Evernight, Book 2: Stargazer

by Claudia Gray

Hardcover, 2009



Call number



Harper Teen (2009), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 336 pages


Teenage vampire Bianca finds herself the target when evil wraiths attack her boarding school, Evernight Academy.

User reviews

LibraryThing member JRlibrary
This is the second book in the Evernight series. Spoiler included so don't read if you don't want to know what happens.
When book one ended, Lucas and Bianca were separated. He is a member of the Black Cross, a dedicated group of vampire hunters, and she is the daughter of two vampires, although she
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is not a full vampire herself yet. When book two begins, Bianca and Lucas have arranged to meet through a letter delivered by Vic, Lucas' Evernight roommate. While she is waiting for Lucas, she befriends a young vampire named Charity who turns out to be Balthazar's sister. Bianca manages to prevent her from being killed and Lucas spares her life. When Bianca returns to Evernight, Balthazar catches her in the act of sneaking back onto the grounds. He knows she has been with Lucas and is determined to turn her in, but relents when Bianca tells him about the young vampire, and he figures out that it is his sister. Temporarily, they have a truce. Meanwhile, something strange happens at Evernight. There are several instances when Bianca witnesses frost invading the room she is in and ice forming everywhere. She sees people who seem to be made from the ice, and they try to talk to her. Eventually she discovers something quite distressing to her. She is not completely the daughters of two vampires. They needed help conceiving her, and she is actually the produce of vampire and wraith, which is like a ghost. The wraiths want her back, because they feel like she belongs to them, so they keep trying to kill her so she can be with them. Charity appears at Evernight and demands sanctuary, but has planted a lie within the Black Cross organization. They come to destroy Evernight by burning it, because, thanks to Charity's lies, they mistakenly believe that, at midnight, all the Evernight vampires are going to attack the human residents. Evernight burns, there is chaos while people fight or flee, and when book two ends, Bianca and Rachel are with the Black Cross organization and Bianca and Rachel agree to side with the Black Cross and help them in their vampire hunt. I didn't enjoy this quite as much as Evernight, but it was still good.
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LibraryThing member xXlovelyxladyXx
Wow. What to say about this book....well first off, it most definitely lived up to its reputation and was far better than the first. And of course, the love triangle between Lucas, Bianca, and Balthazar was also a great touch. But along with this book's great point's there were also some....not so
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great points I happened to notice.

Let's start off with the good points: what an AMAZING COVER! Three words to sum it up? Gorgeous, beautiful, and stunning. And the plot? Also incredibly creative. It was fresh, it was new, and there were surprises at every turn, just when you thought you understood what was going on. And I do love Bianca and Lucas. They're a very cute YA couple and because I haven't had the chance to read this series in such a long time, I forgot that. And the characters? They felt so real to me, each and every one.

Now for the bad points: although the book was written fantastically, I found the beginning to be rather dull and hard to get through. I suppose all books can go through these sort of phases but for some reason, this book's start off wasn't as eye-opening as I had hoped. The plot - although extremely creative and very nail-biting - was slightly predictable for the first half of the book. I called it before it came and as fun as that is to do, it isn't fun to do that constantly.

All in all, I truly did love this breathtaking sequel by Claudia Grey and I can hardly wait to read the third installment of the series: Hourglass.

Rating: 5 out 5 Stars
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Bianca will do anything to keep in touch with Lucas who is no longer at school so she enlists the help of her friends at Evernight Academy to keep their relationship going. Bianca is also trying to discover why human kids are now admitted to Evernight. As the school year progresses, wraiths
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(ghosts) start making appearances at the school and it is soon obvious that Bianca is the their target.

This is a great series. I found this book hard to put down. I like the characterizations and the complicated relationships that keep emerging. I can not wait for the next in the series.
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LibraryThing member dasuzuki
If you read my review of Evernight you know I wasn't a huge fan thinking it was just an ok book. Stargazer was 10 times better! I loved all that was going on in this book and cannot wait for the next one which unfortunately isn't even in the Amazon catalog yet so not sure when it comes out. I loved
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the tension between Lucas, Bianca and Balthazar and I really found myself torn over what I wanted to happen. The chemistry between Bianca and Lucas is so hot you know they belong together and yet I love Balthazar and want him to find happiness. For all you Balthazar lovers you definitely get to find out more about his past and that he isn't always the happy go lucky guy. Of course I was happy to see Vic back as well and hope to see more of him in the next book.

The secret Bianca finds out her parents have been keeping from her is quite the whammy and leads to a bucket full of new questions. Bianca's naiveness leads to some problems but it was nice to finally see her take a stand and demand some answers from her parents. The ending of this book was action packed and leaves you clamoring for more. Oh the agony of having to wait for the next book.
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LibraryThing member kperry
Bianca is determined to make it through the year even though without Lucas it is going to be hard. She has made it her mission to find out why Evernight is accepting human students so Lucas can tell his superiors and his mission will be complete. Evernight is completely safe and she wants the Black
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Cross, a group of vampire hunters, to back off and drop their investigation.Bianca’s vampire instincts are getting closer to the surface. She needs more and more blood to stay satisfied and her parents say it is only a matter of time before she takes the final step and kills for the first time to become a true vampire. The trouble is, Bianca doesn’t know if that is what she wants. Things aren’t as they seem in Bianca’s life. Secrets are being kept from her at the same time she is keeping secrets from others. In order to maintain any kind of relationship with Lucas, she must rely on Balthazar for help to get on and off campus. On one of their outings, Bianca is approached by a troubled female vampire who is being hunted by the Black Cross. It turns out she is Balthazar’s sister and once he learns she is out there, he is desperate to find her and bring her back to Evernight for safety. Charity, Balthazar’s sister, isn’t cooperative though and causes trouble for everyone.Add in some major ghostly hauntings and you have a sequel that rivals its predecessor. STARGAZER is just as engaging as EVERNIGHT. My emotions went right along with Bianca’s. You’ll feel her need for love and blood just as she does. STARGAZER doesn’t disappoint and it looks like it is only going to get better in the books that follow.
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LibraryThing member AnneWeaver
Another vampire school story, main character is female and somewhat weak - why is the Buffy stereotype so neglected? However, the story builds at the end, and shows promise - ie hook has been successfully baited and I will be eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. This will appeal to Twlight
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lovers, though not as compelling.
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LibraryThing member Miranda_Paige
This book is the second in a series. The first being Evernight. I must say that I liked Evernight much better. For some reason I couldn't really get into this one as much. It went a bit more slowly for me. It focused on too many different characters. All the bigger characters had some separate
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plot-line and it got a bit confusing. It forces the reader to work to keep track of it all and keeps them from getting into the story.

I feel that this second part to the story is unnecessary. Evernight was perfect by itself. I give this book 2 and a half stars.
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LibraryThing member monsterofbooks
What can I say, I loved Evernight but I loved Stargazer more. Claudia Gray's Evernight series gets better by every new book in the series. Currently their is only 2. Stargazer picks up on Bianca's and Lucas's forbidden love and how they keep their relationship going. Of Course new characters come
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in play, and Balthazar helps Bianca stays with Lucas. The story was fast pace and kept me and probably other readers guessing what is happening. I like how Claudia Gray didn't just make this a "vampire" book, she also added other supernatural things which made the story a whole lot intereting. The only bad thing that I didn't like was the ending because it ended in a way that will want readers reading more. So why is that bad? Because the next book doesn't come out till March 2010 !! That's a long time away and I want to read more *cries*. Well all I can say is that I love, love this series so go check it out XD!!
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LibraryThing member seekingflight
The sequel to Gray's Evernight. I found this lacked some of the originality and readability of its predecessor, although some elements were interesting enough that I will still be hunting down the next book in the series when it's released.
LibraryThing member TheBookCellar
Stargazer lived up to all my expectations I had for it! It was a phenomonal continuation of Bianca's story that carried on Evernight's initial plot, with relationships between characters becoming much more complex. The characters become so much more defined, and really just jump off the page at
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I loved how in class, the things they discussed with Ms. Bethany totallly was symbolism for what happened with different characters in the book. In parts of Stargazer, Bianca got on my nerves. Some of her plans were so obviously going to go wrong, yet she agreed to go on with them.

I never was quite sure where Stargazer was going to go next, and found myself pondering past events as I read forward. The end was definately something you wouldn't expect, which made it all the better.

I was depressed when I got to the end, as I now have to wait until next spring for Hourglass, and hear more of Bianca's story.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the second book in the Evernight series. There are supposed to be four books in the series. This book was much like the first book for me. If you liked the first book you will like this one. It is beautifully written, the first part is kind of boring and nothing happens, and then the last
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few chapters are so packed with action it's amazing.

Bianca is returning to school after a grueling summer separated from Lucas. Upon returning to school she finds out that she is being haunted by wraiths. Much of the story deals with Bianca trying to get away from campus to secretly meet with Lucas. Balthazar is also in the story a lot.

The pacing of this book matched the first book. It is pretty darn boring for the first two thirds. A lot of teenage angsting going on as Bianca feels sorry for herself because she can't be with Lucas. The wraith hauntings happen at wide intervals and are the only interesting thing in the beginning of the book. The end of the book however is packed with so many revelations and action scenes that it leaves you dizzy.

This whole series has been much more well-written than the House of the Night series by PC and Kirsten Cast. Unfortunately the pacing is such that I find these books to be pretty dull. I don't really think Bianca is the most inspriing character either.

The end of the book is fantastic and almost makes up for the slow beginning. The end was enough to make me want to know what happens in the next book. This book was definitely a transition novel that builds to the next book. This book is definitely not a stand alone; you need to read Evernight first. Also this book doesn't resolve much at all; so for any resolution you'll have to hang around for the next book "Hourglass".
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LibraryThing member flemmily
I liked this book but am beginning to feel a tinge of annoyance at this series.I liked the star-crossed lovers aspect between Bianca and Lucas, but I liked Lucas less and less throughout the story. Maybe its because his aura of mystery is wearing off. I found myself rooting for Balthasar. I love
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the details when the vampires learn about modern culture and I hope there is some way to continue that in the next book. I was less engaged with Bianca's character in this book, I wanted more development and more details about her half vampire status.
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LibraryThing member YAaddict
Going into Stargazer, I was expecting it to be like alot of "in between" books in series. Kind of just a book that's a preface for the next book. And in the beginning it seemed like it would be. But as soon as I got into the good stuff, I found myself liking Stargazer better than the first one!

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There is another supernatural element added into the plot that adds to the excitement. There is also a new character that adds alot of drama. We also find out a little more about what's going on with Mrs. Bethany. That's all I want to say on the plot, because I don't want to spoil the surprise.

We have some great character development in this book that just makes you love the characters more. Even though Lucas and Bianca were separated alot in this book, There are some great moments with them together that make up for it. They really grow as a couple. Bianca is still just as easy to love and root for as ever.

I loved seeing more Balthazar in this one. The love triangle was turned up a few notches. After reading Stargazer, I have decided I want Balthazar as mine. Bianca can have Lucas, but I want Balthazar and all his yummyness. I just love how even though he is so much older than Bianca in real years, he always treats her as an equal (take some pointers Edward). Okay, moving on because I could talk about Balthazar all day.

Bianca and Raquel's relationship as friends grows stronger. We get to see them both being there for each other during tough times. It was nice to see Bianca with a set girl friend. Vic was just as goofy and himself as before, but you can also see his intelligence behind the goofiness. There is something about Ranulf, with him being one of the oldest vampires and being so out of touch with the modern world, that makes me just love him and want to give him a hug. He had me laughing at some of the things he said.

I still love that aspect of the story. How vampires lose touch of the modern world in time. It just makes sense, but I have never seen that in a vampire story before. Scenes like the vampires trying to drive a car or Balthazer learning dance revolution are awesome.

My only dissappointment was the absence of Patrice, Bianca's roommate from the year before. She really grew on me in the last book. But there are so many fantastic characters that it didn't really bother me.

The ending is action packed and ended at a scene that made me so happy I had the next book in the series at hand. I had to know the outcome of Bianca's new scenario. Stargazer was an excellent new installment to the series that I just coudn't put down. This is definitely a series not to be missed.
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LibraryThing member rivkat
Sequel to Evernight, Bianca continues her dangerous relationship with vampire-hunter Lucas while struggling against her own desires, not to mention the attentions of fellow student/vampire Balthazar. The reappearance of Balthazar’s long-lost sister and the attentions of ghosts who seem to have a
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particular interest in Bianca complicate matters further. Bianca remains engaging, even if as is often the case the bad boy Balthazar’s attractions are more obvious than the good guy Lucas’s; exacerbated because for very good plot reasons Lucas is absent and Balthazar is not for much of the book.
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LibraryThing member lost.in.stories
Intrigue, action and suspense abound in the second book of the Evernight teen vampire series, a definite must read for all Evernight fans.

Stargazer had been sitting on my shelf for a couple of months before I picked it up, I don’t know why I took so long to read it because I loved Evernight.
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Well I have now finished Stargazer and whilst not being my favourite of the series (I liked Evernight better) Stargazer is still an enjoyable read with many plot twists and turns.

It’s a new school year at Evernight and Bianca is still separated from the love of her life, Lucas. Bianca will do anything to be with Lucas even if that means lying to the people she loves. However, whilst she might be hiding secrets, others in her life also have secrets of their own that have dire implications for Bianca. I just have to say I did find the plot to be slow going at the start of the novel but don’t let that put you off because things start to pick up. I also have to give props to Claudia Gray for the plot, there were so many revelations I did not see coming at all which is very refreshing, I love to be surprised!

Many of the main and supporting characters from Evernight are back including Raquel, Balthazar and Lucas. I loved the relationship between Lucas and Bianca in the first book so I was a bit worried Lucas wasn’t going to feature too much in stargazer (with Lucas leaving Evernight) but fear not Lucas fans he is in the book and is just as brooding and caring towards Bianca as ever, that boy would do anything for Bianca, it’s so sweet! We also get to find out a bit more of Balthazar, whose relationship with Bianca really develops in Stargazer especially because they both need each other for something (sorry I don’t want to give it away). The relationship between Raquel and Bianca also developed more in Stargazer, I really felt for poor Raquel in Stargazer so it was nice to see her shut down her defenses and open up to Bianca.

Bianca discovers a few revelations that she has to deal with whilst also trying to handle her ever increasing vampire tendencies, especially her ever increasing need for blood. Her belief of the good in all vampires is also tested when she witnesses the death of a vampire at the hands of another vampire and her parents reveal some shocking information about her birth.

Apart from the romance aspect of the book we are also given more insight into the mysteries surrounding Evernight Academy, why exactly did Mrs.Bethany let in human students? We are also introduced to a new supernatural element, ghosts (or wraiths), which have their eyes on Bianca. What do they want with Bianca you say, well I don’t want to spoil the surprise but I wasn’t expecting it at all, so you know its’ good. A new vampire is also introduced who is not what she seems, I’m just going to say looks can be deceiving.

Towards the end of the book the action really picked up, I couldn’t stop reading and then all of a sudden I was at the end of the book, good thing I had a copy of Hourglass!
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LibraryThing member missnickynack
Evernight Academy: an exclusive boarding school for the most beautiful, dangerous students of all-vampires. Bianca, born to two vampires, has always been told her destiny is to become one of them.
But Bianca fell in love with Lucas-a vampire hunter sworn to destroy her kind. They were torn apart
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when his true identity was revealed, forcing him to flee the shool. Although they may be separated, Bianca and Lucas will not give each other up. She will risk anyhting for the chance to see him agian, even if it means coming face-to-face with the vampire hunters of Black Cross-ordecieving the powerful vampires of Evernight. Bianca's secrets will force her to live a life of lies. Yet Bianca isn't the only one keeping secrets. When Evernight is attacked by an evil force taht seems to target her, she discovers the truth she thought she knew is only the beginning.
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LibraryThing member drebbles
Lucas may be gone from Evernight Academy but neither he nor Bianca have forgotten about each other and try to meet each other as often as possible. Their love is a dangerous one – Bianca is the child of vampires and destined to be a vampire herself, while Lucas is a vampire hunter. As if that
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obstacle wasn’t enough, Bianca has other problems – wraiths have invaded Evernight and seem to be after her. As Bianca tries to solve the mystery of the wraiths and other mysteries like who is the vampire girl who keeps showing up and why Evernight is allowing human students, she starts to uncover buried secrets – secrets that may forever keep her from the people she loves the most.

“Stargazer” is the very nicely done sequel to Claudia Gray’s young adult novel “Evernight”. While vampire books are very common these days, Gray has made “Stargazer” an interesting and unique read. In many ways Bianca is a typical teenager – in love with the wrong person, making the wrong choices at times, trying to fit into school, a loyal friend, rebellious at times against her parents – who just happens to be a vampire. Her struggles with her destiny are well done, as is her indecision at times about her feelings about Lucas. Gray does a great job of creating the Lucas-Bianca-Balthazar triangle that will have readers debating who Bianca should pick. (I’m leaning towards Balthazar myself as Lucas seems to be a bit whiny and demanding in this book.) Evernight continues to be a creepy school, made even creepier with the addition of the wraiths. Just as in “Evernight” there are a few twists and turns that the reader won’t see coming. There is plenty of action in the book, especially towards the end of the book. “Stargazer” ends on quite a cliffhanger that will have readers eagerly waiting for the next book in the series.

“Stargazer” is a very good book in an excellent paranormal series for young adults.
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LibraryThing member ReaderigirlReviews
In her thrilling sequel to the award winning novel, Evernight, Claudia Gray weaves an exciting tale of love, and intrigue, in a way that no one else can. Stargazer was impossible to put down, and I enjoyed every minute of it, except for when it ended of course!
I give it 5 out of 5 stars for
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wonderful writing and scenes with both Balthazar and Lucas (my new heart throbs) that took my breath away. She’s definitely one to watch in the YA or Young Adult Genre, and I for one will read any book put out by this brilliant story-teller.
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LibraryThing member sammii507
I really, really enjoyed this book. I started it as something to read before bed, couldn't put it down, and finished it in one night. It's a well written book with an interesting story, and the female lead is far less annoying than she is in some other popular vampire books (not naming names of
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course...Bella...Elena...). I also like the unique vampire mythology, that borrows a lot from the traditional Dracula/Anne Rice sort of vampire while at the same time adding its own very original twists.

That said, Bianca was starting to annoy me a little. The more and more she went on and on about how awesome Lucas was, the more annoyed I became that she didn't notice how wonderful Balthazar was. I liked the Romeo and Juliet analogy - because the whole book is, in a sense, Romeo and Juliet with vampires (and a love triangle) - but mostly because Bianca and Lucas are like Romeo and Juliet - they don't know each other well enough through a few passionate meetings to really be anything other than infatuated with each other. Of course they're teenagers, so what can one expect, right?

And yes, yes, I know Balthazar said he was just using her because she reminded him of someone else that he won't tell her about. But I don't believe that, even if he does say it. His feelings with her, his relationship with her, was more real than anything I saw between Bianca and Lucas, and it annoyed me that she was ready to throw away what seemed to be her chance at real happiness in order to throw herself at a guy she barely knows and who had been a great big jerk far more than once. I don't know, maybe it's just my sympathy for the underdog, but I really think Bianca is making a REALLY BAD decision here. Of course, she's acting exactly like an impulsive teenager, so I guess it's perfectly realistic in that sense.
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LibraryThing member sgcastellini
A lot better than the first one! I bet they get better each time:)
LibraryThing member cattytonks1503
stargazer is a good book .. i found my self not wanting it put it down and waiting to read it form cover to cover . i found my self hopping that Balthazar and Bianca would get closer to a real relationship but Im not against Lucas and Bianca. i found its more a romeo and Juliet romance between them
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yes they fit together but at times i think that Balthazar might be better for her . over all i liked the book and i would read it again .
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LibraryThing member christiesbookreviews
Again I enjoyed this book :) I got to read the advanced reader that she sent to my work after meeting her! This is a fun series! Great for teen vampire readers and those who liked twilight! It's different which is nice! Great job Claudia gray!
LibraryThing member DamarisGCR
I thought this book was better than book 1 and book 1 was also a 5 star for me. I can not wait for Hourglass the third book in Claudia Gray's Evernight series.
LibraryThing member mephistia
I heart this book. I heart this author, actually. I suspect this is just a trilogy, but I really hope not -- I think Claudia Gray is right up there with Kristen Britain as far as 'Awesome Author's Whose Books Must Be Read At All Costs.'

To qualify: I don't like vampire lit. I don't know if I've
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ever mentioned that before (maybe a hundred times or two) but I really do not like vampire lit. It didn't matter if it was Anne Rice, Stephen King, Charlaine Harris or Stephanie Meyers, up until this year you couldn't convince me there was vampire lit I could stomach. Although I do like Harris' werewolves.

It wasn't like I was unreasonably biased, either -- I'd give the stuff a try, I'd read it. I just would finish it and feel like I'd wasted my time. At least, with Rice, King's and Harris' I felt that way. With Meyers, I felt as though I'd actually done damage to my brain by reading that sh*t.

Something about the whole immortal/mortal love dynamic that's always written in. I hate it. I also really dislike how it's almost always handled from the human p.o.v., and when it's handled from the vampires, it's all about how s/he's a tortured unhappy soul of the centuries.

Anyway, Claudia Gray is the one author of vampire lit I can handle. I don't know what it is. Maybe

*series spoiler* *series spoiler* *series spoiler*

It's that she doesn't let you know the main character is a vampire until halfway through the first book. I mean, the hints and signs are there, but you don't really catch on until a third to half-way through. So you're all bonding with this regular teenage girl, and then *bam* you find she's a vampire.

*back to our regular review*

Or maybe it's Gray's unique take on the whole supernatural thing (explained in book 2) -- I really liked it. I felt it was somewhat limiting as far as supernatural creatures go, but hey, it's her universe and her take, and it's an incredibly creative and poetic explanation. I loved it.

Maybe it's just that she's that great of a writer -- which if anyone else agrees with me, Gray should be very happy, because I've just rated her above Stephen King, Anne Rice, Stephanie Meyer and Charlaine Harris.

I just know that I like her writing enough that when I saw Stargazer on the shelf at Barnes and Noble, a squeal of delight fell from my lips, I grabbed it off the shelf, and I did a little dance right there in the aisle. It's a must-have.
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LibraryThing member Anniik
I really, really enjoyed this book. I started it as something to read before bed, couldn't put it down, and finished it in one night. It's a well written book with an interesting story, and the female lead is far less annoying than she is in some other popular vampire books (not naming names of
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course...Bella...Elena...). I also like the unique vampire mythology, that borrows a lot from the traditional Dracula/Anne Rice sort of vampire while at the same time adding its own very original twists.

That said, Bianca was starting to annoy me a little. The more and more she went on and on about how awesome Lucas was, the more annoyed I became that she didn't notice how wonderful Balthazar was. I liked the Romeo and Juliet analogy - because the whole book is, in a sense, Romeo and Juliet with vampires (and a love triangle) - but mostly because Bianca and Lucas are like Romeo and Juliet - they don't know each other well enough through a few passionate meetings to really be anything other than infatuated with each other. Of course they're teenagers, so what can one expect, right?

And yes, yes, I know Balthazar said he was just using her because she reminded him of someone else that he won't tell her about. But I don't believe that, even if he does say it. His feelings with her, his relationship with her, was more real than anything I saw between Bianca and Lucas, and it annoyed me that she was ready to throw away what seemed to be her chance at real happiness in order to throw herself at a guy she barely knows and who had been a great big jerk far more than once. I don't know, maybe it's just my sympathy for the underdog, but I really think Bianca is making a REALLY BAD decision here. Of course, she's acting exactly like an impulsive teenager, so I guess it's perfectly realistic in that sense.
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Original publication date


Physical description

336 p.; 8.46 inches


0061284408 / 9780061284403

Local notes

Although they may be separated, Bianca and Lucas will not give each other up. She will risk anything for the chance to see him again, even if it means coming face-to-face with the vampire hunters of Black Cross - or deceiving the powerful vampires of Evernight. Yet Bianca isn't the only one keeping secrets. When Evernight is attacked by an evil force that seems to target her, she discovers the truth she thought she knew is only the beginning.

Medium-paced fantasy. Mainly read it because it was a sequel.

Aus trade pb edition.

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