Rapture (Fallen)

by Lauren Kate

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Delacorte Press (2012), Edition: 1st Edition, 1st Printing, 464 pages


Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML: The conclusion to the worldwide bestselling FALLEN series, with exclusive content from the darkly romantic world of FALLEN and an excerpt of Lauren Kate's novel TEARDROP. A USA Today bestseller A New York Times bestselling series More than 3 million series copies in print! When evil triumphs . . . when the world ends . . . trust your love.The sky is dark with wings. . . . Like sand in an hourglass, time is running out for Luce and Daniel. To stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the angels fell to earth. Dark forces are after them, and Daniel doesn't know if he can do this�??live only to lose Luce again and again. Yet together they will face an epic battle that will end with lifeless bodies . . . and angel dust. Great sacrifices are made. Hearts are destroyed. And suddenly Luce knows what must happen. For she was meant to be with someone other than Daniel. The curse they've borne has always and only been about her�??and the love she cast aside. The choice she makes now will be the only one that truly matters. In the fight for Luce, who will win? The astonishing conclusion to the Fallen series. Heaven can't wait any longer. �??Sexy and fascinating and scary . . . I loved loved loved it!�?� �??P. C. Cast, New York Times bestselling author on Fallen… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member jennrenae
Rapture by Lauren Kate
ARC provided by Delacorte Books for Young Readers via Edelweiss
Release Date: 6-12-2012
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: A riveting end to the Daniel and Luce Saga

In Rapture, Daniel, Luce, and the other angels must stop Lucifer from erasing history. Lucifer
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plans on using an announcer to sweep all the angels from the infamous fall to the present, thus erasing Daniel and Luce’s past.

I will admit, I was wary of reading Rapture because I did not enjoy Passion—death after death after death. But, I am glad that I put aside my judgments and went ahead and read the final installment in the Fallen series. While not as good as Fallen and Torment, Rapture was still interesting and it definitely (I mean DEFINITELY) surprised me! The twists and turns left me with a cartoonish O-shaped mouth. There were hints in the book (which I am guessing were put there on purpose) and I knew about halfway through what the twist was going to be, but still, looking back on the 3 books before this and I NEVER would have guessed that was how it was going to end. It was an amazing way to end the books, and you will not regret spending your money on this one.

There was so much more action in this book than in Passion, which is great, because the slowness of Passion is what made me wary of Rapture. But right from the first chapter, Luce and Daniel were in the midst of a war—everywhere they turned they were being chased. Two words to describe the action: Excitement and Intrigue. I was clipped from the present and thrust into Lauren Kate’s world—flying along with Daniel and Luce.

Okay…so, why did I like this book as opposed to love it? The romance. Lauren Kate spent 3 books building up this epic romance, and all I wanted was to see that passion. But I didn’t. There were kisses and hugs and slightly intimate moments, but there was no grand kiss that took my breath away or romantic scene that made me wish I could trade places with Luce. It was disappointing that the entire book focused on the war as opposed to the love that exists between Luce and Daniel.

As always with Lauren Kate, there were times when I breezed right over paragraphs and sometimes pages because it was just description after description. I like description when it builds the scene, but there is such thing as too much. I don’t need to know the color of the moss on the buildings or a three paragraph description of the heat of a desert. If she would have cut out some of the superfluous description, the book would have been a much more readable 380ish pages as opposed to 430. And, I would have enjoyed those pages much more.

So….let me answer a few questions for you.

Am I glad I read it? Yes. The ending took me by surprise, and I am still in awe at how perfectly she melded the story.

Would I recommend it to others? If you are a fan of the Fallen series (even if Passion turned you off), you should definitely read this one!

Should I spend my money on it? Yes—even if it is only because the cover is gorgeous. I have an e-copy, but I am definitely going to purchase a hardcopy because of the cover. (less)
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LibraryThing member lexiechan
Why am I not surprise that the ending would be like that even though I haven't read any spoilers for it. I stayed away from all spoilers and just read it though I spent 2-3days reading it. I was out so didn't have time to read.

The only time I could remember that this book got any reaction from me
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was when two angels died. AND when it was revealed the whole truth about Lucinda. I was like "What the fuckery is this?" Yep, my actually uttered words earlier. I was asked why am I doing this to myself, meaning why am I reading this. As I have mentioned, it's the LAST BOOK and I kinda want a closure.


It was like asking for your EX-BF to let you move on so you and him won't have to hurt each other anymore. Moved on with your life. When I was reading it, it was just totally about that. Ugh. You'll want to smack Lucifer in the back of his head for not moving on and being selfish. :/

As far as I know, Love is not supposed to be selfish, right? That was, I believe, written in the bible in Corinthian 13. But there's this line in the book that said:

She and Daniel would risk everything for their love.

Selfish much? She's prepared to risk her friends too? Her parents? Even the whole freakin' world? Oh, for God's sake. :/ But oh, well, I'm done with this series and actually can't believe that I kinda liked the first books. Don't ask me why and how. This is it. I'm happy I finished it. That's it. No more questions. IT WAS OKAY.


I'm sorry Margot! >_
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LibraryThing member summerskris
Lauren Kate has written a stunning conclusion to the Fallen series. When I picked up the book, I was super excited to finally learn the truth behind the Fall and how it relates to Luce and Daniel's love. At the same time, I was--and still am--sad to see the series conclude. I love the series and
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the characters, and I do not want to say goodbye to them.

Luce and Daniel are as sweet a couple as ever. I love their boundless devotion towards one another, how they seem to be made for one another. Their relationship is legendary among angels, and it has become a legend in YA lit. It's a beautiful, unrivaled love. My favorite kickass characters also return, from Arriane to Gabe and Cam. Unfortunately, they don't play as big a role as in book one, after which the series has mainly focused on Luce and Daniel (with the exception of Torment, where Daniel was missing for quite a good portion). To my surprise, I also ended up sympathizing with Lucifer after learning more about his past; while I still believe that he's too arrogant and self-absorbed, I feel (a bit) sorry for him.

Near the middle, I began to suspect the truth behind the beginning of Luce and Daniel's love, and I imagined that Luce was more special than she thought she was. However, I didn't expect the full extent to which Luce is involved in the conflict between Heaven and Hell. She is one amazing girl and just as glorious as Daniel always says she is. Learning about the beginning of their love has confirmed for me that the two belong together.

While things become a little convenient with Luce regaining more of her memories, the team suffers its losses. I was sad to see some characters go. Even a part of Luce and Daniel, for they must make sacrifices for their love. Sacrifices that pale before the power of their love, but which are great nonetheless. The characters go through much difficulty (comparable to hell) trying to find a way to stop Lucifer before he succeeds in rewriting history.

Rapture is not a book to read for the battles or the action. There is tension in the story, but it pretty much all comes from character relationships, not between enemy groups. Any external conflict there is wraps up cleanly. This is a book about self-discovery, and it draws its power from within the characters. The ending is beautiful yet bittersweet. The story could have worked without the epilogue; however, I enjoyed seeing what happens after the big battle.
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LibraryThing member sszkutak
Background: Luce, Daniel, and the others are fighting the clock to prepare for their fight against Lucifer. It is only a matter of time before history is rewritten by Lucifer in hopes of making himself more powerful. All the while, Luce continues to uncover her past with the help of her
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Review: Um....wow... I actually was surprised by how this story concluded, which takes a lot. I cannot really say too much because I do not want to give anything about the story away, but let me tell you, there are twists! Lots of them! and they are super good. Lucinda come into her own very well in this book and the story FINALLY comes together and makes sense.
It did however take me a while to get into this one though. I was a little disappointed when book three ended, because I thought it was a trilogy and then it turned out there was going to be another book. When I began reading Rapture, I really wasn't into it. There seemed to be a lag for me, once I hit about the half way point, I flew through it and couldn't put it down.
If you recently read the other three and knew there was going to be a fourth book, I think that this will read very well for you. It picks up right where 3 leaves off, and immediately thrusts the reading into the drama and mission. Rapture is enchanting, astounding, and beautiful in its ending to this series.

Received from Netgalley and Random House Children's Books
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LibraryThing member lilcrickit
4.5 stars I really liked this one, might even say it's my favorite in the series because I finally get to know why Luce and Daniel have been cursed. The truth is so not what I expected, well at least some of it isn't and it is interesting indeed. I like the way the author weaved in the biblical
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aspects into the story plot as it works successfully with the entire series. In the previous book Luce went through the announcers to find a way to break the curse and she also learns about her past lives with Daniel and how each death was not necessarily triggered by whether they kissed or had physical contact or not. In this book, the true cause of her previous death's is revealed and quite enlightening. The plot is set around Luce, Daniel and the other Fallen angels racing to stop the Fall from happening again and locating the site within nine days before the clock is reset. In order for them to find the Fall site they must search for three relics that will guide them to their destination. So, many people are after Luce and are trying to stop her from succeeding at her task. The pace was steady as Luce begins to understand the role she plays in the curse and why she is the key to stop it. I have read each book in this series and though I'm sad to see it end, the ending was satisfying.
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LibraryThing member pacey1927
I know I am supposed to rant and rave about how phenomenal this concluding entry into the "Fallen" series was, but I can't do that. Although I really like the first two books, "Passion" lost me with the boring trips through time that were far too much alike to be entertaining. Then "Fallen in Love"
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failed to impress with its expensive price and lack of interesting short stories. "Rapture" was better than those two books. The first half of the book was not overly enjoyable as the group heads out to find several artifacts that they need to locate and bring together to show them where the Fall is taking place. I was just not into the scavenger hunt for these items. The plot was borderline boring and there just wasn't enough time spent visiting with the characters which are the heart and soul of this series.

Now the ending I really enjoyed. From the point where they reach the Fall things really start to get interesting. We find out about Luce's past and how she first met Daniel. Luce has a shocking revelation. And we see just exactly how Lucifer fits into this whole curse. The very ending of "Rapture" was surprising for me and I really think it was a clever and natural way to end the series. Yes they may have a Happily Ever After but it certainly isn't how I envisioned it. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to book and I think the Angels genre can lead to great books and no so great ones. I am happy that so many people enjoy this series, but overall it was just okay in my opinion.
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LibraryThing member Loyet
This is the kind of book that I get 10 pages in and then ask myself why I ever read the series at all. The writing just seemed even more strained in this one that the last few. I was able to get about 50 pages in before I just gave up. Sure, I'll never know how the series ends and I am totally okay
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with that.
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LibraryThing member kissmeimgone
Once again, Lauren Kate's style of writing made it practically impossible to want to put her latest book down for even a moment. The fourth and final book of the Fallen series, definitely had some twists in the story I didn't see coming at all, I definitely would recommend this book.
LibraryThing member julietearjerky
Okay, that was a nice plot twist. I mean, I've always known that Luce is an angel but I never thought that she's an Archangel. And the third highest one, at that. She's even higher in ranks than Daniel, who's the 6th. But the others - Cam, Gabbe, Arianne, Annabelle, Roland - being Archangels also
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was a little predictable. Though I think the idea that Lucifer was Luce's first love is brilliant. Who would have thought that there's someone Luce loved before Daniel? And who would have thought that it's Lucifer?

BUT! That doesn't make the four books in this series any better. I still think it's crappy. I'm sure Lauren Kate is intelligent and all but the Fallen series just did not impress me. Luce is whiny and pathetic. I can't see what she and Daniel saw in each other. The only character that I feel any sympathy for at all is Cam.

I also hate it that I had to reach the last book before the whole truth about Luce is revealed. And even then, I failed to see the foundation of Luce's and Daniel's love. The love that they chose over Heaven. I think that's shallow.

Only a few of the scenes in the book earned a reaction from me that wasn't disappointment or frustration.
-Gabbe's and Molly's death made me shed a tear or two, though I think the whole thing was downplayed. Ms. Kate failed to exploit the grief factor.
-Dee's death. Same thing.
-Luce and Daniel saying goodbye to the others and to each other. For a moment there, I was saddened that Luce and Daniel lost their angelic natures along with their knowledge of it. They also lost contact with their friends, which I think is terrible. I really hated goodbyes.
-Cam leaving. I thought it will finally be revealed who the woman who broke Cam's heart was. I was guessing it's Luce but Ms. Kate disappointed me here again. At least a clue?
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LibraryThing member sweans
I was pretty disappointed in this book. I was expecting more of a series finale. The first 3/4 of the book were a strange combination of cheesy and violent (so violent that I can't really Disney making a film if they do indeed make a film). I was also really confused about a lot of the overly
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complicated plot points. And the last 1/4 was pretty predictable (in a mostly pleasing sort of way). But the book as a whole felt really rushed and thrown together as if Kate was trying to just get the book out rather than really properly tell her story. But on a nice note, I got the feeling that this isn't the last we've heard of Cam?
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LibraryThing member LaneLiterati
This series started strong but went downhill quickly. I finished the series out of professional obligates and hope that there would be a turnaround. Sadly that did not happen. Nearly four years wasted for a lackluster conclusion.
LibraryThing member LoftyIslanders
This is the finale to the Fallen Series. In this final chapter Luse finds out the truth about the fall of the angels and her place in it. I enjoyed this book very much, and was very pleased with how it wrapped up the romance of the ages between Luce and Daniel.
LibraryThing member Kewpie83
Rapture, oh Rapture... The years spent following the Fallen series feel like a long roller coaster ride. There were ups. There were downs. There were weird time looping corkscrews. All in all, I had fun and am happy Lauren Kate allowed me to get on the coaster and join Luce, Daniel, and the rest on
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their journey. But you don't care about that, do you? Let me get to the meat and potatoes-- the review.

Rapture, the fourth and final book in the Fallen series, was pretty much what I expected. Unlike the past three installments, most of the important loose ends (ie: Luce and Daniels epic love) were tied up with a nice bow. Annoyingly, though, not all the plot lines received the same treatment. Similar to past novels, characters would ask questions that get ignored by the rest of the cast and never get an answer or something would be mentioned that needed more explaining, but never got it. (An example is in the last chapter of Rapture where we meet a certain someone that may or may not be another certain someone (hint: coin tossing).

If you have read my other reviews on the Fallen series, you know that I have a love/hate relationship with Luce and Daniel. Well, mostly Daniel. The good news is that I didn't totally hate him in this novel! Yay! Luce was a bit dim in certain points throughout 'Rapture', but even that didn't bother me as much as it could have.

Two things I have to mention deal with length and plot. First, I felt this novel dragged a bit in the middle. The characters somehow found themselves on a hunt for horcrux's, er, special objects, and treasure hunts have never been my 'thing'. The book picked up towards the end when Luce finally learned the answer to the big question-- why her.

The second thing I have to mention deals with the confusing connection between Rapture and Fallen in Love (the novella). In order to not spoil readers who hadn't yet read Fallen in Love, Rapture didn't include any specific details as to the short stories. So, we'll get Luce asking about Cam's romantic past, which she should already know about or we get questionable looks in regards to Miles and Shelby (who, by the way, needed a lot more page time in Rapture).

Like I said, I enjoyed the ride. I'm glad I could watch Luce and Daniels story, even if I wanted to pull my hair out sometimes. I look forward to seeing if Lauren Kate decides to do more in this world she created. I hope she does (preferably with Cam)!
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LibraryThing member superducky
NEVER AGAIN WILL I HAVE TO READ ANOTHER BOOK IN THIS SERIES! I'm sorry, i'm just so excited that it's over. I could rant and rave about all the plot holes and "plot surprises" (i.e the surprises that you could easily guess 1/4 of the way through the book) but i won't. I will leave it at this- For
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the sake of your sanity, don't read this series. In fact, don't read ANY books by her.
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LibraryThing member Punkfarie
this book was ridiculous. of course Luce was an angel. of course you was Lucifer's lover. of course the whole Fall thing was because of her. of course. yes.
LibraryThing member Punkfarie
this book was ridiculous. of course Luce was an angel. of course you was Lucifer's lover. of course the whole Fall thing was because of her. of course. yes.
LibraryThing member AboutToRead
As with the rest of the Fallen series, Rapture has a very slow start. In fact, it is so slow you wonder why you are even bothering to finish it. Having read the rest of the Fallen series, however, I know that if I trudge through the first half of the novel, I will probably get an epic payoff at the
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end. Yes—the endings of Lauren Kate’s novels are always my favorite, and not because the story is over.

Each book in the Fallen series tends to end with a few questions answered and a lot of new mysteries. Since Rapture is the final novel, there were no additional puzzles to solve, but man—the answers we got packed quite a punch! I just love what Lauren Kate has done with angel lore—it absolutely fascinates me! There is a pretty big twist at the end, which I did not figure out until Luce started to put the pieces together, and I certainly did not see this coming in the previous three novels.

While I cannot really say anything about the plot of the epic ending because I do not want to ruin the series for anyone, let me just say again that I LOVED it!!! It was a very satisfactory ending to the series, but it still leaves me wanting more. I am dying for a spin off featuring Cam or Lucifer—they both fascinate me, but I am particularly interested in Lauren Kate’s Lucifer after finishing Rapture.

Despite the slow start, Rapture is a thrilling conclusion to the Fallen series. Lauren Kate continues to delight the reader with her unique take on angel lore, and amazingly provides a very satisfactory ending to the series, while leaving you wanting much, much more. While I am pleased with the ending of Luce’s story, I truly hope that this is not the last we will see of the Fallen world.
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LibraryThing member AmberFIB
Let me just say that this is by far the best book in the series. I haven't been a huge Fallen fan, but I kept picking up the books for some reason. I guess I was curious about what happened to Luce, even though she is the most boring protagonist of all time. I also hate Daniel because he is so
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boring. However, the plot of Rapture is enough to draw you in and keep you interested. The first half of the book is a bit slow moving, like all of Kate's novels, but after I passed the 50% mark, I could not put the book down. The book didn't end how I wanted it to exactly, but this ending didn't leave me feeling extremely angry for days like Bloodrose did. All in all, I'd recommend the series to people who like angel stories, and this book is a must read for anyone who's read the previous three books.

The cover to this book is gorgeous, obvious, but the writing/dialogue/love story is a complete cheese fest, which has come to be expected from the Fallen series. Other things that I've come to expect from this series and just make myself look over are: Luce is weak, stupid, and co-dependent. Daniel is boring, vague, and annoying. Cam is amazing as usual, but he isn't in the story that much, unfortunately. That really disappointed me some. He is the only character that actually interested me throughout this entire series, and I've been team Cam from the start.

The characters didn't develop a lot (big shocker), but at least the ending surprised me. I mean I knew how it would end as far as who Luce would end up with (I think we all do), but I didn't know how it would happen. Kate surprised me with how everything ended up working out. Honestly, the Epilogue was probably my favorite part of the entire novel.

The plot is pretty slow-moving and boring for the first half. Things pick up around the halfway point, and it's pretty intense reading until the very end. The pacing picked up as well, and I couldn't put the book down until I saw what happened to everyone. The dialogue was as over-dramatic and hokey as ever. The pseudo-Shakespearean (that's what I call the whole... "I wanted to do this, for I was distraught" type BS) writing style was, of course, ever-present and plagued me throughout the entire novel (See, I can be dramatic too!). However, the book was not a complete disaster. I finished it feeling like, "wow, that wasn't half bad." That's a big improvement over how I felt about the other books in the series.

Overall, I'd recommend this book to people who have read the Fallen series. It's a must-read for any Lauren Kate fan. This is the best book in the series, and it's worth the slow-moving beginning to see how things finally end.
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LibraryThing member englisherna

Really endures all eternity. *sigh* contented with the ending.
LibraryThing member BookishThings
A great ending for the Fallen series.

The fallen angels have 9 days to find the spot where they originally fell. Otherwise, Lucifer will win and wipe the slate clean.

This book shows just how strong the love Luce and Daniel have for each other is. Daniel knows the truth of everything, but can't
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confide in Luce. She has to figure things out on her own. And boy, I did not see the outcome of the truth coming. I was like, "Oh my WOW." I'm not sure what I was expecting, but that wasn't it.

While searching for the relics that will tell them the site of the fall, they begin battling the Scale. The Scale is a group of angels that believe they are doing the Throne's will by harassing the fallen angels and outcasts. Along this journey we lose and gain very dear friends. People you never though you'd say goodbye to depart this world. I found myself in tears.

What this last installment boils down to is: You have to choose. Lucifer, the Throne, or Love????
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LibraryThing member Ahnya
I am glad it is over. Quite a predictable ending. Sometimes I wish I didn't start reading something so I don't feel compelled to finish it.
LibraryThing member Steph1203
The end was just so good. It took me awhile to get through this one but the end made it all worth it! And the epilogue was so cute!!
LibraryThing member amydnoland
Ok I actually liked her series. Some parts are rather descriptive but overall I want to read all four books in succession.

Love the ending though I do wish she would have went more into detail about their mortal lives together.

Also I need closure on Cam. I feel that he was left in the open and never
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reached a conclusion for the readers. I do hope she writes another book for him.

Overall worth every page every second!
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LibraryThing member crashmyparty
SERIES COMPLETE. I am finished. Done. I never have to read these books again and I never will!

Some spoilers

Where to begin? I finished reading Rapture last night and before you say anything about me finishing it in a day (I know it looks bad!) I had about 3 and a half hours of train travel yesterday
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and by the time I got home I was almost finished so I just stayed up to knock it out and be done with it. The problem is, as I closed the book, I didn't know how I felt.

Was I glad it was over? Yeah, definitely.
Had I picked the ending and the major reveals? Yeah, in book three.
Was there a happy ending? Of course there was.
Was my little heart a little happy with the happy ending? YES AND I HATE MYSELF.

I have done nothing but complain about this series the whole way through. I know that. Believe me, I know how much I have not enjoyed reading it this time around. I did like it, five years ago. Which is why I started back at the start and decided to see it the whole way through. When I realise I didn't like it, I still wanted to finish it and be done with it. And considering how much I did not like this series (and still don't), I was surprised at how I felt with the happy ending.

I can't help it. I am a SUCKER for happy endings and the everyday love story. I hated the 'big reveal', I knew it was coming, and I felt it was way too easy. I was still not satisfied with the explanation of how Luce and Daniel fell in love the first time. And I couldn't believe that this whole thing was pretty much about a lovers' spat. But (view spoiler) I hated the dialogue between Lucifer and Lucinda and the way he was portrayed - Lucifer is such an awesome character because the dude is so EVIL. There is so much you can do with that. But nope. In this story, Lucifer is a jealous guy who just can't get over some stuff that happened thousands of years ago (trying to go no spoilers here). I get that there is an underlying message of free will here, but it felt overshadowed by all the "I love you!" "I love him!" stuff.

I got bored quite a few times through this book in particular. It still had clumsy phrases, Luce was still stupid, there was a lot of mythology. I don't know if the fact that I'm an atheist may have impacted the way I felt about the mythology, because I just couldn't believe in it. I know its fiction but while I'm in that world, I should believe. I did love the fact that God was a woman, though. But I don't agree with adoration of the Creator for the simple reason that they created you. Be thankful, yes, but its like parents making you bow down to them for your whole life. At some point, you want to leave to spread your wings (bad analogy, yes). I guess that's the free will they're talking about.
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LibraryThing member PrescottKris
This was a great book. I think this one and the short stories "Fallen in Love" were the two best of the series. I'm really glad that Lauren Kate ended it on a high note and didn't get "story happy". I guess what I mean is that she didn't drag the ending out for like 4 or 5 more books like some
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popular authors would have. This is one of the best series of books that i've read.
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