
by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hardcover, 2011



Call number



Simon & Schuster (2011), Edition: 1ST, 448 pages


Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for -- and their love -- forever.

User reviews

LibraryThing member nocturnewytche
This book was one of the most frustrating books I've read since Twilight: New Moon! But it was frustrating in a good way. I was worried about the classic 'amnesia' bit but it was handled well. While I found myself wishing Nora would put two and two together as the details became more known to her,
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it flowed well with the plot. I did find Patch's behavior a bit annoying (how could he stay away despite the circumstances!! ugh!) but it was to be expected of him. The plot twist at the end and the knowledge that there will be another book is exciting as I am not ready to be done with these characters! I did love the mention of previous conversations between Patch and Nora (the shower bit) and I was aching for the chapter to come where everything fell into place between them. This was a great edition to the series and I cannot wait for the 4th book now! I read this one in one day as I couldn't put it down and it has me wanting to go back and read Hush Hush and Crescendo again! Great book, a must read if you're into the supernatural/paranormal romance YA books. I picked up my copy from Walmart so it had the extra chapter from Patch's POV on his and Nora's original first interaction. That was great and I recommend this version to anyone who can get it!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
As you can tell, I'm on a roll with trying to read books that have been on shelves for a while now. Since this series has been option to become a movie, I jumped on it to read it. And now I know why this book is called Silence...

What I loved most about this book is great plot. Nora has lost
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everything...literally. Unable to remember anything, she finds herself struggling with emotions she doesn't quite understand as well as running into a certain somebody she swears she's seen before. I really loved that Nora is more determined then ever. She knows something is missing from her mind and goes out of her way to find it. She keeps searching till its found. She is loyal as ever and quickly pieces things together.

The love interest is what I expected. And of course he couldn't keep away from her. Even when he said he would. Patch is doing everything he knows to keep her safe. I'm surprised at the deals he make. You can really tell that he loves Nora soo much. He sacrifice things that are dear to him just to make sure she is okay. That is love.

How do you remember something that is stolen from you? You take hold of it and don't let go till your remember. Silence is great story full of everlasting love and action. The battle has been won but the war is just beginning. Silence is great!
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LibraryThing member the1butterfly
For once I didn't want to scream at Nora to stop being stupid, which was a welcome change from the last one. Maybe it's good she lost her memories. It was a page-turner, and the ending was interesting. I definitely get the impression that there will be more books out soon.
LibraryThing member bellabrax
I actually could not get into this book until about a third of the way through it. However, I ended up loving it like the rest of the series.
LibraryThing member johannabr
Well that summary doesn't really tell us anything does it? Before reading Silent I had no idea what to expect but within the first few pages of the book there is already a very key event happening that will be referred to over and over throughout the rest of the book. The story picks up right where
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Crescendo left off with Hank Miller revealing himself as who he truly was (I'm trying to keep as many spoilers out of this review as possible) and continues with what Patch intended to do about it in order to save Norah. Norah finds herself without any recollection of the events of the last five months, her amnesia stretching far beyond where Crescendo left off and into before she met Patch. Yes, she doesn't even remember him.As Norah tries to put the pieces of her life together she finds that she is constantly drawn to dangerous situations in which she almost always ends up encountering a guy named "Jev" who may or may not seem familiar to her and incite strong feelings. She keeps dreaming about a guy named "Patch" but no one will tell her who he is and what he was to her, except Marci Miller who swears that he was her summer fling and just a friend of Norah's. Could "Patch" and "Jev" be one and the same? You'll have to read to find out :)Becca does what she does best once again in this third installment of the Hush, Hush series. Through Nora's voice we are taken on a bumpy ride into her subconscious as she tries to remember and grasp to the old her instead of becoming the new Norah everyone is pushing her to become. I was so intrigued by where the story was going I literally bought the book twice, just so I can listen to it on audiobook while I worked and pick up the ebook when I was able to read again. It is my understanding that the Walmart edition of this book has an extra chapter from Patch's POV and I am tempted to buy the book a third time just so I could read that too. I give this book 4 stars for continuing this amazing series and making the 3rd installment as exciting as the first, something that I find to be very rare in book series. Becca Fitzpatrick recently announced that there will be a fourth book in the series which will become obvious once you read the ending of this book, since things clearly need resolution. If you have not read Hush Hush (the first book in the series), you seriously need to because you are missing out.
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LibraryThing member MickyFine
As the third book in the series, this review will contain spoilers for Hush, Hush and Crescendo.

Nora Grey wakes up in the Coldwater cemetary to discover that she has been missing for the past three months and can't remember the past five. Her mom is now dating Hank Millar, the father of her worst
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enemy, Marcie. Her best friend, Vee, is acting all weird. Plus there's a strange guy popping in and out of her life that she is mysteriously attracted to. Nora just desperately wants to figure out what happened to her and go back to her life, but the answers she finds will make things far more complicated than she could have hoped.

In a series that is narrated in the first person, giving your narrator amnesia can be a tricky proposition. The readers obviously know everything that Nora can't remember so much of the mysteries that Nora attempts to unravel in the first part of the book are things the reader already knows. However, Fitzpatrick manages to pull it off and I didn't find myself getting exceedingly irritated. The relationship between Nora and Patch is still riveting, although I found the comic relief didn't occur as frequently as might be desired. However, the biggest thing for me was coming into this novel thinking it was the final book in a trilogy, wondering how all of the various plot points could possibly be resolved, and then realizing that there's at least one more novel to come in the series. While there are plot threads left hanging, there is no evil cliffhanger, so while I'm eager to read the next book, I'm not weeping and gnashing my teeth. Definitely only fare for fans of YA paranormal fiction, but it'll hit the spot for readers of the series.
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LibraryThing member nbmars
This is book three of a four-volume series beginning with Hush, Hush and continuing with Crescendo and now, Silence (but only figuratively so). This series pits fallen angels (who seem to be legion) against Nephilim (the offspring of fallen angels and humans), who are also quite numerous.

The story
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in Silence begins with Nora, now 17, getting released from captivity for eleven weeks, but with all her memories of the last five months erased. So for the first half of the book, readers must endure Nora’s cluelessness on top of her extremely unpleasant personality.

In the second half, we mostly experience Nora being a bitch, Patch demonstrating his love for her, and Hank getting what he wants, mostly because of Nora’s stupidity.

Discussion: There was a major disconnect for me between the previous two volumes and this third one.

Nora, starting to get pretty bitchy in volume two, is now totally so, as well as self-centered, immature for her age, petty, and impulsive. No wait, not just impulsive; make that Too Stupid To Live. (And this assessment is seemingly verified by the fact that Nora is just starting her junior year in school, even though she is 17.)

Patch, the fallen archangel who loves her, is hot, powerful, tender, understanding, and totally ready to give up immortality to be with Nora. Out of all the girls in the world. What’s wrong with this picture? [It should be noted that he also has endless patience with Nora, wanting to have sex with her but waiting until she is ready. Why, though, when angels can’t even feel anything except emotional connections, would sex matter more than, say, hugging and kissing?]

Hank, a good guy in book two, is suddenly a cardboard villain in book three. Moreover, he has found a way “to tamper with the laws of the universe.” It would take a whole post just to comment on that one.

Vee, Nora’s steady and loyal BFF before book three, is now flighty and untrustworthy.

Scott, a.k.a. Scotty the Potty in book two, is now Scotty the Hottie in book three, with all his previous faults and betrayals forgotten.

Evaluation: Basically all the characters have morphed into cardboard caricatures. I’m so disappointed in the downward spiral of this series.
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LibraryThing member IreneReads
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best book of the series so far!!!!!!! I just cannot stop reading it!

I admit, I am a sucker for teen paranormal romance stories. I have read books such as Twilight and Shiver but a book like this!!!!!???????? It has everything that I LOVE in a book! It is such a page turner! I
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could not put it down and i still can't! I keep reading and rereading it! I recommend this book to anyone who likes the twilight series!
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LibraryThing member bkwormblogger
I just finished it this morning! This means I read all three books in two days, and I even read this book while I was cooking and during the adverts of my TV shows!So far, this is the best book of the series. If Crescendo didn’t hit you like Hush, Hush then this is definitely worth it.The story
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is amazing and brings together all the little hangy bits that have been left so far.Synopsis:The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—foreverReview:Nora grew up, plain and simple. During her months away and subsequent amnesia she lost all her fears and I think this alone perfected her character to be who we all wanted her to be. Strong, independent, opinionated (more than usual) and, most importantly, rational. Gone are all the uppity, selfish moments. She finally comes into her own and accepts what is happening around her. This is made even more difficult for her because she has to learn everyone’s secrets all over again.Patch was amazing. I loved the chemistry so much more with these two. Becca really went to town on the tension this time and towards the end I was really hoping for… but anyway! I truly felt like I could associate with Nora finally. She hates all the right people and accepts all the right people. She re-forms her friendship with Scott without worrying what Patch will think. She makes Patch understand it’s platonic and everything works out between them.The ending was a surprise (again!) but I’m so glad it turned this way.Yay for Nora and Patch!!!!
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LibraryThing member DARKANG3L
Once again, Becca Fitzpatrick has created another outstanding novel. Silence is an amazing read that had me entrapped in it's pages from beginning to end. Nora's struggle to remember the last five months of her life that had just magically been erased after someone escaping from her mysterious
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kidnapper is riveting. I can not imagine what it would feel like to all of a sudden be somewhere without knowing how I got there, let alone to find out that five months of my life had passed without even knowing it. The empty gap that Nora must have felt would be unbearable, not to mention the fact that trouble keeps popping up whenever she tries to find out the truth. Some things just can't be erased though- like love. Even though Nora can't remember Patch, who changed his name to Jev, she still feels that alluring draw to him, even if he would like nothing better then to have her forget him completely- it's the only way he can truly keep her safe. But all rules are thrown out the window when Hank doesn't keep his end of the bargain. Hank who will do anything to free himself and the rest of the nephilim from the fallen angels.

Silence is filled with passion, danger, friendship, and adventure.
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LibraryThing member hrose2931
******Mildly Spoilerish******
When this first came out, I was angry. I thought it was supposed to be the last in the Hush, Hush series and I wanted my HEA for Nora and Patch. I refused to read it. So it's been sitting for a couple of months. But all of a sudden this week, I wanted my bad boy Patch
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and I wanted to see if he could redeem himself, yet again. So I picked it up and read it in one sitting. Yes, it's that good! I think Becca Fitzpatrick has improved as a writer because this book was by far the best in the series. It's much better at character development and plot lines and all the things that other people complain about with the other books. Not me. I've loved the story from the beginning!

So, what sets this one apart so much? We get to see so much more of Patch for one thing. That makes it all worthwhile. We are actually sure which side he's working for and what his feelings are. And Nora is not the helpless female that she's seemed to be before. Of course, she makes some dumb mistakes, but her heart is in the right place and she's actively pursuing the bad guys. The whole story felt more like Patch and Nora working together against the enemy. That's what I loved about it. So, it didn't end. No HEA. There's still more story to tell. And you know, I'm really, really glad. I want more of Nora and Patch like this. Together, sure of their loyalties. I can deal with several more books if I just don't have to deal with Nora doubting Patch and Patch brooding and disappearing and paying other girls more attention than his own girlfriend. I say bring it on!!
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LibraryThing member yabotd
I have been hooked on the Hush, Hush series from the very beginning. For that reason, I've been dying to get a chance to read Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick. I'll be honest. I had intentionally put it off for a little while because I know there's another book and I wanted to decrease the gap between
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books as much as possible. However, I'm so glad I couldn't keep my curiosity in check any longer. I loved Silence!

It probably would've been beneficial for me to reread Crescendo before starting Silence, but I don't exactly have extra time to reread books right now. I'm a little hazy on all the details of Crescendo, but I remembered enough to understand the story (though I do need to go back and straighten some things out). Overall, I'd say the storyline was pretty interesting in Silence. I'm always impressed by all the different takes on angels and angel mythology. Fitzpatrick's version has a different feel than many other angel books I've read (and I've read a LOT lately...keep your look out for all my angel book reviews). I'm never quite sure what's going to happen, which is a huge plus in my book.

Now, I'll get to the good stuff. Let's be honest here. If you like the Hush, Hush series, it's because you love Patch. The sexy, arrogant, infuriating fallen angel is irresistible. One minute, I think he's a jerk, the next minute I want him to make-out with Nora. It's a love-hate thing with emphasis on the love. The funny thing about this is that I sense Patch changing. He's still a sexy, mysterious guy in Silence, but he's not such a jerk. At least, not to Nora. In the other books, I never really got why Patch liked Nora. Because of this, I could never completely believe in his end of the relationship. After reading Silence, I totally believe in his feelings 100%. I may not understand why he likes Nora (don't get me wrong, I like her too, but he's a freaking fallen angel, for Tod's sake!), but I believe in it.

In Silence, Patch is...dare I say it...sweet. Not sweet in the bring-you-flowers-just-because kind of way, but in his own, Patch way. He clearly cares for Nora and I loved, loved, LOVED reading it! He can be a bad boy all he wants with everyone else, especially when protecting Nora, but he's completely sweet to her. What's even better? It didn't seem out of character at all. His character is changing in reaction to what's going on around him, including his feelings for Nora. For pulling off this transformation successfully, I have to give major props to Fitzpatrick. It's not an easy feat.

Overall, I highly recommend you go pick up a copy of Silence. If you didn't like Patch before, you might like him now...though it's up to you to get through the first two books to witness the transformation.

Final thoughts: Buy it.
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LibraryThing member mt256
Silence is the third book in the Hush, Hush series. I really liked the first book, Hush, Hush but the second book, Crescendo, fell short for me. It was an okay book but Nora was a bit too whiny and insecure. So did Silence measure up? For me it was a lot better than Crescendo. In this book, Nora
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has amnesia after she's been missing for months. She can't remember the past five months of her life. This leaves Nora feeling confused and angry. She takes her over-emotional state out on everyone around her. She has the feeling that the people in her life are purposely keeping things from her. Nora doesn't know who to trust. On top of all that her mom is dating her arch-nemesis's dad, Hank Miller. Nora tries desperately to recover her lost memories.
I like Nora's character better in this book than in Crescendo. Nora was angry for a big part of this book though. I could understand some of the frustration. I can imagine how frustrating it would be to lose a chunk of your memories. The story line was good. Nora is on a quest to find out what happened to her and to regain her lost memories. She also wants to find out what's up with The Black Hand. Her journey brings her in very close proximity with danger. However even though she can't remember Patch, he's always around to save her. This book has excitement, adventure and romance.
Overall this is a good read. If you're a fan of this series you won't want to miss this book. Silence is not as good as Hush, Hush but better than Crescendo. Also originally I thought this series was a trilogy but there will be a fourth book. Becca Fitzpatrick leaves the door wide open for the next book in this series. More Patch? Yes please!
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LibraryThing member TheRandomGirl
Feels like homecoming to me.

If you're a regular on the blog, you might already know that Becca Fitzpatrick's books hold a sentimental touch for me. Picking up the first book in the series, Hush, Hush, was one of those life changing moments of mine, believe it or not.

So when I picked up Silence, I
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braced myself for the effect it would have on me. Opening up Silence, a big wave of nostalgia rushed towards me. That was it, when I read the first sentence of Silence, I was rapt--no exceptions. I was filled with the sense of familiarity and the idea that I have no idea what's going to happen.

But still, reading Silence was like coming home. Immediately and easily, Silence became one of the books I think of highly, regardless of what others say. Becca Fitzpatrick is an author who brings life to her characters with so much care and ease, and she masterfully put them into a story that will shock her readers and leave them restless afterward, craving, needing more.

It's possible to be rendered speechless with so much things to say, right?

Because that would be me right now.

It's quite funny, though. Because while reading, there was just so much gasping, screaming, and crying on my part. The series of events in Silence were so brilliantly put together. They flowed easily from event to another, and they did so in a way that the reader would not be able to suspect what would happen next.

I know I didn't. And that's why most of the time, there was a fair amount of cursing. That's a good thing...for the author, I mean. The events that happened in the book still have my thoughts scattered and all I can think about is, "Oh my God."

I know by saying this, it might torment those who haven't read the book yet--but so much happened in Silence. Everything that had been happened in the past two books have been falling towards the events in Silence. And in Silence, everything that has happened all falls towards the events in the final book. Knowing this, I just can't imagine how epic the next book will be.

I was beyond excited when it was announced that there would be a fourth book to the saga. With that said, I think Silence turned out perfectly and the end was just that. Perfect. I had never expected the book to end that way and in every way, I knew that by the time I finished the book I would need the next book so very damn badly.

Trouble is a friend...and amnesia...and crying.

Trouble meaning, Nora just somehow ends up finding herself in dangerous situations and that there's trouble everywhere.
Amnesia meaning, Nora can't freaking remember a single thing about the best past five months of her life for most of the book.
And crying meaning, me constantly bursting out into frustrated or happy tears--it depends on the situation.

First, I don't mind the trouble. The dangerous situations that happen in this book make it all too exciting and Becca is an expert at writing them. Plus, when Nora gets herself into trouble she can either take care of herself or she needs someone to save her. So Nora and the readers get an instant scene with Patch--which I have absolutely no problem with.

Second, I do mind the amnesia. Nora's amnesia made me so frustrated. As someone who is a fangirl for this series, it broke my heart that she forgot all those moments between her and Patch, forgetting what happened before in Hush, Hush and Crescendo, and just her forgetting. As Nora searches for her memories, readers are given a refresher and a dose of nostalgia. While reading, I found myself being overwhelmed by nostalgia it nearly drove me to tears.

Oh yeah, the tears. They're tears of frustration, sadness, remembering, or happiness. It honestly depends on the situation and I can tell you that I've cried those tears at least once while reading Silence. And that's a good thing because Becca was able to get through and her story affects her readers.

But that could also mean that I'm overly emotional.

Patch, you are mine.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

Ladies, we thought that Patch stole our hearts in Hush, Hush. But in Silence, this time he'll really capture us.

Comparing Patch's character in Hush, Hush and Crescendo, he comes off as a mysterious, sexy, jerk. We're only given glimpses of the real Patch, and those were enough to make us fall in love with him. In Silence, we're given access to Patch's motivations and real feelings towards Nora. We get to see Patch as a character with depth that runs deep.

But of course, he's still sexy and charming...and a bit of a jerk too.
For some reason, I don't mind. I love him too much.

Now, Nora is someone who I rooted for from the very beginning. She's a character who stands out from all the other YA girls. I've never hated Nora, I probably became frustrated with her in Crescendo only. But in Silence, I saw Nora as a rational girl who wanted answers. Here, Nora develops into someone who's more mature, someone who has to think hard on a lot of things, and she's more determined. I understood her character and regardless of what she does, I'm on her side.
Nora's grown up in Silence and I can't wait to see how she takes on the problems she now faces at the end of Silence.

It's all been falling towards the final book.

Honestly, I don't think what I've said is enough to justify how great this book was and I really feel that way deep down inside (feel free to take me seriously...because I am serious).
Silence took my fangirling to new heights and Becca Fitzpatrick as earned a spot as my favorite author.

Silence doesn't lack in action, suspense, and hot, sexy moments. It will engage it's readers, and make fans of the series go nuts with it's brillance. Everything that has happened in Silence all has been falling towards the last and final book in the series.

And oh boy, it's going to be epic.

But I can't wait a year. Oh hell, I can't.

*sigh* In the meantime, my love for this series will never waver.
Oh yeah, and read the book too! It's better than I could've ever imagined.
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LibraryThing member kissedbyink
I have enjoyed following Nora and Patch's story until now. The third, not the last, book in the series fell short for me. Becca Fitzpatrick used so much description that I found myself skipping parts of the reading. I wasn't given the time to create my own pictures in my mind because of this. I
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love Patch and Nora together, so I am hoping that the author gets back to the story and nothing but the story.
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LibraryThing member talksupe.blogspot
There were quite a few times while reading the book that I felt we were having to relive quite a few things from the first two novels. Maybe it was just a little A.D.D kicking in but I really didn't wanna have to read the explanation about Nephilism and the story of Fallen Angels, all over again.
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It just felt really redundant and this was only the third book. But I guess Nora rediscovering everything was the only way she was going to get the life she lost back. I would have preferred a little more Patch time but that's just my preference.

I was real anxious to read Silence, after reading the first two novels of the series. The months of waiting was definitely worth it. Although, I had been lead for months thinking Silence would be the conclusion of Nora and Patch's story but I was quite pleased that by the end of this book we would be waiting for a fourth novel to complete the saga. I'm really looking forward to finally reading about what Cheshvan will be like with the Fallen Angels and Nephils. Once again, I think that Nora and Patch's relationship will be be put through the ringer and we will all have to wait another year to find out how it'll end.
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LibraryThing member jmchshannon
Patch and Nora are back in the third novel in the Hush, Hush series. In Silence, the more things change, the more things stay the same. Patch is as mysterious and broody as ever, while Nora continues to make questionable decisions that does nothing but get her into trouble. Unlike in the previous
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books, however, the Big Bad is known from the very beginning, changing the dynamics of the story for the better. There is no more guessing whether one character or another has an ulterior motive and no more shocking twists and turns. Instead, there is more character development and explanation that strengthens the overall story.

I have been rather harsh with Ms. Fitzpatrick's series in the past. If one was to look back at my reviews of the first two books, Hush, Hush and Crescendo, one would wonder why I would even bother reading the latest installment in the saga. For all its faults, there is something about Patch and his past that is extremely compelling. Even in the third book, there is very little about his past that is known. Ms. Fitzpatrick does an excellent job of providing the reader with hints while the full details and history remain frustratingly hazy. Even after three novels, the bad boy with a past story remains one of the saga's best features.

Of the three novels, Silence is definitely the strongest. As much as Nora remained annoyingly dense for such an intelligent girl, one cannot fault her courage or tenacity. While she doesn't make the best choices, she does not back down from a challenge, and she is not afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right. Even better, scenes with Vee are kept to a minimum.

Let it be said I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Silence. The cliffhanger ending was not expected, and Ms. Fitzpatrick's writing is definitely improving with each novel. While the Hush, Hush saga is still not the best YA paranormal romantic series out there, it has reached the point where I can unequivocally state that I am looking forward to the next book.
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LibraryThing member sensitivemuse
What I liked about this book was the beginning. It started off with Nora being extremely disoriented and you feel the same way. It was well done and at the time it made me wonder if I had to go back and reread Crescendo because I might have missed something (because I felt just as lost as Nora
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The entire plot of the book was all right. I’m not sure whether to love Patch or to slap him silly because he can be such a jerk at times. But the chemistry between both Nora and Patch is still there, and is the tension ever good and so well written you can definitely feel it between them. There was a potential love triangle forming in the book, and I’d have to say he was likable as well (I hated him at first too, but he started to grow on me) and I was almost going to think he was a suitable replacement for Patch, but that would be heresy wouldn’t it? (Yes, I’m a big Patch fan). There were some very memorable quotes from Patch that made me scream like a giddy school girl (Becca Fitzpatrick just did a GREAT job on Patch in this book).

I liked how nearly everything was explained with the Nephilim, The Black Hand, and how Patch, Scott, and Hank fit into this picture. I was very surprised, about Marcie (although I really hated her in this book, as she became a big idiot and a complete tool) but her behavior towards the end was surprising, and now I am not sure what to think. I still hate her, yes, but with that one little action, perhaps she’s redeemable.

I was a bit disappointed that Vee wasn’t around as much as she was in the past novels. I hoped to see more of her because she provided a lot of the comic relief moments (this book actually is much darker than the first two).

Overall, the ending leaves more questions to be answered! so I’m so glad a fourth book has been announced!! this means more Patch for me to enjoy and read :D fans might not be satisfied with this book as it certainly feels as if nothing much really happens until more than halfway in the book, newbies, it’s best to start with Hush, Hush!
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LibraryThing member BornBookish
So the whole premise of this book is that Nora wakes up with absolutely no recollection of the last five months of her life. No angels, no nephilim, no Patch. So for the whole book she is trying to figure out what happened to her and to remember the last five months of her life. This was
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frustrating enough on its own but what really bothered me was when she would ask her mom or Vee specific question about her past and they both flat out lied to her face! Aghh. This made me so mad at them. I know they were doing it because they were trying to protect Nora, but who are they to decide what is or is not good for her?

But not to worry, Nora is not a quitter and she will not give up without discovering the truth. While reading this installment, I noticed what a brave character Nora really is. She faces some insane things sometimes and she always faces them with such a calm sense of strength.

As always, the ending is chock full of adventure and surprises. This has become one of my favorite things about Becca Fitzpatrick’s writing. I can always count on a killer ending. I’m happy I waited until now to start reading this series because I didn’t have to wait a year in-between each one. I was able to get absorbed in them and blow through all three in just a few days. The only problem is now I’ve come to a screeching halt and must wait anxiously alongside all her other fans for the release of the fourth and final installment.
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LibraryThing member AngelaFristoe
Okay, so let me start off by saying that although I read the second book in the series, I have absolutely no recollection of what happened in that book, which is why I don't have a review posted on my blog, although apparently I gave it a 3/5 on Goodreads. That's not to say I didn't remember things
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as they came up in Silence, but I couldn't tell if they were from Hush, Hush or Crescendo.

Luckily for me that didn't matter.

It didn't matter because Nora doesn't remember either. Yes, her memory has been wiped clean by some dark magic, and even Patch is gone. Oh, the book blurb is completely misleading. It makes it sound like Nora and Patch are together and spend the book fighting which is pretty much not what happens. The blurb actually gives you a hint about the last quarter of the book.She goes through the first half of the book, closer to two-thirds actually, having pretty much no memory of anything that had happened since meeting Patch. Which makes this novel very convenient if you didn't read the previous two books, or have forgotten them, because Fitzpatrick pretty much spends all of those pages reviewing what most of her readers already knew. Even with forgetting some of the events I found it boring.

I couldn't believe how stupid Nora was in this book. Even with her lost memory she couldn't make the connection between Jev and Patch, and after finding an angel feather she wants answers, demands answers from Scott, but never brings it up to Jev/Patch.

Oh, there is new stuff added in, especially with Nora being enraged by her mother dating Marcie's dad. Which was interesting with him being the known villain, but it was overwhelmed by her petty fighting with Marcie. It was just too pathetic. What's even worse is the way her mother acts. What mother has time to find a boyfriend and date in the three months her teenage daughter is missing???? ( I really wanted to put some bad words there, but I've refrained from cussing here) I get that she's under some kind of spell, but she wasn't the greatest mother to start with in the other books either, so I doubt she would have really fought against the spell that hard.

I just didn't get it. Patch had started out as a bad boy who was sexy, arrogant, and actually bad, who turns good. In this one he's just an idiot, and his reasoning behind not wanting Nora to remember anything was plain stupid. That he seeks her out and then tells her to forget him was totally pointless.

I'm going to end this review now, before I start tearing the book apart more, because it wasn't as awful as I could make it sound. I just thought the majority of this book was pointless.
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LibraryThing member lms8esmith
Silence settles upon us when we least expect it. After feeling let down by most of Crescendo, I jumped in to Silence to find out what happened to Nora. Thankfully, Silence moved more quickly through the plot and I finished it yearning for Finale. Only a few more weeks to see how Nora and Patch's
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love will, hopefully, prevail. :)
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LibraryThing member sunni_loves_to_read
So I have just finished Silence! yay and now I am left longing for the final book "finale" coming out next month. This book was great I loved every page and couldn't put it down. Just like the first two books this one sucked me in and kept me in. Becca has an amazing talent for writing and proves
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it with every book in this series thus far. I loved the characters and was excited to actually see less of Nora's interactions with Vee in silence as compared to the first two books, and much more interaction with Patch:) I really hope someone makes movies out of this series I will be the first in line buyin tickets. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars I not only liked it, but instead loved it so gave it the max amount of stars I could! Great book!
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LibraryThing member sunni_loves_to_read
So I have just finished Silence! yay and now I am left longing for the final book "finale" coming out next month. This book was great I loved every page and couldn't put it down. Just like the first two books this one sucked me in and kept me in. Becca has an amazing talent for writing and proves
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it with every book in this series thus far. I loved the characters and was excited to actually see less of Nora's interactions with Vee in silence as compared to the first two books, and much more interaction with Patch:) I really hope someone makes movies out of this series I will be the first in line buyin tickets. I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars I not only liked it, but instead loved it so gave it the max amount of stars I could! Great book!
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LibraryThing member kazhout
If I had to describe Silence in a few words, it would be "the calm before a storm", because it's what it truly was! A great build-up for the final book.

The book picked up three months after the events in Crescendo. Nora woke up in a cemetery without memory of how she had gotten there, and found out
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that she'd been missing for three months. To make things worse, not only could she not remember everything that had happened to her during that time, but her amnesia also erased her memories of the two months before she had disappeared, totaling to five months of lost memory.

Because of the abduction and memory loss, the water was already boiling right off the bat. Nora tried to regain and relearn the life she lost, and if Becca Fitzpatrick didn't execute that well, I would've been bored. Also, I pitied Nora, but I admired her more because she faced her "amnesia" very bravely. If I were her, I would've suffered from panic attacks to top it off. I also liked how she was still wary around Jev even though she felt an instant connection to him. It spoiled the romance, but it showed her level-headedness.

The pace was a mountain range. It climbed up, reached the summit, and went down only to hike up again. Dull moments? There was none of that here, only an abundance of shock and thrill. And swoon, of course. Patch swoon.

Unlike the usual case in other series, Silence bested the first book in its saga - or equated with it, at least. Now excuse me while I prepare myself before digging into Finale.

MY FAVORITE PART was when Nora disagreed with Patch in his plan to keep her away from the action, to hide her until he's solved the problem.
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LibraryThing member bookwyrmm
At first, I was not sure how the plot device of amnesia was going to work, but not only did Nora start regaining her memory, she made connections within those memories that furthered the plot, so it ended up working very nicely. I also liked how the prologue was read by a different reader as it is
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the only part of the book that is not first person.
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

448 p.; 8.25 inches


1442426640 / 9781442426641
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