Torment (Fallen, Book 2)

by Lauren Kate

Hardcover, 2010



Call number



Delacorte Press (2010), Edition: First Edition first Printing, 464 pages


Fantasy. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:The second novel in the addictive and worldwide bestselling FALLEN series . . . where love never dies. #1 New York Times bestseller  A USA Today Bestseller More than 3 million series copies in print! Hell on earth. That�s what it�s like for Luce to be apart from her fallen angel boyfriend, Daniel. It took them an eternity to find one another, but now he has told her he must go away. Just long enough to hunt down the Outcasts�immortals who want to kill Luce. Daniel hides Luce at Shoreline, a school on the rocky California coast with unusually gifted students: Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angels and humans. At Shoreline, Luce learns what the Shadows are, and how she can use them as windows to her previous lives. Yet the more Luce learns, the more she suspects that Daniel hasn�t told her everything. He�s hiding...… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member elliepotten

I have to open by saying that this series surely has the most attractive set of covers around right now. The beautiful gothic designs (and the amazing dresses!) are a pleasure to behold, and a privilege to see lined up on my bookshelves. They're just
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Anyway, to the book itself. I must say, I was very pleasantly surprised. Having enjoyed Fallen, I was a little reluctant to start Torment in case the Second Book Disappointment struck again (yes, New Moon and The Dead Girls' Dance, I'm talking to you). Happily, I was wrong and enjoyed this one even more than its predecessor.

It begins right where Fallen left off: Luce is sleeping after the horrific events of the battle at Sword & Cross, while Daniel and Cam form an alliance and ponder the next step in keeping her safe. Their solution is to take her to Shoreline, an elite school with a 'gifted programme' masking an educational facility for Nephilim students. There, they hope, she will be safe from her enemies and maybe learn a few things about the new world that has been opened up to her in the process.

Of course, nothing is ever that simple. Not understanding why she and Daniel must be parted again, and why it is so important that she stays at school, Luce takes matters into her own hands. In between fights with Daniel (and there are quite a few - he's definitely not the most attractive of characters this time around) she starts to learn about her relationship with the Announcers, finds out more about her past, and begins to question the ties that have bound her to Daniel for so many lifetimes. She makes new friends and, to her surprise, starts to fall for Miles, a sweet Nephilim boy in her class.

I think the shift in the characters in this installment really added to my enjoyment. Instead of Luce trying to work out who's who and what her classmates are hiding, as she did in Fallen, this time it's all out there already, and it feels like Kate is really enjoying showing us the gifts of her Nephilim and angel characters, and exploring their relationships and interactions more fully. Arriane and Roland make a welcome appearance - they're quite the double act! - and Luce's roommate Shelby makes a brilliant new sidekick, an earthy cross between the exuberant Arriane and ill-fated Penn in the first book. Luce herself is less 'hopelessly in love' this time, thinking for herself and exploring her options instead of blindly following Daniel and his rules.

That said, there were still times when I figured out what was happening - often turning a plot twist sour - long before Luce, and got incredibly frustrated with how blind she seemed to be to things that were right in front of her eyes. That was one of my big issues with Fallen too - it would be nice to have Luce's intelligence and growing knowledge about the world of angels and demons contribute to her being quicker on the uptake in future books! On the other hand, there were still areas where I felt completely clueless. Why does Luce suddenly have all these enemies? What is it about her and her link to Daniel that makes her so important? Perhaps the reader is supposed to be left somewhat in the dark, so we will work things out as Luce does, but it detracts a little from the suspense, not knowing what the dangers are or where the sudden sense of angelic urgency has come from.

That said, these are minor flaws, if consistent ones, and all in all Torment is an absorbing read that outshines Fallen. It is smart and amusing, has some fantastic characters (and fairly spectacular angels), and delves further into the magical world that we only really glimpsed in the first book. Highly recommended - and roll on summer 2011, when Passion is due to hit the shelves!
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LibraryThing member dizzyweasel
I should begin by saying that I wanted to like this book. I wanted to like the series. I really appreciate beautiful, thoughtful graphic design, and I like to see authors and publishers beginning to appreciate just how important good design is as a marketing technique. The series is lovely in
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In execution, not so much. The first book was mediocre, and the second was an equally mediocre follow-up. Luce is a troubled teen, put in reform school for her role in the death of her high school crush. In her new, gothic school, she meets a variety of punks and pretties, all fallen angels in disguise. The hero, Daniel, leader of the fallen angels on the side of good, competes with equally attractive Cam, representative of the dark side, for Luce's affection. The second book picks up where the first left off, with Daniel winning Luce's love and her realization that they have been playing out a tragic love story for millennia - Daniel finds her, then Luce dies. This time Luce has not perished, so Daniel sends her to a private school in California for Nephilim, children of angels or demons, to hide her from the growing ranks of their enemies. They proceed to spend the next 400 pages fighting with one another and then making up whenever Daniel comes to visit.

The characters are caricatures - not a single one is fleshed out to real personhood - instead the author relies on style and stereotype to fill in the blanks. The heroine, Luce, waffles from defiant to resigned at dizzying speeds. Even though she realizes she's in an abusive relationship (kudos to the author for making that clear early on), she continues to explain away the fights and problems with that over-exploited panacea 'true love.' It's okay if your relationship is miserable (and killing you!) if it's all in the name of true love.

And since no YA paranormal romance is complete without the requisite Twilight reference, let's just say now, that while Edward becomes a possessive, emotionally manipulative boyfriend from New Moon on, at least in Twilight he is made into an attractive, seductive, tragic, somewhat desirable partner. At the very least, the reader can see why Bella is drawn to him. Daniel is never very attractive - it's hard to see what all the fuss is about. For an angel, supposedly a near-perfect being, he doesn't seem to have many positive qualities. He spends the extent of Torment attempting to dictate orders to Luce, 'for her own good.' He treats her like a child, he's emotionally manipulative, and he's secretive. In real life we'd advise Luce to give him the boot, but because he's a supernatural being, and the Romeo to her Juliet, we're supposed to put up with abusive behavior? Not for me, thanks.

So, with a cast of forgettable characters and an irritating celebrity couple we move towards the BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL that marks the finale of the book ( Torment evil wears a different face, though that's really the only difference between it and Fallen). We don't learn any new information, Daniel becomes less, rather than more likeable, and Cam is written out nearly entirely for a new, milquetoast-ish Nephilim love interest.

Bottom line: I skimmed, I got bored, and I wasn't sad when it ended. Two stars for the story, 3 for the design...because I'm shallow.
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LibraryThing member WWE_Fan
Ifound this book to drag on in the beginning. Daniel was starting to piss me off with his disappearing act. But boy, the last half of the book made up for it. Torment is way better than Fallen. Have to buy this one!
LibraryThing member schatzi
I hated Fallen. I am not sure why I picked up the second book in the series. It was just as bad as Fallen. At least it was aptly named; reading this book was definitely a "torment."
LibraryThing member xXlovelyxladyXx
Dear Torment,
When I picked you up, I did not expect much. Your predecessor Fallen was filled with the typical in the kind of YA I strongly dislike:

-a girl with not much personality who attracted every single person's attention, mostly good

-a boy with "swoon worthy" eyes, a self-hating and angsty
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attitude, and a deep dark powerful secret

-another boy with a seemingly better personality but with...another deep dark secret

-girl who hates her for absolutely no reason

-a group of people watching her with ulterior motives

-instalove staring

-an ongoing immortal battle

The only thing in Fallen that wasn't predictable was...the story idea itself. I couldn't understand ANYTHING going on with the angels and demons. Nothing was clear or clarified for me whatsoever.

And guess what? Torment did NOTHING to clear the confusion! I mean, I still have no idea what's going on. Things have begun to clear up a little but I felt as if this book was a repeat of the first book, just with different characters. Seriously, go through the characters and go through my list above again and you'll see what I mean.

The only thing redeeming about the book is Luce actually thought through her relationship with Daniel and realized what was going on. That so many of her past lives died for one relationship that hardly even started.

What really put this book off for me though is Miles. When he first appeared to us, I thought he was gay. I'm not saying that to be mean because I absolutely love everyone for who they are ;) but his personality was just so...

Fake. There are nice guys out there that have such a great personality but Miles just screamed fake to me. I did not like this kid no matter what he did. He was just so generic and typical. And guess what? He had an instalove with Luce, which she returned. That was disappointing because for a girl who claims to love this guy through time, she sure ditched him pretty quick in just one kiss.

If that were me - even if I were having troubles with a guy - I would have slapped Miles for taking advantage of me when I'm down. Right now, I like Daniel more than Miles, which is saying something cause I don't even like him and his angstness.

I miss Cam. Even if he's evil and he's trying to kill everyone, I heart him! He wasn't around enough! Team Cam!

Overall, this book was just as terrible for me as the first one was. I mean, I keep giving these books higher ratings than I believe they deserve because of the writing. Whether or not I like her plot, I like her writing style. She can write skillfully in third person and I do hope one day she can write a book I'll be insane about. Write now, I'm currently reading Passion so I'm not expecting too much.

Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars
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LibraryThing member Siouxsannah
Much better than the first book, Fallen, Torment is a lot more action packed, and goes into more detail regarding the relationship between angels and demons. Luce is at a school for Nephilim (the children of humans and angels) for her own protection. There she learns that the Shadows are called
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Announcers and that she can use them to see her past lives, and learn more about her and Daniel's history. But is Daniel really the right guy for her? With a lot more supernatural detail than Fallen, and with new and likeable characters introduced in Shelby and Miles, Torment is a good follow-up and I am looking forward to the third book, Passion.
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LibraryThing member ericajsc
My response to the first book in this series was mixed, so I decided to give the second book a try. Once again, I’m not quite sure what to make of the book I read.
From the summary, I was expecting to get some insight into Luce’s history with Daniel throughout this book. While that is Luce’s
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plan, it doesn’t quite work out very well for her. Instead there is a lot of trying, and baby steps, and glimpses. By the end, I felt like all I had done is run dizzying laps around a track only to end up at the very place I began.
Whereas in Fallen I felt that the attraction between Luce and Daniel was palpable, there was just nothing there for me this time. I think this is partly because there was tension between them, and Luce’s doubts are at the forefront of much of the story. However, even in those moments that should have been intense and stomach-flipping, I was disengaged. I did find myself enjoying the fact that she finally had some doubts about this boy that she barely knew.
Despite my various issues with this book, though, I still found it to be addictive. Like the kind of addictive where you find yourself eating candy and think, “Hey, I should probably put the candy away now,” but you just keep eating even though you know it’s not good for you. Yeah, that kind of addictive. By about halfway through the book I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to find out much of what I was hoping to find out, but I just couldn’t stop. And I’m pretty sure the reason is that, although I find the tormented romance of Luce and Daniel to be lackluster, I rather like many of the secondary characters. Shelby, Luce’s roommate, provided the necessary sharp-edged commentary that pretty much made the book for me.
I think that anyone who absolutely loved Fallen will definitely enjoy the continuation of the story. For those on the fence, though, I’m not sure that there was enough in this story to really pull anyone into the loyal fan base. While it is evident that Kate is a talented writer who can keep readers flipping pages (even though she gives a little too much page time to detailing her characters’ clothing choices for my tastes), there’s something about this story that prevents me from really becoming invested.
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LibraryThing member TheLostEntwife
I am so angry right now! Thoroughly disgusted with what was done with Luce in this book. I'm beginning to think that I'm expecting too much by expecting a three-dimensional character that I actually LIKE and want to sympathize with.

Now that I've gotten that little rant out of the way I will say
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this. I enjoyed Torment infinitely better than I did Crescendo, and I 100% credit that to the supporting characters in the book. Without the cast of characters at Luce's new school (and I do miss the old, Gothic cemetery), this story would have, basically, been exactly the same type of story I read in Crescendo.

Now, if you are wanting to get some answers, be prepared to join the disappointment train with me. There is SO MUCH BACKSTORY I want to know about, Lauren Kate!! Please, flesh it out, give us the story, talk to us about the outcasts and the fallen and the history you've created. Luce is not the only girl in the dark here - we need and want to know what's happening!

That said - I'll be picking up Book 3 just to find out if we get some answers. Oh, now I'm all frustrated again. There were so many pages and still.. no answers! Okay, I'm done ranting now. The book is interesting but, if you want my advice, wait to dive in until the story has been completed or you too might end up like me right now.
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LibraryThing member millett23
I was so excited that this book was coming out that I ran out and got it, yet when I read it I was very disappointed. I loved the first book, and this book just left me flat and wanting it to be over. The "torment" that Daniel and Luce are having is really unbearable and I found that I was wanting
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her to hook up with Miles. Overall, I will read the next book, but I really hope that it is better than this one.
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LibraryThing member LauraS.
In following Lauren Kate's "Fallen," her latest book in the series, "Torment," paves the way for change and excitement. Kate's ability to draw the reader in from the first moment of the book is what makes me keep coming back for more. Kate's writing style is both exciting and engaging, bringing the
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reader emotionally into the story. Throughout unknown friendships, and hidden alliances, the fate of the world seems to rest with Luce, Kate's main character. Leaving the story hanging in the air, with no discernible conclusion, I look forward to the third book in the series.
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LibraryThing member storiesandsweeties
I loved this book. I was so excited to read it because I really enjoyed Fallen. And those gorgeous covers! This book had a lot to live up to and I was definitely not disappointed. I think I would even say that I liked this one better than the first!

As Luce and Daniel's story continues, she has been
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relocated to an exclusive school on the west coast called Shoreline. There are normal kids there, but there is also a very large population of Nephilim there and others who can protect Luce. This added a lot of interesting situations, because all of these descendants of angels have grown up hearing the "legendary" love story of Luce and Daniel and it puts Luce at an uncomfortable sort of celebrity status. She is not exactly sure why she is there and Daniel doesn't seem to be telling her anything. This causes a huge strain on their relationship as she just get frustrated and feels like she's being held captive and kept in the dark, and he gets frustrated that she doesn't let him protect her.

Luce kind of infuriated me in this one. Yes, I saw her side of it. She was left completely in the dark about what was going on and she tried to stand up for herself by leaving if she wanted to and try to take some power into her own hands, and that was commendable. On the other hand, I kept thinking, this angel who loves her and has been around for thousands of years is telling her to lay low for her own protection---why would she rebel against him like a petulant child? But maybe that's just the "motherly" way of thinking in me. They did a lot of fighting in this one, needless to say! But they also had a lot of very sweet intimate moments, too. Luce does a lot of looking into her own past once she learns how, and she begins to doubt her future with Daniel and remorse for the pain that their love has caused her countless families in her past lives.

There is so much going on in this one and it gets so exciting. You're constantly trying to guess who can be trusted and who will turn out to be on the side of evil! What I loved about this plot was that it completely blurred the line that separated the angels from the demons. The new characters are all great in this one, and I was so overjoyed that some of the awesome characters from the first book pop up in this one, too. Especially Arriane, who was a favorite of mine in the first, next to Penn---I almost wished Luce would mysteriously start being able to talk to ghosts so we could see more Penn!

All in all, a fantastic addition to this trilogy! There are still questions that need to be answered and it's going to be a long wait for the third book! It already sounds like it's going to be an exciting chase through 5000 years of Luce and Daniel's past!!
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
(slightly spoilerish)

Torment was a very enjoyable read, though I had a few issues. The issues were surpassed by awesome characters and tremendous writing. I didn't want to put it down and I am now craving Passion even though I have quite a time to wait.

Luce grew a backbone in this book, and for
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this I am very glad and applaud Lauren Kate. Even though she felt this magnetic pull to and incredible love for Daniel, she began to really question why it was there. She has no memories of the past lives that they shared, all she has are stolen kisses and a few sweet memories. When he gives orders, and is forced to be behind the scenes, she stands up for herself and demands to know more, she gets angry and pushes to know the relevant information. I am not saying that this driving desire doesn't result in some bad decisions, but she has every right to know more, and to wonder at the intensity of their love.

I really wanted to see more of Daniel in this book. I am honestly not completely sold on him, even though I would really like to be. I adore the concept of undying love, and he has the potential to be an amazing love interest and an awesome character, but I just don't know enough about him. I am in the same boat as Luce except that I don't have any pull to him. There is just too many secrets and so much mystery shrouding him and what role he plays in tipping the balance of the war.

As for the new characters, they are wonderful and really made me get into the story more. Shelby is a firecracker and I love watching her and Luce's relationship build and their interactions. Miles is so cute, and I love his devotion, friendship and understanding toward Luce. He is a down to earth guy and I got to see the cute moments that really build a relationship between him and Luce. Though I am hesitant to get too attached because I know that this is ultimately Luce and Daniel's story and I don't want to hope for romance with them even though it made be alluded just to have that shot down or him be a character just brought in to sacrifice himself for her. Oh, and Franscesa and Steven were also wonderful- they wonderfully illustrated the talk about the line between love and hate- angels and demons- is more blurry than one would like to think. It is heart breaking when she says- "Do I love him, yes. But when the battle comes, I will have to kill him."

Adrianne comes back in this one, and kicks some butt. I totally did not see it coming, but I am glad that she is back. Cam is also back in this one, and he is still a big question mark. I am unsure of his allegiances in the end, and him and Daniel working together.

Overall this is a great story, and I feel like Torment is doing a lot of ground- work for scenes to come.

I have to share a few quotes that I found amusing:

"If you two were going to be that obvious about it, why didn't you come down stairs in your Team Daniel and Team Miles T-Shirts?"

"We should order those," Shelby said.

"Mine's in the laundry," Arriane said.

"Well, as much as I love kicking asses and taking names, it's way past curfew for you three"- Arriane"
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LibraryThing member sweans
I enjoyed the book, but it paled in comparison to the first one. It's still a really good YA series that I'd recommend to anyone, though. The book was a little slow until the last chapter. That chapter was enough to get me really exited for the next book in the series, Passion, which comes out this
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LibraryThing member maxamom79
Just bought it...will start it in a sec while waiting for Bryce in pick up lane.
LibraryThing member amusingmother
I wasn't going to read this one because I was rather tired of Luce being such a victim of her destiny. She and Daniel were destined to be together because it is love, true and eternal love. Total acceptance, all feeling, no brain. I also expected the second book to be a place holder - kind of like
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Jacob was while Edward went and hid or whatever.

Turns out, I liked this one better than the first one. First of all, the author takes us to a different setting - completely different which keeps up the interest. She also introduces us to new and interesting characters; Jasmine, Dawn, Shelby and Miles along with Francesca and Steven who are in background but not very far. All add something to the story. Except for Jasmine. She's just there. Shelby grew on me, Miles is the underdog I'm rooting for, Dawn is a small distraction, Phil is a strange introduction to what the Outcasts want (Luce), and Steven and Francesca intrigue me.

I loved the ending. Without giving anything away, I loved that Luce FINALLY used her brain, made an independent choice, and took control of her own life. This one, anyway.

Can't wait for #3.
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LibraryThing member jinkay
let me start off by saying that i didn't like "fallen" that much.. well, except for its stunning cover and a certain bad boy (angel, er, demon) named cam. i started reading torment with very low expectations but surprisingly, it turned out to be pretty good!

in torment, a new lucinda price emerged.
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instead of being someone blindly following whatever connection she has with daniel, luce starts questioning why she even feels that way.. why daniel has that much power over her. she realized that they aren't the only ones who suffer through their curse and begins to wonder if their "love" is even worth all the suffering not only the two of them but everyone connected to them in her past lives had to go through. oh, how i liked this new luce better! her turnaround alone made torment 10x better than fallen, IMO. the one thing that bothered me with luce this time around was that she couldn't piece together why a whole bunch of nephilim hides her from those who are seeking her, why her angel posse didn't want her anywhere near a starshot and why she has the ability to summon and interact with announcers. it's pretty clear to me but i dunno, maybe she's in denial or something.

daniel's as mysterious as ever, still trying to protect luce the best way he knows how.. which luce finds very stifling especially since daniel won't (or can't) tell her anything. enter miles who's nice and cute in his adorable-geeky way and he’s always there for luce and she starts to feel something for him. she starts to think how the dynamic between her and miles is easy and companionable as compared to with daniel - passionate yet tumultuous. i'm kind of outside the fence with this new love triangle. ho-hum. i mean, what the hell happened with cam? at this point, i don't know if luce will end up with who she's (supposed to be) fated to be with or if miles would be her future and i don't think i'd mind either way. i just don't feel as strongly for these two as i do with cam. yeah, yeah, a sucker for bad boys with redeeming qualities and all that crap.

a few things were revealed to luce (and the readers) in torment but it's not nearly enough. all i know is that angel who needs to pick a side and who has the power to tip the balance? definitely NOT daniel. i'm excited to see how the story plays out.

** and the cover's still gorgeous!
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LibraryThing member idroskicinia
A month ago, I bought Torment by Lauren Kate, the second novel in the Fallen series. I already have the opportunity to read the first one, Fallen, and I really liked it, I mean, it’s not the best book that I ever read, or the best of the year, but it’s a really nice story, quite different,
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specially all the Fallen Angel stuff. So I decided to continue reading the story because I was really curious about what would happen to Luce and Daniel, and because my shelf wanted to have the two books with their cute and lovely covers one next to the another.

The story starts when Daniel hides Luce at Shoreline, a school on the rocky California coast, with unusually gifted students. They are Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angels and humans. The book is really boring; I mean, Luce spend almost all the time in Shoreline, waiting for Daniel, always angry with him, and always doing risky things that put her on danger. There’s a lot of new characters in this book, and sometimes appears the old ones that we met before in Fallen book. All of them, including Luce and Daniel, were really annoying. The story has no development. It is always the same thing.

I am so disappointed with this TORMENT! I would have preferred to buy another book!
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LibraryThing member Stephy5g
As the story unfolds you begin to understand the decisions being made and why it is so important to maintain safety. This book brings you on a journey of discovery and leaves you wanting so much more as the battle begins. . . .
LibraryThing member Urbanfan
Torment picks up where Luce and her merry band of angles and demons left us in Fallen. Luce finds herself being wisked to another school in order to keep her protected from her enemies. This new school introduces Luce (and the reader) to new characters and friends that are...Nephilim!

I really liked
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this book and Kate's vision of a love triangle. I was not annoyed in the least when Luce began to question things from her past and wondering about her future. It was very refreshing to see a character that appears to not have a choice about her life or her love, to explore her inner thoughts and feelings, even if they seem to go against all she has been told is true. It felt very human and real, which made me want to read further to find out what Luce decides to do with all these thoughts. The style of writing and flow of words and events moves the plot along into an enjoyable read. I'm not saying you will be happy with the ending. I personally am already itching for summer 2011 when the next installment, Passion, is expected for release.

This book includes more action between angels, demons, and a new enemy, the Outcast. These fallen angels, not accepted in Heaven or Hell, are described creepily as very pale, ragged wings, and white unseeing eyes. The white blind eyes were a "gift" from Satan. This enemy seems to have a plethora of a very hard to find weapon that kills angels, very special silver arrows. You would assume since they are blind, it would be easy to hide from them. Like all beings who don't have the use of one of their 5 senses, their developed 6th sense seems to be able to "see" the bright burning of a person's soul. Wouldn't you know it, Luce has a very bright soul. Will she ever catch a break?

In addition to the battle type of action, Luce also explores the very human experience of being attracted to someone other than her boyfriend. This new love interest is not over done, and does not leave you hating him because he is causing Luce to question her future with Daniel. But, he is guy I would date if Luce decides to "be friends." Luce also gets a new room mate that appears to know Daniel, although the extent of how well she knows him is another piece that causes Luce to question what she knows (or doesn't) about Daniel. I must say, Kate does a great job of making the reader question Daniel without actually saying he has done anything wrong. Her style of putting possible scenarios out there for the mind to run wild with provides the reader another avenue to emotionally identify with Luce. Just like the Announcers (the shadows that plagued Luce in Fallen) show things that have happened, what you actually see may or may not be the proper context of what actually took place, Kate's writing is similar. What she writes makes you think one thing, but that does not mean it is the context of what is really going on. Don't you hate it when the writer knows everything that is going to happen, but we are left to wonder for months until the next book?

Overall this is a good read and I highly recommend the Fallen series. Don't expect to feel complete or satisfied with Luce, Daniel, or the End Game with the celestial bodies. It is clear there is a lot more going on not only with the battle between Heaven and Hell, but also the battle for Luce's heart.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
Just when you think things start to get better, things get worse. A whole lot worse. And the thing about relationships is weird. You get to know someone, fall in love, and then BAM! Once you think you settled in, things are going fine, your significant others skeletons start coming out of the
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closet. What do you do? Who do you believe? Can you believe anything that he says to you after he lied for so long to you?

Poor Luce. This book was nothing but a downer. A major downer. I love it! There was so much drama, so many secrets, and so many new characters, I just had to keep in reading :)

We all know relationships can be hard. That is what Luce and Daniel experience. First, they fought for their love now they fight to stay together. I hate to say this, but why is it that guys always lie? Poor Luce finds out she had been lied too and now she goes off seeking the truth. I felt like alot could have been avoided, had Daniel been honest.

The relationship strained between Daniel and Luce played out well. All the stuff, secrets held back was wonderful. Absolutely delightful. I enjoyed watching not only Luce grow, but Daniel learned somethings the hard way as well.

The new characters in this book rock! I loved how the parts they played, played a significant role in Daniel and Luce's story. Now Daniel has some competition! I believe Luce intentions were well intended. Although I don't think she meant for it to happen that way, but it did. Now she'll have to figure things outs.

What I enjoyed most was Luce finally coming to her own. She always followed Daniel and his rules. Here, she finally breaks free of it, takes control and goes after what she needs. I love how she became strong in who she was. No matter how many times she almost got killed.
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LibraryThing member Trynnea
Amazing book! I personally thought it topped the first book and I cannot wait till the third book! It kept me involved the whole book. I wanted to read it slowly so i didn't read it as fast but I could not put it down until I was done with it! Amazing!
LibraryThing member readingdate
FALLEN was the first “Angel” book I read, back when Angels were the next big thing. Now there are so many books about Angels on the shelves to choose from. I liked FALLEN pretty well and gave it a 3 star rating. My complaints with FALLEN were the slow pace and that there were not a lot of
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answers provided. In the sequel, the pacing has improved, however the answers are still slow in coming.

One of the strengths of FALLEN for me was the setting in Georgia at the Sword & Cross school. In TORMENT, Daniel sends Luce to a new school on the ocean in Shoreline CA that is pretty much the opposite of the dreary Sword & Cross. Daniel sends Luce to Shoreline for protection while he is off fighting unknown bad guys who are after her. Luce is frustrated about the situation and also wants answers from Daniel. She is appropriately starting to question their relationship, and wants to learn more about her past lives.

Helping Luce along the way are some gifted new student friends – Shelby and Miles. These two are interesting new characters that liven up the story and are a welcome addition to the series. There are also some returning favorites from FALLEN including Cam, Arriane, Roland, Callie, Gabbe and Molly. When these characters interact with Luce they brighten the scenes.

In the classes at Shoreline Luce learns more about the history of the Angels and about hers and Daniel’s past. We also learn a lot more about the mysterious Announcers/Shadows in TORMENT and how they can be used to show Luce scenes from her past lives. Luce wants to use the Announcers to delve into her past as much as she can.

The relationship between Luce and Daniel is pretty frustrating. Daniel is always away and does not confide in Luce anything except to stay put for her protection. Luce disobeys Daniel every chance she gets and is self absorbed and indecisive about their relationship. She is questioning whether their relationship is worth it, and why is it so important in the Angel/Demon conflict. Maybe she will get the answers she seeks in the next book.

Many questions still remain about the Angel conflict, and the ending piqued my interest about the next book. TORMENT is the second book in a four book series and it appears that the third book will focus on Daniel and Luce’s past lives together. PASSION is due out in June 2011.
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LibraryThing member PattyLouise
Lauren Kate

Just a few brief words in this mini review…
Simply wonderful…tortuous teen romance heightened by the fact that the main love interest just happens to be an angel. I do not think you can appreciate this book without reading Fallen…the first book in this series. Luce remains
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the central character. She is whisked off to another school on the coast of California for her “protection”. Neither Cam nor Daniel (the other fallen angelic characters) will tell her what is at stake and what they have drawn a truce over. Luce only knows that she has other lives and has never survived any of them. Luce finally learns to conquer and deal with the shadows that follow her. Luce also has new friends and a new school and two very unusual teachers…Steven and Francesca…a demon and an angel. Highlights are when Daniel carries her up and away with his magnificent angel wings and when they dance while he is flying with her. Descriptions of the angel wings in this book are magnificent. Luce sort of has a love interest with a new semi angel. Of course…that totally confuses her about her feelings for Daniel. I loved the touch of the silver arrows that are shot by the outcasts and can only hurt angels and are harmless to humans. The ending of this book is incredibly dramatic and takes place at Luce’s parents’ house just after Thanksgiving dinner. It was very intense and really good. I am breathless for the next book in this wonderfully angelic series.
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LibraryThing member nikkij
Oh to have your own angel.... Heavenly, right?

Not if you ask Lucinda Price in this installment of this series. In Fallen, Luce found out about her connection to Daniel Grigori- a fallen angel who has kept his love for Luce burning for thousands of years.

In Torment, i believe that Luce is
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constantly tormented by the fact that Daniel keeps her in the dark about the circumstances surrounding their love story: both the past and the present. Luce wants to know what it is about the two of them that has prompted heaven and hell (angels and demons) to form a truce? Why is Cam the one over here protecting her? Where is Daniel? Why doesn't he ever tell her anything concrete?

I like the fact that Luce begins to question her love story with Daniel especially since most of what she knows, which is not that much, is not even that clear.. She just knows that through the ages, she dies at an early age and Daniel is left to search for her again in the next reincarnation..

I think the glimpses into Luce's past lives was a very good addition to the book. It gave a little bit more credibility, if you will, to their story.

The introduction of the Nephilim, especially Shelby and Miles, was indeed very refreshing. It just kept on popping into my head that if Daniel and Luce would ever spawn a child, it would be a Nephilim, so i'm thinking that maybe Kate is preparing us for something in this series.. But that's just me...

All in all, this second installment in this book was beautifully written, well thought out and very well presented. I don't mind having raised more questions here... It just keeps me excited to read Passion, the next book in the series..
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
I was not a huge fan of Fallen - I mean, yes, I liked it, but I was a bit apprehensive when I finally saw that Torment was coming out. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it, but at the same time I did want to read it... yes, as you can tell, I was confused about the whole thing.

In Torment, Daniel
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has Luce sequestered all cozy-like in a Nephilim school. This way he doesn't have to worry so much for her safety (considering she has all these powerful Nephilim-type folk around) while he and Cam are off to fight bigger evils. But Luce is not too happy about her situation. For one, Daniel is not there with her. She's at a new school, without a familiar face around, and her lack of knowledge of what is truly going on has her frustrated, annoyed and wanting to act out.

I found the title of this novel to be right on the money. I felt tormented the whole time I was reading it. Between Luce's angst and pining for Daniel, the discovery of her past lives and the possibility that Daniel might not be the one for her... and then on top of all that, being left with so many unanswered questions, I was at the point where I wanted to pull out someone's hair (preferably not my own).

I find that I am on the fence about this series. I can't say that I love it, but I surely don't hate it. It has its appeal - with a very intriguing premise - but I'm just not fully captivated by it (at least, not yet). I wait the next in the series, Passion, to hopefully get me off the fence and into the winning team.
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8.63 inches


0385739141 / 9780385739146
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