Immortals, Book 2: Blue Moon

by Alyson Noël

Ebook, 2010



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St. Martin's Griffin (2010), Edition: 1, Kindle Edition, 304 pages


Eager to learn everything she can about her new abilities as an Immortal, Ever turns to her beloved Damen to show her the way, but just as her powers are increasing, his are in decline, and as she searches for a way to save him, she finds herself with a wrenching choice to make.

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LibraryThing member ethel55
Opening just a bit after Evermore, Damen is working with Ever to help harness her new-found abilities, create blocks so she doesn't have to wear hoodies and ipods all the time and insists they stay in school, so as not to draw attention to themselves. A new student named Roman enters the scene and
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disrupts the normal flow of high school life. Ever's friends, the normally fringe people like Haven and Miles are sitting with the popular crowd. Damen begins acting strangely and Ever seems to be the only one not under Roman's charismatic spell. It's up to her to try to save Damen, even if it means changing her life. The last third of this book really rocked, Noel hit her stride with Summerland visits, potions and secondary characters. Similarites to Twilight and Gemma Doyle continue, but Noel manages to nudge her characters toward what I hope will be an awesome third book.
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LibraryThing member kbpup903
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't read Evermore by Alyson Noel do not read any further!!!

Ever's life has changed so much since Damen entered it. She now knows that it wasn't her fault that her family was killed and she can live her life so much better now. Now she has her two friends and the perfect
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boyfriend. What more could she want?

Well she might want the new kid, Roman, to stop trying to ruin it. Everyone seems to love Roman but Ever knows there is just something not right about him. Why can't anyone else see it, especially Damen?

When Damen disappears one night Ever knows something is terribly wrong. She spends the whole weekend scouring the city for him and he just shows up back at school on Monday like nothing happened. Oh and he has no recollection of their relationship.

What has Roman done to all the people that Ever holds dear? Can she find the cure in Summerland or will she be drawn to something else, something that can take her back to before her family was killed, to before she even knew Damen existed? Which will end up meaning more to Ever, her family or her one true love?

Evermore was a great book but it didn't leave me breathless like Blue Moon did. This book had me on the edge of my seat wondering what Ever would choose to do. It was just such an amazing follow-up novel and the ending just left me wanting more.

Alyson Noel has created an awesome new series that definitely deserves all the hype it is getting. I saw the first book on tons of blogs but I was skeptical about it at first. It seemed like another Twilight knockoff all about forbidden romance and new kids in town. I just wasn't sure I wanted more of that. I was so wrong. Evermore and Blue Moon are so much better than that but I do think fans of Twilight will love Damen and Ever.

The plot of this book was definitely different than anything I had expected but it was a pageturner. I just couldn't stand not knowing what was going to happen to Damen and Ever in the end. Roman was my least favorite character but that was to be expected, he's the bad guy. Also, he is just kind of creepy.

Another thing I really liked about Blue Moon was the development of Ever. She seems to be changing the way she looks at life and the people around her. She develops deeper friendships with Miles and Haven and her relationship with Damen grows into something great. Also, she seems to be giving her aunt a little more slack and opening up to her more.

Overall, Blue Moon was just great. The Immortals series is one of my new favorites and I can't wait for more. The end left me speechless and wanting 2010 to be here just so I know how Damen and Ever can work around the next obstacle in their relationship.
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LibraryThing member carolina221
Blue Moon is more interesting than Evermore cause Ever find out more about being immortal. then Damen starts acting wierd and mean to Ever see What happens with Ever anD Damen. Will Damen and Ever stay together or not?
LibraryThing member justablondemoment
I wasn't impressed with the 1st one and still wasn't hooked by the 2nd. Enough of a 'what's gonna happen next ' to keep me going but not enough to be on the edge of my seat and biting nails in anticipation. The last half of the 2nd book does get alot better but I was really bored in the 1st half.
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If this wasn't a young adult read, therefore a little bit more uncomplex, I probaly would stop with this installement. But it is and that for me makes it a very fast read so I'll continue....this book ,and series, is just a ..blah.. book that's nothing more than just okay.
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LibraryThing member Sukisue7
I loved Evermore, and for me, this didn't live up to the promise of the first book. This was a very quick read, shorter than the first book and I felt that it had maybe been written in a bit of a rush. I didn't get any great insight into the characters as I had done in the first book as they
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weren't expanded on like before, and while I loved Ever and Damen's connection in Evermore, here it didn't really work for me. Ever seemed to me like a pretty strong individual in the first book, while here she can't seem to function correctly for five minutes without her soulmate. I will still read Shadowland, and hope I enjoy it more than this second installment.

I liked the introduction of Romy and Rayne, and hope we get to see more of them. I have a feeling we will!
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LibraryThing member ncalhoun
It will make you laugh and cry. Sequel to Evermore.
LibraryThing member feistylibrary
The continuing story of Ever and Damon and their centuries old love story. This book was a pleasant departure from the first book. When Damon and Ever develop complications in their relationship partway through the book, it is actually heart-wrenching. This book was by far and away better than its
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predecessor. I can only hope the other books in the series improve the original story line.
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LibraryThing member monsterofbooks
Woah I didn't realize that The Immortal Series has the same publisher as Evernight. Interesting!!! Ok now back to what should of been a good opener. This was a SUPERBER sequel. Oh My God!!! It was just as good as the first, maybe even better. I wasn't bored with it that for sure. By the way, I know
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this review is like two month late. I bought This book in July and read haft of it on the way back from Japan but never finished it and then all of August I was busy so I recently just finished it. I'm sorry. But OMG, it was amazing. I can't wait for Shadowland. What Can I say, it was fast pasted, well written and had a good plot. I loved her new character Roman. I also loved the dialog. Ever is a very believable character and that something that most people, I would think, would like. I mean Ever is probably a character we can all relate to in some way. I don't have any complaints really about this book. The only thing that made me make this a four stars instead of a "Maura's Choice" is because the book can be a bit confusing at times. I mean Ever will be in Summerland one minute and then she'll be back in the real world again and your like: "How in the hell did she just get back!!" and that makes the book a bit confusing at times. But other then that I must say this was probably, in my opinion one of the best sequels I've read of all time. I defiently recommend people who have read the first book and haven't read the second one to read it. And for those who haven't read this series then I most defiently recommend you to read this series. Well Thats Alll I can say for now .Check back for my next review XD
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LibraryThing member missnickynack
Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. as Ever's powers increase, Damen's begins to fade after he is sriken by a mysterious illness that threatens his
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memory, his identity, his life.
Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, where she uncovers not only the secrets Of Damen's past- brutal, tortures history he hoped to keep hidden but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching bluemoon heraldin her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker by the day.....
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LibraryThing member ownlittleworld
(Forewarning: this review may come off more negative than I intended. But believe me, I did actually enjoy it, haha)

I've spent the past few days trying to write a review for Blue Moon. And every time my hands hit the keyboard I find myself critiquing the things I didn't like, versus praising the
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things that I did. Basically, the issues I have with Blue Moon are fairly similar to the ones I had with Evermore.

The aspects that I most enjoy about this series is the whole mythology of it - immortal powers, living forever, Summerland, etc. It's really quite fresh and intriguing. But I am having a difficult time becoming emotionally invested in the characters. Book 2 basically leaves Ever to her own devices, which was a nice change of pace. We got to see her move and act on impulse and that gave her a whole new sense of independence. But what it didn't give her was maturity. Ever still manages to make hasty and boneheaded decisions that ultimately hurt her and the people she loves. I'm trying to rationalize that behavior with her age and naivety, but my brain won't allow it. And in result, it gives the story the feel of going in circles. It felt like too many steps toward progress, only to be forced to go back to square one. Again.

The ending wasn't quite what I expected (was I the only one reminded of the show Dark Angel?) and it left me shaking my head in disbelief. It was one heck of a cliffhanger I will admit, but it didn't quite provoke a response in me for such a crazy situation. (Maybe it was the writing, maybe it was the late hour...who knows.)

HOWEVER, nitpicking aside, as a whole I was much more engrossed with the sequel than its predecessor. I figured out the ruse early on but it did little to take away from the suspense and uncertainty I felt while reading. I was much more interested in the outcome.

I enjoyed the glimpse into Damen's past as well as the little pieces of Ever's previous lives. I was also excited to get a better in-depth look into Summerland. That is one of my curiosities that wasn't quite satisfied from the first book. (And I'm loving the idea of it more and more)

The addition of Rayne and Romy was another interesting aspect. At the beginning I had no idea what their purpose was, apart from being a bit creepy, but I enjoyed their presence in the book. I wouldn't mind delving more into their characters and storyline.

Overall consensus: I enjoyed Blue Moon, but I felt it lacked a finale to seal the deal. Although I'm fairly certain that that won't keep me from reading the next installment, Shadowlands. Because I am curious to see what happens next.
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LibraryThing member 8F_SAM
This book was an OK book. I had higher expectations for this book because the first one, Evermore, was sooo awesome! This book wasn't that good. The author didn't explain everything clearly, and even though the concept is really cool, Damen getting sick, and Ever wanting to save him, Alyson Noel
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didn't portray it in ia very good way. I didn't quite like the ending very much either, cause it was perdictable, it wasn't that creative, and I think that the author didn't give much thought into it!
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LibraryThing member avanders
This was a little melodramatic and teenagey-angsty for me, but it was still good... especially once you got beyond the "I-can't-do-anything-productive-because-I-love-you-too-much" phase of the book. A lot of the book was predictable---certainly, nothing was particularly shocking---but, all in all,
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an enjoyable read for a Sunday afternoon. I would appreciate a little more depth in the characters, especially as the series continues, but I would still recommend the book to any teenager interested in immortals and fated love stores.
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LibraryThing member vanedow
My entire reaction to this book is colored by my reaction to the ending, so beware. I'll try to be as objective as I can.

Blue Moon takes the intensity of Evermore and kicks it up a few notches. It was almost painful to read this book and not know what was happening next. I was wondering how Noel
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would manage to keep the readability of the story high, since so much of Evermore was centered on the Ever-Damen relationship. The first third or so of Blue Moon has quite a bit of Damen, but after that he's more of a minor character, though he's obviously important as a motivation for Ever. The story definitely still managed to keep me involved. Which is like saying being hit by a tsunami made it difficult for me to keep my footing.

So there I was, all involved by the story, completely wrapped up in it, when WHAM! The last couple of chapters hit me like a ton of bricks. All of a sudden, I'm not sure I can like Ever at all anymore. And I don't think I'll be reading the third book, Shadowland, unless I significantly calm down before it is released in January. I don't like the way the plot was twisted, but it might just be me. I was discussing this with austenfan over at her blog and she reacted very differently. I linked her review below to help you out.

My other issue with Blue Moon was the (to me) overwhelming preoccupation with whether Damen and Ever were going to manage to "get it on." I was almost relieved when Damen left the scene.

So, first read Evermore. If you like it, try Blue Moon. In terms of drawing an emotional reaction from the reader? Full points! I may have literally thrown the book against the wall (who, me?). So you know there's definitely something there worth checking out.
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LibraryThing member Tynga
Ever really thinks she's got her happy ending of "living happily ever after" but it's not quite the case. Roman, a mysterious new guy at school is about to jeopardize all of her plans. Damen grows weak and sick and she can't quite figure out how to help him and is willing to do about anything to
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save him, but the journey promises to not be that easy.

Blue Moon was totally amazing, even better then Evermore (which I really liked). I was so taken by Ever's emotion I was blinking back tears at more then one moment. I was so into the moment it was hard to bare to suspense and Ever's grief. The storyline is so well built it's insane, you really don't see the ending coming. I was completely shocked!Very well done Alyson the book is great and I can't wait to read shadowland!
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LibraryThing member BookWhisperer
Blue Moon is the second novel to Alyson Noel's Immortal Series. Ever is learning that life is a lot easier when you can read minds, manifest anything, and experience increased strength and speed at will. All this is easily attainable when you have had the same true love for the past 400 years; that
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just recently made you immortal. No longer fearing the jealous and slight crazy ex wife Drina; Ever is beginning to appreciate all that see has in her present life. Although, this all soon changes when Damen as well as the rest of the school starting acting strangely. Ever finds herself very alone, and making the right choice may mean life or death. With these odd we she be able to make the right choice.

Blue Moon was far from diappointing, although, as a readers I still feel distance from the author to the characters. I feel as though I am the fly on the wall, not watching the story unfold through the characters eyes. Otherwise, the story line is excellent , providing a very entertaining read. I will definetly be waiting to read the third book Shadowland that is expected in Feburary 2010.
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LibraryThing member bronnum
It is not as good as the first book. It moves slowly and left me flat. The concept of immortals presented in the first book was intriguing and I had hoped that the second installment would build more on that theme, providing more details that would draw me into that world, instead a little over
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half way through, I just stopped caring about the characters and struggled to make it to the end.
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LibraryThing member ekelly27
Not necessarily "good" in the sense of substance, but definitely entertaining and addictive. I'm a slow reader but I finished it in two days. It's the second book of the immortals trilogy.
LibraryThing member ylin.0621
** spoiler alert ** There was something grating about Blue Moon that left me wanting to shove it back into the depths of my bookcase—out of sight, out of mind.

Blue Moon took on something that ever bad Twilight fanfiction attributes—making the lead male character human. I mean I can overlook
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that fact since it’s not one of those moments where it makes everything good. In fact, it makes a whole lot of bad, no-nos and a lot of trouble. No, what made me dislike this book was because of Ever Bloom.

Ever had this semi-whiny attitude that grated on my nerves. I can’t explain it in so many words but the fact of the matter is she takes so much crap from other people, her common sense is somehow obliterated, her overly emotionally dependence on Damen (like she just can’t survive one millisecond if he’s upset with her) is just a ticking time bomb for me.

There were some lingering questions in my mind after I finished Blue Moon. Although Ever was able to sense that Roman was bad, did she not sense that Ava knew him? Was there a passing thought in her mind that might have let Ever know this little fact. And could she not sense this? So despite the fact that Ava had a clean aura that allowed her to see the temples in Summerland (I’m assuming that she could see it) does this imply that her thoughts were good. Maybe I’m just over complicating things or something. And where the heck did she disappear to anyway!?

And there was this whole thing with the ending. Ever’s common sense flew out the window. So basically there’s this guy who completely ruined your life, almost killed your soul mate, turned the school’s hierarchy no more (which is just plain bizarre in the pyramid disappears) and in the last minute you take his word over these two twins who have only helped you!? Even though they can pretty much give you evidence as to why you should you trust them, you turn your back to them because they spoke in this mystery codes when you wanted direct answers. And here’s the thing that really just grated me, Ever trusted the evil guy! I’m just like—what the f***!? Are you f***ing stupid or some shit!? So yeah I do think you deserve what you got.

So now that’s off my chest let’s talk things that made sense and things that made me happy. I love the idea of Summerland, the concept, the execution. It’s the ability to think and create, to loose yourself in people or in mother nature. Summerland gives you a choice.

I enjoyed Damen’s character. He wasn’t the perfect person, that’s what made him so much better—depth, dimension, and drive was all there. What I found the most comforting was the fact that he can screw up, move on, and not pretend that the past didn’t happen—as much as what Ever hopes for.

I love the combination of alchemy, astrology, magic, fantasy all rolled into one novel. It fused together so many elements that made it work.

Overall: I can’t believe it but I’m probably end up reading the 3rd installment in this series. I mean I think my friend might love it should I ever want to toss it away.
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LibraryThing member TheBookCellar
I was a little nervous when I first picked up Blue Moon, because I had so many expectations for the sequel to Evermore. Blue Moon met all of them, and more! I loved it! I got it for my birthday, and read straight through. Blue Moon was definately not what I expected; there were so many twists and
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turns that had me guessing in every direction.

The old characters are back, with the addition of new ones that you aren't sure exactly what their motivations behind their actions are. I love Mile; he's so fun to read about.

The way Ever treats Roman towards the end drove me nuts though, it was completely out of charater! The ending of Blue Moon definately has me begging for book 3, Shadowland! With that ending, I'm dying to know what Alyson Noel has in store for Ever and Damen.
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LibraryThing member bookwormygirl
Blue Moon is the second installment to The Immortals series. In it we are once again brought into the world of Ever and Damen and about two weeks after Evermore’s conclusion. Ever is now learning to deal with her newfound powers, with special training services from Damen (ahem). They are also
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planning on spending more intimate time together (finally after 400+ years).

In come new student, Roman, who arrives at their school and quickly becomes the popular kid. But Ever doesn’t fall for his charms, she knows something is not kosher with him, but she just can’t pinpoint what it is. With all her psychic powers she still cannot get a read on him and that alone makes her suspicious of him. As her powers grow stronger, she notices that Damen is slowly getting weaker to the point where he is looking sickly. Then there’s the issues at school - all her classmates are acting strange and that does include Damen... what is going on? It is now up to Ever to save Damen and set everything to rights.

Sadly I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I did Evermore... I really like the storyline of Ever and Damen and well, you just don’t get that in this book. There was so much going on in this book - Summerland, the twins, Ava and the whole Roman thing. It was just too much for me to actually enjoy wholeheartedly the way I did Evermore. It felt like a roller coaster ride - Ever was whiny, naive, and has the worst intuition about people (you’d think she wouldn’t with all her psychic powers and all, gosh!) I just couldn’t connect with her in this one. But all in all, I will confess that even with its faults, this book was still a page turner. I read it in just one sitting and will be looking out for the next installment Shadowland (November 2009).
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LibraryThing member alyson
Disappointing. If the first book was about yet another mortal teen girl falling in love with the perfect, rich, strong, smart...immortal; I at least expected the immortal Ever to take on those qualities. She is still whiny, insecure, dumb. The one useful thing she does is make flowers for Miles and
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even then lets Damen take credit.
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LibraryThing member catzkc
Starts off better than Evermore, but I've found it starting to lag about half-way through. I admit the last 100 pages I skimmed, I couldn't take anymore, there are just so many things wrong with this book - flat characterization overall, a vapid and clueless main character, and a plot that just
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doesn't move anywhere.
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LibraryThing member Squishy133
It features basically the same cast of characters as the first book, and sadly, I didn’t find that they had developed very much further.
The plot basically features the introduction of a new student, Roman. I felt that Roman was an interesting character, though he was a little bit annoying at
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times and I felt that his purpose could have been revealed a little earlier in the book. For someone with his intentions, you would have thought he’d have a better idea as to what he was doing (I know this is vague, but I can’t say anything without ruining the ending. If you haven’t read it, I guess you’ll just have to trust me on this one.)

I enjoyed finding out more about Damen’s past, which didn’t really come up that much in the first book, so this was a plus side.
My main problem with this book, however, were the stupid choices that Ever continued to make. It became a little frustrating, especially since she went right out of character at the end of the novel and did something that didn’t seem to realistic.

I found that after a while, the plotline got a little boring with the only character that really got page-time being Ever. She needed to be interspersed with the other characters more, perhaps the novel just wasn’t balanced enough…

Despite all this, it wasn’t awful and being someone who has to finish a series, I will be reading the next one. They aren’t bad books, the characters are just a little frustrating. Hopefully, I will enjoy Shadowland more.

The ending was alright though, and it left us with an interesting cliff hanger (no, I’m not going to tell you what it is, you can read it yourself. ). Hopefully, the next book in the series, Shadowland, will be a little more interesting than this one.
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LibraryThing member hahnasay
Great sequel. Easy to pick up where the first left off. Lost of drama. Broke my heart, but has a good ending. Looking forward to reading the third one.
LibraryThing member ABookwormsHaven
*If you have not read Evermore this will contain spoilers*

My Review: I am soaring through these books, bad habit I know, but sometimes I just cannot help it. This is the second book in The Immortal Series and in this book all is not well in paradise, Ever is getting stronger and more powerful and
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Damen for some weird reason seems to be getting weaker. We also get to know a new character in this book Roman, and man do I not like that guy! He is just so arrogant and showy he drives me and Ever crazy! I am guessing that is the point though, with Drina no longer in the picture there has to be someone causing trouble right? And Roman fits the bill, he is one of those characters that just gets under my skin, ever time he was talking I just wanted to say “shut-up!” Yes, I know he is fictional, but still I wanted to yell at him.

This book was really difficult for me to read, not because it was bad, but because my heart was breaking for Ever. This girl just cannot seem to catch a break, first she loses her family and now the whole school is against her and Damen well, I won’t spoil it for you but it is not good. I knew her life was going to be complicated now that she is an Immortal, but I did not see this plot line coming so I think I was also taken off guard. The absence of Ever’s sister, Riley, was also making me a little sad. I know she had to move on, but I really liked her humor in the first book and I missed that in this one. I felt as though the first book had a little more humor and this one was darker, so just expect that going in.

Overall, I am enjoying this series, but I am not so sure if we are ever going to get a happy ending for Ever and Damen, especially with the way this book ends. I guess we will see as the series continues.
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Kids' Book Choice Awards (Finalist — 2010)
Children's Favorites Awards (Finalist — 2010)


Original publication date


Local notes

Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. As Ever’s powers are increasing, Damen’s are fading—stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life. Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen’s past—the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden—but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time

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