Penryn & the End of Days, Book 3: End of Days

by Susan Ee

Paperback, 2015



Call number



Skyscape (2015), Paperback, 344 pages


As the angels prepare to release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. As unlikely alliances form and strategies shift, who will emerge victorious? Forced to pick sides in the fight for control of the earthly realm, Raffe and Penryn must choose -- their own kind, or each other?

User reviews

LibraryThing member Aly_Locatelli
LibraryThing member mariannelee_0902
As always, when it comes to the end of a series, there’s a lot of expectation as to how it should end. Many readers are never really satisfied, as there is never a perfect way to end a story you’ve been so emotionally attached to and never want to see end.

That being said, End of Days was an
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absolutely perfect way to end Susan Ee’s thrilling series.

Despite the intensity and darkness of this book, there’s plenty of lighthearted and hilarious moments all around. The usual snark and sarcasm is not lost here, which I was happy to see as well.

“If it wasn’t for you, I’d think that angels were all totally interchangeable.”
“You mean because I’m beyond perfect?”
“No. Because you’re so humble.”
“Humility’s overrated.”
“So is clear self-assessment, apparently.”

Penryn is, as always, as badass as they come. She protects her family at all costs, but also learns that all human life is just as important. It was hard to believe that Penryn is just a teenage girl. She’s younger than me, yet her compassion and maturity is so much more than her age! It shows you how the end of the world changes everybody.

Her relationship with Raffe was SO INTENSE. They were moments where the tension was just too much to handle, and others where you were afraid the direction their future together was heading. It was emphasized in this book how different they are, and how them being together would be nearly impossible.

All the characters in this book come full circle! Some that I thought could never find redemption in my eyes suddenly do these incredible things and I'm forced to feel sympathy for them! Other characters completely surprised me! I didn't know they were capable of what they did!

The book progresses at a fast speed, which leaves little chance for one to stop and continue the book later on. It will be almost impossible for you to stop reading until you reach the end. There are lots of plot twists, and it's written so cleverly that you don't realise how much you've read until it's too late. ;)

To be honest, even if the book was perfectly executed, I wouldn’t mind reading more. It was a very slight open ending which beautifully wraps up the series but at the same time leaves room for the imagination. If you haven’t yet gotten into this series, I suggest you do!
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LibraryThing member Narilka
Someone has sprayed graffiti on the ceiling. A crude knight stands alone with his sword drawn against a fire-breathing dragon that is ten times his size. The dragon's tail disappears into darkness where the window light fades deep into the store. Beside the knight are the words “Where Have All
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the Heroes Gone?”

It looks to me like the artist thought the knight didn’t stand a chance against the dragon.

I know just how he feels.

End of Days is the third and final book of the Penryn & the End of Days series by Susan Ee. Again the story picks up the exact second where the last book leaves off. The action is still fast paced and the stakes are ramped up. No longer just a story about a family's survival, it becomes the story for the survival of humanity.

The characters continue along their arcs. Penryn starts to accept her status as hero and finally dedicates herself to the role. Raffe, the hardened warrior, realizes maybe there is more to living than just following orders. Paige's arc was the biggest disappointment for me. She had been set up as this big key to winning the war against the angels and when her big moment finally comes it is mostly dealt with off screen. Even side characters have their moments to shine. Dee and Dum are back to their old tricks. I'm glad they're given more time on the page as they had some fun to the apocalypse. We also get a peek into Beliel's past and see him in a different way.

In the first two books the romance is understated and didn't intrude on the story. Here the story of the star crossed lovers gains more focus. It was at times touching and sometimes distracting for me.

Ee continues to ramp up the horror element and I loved every second of it. In this the book does not disappoint.

Over all the book is well written and a reasonably satisfactory ending to the story. I just wish there had been something more, something that seems to be missing from the first two books. That said I'd still recommend this series to anyone who likes a fast paced, post-apocalyptic survival story.
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LibraryThing member nbmars
Spoilers Ahead for the previous books!

The End of Days picks up right where World After ended. Little Paige seems to have command of the scorpions (now identified as locusts). In this book we also find out more about the Watchers, the elite group of angel warriors originally under Raffe’s command,
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but who fell from grace for falling in love with Daughters of Men. To Penryn’s surprise, she learns that Beliel, now the sworn enemy of Raffe, was one of these Watchers.

But Raffe and Penryn have even more enemies now. As Raffe explains:

“Aside from the usual suspects, the entire host of angels saw you with me when I cut the wings off Beliel. They think you’re traveling in the company of a mask-wearing ‘demon’ who cuts wings off ‘angels.’ That’s enough to come after you, if only to find me. Besides, you’re an angel killer now, for which the penalty is an automatic death sentence. You’re quite the popular girl.”

The author injects her sense of humor in this and so many other exchanges, from Penryn’s own thoughts (“I shut my eyes in utter humiliation. How can the world end in a giant fury of biblical proportions yet still leave room for embarrassment?”) to much of the conversation between Penryn and Raffe, as with this continuation of the scene cited above:

Penryn thinks she is safe because she doesn’t think angels can tell humans apart. Indeed, she tells Raffe, she has a hard time telling angels apart, because “They’re all so darned perfect in every way … If it wasn’t for you, I’d think that angels were all totally interchangeable.”

Raffe asks her:

“You mean because I’m beyond perfect?

No. Because you’re so humble.

Humility’s overrated.

So is clear self-assessment, apparently.

Real warriors don’t stand for psychobabble.”

In spite of the obvious attraction between Penryn and Raffe, Raffe tells Penryn he can’t allow himself to get distracted by a Daughter of Man; as an archangel, he has responsibilities to the angel world. Nevertheless, he remains distracted. Penryn decides:

“He’s right. We’re at war. On the verge of an apocalypse filled with monsters and torture in a nightmare world. And I’m standing here, a moonstruck teenager pining for an enemy solider. What am I, crazy?”

But struggling with their feelings has to be deferred when Penryn is captured by people interested in the angel bounty on her head, and she is taken to the new angel aerie in Half Moon Bay. There, she discovers there is an election going on for the new Messenger of God, to replace Gabriel who was killed at the start of the apocalypse. The evil angel Uriel is running against Michael and Raphael. Raffe challenges Urial to a dual, and they each get to pick a team of supporting warriors. Unfortunately Raphael’s Watchers are in The Pit, awaiting Judgment Day.

But as usual, Penryn comes up with a fix, and the clash between the forces of good and evil commences.

Evaluation: These books are page-turning fun. Not all of the plot threads hold up under the scrutiny of reason, but I didn’t care at all. The characterization is excellent, with Penryn and especially her sister and mother being totally unique unexpected heroines. I found the author’s imagination and sense of humor delightful.
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LibraryThing member Alissa-
Ah well, until the "We can all go our separate ways and die alone.” My voice becomes firm, and I try to inject steel into it. “Or we can stay together and make our final stand." things were rolling pretty well. Mercifully, the syrupy moments were interspersed with large-scale murder and crazy
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The story is very fast-paced and offers many different situations and scenes; the ending was predictable but fine and there are several loose ends but I was expecting them, so I didn't mind. There are also interesting reflections about post-apocalypse human behavior and lots of action. I would have liked to see more of the protagonist’s sister, though, while the mother confirms herself as my favorite character of the series.

The author has a lively imagination and knows how to write a pacey adventure. All things considered, including the fact that it’s not my usual genre and it’s a debut trilogy, I am quite surprised. I don’t like fluttery YA romance and I rarely try paranormal/post-apocalyptic stories, yet I couldn't help myself but keep reading on, and fast at that. Simply put, no matter how many narrative flaws, eye-rolling dialogues or tropes, I never got bored and the story kept my interest.
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LibraryThing member jlsimon7
This story makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and ends warm and fuzzy. It's everything I love in a romance novel, which I hardly ever find entertaining. This is actually saying a lot since romance is the one genre that is seriously under represented in my library. It's just not my thing.

Anyway I
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don't want to give anything away, a spoiler would really stink. So what we have is Penryn, Paige, their mother, Raffe as they battle the different sectors to find a peaceful end to the apocalypse.

The biggest surprise for me in this book was the back story of Belial. Instead of hating him, your heart hurts for his pain and suffering. I didn't expect that.

I would definitely recommend this book. There is elusion to sexual content in this book. In one place Penryn assists Raffe in touching her breast. There is some heavy breathing and kissing. I mention this scene because only you know if this is content you want to shield your YA from reading. I did share this as an audio book with my 13 year old daughter and was mildly uncomfortable not knowing how far Ee would take this love scene. To my relief that was as far as it went.

Other than that it was a satisfying conclusion to a great YA series.
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LibraryThing member Hellen0
4,5 stars.

This book is definitely better than the last one and it was a very good ending to a great series.

I loved that the romance remained a subplot and never got in the way of the main plot. It is important, as the relationships between angels and humans, especifically the romantic
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relationships, are a big part of the situation, but it doesn't slow down the action.
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LibraryThing member murderbydeath
I don't actually care for dystopian/post-apocolyptic settings and this trilogy reminded me of that and ultimately reinforced my belief that my tastes haven't changed over time. If my tastes had changed, or if I'd always been a fan, I'd have probably stuck with my original instinct to rate this more
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of a 3/3.5. As it is, I'm compensating for taste.

I loved Angelfall, although it started to fall apart for me at the end when the science fiction angle started to show itself. In spite of the dystopian/P.A. theme, I could totally get on board with Penryn and Raphael and their search for his wings and her family. But from book 2, things just got too weird for me; the experiments, the creations, the politics. I was committed to continuing though because I cared about the characters.

So while quite a few others I know are disappointed by End of Days it pretty much met my expectations - I continued to be bored by the science fiction/frankensteinian aspects and was really just in it for the HEA it seemed was inevitable; I mean what else was the author going to realistically do that wouldn't get her lynched by a teen mob? I also enjoyed the scenes in the pit (perhaps "enjoyed" isn't the right word; I liked meeting the Watchers and seeing Baliel before his corruption was complete).

I'm satisfied with the trilogy; it didn't wow me, but I feel like I got what I paid for, more or less.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Wait, what? That's how it ends? It felt unsatisfying, yes things were resolved but there were a lot of hanging threads in this war between humanity and bored angels.
LibraryThing member ireneattolia
still as fun and crazy as the first two, I just wish I had read it earlier
LibraryThing member Faith_Murri
Me to this book:

"Spare me your self-centered teen angst."

So this improved on the overall plot of the series but still suffered from plotholes and unresolved and unsatisfying plotlines. The world and people did not feel real at all and the time travel mess only confused the lore without adding any
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explanations. The climax held no tension; so much happened where Penryn wasn't there to narrate that I once again felt like I was reading only half of the book.

Raffe and Penryn's relationship was so wishy washy. Like, one moment, Penryn was like "ooh baby let's get it on" and Raffe was like "sure thing babe" and then suddenly he'd be like "oh wait heck no" even though he's constantly flirting with her and KNEW THE WHOLE TIME that Daughters of Men and angels don't make demon babies but never thought to think about the implications of that in the politics of his world for longer than two seconds and then later she'd be like "no I don't want to be carried by you because you're being an insensitive douchebag" and he'd just pick her up and start flying. Like, his character flaws are never fixed. They make out like a bazillion times and they still are like "do they like me???" like um they at least think you're super hot it; isn't that much of a stretch smh

And can someone tell me why Dee-Dum are basically just Fred and George Weasley if they were just a tad sociopathic?
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LibraryThing member Joy_Bush
I LOVE this series and I was so excited to get the 3rd final book but also sad cuz it is over. What will I do without Raffe Prenryn in my life? Anyway, I read this book in 2 days and could not put it down. I laughed, I cried, I was afraid and every emotion in between!

Highly highly recommend!! I am
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going to go read books 1, 2, and 3 all together now.
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LibraryThing member jazzbird61
DNF, just kind of tapered off into stupidness.


Physical description

344 p.; 5.5 inches


1477829709 / 9781477829707

Local notes

After a daring escape from the angels, Penryn and Raffe are on the run. They re both desperate to find a doctor who can reverse the twisted changes inflicted by the angels on Raffe and Penryn s sister. As they set off in search of answers, a startling revelation about Raffe s past unleashes dark forces that threaten them all.When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war.

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