Dirty Magic

by Jaye Wells

Ebook, 2014



Call number

Fic SF Wells





"The Magical Enforcement Agency keeps dirty magic off the streets, but there's a new blend out there that's as deadly as it is elusive. When patrol cop Kate Prospero shoots the lead snitch in this crucial case, she's brought in to explain herself. But the more she learns about the investigation, the more she realizes she must secure a spot on the MEA task force."--Amazon.com

User reviews

LibraryThing member ladycato
I received this gratis book through the publisher via NetGalley.

I have read a lot of urban fantasy. Frankly, I have started to get burned out on several series because they feel too episodic and the protagonists unlikeable. I enjoyed Wells' Sabina Kane series because the writing was so fantastic,
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even if vampires are not my thing. Therefore, I was excited about Dirty Magic because it had such a cool premise: a world where magic is a new, ugly form of drug addiction. Wells nails it. This is a fresh take on urban fantasy that's dark and sometimes creepy, with zippy dialogue and a protagonist who is snarky but still relatable.

Kate Prospero is a great heroine. She has the full background conflict going on--as a kid, she grew up cooking dirty magic and has now sworn off magic all together--and she's now trying to be a single parent to her baby brother who is in full teenage angst mode. She's the lawful good cop who drops expletives by the pitcher-full. There's some romantic tension in the book, but for me the real love story was between Kate and her brother. It just plain felt real.

I was reminded at times of another urban fantasy with a cop, Hard Magic, though that book had a more noir feel. Dirty Magic remakes modern Earth in a much more dramatic way.

This is definitely a series to follow.
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LibraryThing member Evampire
The first book in the Prospero’s war series is an intriguing and fascinating new urban fantasy read.

Patrol cop Kate Prospero finds herself caught in the crosshairs of a Magic Enforcement Agency task force when she kills a werewolf covered in blood of his latest victim on her nightly rounds.
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Earning a spot on the new task force could be the career break she’s waiting for, but the investigation leads to the man she walked away from ten years earlier when she swore she would never use dirty magic again.

This steady to fast paced plot keeps the reader entertained throughout with lots of action, suspense and unexpected surprises that keep the reader guessing. The story comes to life with vivid imagery and intense details that make the reader feel as if they are part of the story. The strong compelling characters are easily related to and grab the reader’s attention leaving them wanting more.

The author conveys the emotions, personalities and passions of the characters with vibrant descriptions that make them seem real. There is not a lot of romance in the story except for some flirting and suggestions, but the story grips the reader with lots of tension building suspense and an interesting story line and unique elements.

I loved the Sabina Kane series by Jaye Wells, so I was really anticipating this new series and I was not disappointed. She brings a fantastic paranormal world of magic to readers using everyday occurrences doctored to fit her world and found that mixing the real issues with the paranormal added depth and understanding to the story. All the characters were wonderful and Kate promises to be a very exciting and entertaining heroine. I am looking forward to reading more books about Kate and her world of magic.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
I got this book to review through NetGalley, so thanks to NetGalley and Orbit for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. Jaye Wells also writes the Sabina Kane urban fantasy series, which I have been wanting to read but haven’t had the chance to read. Dirty Magic is the first
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book in a new series by Wells set in a new world. It was a decent start to a new urban fantasy. I wasn’t enthralled with the characters, but as the story progressed I got more and more interested. I definitely think this has potential to become a great urban fantasy series.

Kate Prospero is on her standard nightly rounds in the city of Babylon when she runs across a woman being mauled by a werewolf-like creature. She shoots him in self-defense...but doing so draws the attention of the MEA (Magic Enforcement Agency). Suddenly Kate finds herself deeply involved in a case with the MEA that involves a deadly new dirty potion that is plaguing the Cauldron (rundown part of Babylon). To further complicate things Kate’s rich ex-boyfriend (John Volos) is one of the prime suspects.

This was a decent urban fantasy. I thought the setting was interesting, but never really was all that engaged with the main heroine. Things did get more interesting towards the end of the book, as our heroine started to get more involved in using her Adept magic. Up to that point though, this book was mostly a police procedural with some supernatural potion stuff thrown in.

Kate is a cop who has a sordid history as an Adept who made dirty potions for the Cauldron underground. She worked hard to free herself from the clutches of her mobster-like family. She is eager to help out the MEA, it will be a promotion for her and help her to really make a difference in stamping out dirty magic. However Kate’s life is a bit complicated. Because of both of her parents being dead, she is left to raise her teenage brother herself. Also as things progress she finds out that her ex-boyfriend from her Dirty Magic days is now an influential and rich man in the Babylon political scene...and he is the prime suspect in the creation of a new dirty potion that is causing havoc on the streets.

I didn’t really like Kate all that much. She is very much a cop running from a dirty past. She does a lot of stupid things. She doesn’t handle her brother Danny well at all, she has a spot of blind fear and hatred where magic is concerned, and she seems a bit too willing to forgive the man that she used to date. She makes a lot of the same mistakes over and over again throughout the book. She does get a bit more interesting as she starts to reveal more of her Adept magic side, but this doesn’t happen into much further into the book.

Kate’s two potential love interests are, of course John, and her MEA partner Morales. John has the whole “slightly evil rich guy but occasionally sensitive and caring guy” thing going on. I don’t like him and I have read about too many other characters like him in urban fantasies. Morales just comes off as a bit of a sex fiend, he is constantly trying to get Kate to have casual sexual relations with him.

Even though I didn’t like Kate or either of her love interests, there are some interesting characters in here. Kate’s brother Danny is an interesting kid and I liked reading about him. Mez is the MEA’s resident magic wizard and he’s pretty unique and awesome. Kate also has an informant that is half baby, half creepy lady named Little Man (LM) that is crazy creepy but also really intriguing.

The surroundings are gritty and this is definitely dark urban fantasy. Babylon is a city plagued by additive dirty magic potions and the addicts that are desperate for them. The seedier parts of the city are run by Clans of Adepts. We have yet to meet all of these Clans.

I guess part of my problem with this book is that it is mainly a police procedural type of story, the magic is there but not incredibly prevalent until later on in the book. After Kate starts getting more involved with the magic, things get more interesting but this doesn’t happen until pretty late in the book.

Overall this was an okay start to a new series, it was easy to read and decently written. I just wasn't all that drawn into the story or the world. I also didn’t like the characters all that much. I think it has potential but right now I am on the fence as to whether or not I will read the next book in the series.
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LibraryThing member Capnrandm
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

DIRTY MAGIC brings wizardry to the violent power struggles and chemical dependencies of the city streets, through the eyes of a heroine who has lived on both sides of the law. Wells builds her world on a mix of pharmacology and alchemy, giving an urban
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fantasy flavor to this gangland drama.

Though I enjoyed DIRTY MAGIC, I never quite lost myself in the story. Whether it be the slightly confusion gang inter-relationships, the seemingly arbitrary line between “dirty” magic and “clean”, or the not quite note perfect emotion of Kate’s addiction to magic, this world was interesting but not immersive. The characters, however, have my full attention. While Pen and Baba were mostly backdrops that allowed Kate to be both a cop and a single parent, Kate’s colleagues and enemies were complex enough to keep me interested.

Despite my minor issues with this book, it’s building a strong foundation for future books. Hopefully the next installment can use DIRTY MAGIC’s world building as a springboard for a more immersive experience. Kate’s position, pinned between her underworld past and her law enforcement present, will definitely have me coming back for more.

Sexual Content: References to sex, prostitution, and sexual assault.
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LibraryThing member thehistorychic
Listened for Fun (Audible)
Overall Rating: 4.25
Character Rating: 4.00
Story Rating: 4.50

Audio Rating: 4.00 (Not part of the overall rating)

First Thought when Finished: Dirty Magic was a great mix of Urban Fantasy and Mystery! In other words, I dug it.

Story Thoughts: Fact: I am a huge fan of mysteries
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and thrillers. I get excited about good old fashioned detective work. So when I heard that Jaye was doing an UF meets Mystery book, I got excited. She did not disappoint! The mystery was solid, well thought out, and most of the case solving came from tracking down the clues through working the scene/beat/players! I am always a little worried that "paranormal" elements will be used too much to solve a case in a paranormal/mystery mix but there was a great balance here. There were all the UF elements people love so much: world building, action, and snappy dialogue. Overall this was just a good mix of both worlds and I am excited to see where the series goes from here.

Character Thoughts: Kate is an interesting leading lady. She is strong, independent, stubborn, loyal, and at times a little unlikable. She is a good cop, a good sister, and a good friend. She is also quick at learning on the job. I think the longer she is with the team (Magical Enforcement Agency) the more she will fit in with them. Here is where I think the characters shined: I really liked the MEA task force! They were a great group of characters and hopefully as the series progresses we learn more about them.

Audio Thoughts:

Narrated By Morgan Hallett / Length: 11 hrs and 52 mins

This was my first Morgan Hallett book and I thought she did an excellent job. The pacing and tone of the story was well matched to her voice! The character voices were well done (male and female)with just enough uniqueness to tell who was talking at all times. There were one or two voices that took a bit to get used too but other than that I think the narration was spot on. I will be continuing this series in audio.

Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed Dirty Magic and can't wait for Kate's next adventure!

Note: Yes I am ignoring the setup for a love triangle. The romance won't be the main reason that I am reading this series.
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LibraryThing member TheDivineOomba
Typical Urban Fantasy, Loner type heroine with a grudge and a mysterious background trying to make a better life for herself and little brother. The story is solid. But boring characters. A weak - nonsensical magical system makes this book rather annoying.
LibraryThing member RosanneE
Loved this first book in the new series! Great story and characters. I can't wait to read more and am looking forward to the next book in the series.
LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: In a world filled with both good and bad magic, a cop who swore never again to use either kind is thrust into an investigation that has her hunting down a very dangerous potion. Will she be able to resist the temptation to use magic again?

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Sentence: It was just another fucked-up night in the Cauldron.

The Review:

I read and enjoyed the first book in Jaye Wells’ Sabina Kane series, but due to having too many books and not enough time, I haven’t been able to continue it. Even so, when I realized that Wells had a new series coming out, I was very excited to start it. Thankfully, my enthusiasm was not misplaced, as I found this first book in the Prospero’s War series to be engrossing and entertaining from start to finish.

Kate Prospero swore she would never again cook or use dirty magic, a type of magic deemed illegal due to its ability to cause the user to become addicted to its effects. As Kate is the niece of the biggest dirty magic crime lord in the area, this means a career change. So, she took her younger brother out of the life and decided to become a cop. Now, it’s 10 years later, and Kate has spent five years as a beat cop and is starting to become frustrated that she’s never been promoted, most likely because of her past. Then, one night while on duty, she comes across a man standing over a woman’s body. He’s obviously under the effects of some kind of potion, as he no longer looks fully human. In fact, he looks more like a werewolf. In a pursuit that eventually ends in the man’s death, Kate is drawn into an investigation of a new potion making its way to the streets: Grey Wolf. She now has to deal with a partner whose personality leaves much to be desired, having to see her former flame who is now a major suspect in the case, and trying to keep her 16-year-old brother from learning any magic for fear it will lead him down a dark road. All in a day’s work, right?

I have to say, I loved Kate. She is one of my favorite types of heroines: tough and sarcastic, yet also vulnerable because of her past. She has so much to prove, and I found myself rooting for her from the very beginning. The relationship with her brother Danny is written incredibly well. There were many scenes where I had a lump in my throat as they interacted, whether it be when they’re talking about their mother’s death or when Kate is trying to impress the dangers of magic on a boy who feels like an outcast.

The side characters are also written well. I definitely have very strong feelings one way or the other about all of them, and to feel that sort of connection (or antipathy) towards characters in the first book of a series is a very good sign, in my opinion, of things to come. There’s not much romance here, although there did appear to be signs of a potential love triangle. Triangles are not my favorite thing, but I’m going to reserve judgment until I see how things develop in future books.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable first book in a series. World building is done well, and the characters leap off the page. I’m very excited to see what else Jaye Wells has in store for this series!

Notable Scene:

I could only stand frozen, waiting for the moment when he spotted me.

Time slowed. He frowned at Eldritch the way one might at an annoying housefly. The redhead kept pace behind the trio while she talked on a cell phone. Volos turned toward her to say something, but on the way his gaze intersected with mine briefly before continuing. Slammed to a halt. Reversed.


I must have gasped because suddenly my lungs felt too full. Sweat broke out over my chest, where my heart thumped like jungle drums.

One second, he was as frozen as I had been, but then, inevitably, he left the others behind and came at me with the determination of a heat-seeking missile. His expression belonged in a high-stakes room in Vegas. I’d seen that poker face more times than I could count. I’d also seen the slight tightening of his jaw that indicated he wasn’t pleased by my presence.


Jesus, his voice cut to the bone. Energy sizzled along my spine and put every protective instinct in my body on code red.

“Mr. Volos.” My voice was steady, professional despite the sweat on my palms and the slight tremor in my midsection.

It felt as if everyone in the vicinity stopped to watch this momentous meeting, but no one had. Not really. Just Eldritch, who didn’t make an effort to hide his naked curiosity, and Gardner, who had on her cop face. Morales came to join Shadi off to my left and the pair openly stared at us.

“Mr. Volos, about that interview,” Gardner said into the tense silence.

Those hard eyes left me alone to stare down my new boss. “I thought BPD was investigating.”

“We are, sir.” Eldritch stepped in. “The MEA is assisting because they believe the murder might be linked to an Arcane investigation they’re working.

Volos looked back at me. “You’ve been spending a lot of time on this side of town lately. Thought you patrolled the east side.”

I stilled as his meaning sunk in. He’d seen me here the other day and he wanted me to know it. He also apparently had kept tabs on my position in the department. Dread settled over me like a cold mist. When a man like Volos kept tabs on you, it usually meant he wanted to use you–or he wanted you dead.

FTC Advisory: Orbit provided me with a copy of Dirty Magic. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member lostinalibrary
Kate Prospero is a beat cop in the decaying city of Babylon USA. While on her regular patrol, cop Kate is attacked by an assailant who looks shockingly like a werewolf. But Kate is no pushover and, in the ensuing fight, she kills him. Turns out, though, that the guy was a CI and he is normally a
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pretty laid-back guy at least for a junkie.

Kate’s career as a cop has been somewhat hampered by her strong personality, her magical skills, but mainly by her family, once one of the most notorious magical criminal families in Babylon. But, when the case involving her encounter with the werewolf is taken over by the Magical Enforcement Agency, she finagles her way onto the investigating team. It soon becomes apparent that there is a new drug on the streets that turns its users into violent predators. It’s produced by a new crime family in an attempt to take over the dirty streets of Babylon and Kate may have put herself directly in their sights. Worst of all though, it forces her to deal with John Volos, her one time lover, also one-time criminal in her uncle’s enterprise but now believed to be Babylon’s greatest benefactor by just about everyone but Kate.

In Dirty Magic, author Jaye Wells combines police procedural with urban fantasy and creates a really fun urban fantasy noir. Babylon and its denizens are an interesting bunch, the magic system is also interesting especially as it outlines the various magical addictions and the long-term effects of ‘using’ dirty magic, and the story is compelling if a bit predictable. But it is really Kate who drives the narrative with her strong personality and snarky attitude as well as her drive to escape her past and improve her future not only for herself but for her teenaged brother. Fortunately, at least from my perspective, although there are two requisite ‘hot’ guys vying for Kate’s affections, this doesn’t bog the story down like it does in so many urban fantasies. The story is wrapped up neatly at the end but it leaves room for sequels and I look forward to seeing more of Kate Prospero in the future.
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LibraryThing member Shrike58
I'm going to admit that I didn't respond as well to this book as I expected; what it mostly boils down to is that the author's transposition of alchemical magic to a police procedural seems a little too one-for-one and pat; it's also possible that I'm just jaded in regards to the urban fantasy/noir
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crime mash-up. On the other hand the main character is good and there is the reality that this is the first book in the series and one can expect the world to be better developed over time.
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LibraryThing member Sable677
Having read a previous book by Wells and enjoyed it, I was excited to check out her new series. Dirty Magic is the perfect introduction for this new series and this new group of characters. The action starts right at the beginning as Kate finds herself drawn into a police chase that ends with the
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discovery of a new and deadly drug. Wells has set up quite the conflict for her heroine in that Kate has sworn off doing magic, and the case that she ends up in is all about dirty magic. Wells did an amazing job at setting up both internal and external conflicts for Kate, and I enjoyed seeing Kate's journey as she tries to come to terms with her past and her future. The book is full of many twists and turns, and the action continues throughout the book. I really enjoyed this start to the series, and I am looking forward to reading more about Kate. Overall Dirty Magic was an amazing read that I would most definitely recommend.

Received a copy of Dirty Magic through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
This was the first book I think I read some sample chapters and asked the publisher for a review copy. I'm glad to say it was a fun read. This world is set up that magic is out in the open. Magic use is tied to the gene for dominate left hand use. Babylon's magic users are in three camps potions,
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blood and sex. The leader of all the "dirty" magic users is the heroine's uncle and he is currently in jail and there is a power vacuum. A new potion hits the streets and after an encounter with a user, Kate Prospero wants to be transferred to the Feds to work on stopping it and possibly jump starting her stalled police career. Kate was a "dirty" magic potions maker but after the death of her mother she quits that life and takes her little brother with her. She has struggled ever since working to put herself through college and get a job as a cop working to stop all the dirty magic. The one thing she will not do is start making potions again and she has worked hard at limiting her brother's contact with magic and their family. The story is good and the universe is well thought out. I can't wait to see more in this series.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
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LibraryThing member kmartin802
Kate Prospero is a cop who has sworn off magic. She grew up in a magical coven learning to cook magic but, when her magic killed someone she loved, she swore off. She has spent the last ten years raising her younger brother who has now become 16 and also become curious about magic.

Kate wants to
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get a spot on the Magical Enforcement Agency task force so that she will have some financial security for herself and her brother. Also, she is interested in getting dirty magic off the streets. She wasn't happy to learn that her former boyfriend is involved in the case. There is a new drug in town called Gray Wolf which gives the user immunity to defensive magic and a craving for human flesh. It is a combination of alchemical magic and blood magic which is why her ex is a suspect. He is one of the few who could do the alchemical magic.

I enjoyed Kate as she tried to reconcile her past with her future. I liked her relationship with her brother which is definitely being tested in this story. I liked watching her try to fit in with the other MEA agents and liked seeing her interact with the old boyfriend. I liked the world building and will be looking for more books in this series.

I think urban fantasy fans will like this one.
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LibraryThing member Maydacat
There is much to like in this new fantasy series. Kate Prospero is an Adept from a family with a storied history of dabbling in magic. But because of a tragedy, she has turned her back on cooking potions. Now a cop, she is on the streets fighting against the effects of addiction. Then the fight
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gets personal and Kate has to make what could be life-changing decisions. Packed with action, this thriller never-the-less has a bit of romance thrown in as Kate deals with a past love now long-gone sour. The author does a great job in creating a strong female protagonist who still shows a softer side without being weak. Add in an intriguing plot and wizards – and others – mixing potions, dirty and clean, and you have the formula for an A-1 page turner.
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LibraryThing member MelHay
*I read this book for my own enjoyment.

Kate Prospero is put on suspension from the force due to a deadly encounter on the job. A man with oddly predatory eyes, fast running, immune to charms, and growing hair all over who's drawn to blood. This man was connected than Kate had ever imagined. Drawing
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her to an opportunity on a new task force to help clean up the dirty potions and the top of the chain of who's making and selling them. Kate was raised on the streets of the Cauldron and can help with her knowledge, and maybe contacts, to help find who's making the new deadly and dangerous potion.

First thing I noticed, Jaye's descriptions. Nicely done. Her writing feels to have grown greatly coming into this book.

We start into the world with a quick insight to a new potion and what it does to its users. We then take a step back and see Kate Prospero in her life, with family and friends. Her family is a huge thing in Kate's life. She has complicated...issues with some of her family, but her younger brother lives with her. Taking care of Danny and keeping him out of magic, whether clean or dirty, is her goal in life along with helping to clean up the streets as a cop. This is a huge motivator for Kate through out the book.

Then come to the team she'll work with. The crew is fun and I enjoy their interactions with Kate. Especially Morales who becomes like a partner on the beat to Kate. He gives Kate a hard time, but it feels as it turns into innocent picking on a friend a the book goes. They do grow closer as the story goes. We have the cool science guy, Mez, who's a wizard and mixes clean potions for the team going into dangerous situations. And Shadi, who I feel we don't see enough of in this book. She's part of the team but does different parts to the same mission.

This book felt like it was one that anyone who loves cop shows could read. The story didn't feel high in the magic field that others would be distracted by it. The story feels as though it's more character driven based on Kate and her wants and desires to do or not do things, also her complicated family connections don't help her but make her beliefs stronger in her mind.

The magic part of the story is very low key. There is no spells whipping around like Harry Potter. The magic is discrete and in the sense of mixing potions, which are similar to drugs. The making of the potions actually feels more science than magic to me, though there is a moment of magic in making them. The world of drugs and a dangerous city is replaced with the obsession with potions that can make you prettier, faster, to lose weight, to protect you, and much more. But! These potions come at a cost. If you over use them, which we see is very possible as people become addicted to them, you could turn colors like purple, or lose all material possessions with the need for more and end up living on the street. Or, the worst cost to potions, you could lose your life. And we do see this example in the book.

The story is well constructed in we see how the characters are lead to where they go. There are strong beliefs that they don't want to deal with, yet by fighting it they are lead to face what they don't want to. Kate has much going on in her personal life with raising her younger brother, it's hard having a teenager. But Kate also has to deal with a prejudice at the police station because she's a female and because she's an adept. There is plenty of action to go with the story after we get through the introduction phase of the book.

I was impressed with how well all worked together to create the world of potions and the cop scenarios. Well done. I'll be looking to pick up the next few books when I get money.
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LibraryThing member SESchend
Very strong character-driven urban fantasy / police procedural. Highly recommended as an example of how to let characters showcase and reveal world building, rather than info-dumping.
LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
Kate's currently a patrol cop fighting crime and taking care of her brother. After going head to head with a werewolf she gets the chance to join the Magic Enforcement Agency task force. Her past gives her a leg up in the investigation but also puts her on a path she doesn't want to go down.

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find out right away how much of a kick-ass character Kate is going to be. She likes being one of the good guys and she's good at it. She also happens to be the guardian to her teenage brother and their relationship gets pretty rocky as the book progresses. Kate's past makes her a bit more strict than her brother likes and the conflict leads to danger. Kate has to make some hard choices and although they pan out, the price she has to pay will continue to be an issue in books to come. I'm still not sure how I feel about John Volos. Him and Kate had a pretty intense relationship and when she gave up her old life he was given up as well. I can't tell what his angle is. He seems to care a lot about Kate still and Kate still has a pull towards him but I just don't know how it will continue to play out after the events in DIRTY MAGIC.

There are a lot of secrets revealed throughout the story and the twists that are thrown at us kept my heart in the game. The whole world pulled me in. From the characters, to the city, to the different covens (aka gangs) and their beefs. Jaye really didn't leave any details out. I'm excited to learn more about Kate, her past and the world that she lives in with book 2 CURSED MOON.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member ladypembroke
Interesting world building in this one. Alchemy magic equals a slum full of dirty magic potion dealers and the covens that run them. The main character is a cop who once cooked those potions and belonged to a coven. I love the contrast. My copy had a bonus interview with Wells where she explained
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how she came up with the idea and all the research she did to write the novel. Think The Wire plus magic, but tangible magic, not wand waving and incantations. The characters were fleshed out, the story was compelling, the action moving along. Even with the length of the book, the pace never lagged. I am definitely reading more.
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LibraryThing member tldegray
3.5/5 stars. The first thing that attracted me to this book was the author, Jaye Wells, who I've read and enjoyed before. Then I learned the magic-user main character's surname was "Prospero" and I was all in.

This book had a lot of the things I enjoy. Urban fantasy cops, people with bad backgrounds
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trying to reform, former lovers who might be trouble, and an interesting magic system. In this world, magic is alchemy and magicians cook. There's a tremendous drug parallel, with certain spells causing dangerous or deadly side-effects. Of course there's also the difference between clean magic (government/corporate sanctioned) and dirty magic (street magic, often with subpar ingredients). There's also the magical 'mafia' with the various covens controlling various parts of the city.

Then you have Kate Prospero. Of 'the' Propsero family. Coven. Her Uncle, the coven leader is in jail, he'd once groomed her to take over but she left the family and became a cop. Her ex-boyfriend from her dark magic days says he's reformed but Kate has serious doubts about that. But Kate's reformed. Reformed to the point that she won't use any magic at all, not even clean magic meant to protect her in the line of duty.

A fun beginning to what looks like a great series.

(Provided by publisher)
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LibraryThing member quondame
I was debating whether to rate this as a 3 or 3.5 then when I looked it up on LT I had already read it. And forgotten it 100%. It is a perfectly fine take on the heroine with something extra in a dark urban fantasy world, a bit different than the usual werewolfs, vampires, and other strange
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critters, with Adepts being both the monsters and among those fighting the monsters, and the take on magic is not the most common, and the pacing and plotting are better than average, just, well I totally forgot it. Totally.
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LibraryThing member Madison_Fairbanks
Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells
1st book in the Prospero’s War series. Urban fantasy cop with magic.
Kate Prospero is a new member of the Magic Enforcement Agency task force. Her job gets more complicated when her brother wants to learn to “cook” dirty magic and he calls Kate’s ex.

Engrossing cop
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procedural with magic and family issues. Kate is raising her brother the best she can with ethical issues she still has to work out. The tension between Kate and her ex is tense and rich with feelings neither want to revisit. And poor Danny feeling like an outcast and just trying to survive high school is so dramatic and such a teenager.
The Magic investigation and Kate’s desperately trying to do the right thing carries a bit of angst but it’s so real and powerful, it makes the story that much more compelling to finish.

I will be reading more of this series.
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Local notes

Prospero's War, 1


Fic SF Wells


½ (132 ratings; 3.6)
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