used more development of Alek's character, but the author does build up our interest in Jade and her life. It has flaws, but was still engaging. As I wrote, a fun fluff read. I likely will read the next in the series, but am not sure when, as it didn't grab me enough to immediately scoop up the second book.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Enjoyable, interesting, a bit short. I like the universe here presented, and the characters therein - Jade has a small self-esteem problem, and Alek has the opposite (at least, for as much as we learn about him here - not much), but they're still fun. The crisis (all several of them) was a little
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rushed, and it was hard to get really involved - I couldn't feel the shock of Rose, not having met her in any form (not even a mention) until the awful thing happened. And I did think, at that moment, that taxidermy takes longer than a week if done right, which apparently none of the characters had any idea of (OK, it's not a subject shifters would be spending much thought on if they could help it, I suspect). The idiotic romance-style lusting after each other was at least kept under control, though it was regularly referred to - they didn't stop the action in the middle to go have hot sex (a very stupid, and very common, trope). They dealt with matters as they came up, and _then_ considered personal business, once the crises were over. Good story and I definitely want to read the next one (if only to see if the real Big Bad manages to show up, or Jade stays scared of a shadow).
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Original publication date


Local notes

Twenty-Sided Sorceress, 1


Fic SF Bellet


½ (151 ratings; 3.5)
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