Passion (Fallen)

by Lauren Kate

Hardcover, 2011



Call number



Delacorte Press (2011), Edition: First Edition, 432 pages


Desperate to unlock the curse that condemns her love for Daniel, Luce revisits her past incarnations trying to understand her fate, but Daniel is chasing her throughout the centuries in order to keep her from rewriting their history.

User reviews

LibraryThing member _Lily_
Passion by Lauren Kate
Reviewed by Moirae the fates book reviews
Luce would die for Daniel. And she has. Over and over again. Throughout time, Luce and Daniel have found each other, only to be painfully torn apart: Luce dead, Daniel left broken and alone. But perhaps it doesn’t need to be that way.
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. . .

Luce is certain that something—or someone—in a past life can help her in her present one. So she begins the most important journey of this lifetime . . . going back eternities to witness firsthand her romances with Daniel . . . and finally unlock the key to making their love last.

Cam and the legions of angels and Outcasts are desperate to catch Luce, but none are as frantic as Daniel. He chases Luce through their shared pasts, terrified of what might happen if she rewrites history.

Because their romance for the ages could go up in flames . . . forever. (Synopsis provided by goodreads)

This is by far my favorite of the books. I loved exploring the past lives of Luce and Daniel. I wish we could have seen more of the live in Tahiti. That chapter was so sweet! One of my favorites had to be the live (and death) in France but I think the most beautiful was the one in Egypt. That whole scene in Egypt was gorgeous.
The love that Daniel has for Luce is one that every woman dreams of. What I liked most about the book, is Kate actually shows not only Luce but her readers as well just how much Daniel loves her, we see that their love is in fact real and that they choose each other every time. In most love stories, the author just tells us that they love each other and we blindly accept it, but Kate takes the time to prove to us just how deep and pure their love for each other is.
The book had a huge (like Everest sized) twist at the end that I so did not see coming.
At one point in the book we see Daniel in Paris and I think that scene was one that made me go damn, why can't all men be like that?
This book was beyond beautiful and I want to read it again right now, and I want to read Rapture now. Such a beautiful love story.
Overall rating ***** 5 out of 5 stars
Cover art I think for me this is my least favorite of the cover art, I wish Luce wasn't facing the camera, it looks a little odd to me next to the others.
Obtained My personal library.
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LibraryThing member Lucy.Burke
I have conflicting thoughts on this one! Being a big fan of both Fallen and Torment I was super excited about Passion. Over all I thought it was a good read but I found most of the story was unnecessary and unrelated to what the previous books started. None of the questions from the last two books
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were even touched on and I missed the interaction between Luce and all her friends.

In this third book, Luce visits her previous incarnations in order to uncover the truth about her relationship with Daniel and the curse they share. At the beginning I found this a bit tiresome but as she started to go back further in time they got more thrilling and I found myself enjoying all the jumping around in time. As sad as it was I loved reading the scenes where Luce goes up in flames in front of Daniel. It gave me so much insight into Daniel's world and how much he loves Luce and the suffering he goes through just to be with her. I was fascinated by Daniel's chapters which broke the slightly repetitive cycle of Luce's ones. It was all very romantic!

However, Luce did frustrate me at times. Her inability to listen to any ones warnings or advice, the fact that she never questions this Bill character and the way she runs off through time to find proof that Daniel's love for her is true?! There are certainly some faults.

As a story on it's own, ya I loved it; but as a story that's part of a series I wasn't impressed. I loved reading all the soppy scenes between Luce and Daniel but the only parts in Passion that are truly relevant to the previous two books are the last few pages. I still have high hopes for the final book. She has the story lined up well for a big finish. Because I like the series so much and have high expectations for the last book I'm still going to give this one 4 out of 5 stars.
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LibraryThing member kissmeimgone
This book was simply amazing, defintley my favorite of the Fallen series so far, cant wait for Lauren Kate's fourth book, Rapture thats due out spring 2012. In 'Passion', Lucinda Price, races through time, determined to defy her and Daniel's fate, hoping to change the past in order to change their
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future. She's willing to risk it all, in the name of love. I defintley recommend this book to everyone.
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LibraryThing member Andreat78
I love Lauren Kate’s The Fallen series. I was instantly besotted with book one, Fallen. Daniel and Luce and their tragically doomed love was mesmerizing. Tempted, book two, I was a little less thrilled with because of the distance between Luce and Daniel, but I still devoured it, nonetheless. But
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with Passion, Lauren Kate and her star-crossed lovers are back in their full glory.

So, as Passion begins, Luce has taken off through time, determined to discover for herself whether her fiery fate with Daniel is worth all the heartbreak they must endure. She will now go back to some of her former lives to witness their love firsthand. Luce, with Daniel chasing her, confront their past selves. Initially, I must admit, this was more than a little confusing. I had to read, then re-read paragraph because I wasn’t sure if “Present Luce” or “Past Luce” was with “Past Daniel” or “Present Daniel”. Or would Luce conversing with her past self mess up the whole “time-space-continuum”? (points to those who got my Back to the Future reference!) Once I got a mental grip on past/present aspect of the story, I quickly fell in love with Passion.

As Luce begins her journey, she is joined by “Bill”. Bill wants to help Luce through time to discover the key to breaking her curse. Luce is thrown into some of the most memorable moments throughout time. Lauren Kate did a beautiful job of setting the scenes in history so completely. From Moscow to Egypt, and beyond, the location was thoroughly set. Each time, she also had to make Luce and Daniel, and even their friends, into completely new characters. For me, each jump into the past brought a fantastic sense of anticipation. Each discovery Luce uncovered was tragic and beautiful.

While I’ve always liked the character of Daniel Grigori, he definitely came across as aloof and untouched at times. By giving Luce and Daniel parallel storylines into the past, Kate made Daniel into a more sympathetic and likeable character. His pain each time he loses Luce is heartbreaking. His resolve to endure the pain each lifetime is unflinching.

Passion was an intense read. The knowledge that just around the corner could lurk an impending doom and final revelation was riveting. With each leap through time, the stakes intensified. I found myself with a thudding heart and held breath. Will Daniel find Luce before it’s too late? Will their love withstand Heaven and Hell? The answers, the entire book, left me completely staggered.

The final book in the Fallen series, Rapture, is set to release Spring 2012.

*Passion is a book that I purchased myself.*
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LibraryThing member WWE_Fan
The first half of the book I struggled to get through. You follow Luce's journey into her past lives in hopes of finding a way to break the curse. The ending of every chapter was always the same. But I must say the last half of the book ... REDEMPTION!!! It was amazing! And to think I really liked
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Bill in the beginning! Can't wait to see what's in store for Daniel and Luce in the final installment. Great series!
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LibraryThing member Abby_Ford
It was hard to get through the first couple of chapters for me, but I'm glad I did. It started getting better and by mid book I was completely emmerced into the story just as I was in the previous books. I was thrilled to get some info from Daniel's perspective as well. I think it really helped
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build his character a great deal. I didn't absolutely love the ending of this one but I'll still be waiting in line to get the next installment. Overall, a great love story!
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LibraryThing member duchess_mommy
Daniel Grigori: Put’s Edward’s love for Bella to shame. Yes, that’s a bold statement, but after reading this particular book in the FALLEN series by Lauren Kate, I think you’ll agree with me.

When we pick up on this, the third book of FALLEN, Luce has just carelessly entered an announcer
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because she needs to travel to her past to discover if her Love for Daniel is true, and if he Loves her the same, or if the two of them are just ‘going through the motions’ because their fates have been pre-determined. At the end of book two, TORMENT, Luce’s doubts could be understood. Daniel had not given her any answers and as frustrating as that is, we find out why in PASSION.

The author, Lauren Kate does a wonderful job at holding back just enough information to keep the reader intrigued and providing just enough to satisfy. PASSION is written from alternating POV’s, switching between Luce and Daniel. In hearing Daniel’s side of the events, we know, before Luce does, how deep his love really is. The ending of PASSION leaves the reader satisfied to the point that the Love-story could end with this book, but for the action perspective and the fates of Luce and Daniel, RAPTURE, the fourth and final FALLEN novel due out in Spring 2012, cannot come out soon enough.
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
Well, I flew through Passion, finishing in less than a day. I didn't want to put it down, and I needed to know what would come next.
Passion wasn't really what I expected... while in theory we got to see some of their romances and where the love is coming from in their past encounters, I really
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wanted at least one start to finish meeting and falling in love.
What I got instead was interesting, and it really helps to see where Daniel's immense love comes from, and get to know him and where he's been. What Luce got from it was more of a sense of who she is, and she has to learn and convince herself that their love is from something real, not just fate or simple attraction.
This is a good addition to the series, and I know that I'll pick up the last and hope that all the threads are tied up and something happens with a bang.
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LibraryThing member shazzerwise
It's been a while since I read "Fallen" and "Torment", and I really needed a refresher course to know what was going on. Thankfully, Kate has written a very easy book to get into, and it wasn't long before my memory was jogged and I was caught up. As for "Passion" itself, I found it a mixed bag.
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Some of the chapters/lives visited worked better than others, and the ending was a bit much ado about nothing ('til next time). But over all I enjoyed it, and I'll be looking forward to reading "Rapture" when it comes out next year.
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LibraryThing member ShelleyJax
*Rating* 2.5
*Genre* Young Adult Paranormal Romance


Passion is the third book in the Fallen series by Lauren Kate and I'm wondering what in the hell is wrong with me for sticking with the series this far! However, I digress and jump off my soap box so that I can get rid of this book from
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wence it came.

Passion takes up immediately after the events of Torment where Lucinda (Luce) Price stepped into an Announcer and disappeared into her past after a fight with the Outcasts. She leaves behind Daniel, Cam, Arriane, Gabbe, Roland, Shelby, Molly, Miles, and her family in her quest to find answers.

Her intention seems harmless enough; she needs to figure out a way to break the curse that ends up killing her when she reaches 17 years of age, and she falls in love with Daniel Grigori all over again. The only problem is it takes her forever to realize that nothing she does is going to change or stop the curse from continuing on.

So, instead of stopping at a certain point in her time when she realizes that Daniel has suffered with each of her deaths; she falls into a trap by someone who will play an important role in the conclusion of this series. At that point I was actually in the middle of berating not only myself for not skipping over about 100 pages worth of utter nonsense, but the author as well for her continued sappy assed writing and lame ass characters who haven't a clue or a brain they were born with.

The whole thing with Bill who claims to be a member of The Scale (an organization that paroles the Fallen) is one of the reasons I stuck to the story so long to see what beneviolent being he turned out to be. There are some questions in that regards as well. How does “Bob” know Lucinda? Who is more important to the overall scheme of things, Luce or Daniel? What does Cam have to do with any of this besides seemingly being in the background each and every time? Did Luce somewhere along the line turn him out like a pair of bad socks?

I am one of those who has felt a bit betrayed and let down by the story line since the very first book. It's like watching a baseball game in that regard. It’s the bottom of the ninth and the batter swings for the fence for a home run in order to win the game. Only instead of making contact or trying for a base hit, he strikes out to end the game and the fans start throwing beer bottles and left over hot dogs at him for his stupidity.

This book has its moments, but they also lose focus quickly when the story keeps going and going and going back into her past. I believe the heart break that is Daniel’s story is more interesting than Luce’s and always has been. Daniel whose choice to turn his back on both heaven and Lucifer for love is the reason that history is repeating itself.

Since I've made it this far into the series, what's one more to end it all?

4. Rapture (Expected publication: June 13th 2012) *last book in series*
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LibraryThing member skaohee
So I haven't read through Em's Review yet, but she did text me to say that she was disappointed/didn't really care for this book that much. I couldn't disagree with her more on that line of thinking.

Though some people may find this book of the Fallen Series to be a little "repetitive" (as far as
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Luce going back in time and her "loves" with Daniel), I found it enchanting and was thrilled to see their love throughout so many lifetimes. In the first two books, much like Luce, I was told over and over again how epic their love was, but I didn't want to be TOLD about it - I wanted to witness it firsthand. And traveling to all those different times and places all over the world was pretty damn cool. Props to Lauren because I'm sure that took some serious research.

Also, if you like the supporting cast (even half as much as I do..which is ALOT) then you might be missing them because they aren't in this story as much. But you DO get to witness a critical moment for Cam..whom I love love love. I'm aware that the story is mainly about Luce and Daniel's great love, but my great love is for Cam. :)

Of course, I can't write a review without mentioning a new character - Bill. I found him to be like the stand-in for Cam as far as (hilarious) sarcasm. Em texted me telling me she thought he was creepy, but I thought he was funny. And he said more than a few things that I agreed with. Ahem - "There is more to life than teenage passion." I know, I sound like a parent..but looking back on my high school days, I must say that things I thought were "so important" - like a high school boyfriend - really aren't that big in the grand scheme of things. I realize Daniel and Luce are different but the quote is fairly accurate overall.

If you were looking for Passion to be the climactic ending of the story with Rapture being some kind of epilogue filler, then I'm not sure what to tell you. I guess I knew what to expect from Passion and that's why I wasn't like "What the heck - Where is all the "action"? Where is the epic battle?! This is boring." That's not what this book was about - this book was about Luce and the Reader understanding what the hell was going on and setting everyone up for the final showdown.

You'll enjoy this book as long as you realize that this was not meant to be the action-packed finale.
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LibraryThing member talksupe.blogspot
full review on

Like the two previous books, the pace is a bit slow for my taste but I must say that in every novel the story gets better albeit on a snail pace. In my opinion, you can get away with reading the last 100 pages since that's where all the explanation and major
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events happen as always. And Bill's big reveal as Evil himself could've been better, after all he's the most feared personality bar none. Who can trump Satan in terms of being evil, he practically invented the thing!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
I, like so many readers, have been following this series from the very beginning and have love it. One thing I enjoyed about this book is the fact that Luce has finally taken things in her own hands. I loved that she is stronger then ever. That she is finally doing things her way instead of
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Luce has come a long way. She has learn many secrets and in this book learns some more. The most important things is that she learns more about Daniel and his love for her. I admire her perseverance in finding out what really is going on with them by traveling back in time. It gave the reader a better insight in their past life and who they came to be today. It also showed more of Daniel and the heart ache he goes through. I never thought I say this, but I finally understand him. This book is important to the readers to see things from Daniel point of view.

Secrets in this book just keep on flowing . I love how the author is tying up loose ends and is creating a build up for the final book. I must say that the ending was not at ALL what I was expecting but a wonderful surprise indeed. Now that I see it coming together, I can't wait to see how the last book is going to be.

If you have not jumped on the band wagon of the Fallen you should. A love that has withstand time, that keeps on going, I am hoping that Daniel and Luce will finally get their happy ending!
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LibraryThing member millett23
Once I got into this book I really enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. I feel that there is such a huge time gap between books that I forgot what was going on in the story. I almost should of read the first two book before I read this one. Even though I didn't, I did finally catch up with my
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memory about half way into the book. This was a really good book and I can't wait for the final book.
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LibraryThing member IreneReads
Library Summary: "Desperate to unlock the curse that condemns her love for Daniel, Luce revisits her past incarnations trying to understand her fate, but Daniel is chasing her throughout the centuries in order to keep her from rewriting their history"

I just finished reading this book and all I have
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to say about it is...


Passion has way more intense scenes than Fallen and Torment put together! I also love the fact that you get to see the story from both Luce and Daniel's point of view. I also love the cliffhanger ending! I recommend this to all fans of Fallen and Torment.
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LibraryThing member sszkutak
Oh so frustrating... we learn nothing in this book except for Satan is evil (duh) and that Luce and Daniel have been going through this curse for a long time (also duh).

Now we follow Luce as she throws a tantrum into an Announcer and disappears into her past lives to find a way to learn about her
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and Daniels relationship....only she doesn't really find anything out and gets tricked along the way (go figure...she lacks common sense) and all this book does is lead up to the last 5 pages where a real plot changer happens...then the book ends and you have to wait.

Filler?...definitely. Storyline?...ok. will I read the next one?...probably, because I want my happily ever after...eventually.
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LibraryThing member NikkiatBooksMW
Alright. After reading to this point in the series I had almost given up on it. This book definitely set the bar higher than the previous two. It takes the characters that I've followed thus far and speeds up their action to an acceptable pace.

As we join back with Luce she is hopping through time
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to try to figure out her and Daniel's past. She slowly figures out a few important key factors, but it is still hard because of Daniel's intent on secrecy. Luce has some company join her along the way, but it's slightly obvious from the start that it's not the best of help to have. I like the sides of Daniel I finally got to see this time. His story finally cracked open and I saw him in a little better light than before. Along with the help of their friends, Luce and Daniel's story truly grows in this book.

*Happy dance* The plot FINALLY picks up in this one! It was so sluggish in the first two books I was honestly concerned that it would continue on in this one. Luce's time travels came to my aid on this aspect. The hopping through time and seeing all the different lives and cultures she lived in really kept me interested. Daniel's struggles through these situations left real validity to their past and present relationships. I am very glad that is finally shown. I had hoped that some of the secrets he possessed about these relationships would illuminated this time. There is still a feeling that there's a lot more to be had at the end of the book though.

I did not realize until the ending of this book that it was actually a four book series. I thought this would be the end. That's why I was irritated when I finished the book. It had just picked up enough that I was truly interested and the series ends like that?? Nope, I was wrong. If I had known, I would have seriously waited until Rapture came out to even bother with these books.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I liked "Fallen" and "Torment" and was actually pleasantly surprised by them. I liked Luce, Cam, Miles and most of her other friends. I had reservations about Daniel because he was so hot and cold but I figured it was a good match for Luce. I was more than a little eager to move on to
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While I really respect when a book in a series takes a risk and goes a different route than the previous novels, "Passion" was just too different. The time travel through the Announcers could have been awesome. But it was poorly executed. Luce and Daniel (separately) went back to too many previous lives and those sequences felt rushed and muddy. I was unclear on most of what I was supposed to learn from those travels. Luce seemed to get it, but I was lost.

I can understand why Luce looked different many times in past lives. I mean it made sense that if she was in Egypt she looked Egyptian and so on. She was reincarnated and born to different parents each time. However, why does Daniel look different so often? I understand he should fit into each culture/time period but he is an immortal Fallen angel. He has been alive for all those centuries whereas Luce keeps dying and starting over anew. Did I miss something that explained that? Does he have shape-changing powers in addition to him angel status? 95% of this book wasn't satisfying to this reader in any way, shape or form. Shelby and Miles make quickie appearances every so often but we never really know what they are doing and what they have been through. Sure they are searching for Luce but there isn't much of a point other than their last encounter with Daniel. The merging of the souls was awkward and not well explained. Bill's plan to have Luce cleave away from her past and start anew without Daniel made no sense. I read it over and over again hoping to understand it. Finally since it made sense to Luce I gave up and just went with it.

There was a positive in all of this. The reason this review is two stars rather than the one I thought it was going to be is due to the ending. Maybe the last two or three chapters of this book really grabbed me. It involved the original casting out of the fallen angels from Heaven and how they work a loophole into the curse. I found that to be exciting and page turning reading. We end with a nice set up for the concluding book "Rapture". I am too invested in this series to stop reading it now. Hopefully "Passion" was just a misstep along the way. The whole time travel thing really drug this tale down. Another negative is just how little we got to visit with the entertaining cast of supporting characters. I do think we will see much more of our friends in the next book.

Bottom Line: "Passion" ends up filling like a contract filler. If you follow this series, you should definitely read at least the last few chapters of this book. You won't miss anything if you skip the rest.
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LibraryThing member KaelebsMomma
In the third epic book ‘Passion’ by Lauren Kate, Luce decides not to let destiny prevail and instead makes it her personal mission to discover what is keeping her and Daniel apart lifetime after lifetime. Luce travels back in time to witness and personally experience each of her past lives with
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Daniel and must suffer through each tragic ending. Luce is determined to break the cycle of the curse once and for all.

Lauren Kate is has amazing talent and has brought the characters from the ‘Fallen’ series alive. Once you begin reading this series, you become immediately addicted. In her latest book, Lauren Kate skillfully gives her readers the satisfaction that they crave, while still keeping the element of surprise looming on the horizon.

If you’re a fan of vampire or paranormal books and haven’t yet discovered this series, you’re missing out. The ‘Fallen’ series has rapidly climbed to the top of the ladder and become a favorite among young adults. I’ll go a step further and recommend this book to adult readers as well. I’m 35 and I’ll admit to being sucked in.

Will Luce and Daniel ever be able to live out their lives together? Will they be able to break the curse that has been tormenting them for so long, before everything they know goes up in flames?

I can’t wait for Lauren Kate’s next book in this series, titled ‘Fallen in Love’ to watch the future unfold and see what is lurking around the next corner.
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LibraryThing member Angelscryhavoc
Book Title: Passion (Fallen #3)

Author: Lauren Kate

Published By: Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Genre: Supernatural

Recommended Age: +13

Reviewed By: Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavoc

Blog Reviewed For: Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community

Rating: 4 Ravens

Like the other books in this series,
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Passion really did finally open the doors and allow you to see into the world of Luce and Daniel to travel through their pasts and see just what the two of them have had to go through and endure. You pick up from the end of book two and it flows along letting you fall right into the story whether you picked it up from the first novel or the second this book really has and does tie everything together slowly allowing you to go right into their world and start to love the characters even more if you have known them from the beginning.

In this book Luce has stepped through time on a journey to find where she and Daniel has gone wrong she wants to know what keeps them tied together as soul mates and in the beginning maybe stop them from loving each other so that they can go their separate ways and take all the pain the loss and torment not only from themselves but their friends. In the end she finds out just why they are linked to each other why she loves him and why they are two halves of a whole that could never be apart even if she forced herself too. She is being led astray as well by a special little time traveling friend who he is I will not reveal you have to read to find out. Throughout all of her journey her friends and Daniel are jumping through times in their past in order to try and stop Luce knowing what she needs to find out already but, in the end only making her move fast enough to find out their fates.

It’s a capturing book one that ties up all loose ends lovely and brings in like the setting for the fourth book something I have to say I’m really looking forward to seeing and reading myself.
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LibraryThing member summerskris
After the action in Fallen and (more so) in Torment, Passion is a bit of a let down. Luce explores her past lives in search of evidence of Daniel's love for her. We learn more about their shared past and see the various personas that Luce's soul took on in the past. Passion is about Luce exploring
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the past, settling her feelings, and realizing the truth. In fact, in addition to Luce rekindling her passion with Daniel, there is only one other major plot development.

Still, Passion is a necessary transition book in the series, and I enjoyed it in its own way. At first, I thought that I would get bored of watching Luce leap through her past lives, as she left the first couple pretty quickly. Once I adjusted to the pacing of the novel, however, I found myself just as mystified as Luce by her past lives, and as the novel progressed, I saw how they tied in together. The Announcers take Luce to certain lives for a purpose--there is something for her, for us, to learn.

I was annoyed by Luce's incessant desire to speak with her past lives and warn them--to tell them what she would have liked to know before starting her relationship with Daniel. It seemed obvious to me that if she changed one life, then her own life would be in jeopardy... though I can't blame her for wanting to try. If I knew as much as Lucy did when she first started her journey into the past, I would have hated to watch past me's die without understanding what they're getting into. Oddly enough, I was amused rather than confounded by Daniel's interference with the past despite his knowledge of what will happen if he interferes; this is probably because, unlike Luce, he knows what he's doing most of the time.

Everything leads back to Daniel's decision to live for love. In Passion, we learn the depth of Daniel's love for Luce, and we learn why the present Luce has a chance at life. With Luce finally understanding her relationship with Daniel, they only need to prove that it is worth fighting for (and take down the big bad guy). I cannot wait to read Rapture and find out how it all ends!
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LibraryThing member JoshuaKyte
Passion is a prime example on why I rarely read anything other than a series. This third installment of Fallen was able to suck me back into the world of angels and demons with very little trouble. While Luce jumps through time, she is being chased by a truly love struck Daniel, while trying to
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find the pivotal moment in time where she can save both herself and Daniel from a never ending battle of life and death, while the author paints their love and heartache in a whole new plethora of shades and dimensions. 4 out of 5 and recommendations all around.
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LibraryThing member TheRandomGirl
You can totally bet that this book was passionate. Passion took me back in time, along with Luce, to experience the love she and Daniel had over the centuries. I've been waiting for this book for, forever and nothing excited me more than seeing Luce and Daniel's love evolve throughout time. Plus, I
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love history, and that was more than enough to make me love the book.

I was glad that in Passion, Luce finally grew up and understood in depth what kind of relationship she and Daniel have. She finally realized that it wasn't all about her, it was about Daniel as well--how much pain her death has put him through. The romance in Passion was just brilliant. The love that Daniel has for Luce is something that anyone would envy.

I would've liked to see the other characters in Passion more. I missed each and everyone of them. I totally jumped up and down when Miles and Shelby were together with Daniel. I loved those two in Torment and I couldn't be more happier when I came across them in Passion. But I'm sure that in Rapture, the final book in the Fallen series, will have those very characters that we love.

Passion ended in a cleverly crafted cliffhanger, making me want more. This has been one of my favorite series and I couldn't put Passion down. How can I wait another year for the finale?
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LibraryThing member Hailey.Parker1234
This Book is the third book of the Fallen series. Luce traveled through time to her past lives to try to break the curse of her and Daniels. Luce is curious on why she dies every time she starts loving Daniel again for the 15 time. She always ends up blasting into flames. At the end of the is book
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Luce finds out that she was tricked by satin and now Satin is going to distroy everything. He is going to go to the past and try to build an army of fallen Angels.

I liked this book because it had to do with adventure but at the same time it was scary. I love scary books alot. All my friends were reading this book and said it was amazing so i thought i would give it a try and i ended up loving it. I cant wait for the final book comes out in spring of 2012. This book was the best and i reccomend it to everyone who likes scary books with a little of adventure in it.
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LibraryThing member bookescapest
I have loved this series and was thrilled when the next one Passion came out. However I was disappointed. I know that many others loved this book, but I found it impossibly slow and very little action. Its essentially going through Daniel and Luce's past lives and watching them. That was okay for
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the first couple chapters, but its truly is the entire book with little other than a small mission to find Luce, and Luce to find out why their love is so strong. But really no answers.
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Kids' Book Choice Awards (Finalist — 2012)
Children's Favorites Awards (Finalist — 2012)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

8.56 inches


0385739168 / 9780385739160
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