Finale (Hush, Hush)

by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hardcover, 2012



Call number



Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2012), Edition: First Edition, 464 pages


"Nora and Patch must hide their relationship in order to end the war between the fallen angels and the Nephilim."--

User reviews

LibraryThing member kazhout
Can I just say "THIS BOOK WAS FREAKING AWESOME. GO BUY IT. NOW." and be done with this review? No? Fine. But I must warn you that I'm writing this with all my feels.

Finale immediately followed the events in Silence. Nora, literally without getting a break, was thrust into the business of leading
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the Nephilim out of bondage with the fallen angels who possessed them during Cheshvan. At first, her only plan was to fulfill the oath she'd sworn to Hank so she and her mom wouldn't drop dead, but like the blurb said, the best-laid plans often go awry.

And awry their plan went, alright. With old insecurities, new enemies, unforeseen betrayals, and shocking revelations, all I could imagine was a bleak ending. Let's just say it wasn't totally bleak, but not blinding bright, either.

Still, the ending's just one part of it. Finale had the best pace out of all the books in this series, methinks. Never a dull moment, just constant action all around. And when I say action, it's not just the myriad of events happening all at once, but also physical action, especially for Nora as she trained her human body to adapt to the capabilities that her new Nephilim identity offered. She ran miles, sweat rivers, and honed her mind-tricking skills - which she got so good at, she even tricked... *evil grin* Yeah, you really should just read this book.

One thing I didn't like was how Nora was still blinded by her hate for Dabria, which, as always, put her in some very sticky situations. Also, Patch became overprotective at times, but I think I'd have done the same if I were him. Or maybe I just love him too much to dislike anything he did.

I also loved the interaction between the secondary characters, namely Marcie, Scott, Vee, and even Nora's mom. And if you've missed some characters from the previous books, don't worry because Becca wrote a roundup reunion in here.

One surprise and plot twist after another, Finale had me in its grip until the last page. (I did put it down after 300 pages, though, because I didn't want it to end yet.) Even if it's the last book, the mystery and suspense were still there. And yes, I cried tears of joy and relief. I might've hugged the book for a minute or two. Kissed it, even. So this is what it's like to finish a beloved series, huh ♥

MY FAVORITE PART was the one that made me cry. Would saying it's 'Detective Basso's gift to Nora' be too much of a spoiler? I hope not.
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LibraryThing member pnh002
Finally, the conclusion to the Hush, Hush series. I really don't know how to feel right now. I remember reading the first book back before I was even a blogger, right after I had read Twilight and was looking for any type of paranormal romance there was. Now here it is years later, and I would
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choose to read it all over again.
As the final book in the series, this book had a lot to do for me. It had to make up for all the fluff in Silence Hush, Hush #3 [my review] and it had to tie in to the rest of the series and make them all make sense. And that's just what it did.
The book starts right off from where Silence ended. The threat of war between the Nephilim and Fallen Angels is looming ever closer, and with Nora being the leader of the Nephilim army, its a lot more work than expected. As she begins to get ready for this fight, she begins training and is introduced to something that can help as well as harm her.
What I liked most about this book, was the amount of action and suspense in it. I have to admit, the others had some action in it, but it was nothing compared to this one. In this one, it was like nonstop. Every time I turned a page, I found that something else was happening. And the best part of that, not everything that happens is expected There were a lot of things that had my mouth like hanging open, trying to figure out how and why something happened.
But, there was one thing that I was sort of on the fence about. The romance between Patch and Nora. It was not played up as much in this one. I liked that because it gave room for the rest of the action and suspense in the story. There was more time for other things to happen. What I didn't like about it, is there was less of Patch's romantic side. But I let it slide, because when it WAS time for him to be "Patch," he definitely delivered. Speaking of things along that line, I do respect Fitzpatrick for the way she handled the next step in their relationship. Well done.
As far as the characters, there is not one that is left unfinished. We learn everyone's entire story. Some of which I was proud to see grew up an exponential amount and some that left me with my mouth agape, having to read it again and make sure I wasn't seeing things. But, in all honesty, I did figure out what was going on with one of those characters a bit early, but I thought he was teamed up with someone else who was missing from the story. But I wasn't entirely right so no points off for being predictable.
All in all, I'm sad to say good-bye to this series. I will forever keep Patch as one of my favorite Book Boyfriends and I look forward to the next book that Becca Fitzpatrick writes.
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LibraryThing member ShellyPYA
Final book in the Hush Hush series. Nora must fake leading the Nephilim to war long enough for her and Patch to devise a plan for peace between the Nephilim and angels, but they run into roadblocks at every turn.
LibraryThing member bookwyrmm
As would be expected with the finale to a series, Finale was very action-packed and moved at a rapid pace. However, the epilogue almost ruined it and seem rather tacked on at the end to appease readers.
LibraryThing member A14M04I19A95
I just finished the book and all I can say is WOW !! An amazing series and a great ending :-D ..and yes like a sado I cried tears of joy with a huge smile printed on my face :'D IT'S A MUST READ BOOK!!
LibraryThing member Tina.Sandev
Either I'm this megamind prodigy of nature, or Finale was written for an intended audience of complete idiots. I'm sorry but reading this book literally insulted me. Come on, all you need to do is take a single look at the cover to understand what exactly is going to happen in the end. One look,
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guys--that's not like skimming through 400+ pages.

Not only that, but to my humble opinion the author did not even remotely try to make this interesting for us. I mean...It was so transparent and boring, that at some point I could hear my brain snore. Everything in this story was so obvious, it hurt my eyes. It really did.

I don't want this to be one of those reviews that are full of spoilers. But on second thought, there is nothing I can further spoil for you. The biggest spoiler is that Becca Fitzpatrick has not written a single word in this book that could even remotely surprise and intrigue you. Not even one, period .

The only reason behind my 1.5 star rating is the fact that Nora finally cut back on her whining a little (even though it was a little, it's still something, right? Oh, thank you, Lord!). Apart from that, I think the book failed pretty hard.
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LibraryThing member wolfangel87
Yep, my star rating went actually lower on this one! All I have to say is at least the story is finished AND I was highly dissappointed in it!

Nora and Patch ONCE AGAIN have to "break up." How can there be four books where the same exact lack of communication and relationship event occurs. I just do
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not understand how this can be classified as romance. Yes, there are some kisses and makeout sessions but seriously there are always apart with something getting in their way and a total lack of communication making the story plot that much more hilarious.

On that note I was reading this to finish the story and to maybe be happy about it. Nope, not the case, I was completely floored by the ending and not in a 'oh my that was fantastic' way.

Once again . . . it is over! That is the only thing about this book that made me happy.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
Alright, I'm happy to announce that I finally had a chance to read the final book and close off the series.

The book is good but I expected better. The plot follows along the same as always. Nora fighting to become what she is meant to be, fighting with friends or so called friends and of course
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drama with Patch. I thought since this series was a good way in, that the characters would have grown more. Yes, they did grow, but I'm disappointed that little things could throw them off so much. You know what I mean? Other than that, Nora is taking her new position seriously training and doing her best to save everyone that she can.

The love interest is exactly what I thought it be. They do trust each other more but there is still a bit of jealousy which I felt was a little uncalled for. I mean, you proclaim your undying love and you still can't trust??? In the end, their relationship managed to come together beautifully.

There are a few parts on the story that left me in shock. Certain somebody's don't make it and that makes me sad. They were good characters that help the development of the story so to see them go, is quite sad.

Overall, Finale has good ending to the series. Finale masters bringing everything together nicely. A pleasant read, Finale is great!
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LibraryThing member LoftyIslanders
The final book in the Hush, Hush series. Nora and Patch are in a race to stop the fallen angels from possessing the Nephilim race. The friends/ allies that Nora has turn out to be either faithful or turn on her. She finds out that she is not the only one who has been keeping secrets and she faces
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her toughest challenge. Learn to fight or be killed and lose everyone that she loves. The author does a great job of drawing you in. The only thing that I did not like, was the death of one of the central characters. The ending was bittersweet for me. I would have liked to have it end slightly different.
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LibraryThing member Aussie_Bookworm
so sad to see this series end I really loved it. Heartbreaking, romantic action filled. I will miss Nora and Patch.
LibraryThing member TheMadHatters
In the final installment of the "Hush, Hush" series, Nora finds herself caught between leading the Nephilim to war and preventing them from destroying the fallen angels, Patch included. This series in general is pretty fluffy, so I wasn't expecting a whole lot from the last novel. That being said,
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I enjoyed the book for what it was and was glad to finally see all the series' loose ends tied up. The relationship between Nora and Patch often seems hokey and overdone, but overall they provide quality escapist entertainment.
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LibraryThing member nbmars
This is the fourth and final volume of the Hush, Hush saga, and even the author seems glad to get it over with. Nora continues to be jealous, naive, and self-centered, but Patch, the fallen angel, has become even more perfect and less fallen-ish, and - rather improbably - loves Nora not only more
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than ever but unconditionally. There is an epic confrontation between the Nephilim and fallen angels, and all’s well that ends well. And in a sudden and unconvincing epiphany, Nora admits she has been an idiot. An epilogue tacked on to the end adds some improbable events that I would say merits more explanation, except I really wouldn’t want to read another volume!
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LibraryThing member IreneReads
Library Summary: “Nora and Patch must hide their relationship in order to end the war between the fallen angels and the Nephilim.”

OMG! This is the PERFECT way to end a series like Hush, Hush! This book has it all! Humour, romance, action, mystery, and everything else that you love in a book!

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have to say, Nora has changed a lot since we last saw her in “Silence”. For example, she is able to handle more stuff on her own now. Like defending herself against the Nephilim for example. It seems like she needs Patch less and less through each book. This is one of the things that I like about Finale.

To me, this book seems a bit different than the other ones. There seems to be a lot more romance between Patch and Nora. Not that I object!

There are also a lot of suspenseful moments in this book. I would like to give an example of one, but then I’d spoil the book for anyone who hasn’t read it. So if you want your heart rate to pick up while you wonder what’s going to happen next, I suggest you read the book!

I suggest this to all Hush Hush fans!
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LibraryThing member emmyson
Well. Now I wish I hadn't bothered to finish this series. That stupid OCD part of me has GOT to go when it comes to finishing a series.
LibraryThing member Noussaiba
Amazing if there is a strong word as this one to describe Silence i would say but i don’t think there is.
I have to admit that at first I wasn’t going to read it but as soon as I started I couldn’t stop and I have to admit that Silence was much better than the first three books, its epical,
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magical, the relationship between the characters was just intense and captivating. Patch and Nora they really made my day, Scott and Vee even though I wanted to be ended as good as patch and Nora relationship but still Vee had her happy ending even if I felt really sorry for Scott I didn’t expected it but his sacrifice was so “chevalresque” , I really liked his character so deep so honest.
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LibraryThing member GeraldyC.B1
In the finale book of the hush,hush serie Nora and Patch think that they can be together but they can't because Nora is left being in charge of the nephilim and they don't like that she is dating Patch because he is a falling angel so they fake break up and she starts to fake date her second in
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command, Dante, and he and Scott, her friend, train her to be a good leader and to try and stop the war between the nephilim and fallen angels. One day when Nora and Dante are training to show her skills on convent he gives her something to drink and she later finds out that what he has been giving her is devil craft that helps her to be stronger and faster but it is also addicting. One day as Nora is walking she is approached by a man named Pepper and that he wants to talk to Patch because someone is blackmailing him and he thinks it is Patch.Later they find out that Pepper knows who is blackmailing him but he needs Patch to kill the person and Patch tells him that in return he needs to give him the last feathers off every fallen angel so that they can burn them and he says that ok he will do it but that it might take long. When Patch and Nora go to the cemetery to investigate who is blackmailing Pepper but she is stabbed and they see that it is Dante and that he tells them that he has been working for the fallen angels because he knows that the nephilim are doom. After that Noras cut does not heal like it needs to so Patch tells her that she needs to take the antibody or else she is going to be addictive to devil craft and Nora makes Patch believe that she did took it.After that Dante tells Nora that he is going to tell everyone that she killed Hank but Nora challenges him to a due and he agrees. The day before the duel Pepper delivers the feathers but when Scott and Nora pick them out they are not there because Marcie burned them all including Patch's saying that she should be the leader nephilim and not Nora.After that all the fallen angels go to hell including Patch. The day of the duel the fallen angels attack and Dante and Nora fight but Dante has taken Devilcraft so he is winning so Scott gets in the middle of the fight and dies. Nora in regged poses Dantes bodie and makes him kill himself.After that the nephilim win and make the fallen angels swear that they are not going to possess their bodies. After that she finds out that Detective Basso is an archangel and he tells her that when the time is right to go for a nice, clean cut through the middle of the mark in her wrist.After that she finds Patch who possess Rixon long enough to get through the gates of Hell and tell her that every angel that left was injected with devilcraft, and when it died with Dante, it killed all of the fallen angels. In the end they make a blood pack and when Nora cuts herself she does what Detective Basso told her to do and when her blood mixes with Patches he can feel again, and this was a gift from Detective Basso. Three years later they go to Vees weeding.
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LibraryThing member fefferbooks
Plot was good, but Nora was all over the place in this one. Example: on one page, her loyalty switched twice. "I would do anything in my power to help [group A]." "I had to save every one of [group B]."--with no acknowledgement at all of the opposition of these ideas. The juxtaposition would have
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been just fine, with some little caveat, but as it stood, I'm just left going, "HUH???"

There seem to be missing bits of information like this all over the place. The only conclusion I can come to, having now read the whole series, is that Fitzpatrick's pitfall in writing is assuming that her readers are able to follow her natural leaps in thought. You know--those people who say something, and then their next comment seems to be a total non-sequitur? Then you all have a laugh at the seeming weirdness of the comment, and you get the explanation of how some silent thought process got the person from point A to point B, and it all makes sense. That kind of silent thinking seems to be exactly what's happening here, and I had to do a lot of re-reading of paragraphs to figure out what the process might have been. First rule of writing: explain everything.

That said, she does do a much better job as she rolls along through the books. They're interesting, and the characters keep you hooked. Vee is great, and Patch is kind of yummy after book 1 (where I found him a little confusing and almost too dark). Scott grew on me, big-time. And Nora has her moments.

I was a little disappointed by the big, climactic drama in this one--it was over quickly and fell a little flat. But the ending was good.
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LibraryThing member katie1802
This isn't the review I wanted to be writing. Given the extent to which I liked the first one (twilight ripoff and all), I thought I would only become more enamoured with the world as time went on. Turns out, I just got tired of it.

So, on goodreads, three stars means "I like it", which I guess I
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did, so three stars it is. But relative to my expectations for this conclusion, it's a 2.5 at best.

Nora just annoys me. I don't recommend that women remain in the backseat on issues pertaining to their own safety, but given Nora's weakness comparable to freakin' just felt unreasonable that she would barge in trying to kick everyone's ass when she could barely protect her own.

Patch just got weak. He gave in to Nora way more than he would have previously. I just didn't care much, honestly.

I think what warranted my annoyance mostly is the conflict. Like, wow there's a major war going on and the only resolution you can think of is to make people think you're not dating? How fucking sad and arbitrary. I mean, /really/?
The fact that Fitzpatrick managed to swing it so that the dating conflict actually became a life or death situation borderline infuriated me.
Yeah so she's fraternising with the enemy, big whoop, how about her complete inability to strategise, fight, I don't know...lead an army?!!

Yup, because who she's dating is really important here.

I don't know how I feel about epilogues. They can be very hit or miss, cheesy or just the right amount of resolution. Given the utter predictability of the ending of the saga (trilogy just wasn't good enough, huh?), I'm inclined to say the inclusion of an epilogue was overkill here.

Final thought on the book?
Good for a cheap thrill, pretty uninspiring otherwise.
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LibraryThing member Sweet_Serenity
For the first half of the book, I was honestly a little bored. Then came the action and mystery that made me love the other books, and gave me that thrill. I think the plot twists unravelled with the right amount of shock factor, and the plighst of the nephilim and fallen angels became
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That being said, other parts of the book disappointed me. It felt like Nora's jealousy issues and crazy spying were awfully repetitive- it was nothing new, and it made me want to scream at her in frustration. Whilst I adore the plot of the series, I feel that Patch and Nora's relationship never got to that stage- where somewhere in the middle of the action, we get to see the couple in a comfortable relationship. I feel like the book would have had enough nephilim/fallen angel drama without the extra relationship drama. This was redeemed by the intense romantic scenes towards the end, where Patch was possibly dead.

Basically to sum it up I think the overarching plot was genius, but that the personal/domestic plot was very lacking.
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LibraryThing member smstuart
I did it, I finally finished the Hush, Hush saga. And how I was disappointed.

I fell victim for the covers and the promise of a good Angel vs. Demon battle. This story did have it moments but they fell short. We all know it stars Nora and Patch, the innocent girl and fallen angel in love with
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innocent girl.

There is so much I would like to say about this book but not sure where to start. I say it like that because there are just so many gaps and holes throughout the series! Here are some that really bother me:

- Throughout book one, Nora has a medical condition that causes her to rely on iron pills. She needs them whenever she gets excited, has a panic attack, is nervous, or scared. After book one she NEVER takes them again. Why make a big deal at the start of this story if you don't. Entire throughout the next three books?!

- Nora's mom has serious issues. I feel she just her daughter run the place without caring about trouble. Meaning Nora can do no wrong. Her Mom is just never home.

- Vee. Oh man, what to say about Vee. She is possibly the most over-bearing, annoying, and unbelievable BFF character I have read yet. And in the end she revealed her "big secret"? PUH-LEASE. How did Nora not see that coming?!

- Patch seems to not be in the books as much as he should. He is the hot protector angel we all want to read more about but never get to. That was a let down.

- End of the story felt like it was just thrown together in a haste. It didn't few finished. It left me with so many unanswered questions! I wish it would have been wrapped up in a nice neat little bow but it wasn't.

I can promise you this, this book, along with the rest of the series, is a quick read. It will probably leave you frustrated, scratching your head, asking yourself, "What did I just read?!" Best of luck to you. I will not be reading this series again.
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LibraryThing member ElizavetaC.B3
Nora and Patch thought that all their problems with fallen angles were behind them. Hank is gone, thanks to Nora killing him. But since Hank is gone, Nora has become the leader/head of the Nephilim and must finish what Hank started. Meaning she needs to lead them to destroying the whole fallen
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angel race.

But she doesn't want that to happen. To keep that from happening, she makes everyone believe that she and Patch have broken up. Nora tries to convince the Nephilim that what they're doing is wrong and is a mistake. Botch Patch and Nora want this war between the two opposing sides to end. But becoming the leader means facing some challenges. She goes through training to get stronger and faster but there is something that will help her to achieve this. Devilcraft. Nora becomes very drawn and addicted to this power she never knew she would be. As the war continues, Nora and Patch have to confront everyone about the truth and whats going on between them either if they choose to destroy the love they have.

I think that 'Finale' was one of the most least exciting out of the series. There was tons of action but the setting and plot wasn't so interesting. Most of the book was about fighting the Nephilim and ending the war. Other than that the book was alright.
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LibraryThing member HannahWebb
I fell in love with this series as soon as I cracked the spine of the first book, Hush, Hush. I've read it several times, and each time is like a new experience. The series had the most beautiful and unexpected ending. I would recommend this book to anybody that is prepared to fall in love and have
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their heart broken over and over and over again. It does have that fantasy/romance thing, but you haven't a clue of how perfect this book is. If you haven't read it, I promise you'll love it.
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LibraryThing member crashmyparty
Rejoice! I have made it to the end. This series is over, completed, and resigned to sit on my shelves for the rest of its life because I have a problem. But that’s a story for another day. I know after the last week everyone is dying to know what I thought of how the series ended…

Hank Millar is
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gone, but Nora still has a big problem on her hands. The inheritance her father left her was his entire Nephilim army, who are out for blood. Fallen angel blood. They don’t want to be possessed by the fallen angels anymore. And even though Patch is a fallen angel, Nora as a newly fledged Nephilim is starting to understand them. Why should they spend Cheshvan trapped in their own bodies without their consent? But the Nephilim don’t like the idea of their leader consorting with the enemy, and they are prepared for war.

Okay back it up. Nora Grey is supposed to lead an army? Hank must not have cared about the cause at all, to leave Nora in charge. Nora who can’t keep kissing Patch for one second and realize the seriousness of the situation. Nora, who cares about herself more than the other Nephilim, who couldn’t understand the problem until she was one. I assume Hank thought she would quickly fail and die and then one of the grown ups would take charge. Speaking of which, for an immortal species there seems to be a lot of ways they can die. Or did she just mean that by immortal, they just don’t age or get sick, and heal quickly?

Nora was definitely the wrong person for the job. She didn’t even think about the damn war looming the whole time, even though it was Chesham, I.e. time for war. She did not attempt to get to know the other nephilim, just guessed they wouldn’t accept her and kept out of it. Maybe if she’d been more responsible for her new position, some of the shit that happened probably wouldn’t have happened. She was too busy being useless and making out with Patch. She had no idea how to use her new assets (Dante, Marcie, Blakely) who all could have helped her but she refused to let them.

The relationship between Nora and Patch doesn’t improve. She is still ridiculously jealous and so is he. She can’t spend time with other males and he can’t spend time with other females, even while preparing for war. They have the most stupid, pointless fights and get over it by getting hot and heavy. He is still dominating and she’s still a whiner. Nothing new there.

While not overly present in the other books, in the second half of this book there was a distinct lack of Nora’s mum, who to start with wants to know where she is, where she’s going (as parents should) and then grounds her (why wouldn’t you lock the bathroom if you’re going to make out with your boyfriend in there?), and then promptly disappears until the Epilogue. While I’m on the topic, that was the most unnecessary epilogue I’ve ever read. It only enhances the happy ever after factor (yes there was a big old HEA, so if you enjoyed the series you will be happy) and all we get from it is after all is said and done, Nora has forgotten about Vee more or less. You are a great best friend. Girls, do not forget about your best friends just because you’re so in love. You need your friends and you always will, no matter how perfect you think your relationship is.

I have enjoyed the Nephilim and angel elements, although overall I couldn’t get past the poor quality of the characters. If the books had focussed more on the war between the Nephilim and the fallen angels, chances are I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Easy to read when you don’t want to throw your book across the room because the characters are idioms and fast paced when it really gets moving, this series could have been so much better. It’s a shame.

And why the hell are there so many fallen angels in Maine? Why Maine of all places? What is even in Maine that would attract so many?
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LibraryThing member siquebella
This was the perfect book to end a captivating romance saga. There was action, heart-breaking loss, but love in all the trial and betrayal. Shows how a strong love can survive even when all is thrown at it.
I will definitely re-read this series.
LibraryThing member elie26reads
Loved it!!!


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Physical description

464 p.; 8.25 inches


1442426675 / 9781442426672
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