Charley Davidson, Book 10: The Curse of Tenth Grave

by Darynda Jones

Ebook, 2016



Call number



St. Martin's Press (2016), 352 pages


Part-time PI and full-time grim reaper, Charley Davidson has asked a lot of questions throughout her life: Why can I see dead people? Who is the hot supernatural entity following me? How do I get gum out of my sister's hair before she wakes up? But, "How do I trap not one god, but three?" was never among them. Until now. And since those gods are on earth to kill her daughter, she has little choice but to track them down, trap them, and cast them from this dimension. But one of them stole her heart a very long time ago. Can a god of absolute death and destruction change his omniscient spots, or will his allegiance lie with his brothers? Those are just some of the questions Charley must answer, and quick. Add to that a homeless girl on the run for her life, a man who's been framed for murdering a woman who is still very much alive, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar, Charley has her hands full. If she can manage to take care of the whole world-destroying-gods thing, we're saved. If not, well...… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member DarkFaerieTales
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Another hysterical, non-stop crazy ride with my favorite grim reaper.

Opening Sentence: Ignoring the dead girl standing next to me, I crossed my bare feet on the cool windowsill, took a sip of piping-hot coffee, and watched the emerging sunrise from
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my third-story apartment window.

The Review:

The Curse of Tenth Grave is another fun and wild ride with Charley Davidson. If you LOVE books with humor and sarcasm than you really need to pick this baby up. I would suggest that you don’t start here because you really need to know the previous events of this world. Previous events are explained for those who need a refresher but it may not mean anything to someone who isn’t familiar with this world. Please don’t read the rest of this review if you don’t want previous book spoilers.

Charley has been back from New York for less than a week. Her apartment and life changed completely in that month that she was gone from New Mexico but it doesn’t take her any time to jump right back into the private detective world. When one case doesn’t exactly end the way that she thought it would another case is forced upon her. Charley’s favorite Assistant District Attorney (and by favorite, I mean mortal enemy) presents a case (under the force of blackmail) of an innocent man being charged with murder. Charley must discover the real murderer or some really strange things will happen with the criminal justice system. But since Charley can never do one thing, she must solve more than one mystery at a time while being followed by not one but two paranormal teams.

Charley’s relationship is also on the rocks after what she learned about Reyes in the previous book. She isn’t sure if she can trust him or not. Plus she is upset by the fact that he hasn’t even touched her in the few days that she has been back. She is contemplating what she must do with her precious god glass that no one can know about (except of course Cookie and whomever she feels must know about it).

Charley is back to herself in this one. The humor was non-stop and over the top. I couldn’t stop laughing. I even had to read some of the portions to my friends to spread the funny. The only thing is with all the humor it is even more devastating when the serious portions of the story happen. A couple major things are revealed that really took my breath away so be prepared.

Reyes is mysterious in the beginning, I believe he was on edge because of all the changes Charley has been going through. I was amazed how much background of Reyes is finally revealed. As a reader, I was really excited getting to know Reyes more. It just blew up this world even more. *mind blown*

The Curse of Tenth Grave was action-packed and fast moving. Charley just doesn’t stop. It feels like being in the mind of someone who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Some of that humor really comes out of left field. This was a really fast read for me. I would have read it a lot faster if life hasn’t gotten in the way.

Overall, this is a really fun series that runs the gamut of emotions. I am amazed at some of the things that Charley can get away with. She definitely has no worry about her life span in front of mobsters and police alike. If you are a fan of this series, you won’t be disappointed by this book. Secrets are revealed and that major emotional ending that sets up the fight that Charley will have to prevent in book eleven. Book eleven can’t come out soon enough plus I really need that spin off with Beep. I’m already anticipating what will be done with her character.

Notable Scene:

“They are very upset,” he said, almost giggling. Which was odd. Normally, if the supernatural world was upset, Rocket was upset.

“I know, I know. I broke the rules.”

“You didn’t break the rules,” he said, shaking his head, suddenly serious. “You broke the rule.”

Figured. I was always breaking some celestial being’s rules. They could bite my ass. Every last one of them. I was doing the best I could with what they gave me. If they wanted me to do better, they should have graced me with the Girl’s Guide to Grim Reaperism. Instead, I somehow ended up with Harry Potter’s map where I had to solemnly swear I was up to no good before it would show me anything. And I couldn’t lie about it, so I had to constantly be up to no good. It was exhausting.

FTC Advisory: St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan provided me with a copy of The Dirt on Ninth Grave. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
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LibraryThing member Cherylk
This book brings be back to the whole reason why I first fell in love with this series. Charley and Reyes make such a great couple together. They are meant for each other. I rarely get crushes on the male leads. There has only been a few times and I can count them all on my one hand. However I was
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seriously crushing on Reyes. A sexy, tall, dark demon that has a sense of humor, is great in bed and knows how to cook. Yes, please. This is a time where I actually wanted to be Charley. Although, the fighting was less in this book, it was all of the charm of the main characters that made this book so great with Charley, Reyes, Cookie, and the rest of the gang. Of course I can't forget Charley being Charley. I missed this. So glad she is back. Another thing that I really like about these books are the funny as heck sayings at the beginning of each chapter like: "If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried by Stephen Wright", "My family's coat of arms is a wraparound and ties in the back. Is that normal? by Mostly True Fact", and than there is the comment by Charley "Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's caffeine." I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
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LibraryThing member niaomiya
Darynda Jones continues her fantastic Charley Davidson series with another winner in "The Curse of Tenth Grave."

As Charley continues to learn about who she is and what powers she has (and how to control said powers or how not to use them), she wonders why Reyes seems to become more and more
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distant. I have to admit, the first half of the book, during which Charley and Reyes have very little interaction, was frustrating for me. The plot was good, both sub-plotlines interesting, character quirks all intact, humor just as laugh-out-loud funny as always...everything was great EXCEPT that I was really missing the intimacy between Charley and Reyes. When the two finally - FINALLY - open up to each other (thanks to Charley's best friend Cookie's hilarious solution to breaking a communication impasse) and become close again, I heaved an enormous sigh of relief. Frankly, the Charley Davidson series wouldn't be any fun at all without the chemistry and heat between Charley and Reyes.

As with book #8, Swopes is underused. (C'mon, Darynda Jones, give Swopes more action; I love him! Maybe he should get his own spinoff series...) But Jones does make good use of Cookie, Pari, and Osh. More secrets are revealed between Charley and Reyes, and Reyes's big secret is the unresolved issue that I can't wait to read about in January 2017 in book #11: "Eleventh Grave in Moonlight."

So, my frustrations during the first half of the book are what prompted me to give this book a 4-star rating instead of a 5-star rating. It really rates 4 1/2 stars. The second half of the book easily rated 5 stars because I couldn't put it down. Still overall a very entertaining, enjoyable read.
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LibraryThing member murderbydeath
Ah, this is much better. We're back in New Mexico, Charley's home and she has more than a couple of very cool cases. She's owning who she is in a rather fabulous way; neither all good nor all bad and only either when it's necessary.

The only bee in my bonnet was the whole relationship
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let's-not-talk-about-what's-bothering-us trope, and it was followed up by what should have been a fabulous scene consisting of several pages of Charley and Reyes talking everything out and uh...other stuff. In fairness, it was a good scene, but at that point I was itching to move the mythological story line along, so it was definitely my impatience, not Jones' failure. On a side note, I'm totally going to use the Twister idea the next time my nieces are fighting (read the book; it's not as weird as it sounds).

Jones kept me waiting for the mythology, but when she delivered she delivered big. Fascinating stuff, tons of reveals, although it seems she's going further than just stretching classical biblical mythology, using it instead as a springboard for a much larger polytheistic mythology of her own. I think she's missed the point of Jehovah's true nature, but I'm still on board - I want to see if she'll take forgiveness as far as it actually goes. Lots of good theological conversation starters here.

Can't wait for 11!
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LibraryThing member AVoraciousReader
*Book source ~ NetGalley

Charley Davidson is a PI, grim reaper, wife and mom. She has a lot on her plate at the moment, but nothing as important as trapping three gods in the god glass pendant before they find her daughter. Still, it’s nothing she can’t handle. Right? Ummm…

Omg, I’m still
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loving this series. I was a tad worried at the end of the last book because it was starting to sound kinda jump-the-sharky, but I’m pleased that the direction it’s heading is still twisty and turny and full of Charleyesque humor, Reyes hotness and awesome characters. I also love how Charley is able to multitask even though she totally doesn’t seem like the kind of person who could focus on more than one thing at once. The overall arc of the series deepens, revealing some secrets and uncovering more, so that I’m satisfied and yet also left hungry for more. And that ending?! Holy.Shit. And Oh.My.
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LibraryThing member nicolewbrown
It's been a week since Charley Davidson was in Sleepy Hollow, New York and got her memories back as well as the new knowledge that her husband, Reyes is a god himself created out of one of the truly evil gods of Uzan, two of which are stomping around the earth right now in search of their daughter,
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Elwyn Alexandra, or Beep as she is often referred to, to kill her and prevent her from saving the world from Satan's taking over it. Charley also picked up what is known as a god glass which can trap a god in a hell dimension if you know the true name of the god. She has kept these things from Reyes because she doesn't know if he already knows he is a god or if he doesn't what the knowledge might do to him because the god he was created from was the most evil of the Uzan gods. And she is keeping the god glass a secret in case she has to use it on him if he gets out of control as a last resort. Of course, he's not the only one who is in danger of losing control and doing damage. She isn't in full control of her powers yet.

A Youtube video pops up causing some problems for her throughout the book. It shows her back when she was a Peace Corp volunteer years ago in Africa, performing an exorcism and is pretty graphic in that it shows her body being tossed around like a rag doll with no visible explanations for how this is possible. She sets Amber and Quentin the adorable teen couple to discovering who is behind the video. But if they can't she plans on setting her hacker friend Pari on the job.

Assistant D.A. Parker with whom she has a mutual adversarial relationship with, arrives with a Mr. Adams wanting to hire her to clear the guy the police have charged with the murder of his daughter, Emery Adams, whose bloody car was found by the guy, Lyle Fisk out in the desert. On top of that Emery had been trying to break up with Lyle. But Lyle is the nicest guy in the world according to Parker who knows him and the father doesn't believe that Lyle did it either. Parker intends to throw the case in court if Charley cannot find evidence to clear him. Parker also has something on Charley and it's up to Charley to figure out what so she sets Pari to find out what that is.

Additionally, Charley meets up with a twelve-year-old girl who is very sick and believes that she is going to die due to a curse that the children's home she lives in is under. Nine kids have died over a short period of time, but they have been of different things such as accidents, suicide, and illness. There is indeed something going on at the Home, but what exactly is the question. In the meantime, Charley leaves the girl with Pari since her trusted assistant Cookie is too busy with other things to properly watch over her.

And while Charley is keeping secrets from Reyes, Reyes it seems is keeping some from Charley. She discovers that he is paying child support for a kid in Texas. Does he have another child? Also, he has avoided touching her ever since she got her memories back. What else is he keeping from her and has his feelings for her changed in some way? And what is going on with their daughter that they gave to a couple to raise, that he won't tell her?

This is a powerhouse of a book. Charley is back with her fierce temper, high sex drive, sarcastic mouth, and tender heart. The heat in this book will burn your fingers. And the multiple storylines will keep you hopping. It also sets you up for events to happen in the next book where things are going to get even more interesting. Some readers did not like the ninth book, but this one gets the series right back on track and in kick ass mode. This was a great read.

There were few things in life more irritating than other people’s children.

-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 1)

As intrigued as I should’ve been, intrigue was not as intriguing as one might imagine at six o’clock in the morning.
-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 7)

My love is like a candle. Carry me with you and I’ll light your path. Forget me and I’ll burn your fucking house down.
-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 48)

I’d originally thought the name of the retirement center odd, but driving through the housing units confirmed it. I entered on Morningwood Lane. Turned left at Pussy Willow Drive. Right on Peter Pepper Place. Left on Cockscomb Court. And finally right on Wang Peonies Way. Oh yeah, this community was definitely planned by a horny botanist.
-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 117)



One down. Two to go.

-Status Update

-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 241)

Don’t borrow trouble. Gotcha. So, then, can I rent it?
-Darynda Jones (The Curse of the Tenth Grave p 300)
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LibraryThing member BookJunkie777
Book 10 is as intriguing and entertaining as book 1. Great character, plot, & storyline development. Charlie learns more about her & Reyes past lives and saved the day in several instances, as usual in the Charlie Davidson normal calamity way. Highly recommend!
LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the tenth book in the Charley Davidson series. The eleventh book in this series, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight, released early in 2017. This was an excellent continuation of the Charley Davidson series. So many interesting things happen in this book and all our favorite characters are
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Charley is still recovering from her memory loss in the last book and is also reeling from the news that Reyes is actually one of the evil Gods she is supposed to destroy. This is causing things between Charley and Reyes to become extremely strained.

I loved that this book really gets into the malevolent gods that Charley is supposed to destroy. We learn a lot more about the history of this evil threesome and the role Charley plays in their past. Additionally there is another contained mystery involving a runaway girl and an innocent man that is being blamed for the murder of his girlfriend.

There is always a lot going on in these books but I am always impressed at how nicely all the storylines come together and are wrapped up. I am continually surprised by how much I enjoy each and every book in this series.

Overall this was an amazing addition to the Charley Davidson series. I have been loving this series and it’s quirky characters. I have been enjoying it even more now that the main storyline involving Charley’s divinity is really start to make a lot of progress. I would recommend the whole series to those who enjoy light-hearted urban fantasy.
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
THE DIRT ON NINTH GRAVE felt a little bit like a time out and reset sorta book, THE CURSE OF TENTH GRAVE brought us back to the normal side of Charley's life—if you could ever call it that.

I always look forward to getting my hands on the next Charley Davidson book and after THE DIRT ON NINTH
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GRAVE I was very interested in seeing how Charley would do re-entering her life again. She jumped in full steam ahead and re-entered her life as she always does, with determination and her own personal flair. There is a lot of action, there is a lot of danger and the emotions are up, down and off the wall.

There has been one major thing that has been bothering me for a really long time. The constant misunderstandings between Charley and Reyes causing bigger issues because they just won't open their mouths and talk to each other. I just don't get it. At this point in their relationship, after everything that they have been through, after all that they mean to each other, you would think that they would know better by now. THE CURSE OF TENTH GRAVE definitely wasn't as bad with this as some of the previous installments, but it's still present. They really need to start putting everything out there. I will admit that Cookies resolution to their current misunderstanding was pretty awesome.

So what will happen next with Charley and her gang? Who the heck knows. ELEVENTH GRAVE AT MIDNIGHT won't come out until January 2017 so I will have a while to dream of what I want to happen before I get it into my hands. This is hands down one of my favorite series. Thank you Darynda Jones for continuing to keep me entertained.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member 4chin8
Loved it. That's it in a nutshell.
LibraryThing member MHanover10
I'm so bummed that I have caught up to the author with this series. I'm going to miss these characters riding in the car with me. I want to know what happens next!!!! This addition to the series reveals more about Charlie Davidson and Reyes' other world. Where they come from and what they can truly
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do. Charlie is really coming into her powers. I found this one very fascinating and I didn't want it to end. Since I have been listening to these back-to-back it's like I'm living with these characters. That I'm part of their tribe. This is such an enjoyable series.
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LibraryThing member TheYodamom
Let me warn you before you open the book. This 10th book in the series will pick you up throw you smack dab against the wall, your lust will ignite into black flames, you'll hover in denial-ville, and you'll beg for more. Yes, once again, Ms. Jones, has feed her Charlie Davidson addicts well, 5
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star meal ! I am still starving, and want more.
What a ride. I was left with drool dripping down my chin after those last few chapters finished with me. The book was an edge of the knife ride from the first chapter. Charlie, has learned so much, absorbed too many truthes ? She is filled with doubts, questions and hard choices. Did I say hard choices ? Just when you think she is doing the hard thing, it gets worse. She must do something so hard, so heartbreaking I nearly ripped open the tissue box grabbing for more. I have goosebumps on my arms now just reliving the pages.
The book is very Charlie centered. She had just ascended to something beyond easy acceptance in the last book. She has a lot of finding herself to do. Reyes, Cookie and the gang are there and fantastic as usual. There is the hottest kiss scene, in my humble opinion, happening at the dinner, knock it out of the universe hot. My glasses are still steamed up. There are some HUGE revelations about Reyes. That's all I'm saying about that.
Loved it, LOVED IT !
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LibraryThing member whatsmacksaid
I guess after ten books, you know what you're doing. There were a few instances where secrets were revealed via dialogue that I had to reread, but it wasn't anywhere near as confusing as the big reveal about who Charley is a few books earlier. And that ending was excellent.
LibraryThing member whybehave2002
Charley is trying her best to get her life a little bit under control and understand what the universe is looking for from her. I'm just not sure...after the baby and then the "amnesia" this book feels like it's trying to sew some frayed seams.
LibraryThing member kevn57

Reyes sister is killed by a Uzon God, Charley traps the God sets Kim's spirit free and she becomes a ghostly guardian of Beep, Charley's baby destined to save the world.

Charley finds out that Uncle Bob is slated to be murdered and sent to hell for a murder he committed to save Charley from being
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eaten by a Drug Lord who wants paranormal powers.

Charley saves a friend of Ada Nick Parker from a murder charge, then downloads her memories into the ADA. Charley also eats a demon preying on kids at an orphanage.

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LibraryThing member jwitt33
Well, Charley Davidson is back and boy has her life gotten complicated! Besides being the grim reaper, a god, a wife and a mother, she's still a very talented PI who has a very high solve rate due to her special abilities. I mean, when you can talk to ghosts, you kind of have an inside track on the
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goings on of the spirit world. That being said, the other supernatural stuff she is dealing with has massive life and death consequences, and Charley will need to lean on her support system now more than ever because some big things are going down, and she is going to need to be ready for anything. Cookie and Ubie, Osh and Garrett are as dependable as ever, but Reyes has been distant ever since they came back from New York. It turns out both Charley and Reyes are keeping some pretty big secrets, and the question is whether they will be able to come together in time to prevent world shattering disaster from happening.

As usual, Charley's humor and snarkiness make this book a very enjoyable and quick read. The characters never grow stale, and the pacing is getting quicker and quicker as questions are answered and new problems are revealed. I love this series so much and can't wait to read the next installment!

Highly recommend - 5 very enthusiastic stars.
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Original publication date


Local notes

Charley has to capture three malevolent gods, while saving a homeless girl running for her life, an innocent man who’s been charged with murder, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar.

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