The Winter Long (Toby Daye Book 8)

by Seanan McGuire

Ebook, 2015



Call number



Corsair (2015), 368 pages


Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML: Toby thought she understood her own past; she thought she knew the score. She was wrong. It's time to learn the truth..

User reviews

LibraryThing member KarenIrelandPhillips
The best novel yet in McGuire's series about a woman who is half-mortal, half-fairy. October (Toby) Daye's relationships mature. Her overblown sense of responsibility becomes much keener. She begins to understand, deeply, that her friends and heros have multiple sides to their personalities, not
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all of them good. Or evil.
The character growth doesn't get in the way of blood-soaked action-adventure, though. An old enemy resurfaces, intent on ruling - or destroying - Fairie. Toby's allies fall, leaving her almost alone. But those who care about her rally, leading to a final confrontation with the enemy.
McGuire is great at zingy dialogue, snappy comebacks and acid observations. I suspect that in ten years or so, this series will be dated by its contemporary tone, which exemplifies the concept of urban fantasies. Now, it's one of the best urban fantasy series out there.
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LibraryThing member Capnrandm
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

Just when I thought the October Daye series couldn’t get any better, along comes THE WINTER LONG. Gathering so many hints and threads and portents, this book is one delicious secret after another coming undone.

From the circumstances
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leading up to Toby’s fish years, to the true line between friend or for, so much becomes clear. Perhaps most emotional were the family moments. Most Changelings are used to be surrounded by lies, but now Toby herself gets a taste of this bitter pill. As new allies are gained, old friends are lost, creating a poignant balance of emotions. The characters that McGuire has lovingly crafted are wonderful sparking and playing off each other, dark and light.

So much from the series comes together in THE WINTER LONG, it’s difficult to write a review without spoilers. What I can say, however, is that new readers should start at the beginning and returning fans should prepare to be dazzled. And even with so much coming to light, this book by no means wraps everything up in a neat bow. Like the best of urban fantasy, with each reveal and mystery solved Toby’s world grows ever more enticing . As seductive as faerie itself, this is one series I could never give up.

Sexual Content: References to sex.
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LibraryThing member jsburbidge
This is one of the better books so far -- tightly constructed, good characterization, workmanlike prose; it's at least the best since One Salt Sea, and possibly the best of the series. It also sets up potential conflicts and issues for the next volume(s) without creating a "left hanging" effect.

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with the rest of the series, I tend to feel that the fae are too "human" in their motivations (blind Michael possibly excepted), and that extends to the antagonist in this novel.
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LibraryThing member les121
I thought that after seven books, I’d become comfortable enough in Toby’s world that nothing could blindside me - then I read The Winter Long. Prepare to be blown away by the major twist that comes halfway through. Looking back, there are enough clues over the course of the series to put it all
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together, but even so, I never saw it coming. The big reveal hit me like a punch in the gut and left me astounded at how long this has been building. Kudos, Ms. McGuire.

The Winter Long is an important turning point for Toby in more ways than one. Long-held secrets are revealed; some relationships fall apart while others become stronger; and Toby finally realizes how much she’s changed and matured since her story began. The lovable supporting characters and rich worldbuilding are icing on the cake. In short, The Winter Long rocked my socks off. I can’t recommend this series more highly.
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LibraryThing member krau0098
This is the eighth book in the October Daye series. There are thirteen books planned for this series. The 9th book in the series, A Red Rose Chain, is scheduled to release in September 2015. This was an excellent continuation of this series. Much of the series has been building towards this book.
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This is one of my favorite urban fantasy series, I just love it so much! I definitely recommend you start at the beginning of the series though.

Okay here is the paragraph where I usually write a synopsis...but that’s really hard to do for this book without spoiling things...I will try my best. Toby has been honored as a Hero of the Realm and her and Tybalt King of Cats are finally getting to enjoy some couple time. Of course it can’t last because Simon Torquill (You know the one who turned Toby into a fish...the guy way back from book one?) is back. Simon is desperately trying to tell Toby about something but is under a geas not to. Toby goes to the The Luidaeg for more answers...then things get a bit crazy when someone Toby truly thought was dead enters the picture.

There are some awesome revelations in this book. There are really a lot of random plot threads from earlier books that come together in unexpected ways in this book. A ton of loose ends are tied up in this book and I felt like this book was really the end of one plot and the beginning of something new.

I have to comment on how masterful McGuire is as a writer. I am stunned that she had a lot of the events in this book planned out from Book 1. Seriously that is awesome. The way all these intricate plot points are woven into a final resolution is amazing.

Toby continues to be an awesome heroine to read about. She is much more comfortable with herself than she was in earlier books, but that doesn’t mean she’s allowed to sidestep all discomfort. Toby is thrown off balance yet again by some huge revelations she uncovers.

Tybalt is in the story a lot as well. I absolutely adore him. He is supportive and respectful, yet still edgy and independant. He and Toby are doing a great job of balancing their responsibilities, even though there are times when they aren’t thrilled with having to deal with larger issues that sacrifice them being able to be together.

Another favorite of my is The Luidaeg. She is in the story a lot as well and we learn more about her in this book than in any previous book.

As I mentioned above a lot is tied up in this book, but there is still more story to be told. The writing is excellent and flows nicely, the book was fast-paced and interesting. I love the characters here, the unique magic, and all of the interesting fae creatures.

Overall one of my favorite book in this series (of course I love them all). Masterfully written with characters I love and a wonderfully creative fae world. This whole series is highly recommended to urban fantasy fans and is one of my favorite urban fantasy series.
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LibraryThing member MustHaveFiction
The October Daye series has quickly worked its way up to being one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series. In the 8th book of the series, events of the first book have come back to haunt Toby.

After losing just about everyone she loves, Toby has finally built a little family of her own and she’s also
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admitted she’s in love with Tybalt, the King of Cats. At the beginning of this book, October hopes to just take a break from being the Knight of Sylvester Torquill, Duke of Shadowed Hills, and all that it entails. Unfortunately, Faerie has other ideas.

The story in Winter Long seems to turn everything Toby knows to be true, into a lie. Even people she loves have been keeping secrets from her. The plot twist in this book was so great, that even the book blurb was limited to 4 short sentences, as if the publishers were afraid of giving something away. And everything, up until the big reveal, is an intense ride as Toby runs between faerie and the mortal world, trying to unravels the events of her past.

Once again she teams up with Tybalt, Quentin, Raj and The Luidaeg, (pronounced lou-sha-k) to solve the riddles of her life and to erase the threat to the Kingdom she’s sworn fealty too.

Even though her relationship with Tybalt is really sweet, (and much better than the relationship with Connor) I really love the dynamic between Toby and the The Luidaeg, a supposed monster in her own right. Snarky, sarcastic banter is the norm between them, but despite threatening to kill Toby from the moment they met, the Luidaeg has protected her and has helped keep her safe for the last 4 years. After pretty much being abandoned by her own mother, she has developed a sort of friendship with her mother’s sister, and the one woman who doesn’t have friends…ever.

I am amazed by the intricate world building in this series, and Toby has to be one of the best characters I’ve ever read. She has grown and matured throughout the series, and even though she’s still running headlong into situations that are extremely dangerous, she’s a lot more cautious and methodical about it….now that she has something she can’t bear to lose again.

If you haven’t read this series, I definitely recommend that you do. Starting with book one: Rosemary and Rue.
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LibraryThing member tigerb
I'm going to have to read it again.

You find out so much STUFF in this book (although the infodumps are handled beautifully) about Toby Daye and the world she lives in that I found it a bit hard to process! I mean, as usual, Things Are Not What They Seem, but whoa.

I binge read it the day I got it
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(curse you McGuire, you made me stay up too late). But now I probably have to reread the whole series again in order to comprehend this one fully. (Gosh, what a chore. Not.)
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Whoof. The usual Seanan/Toby gut punch - yet again Toby finds out that what she's known all her life isn't so. Twice over - once personal, once relating to the main arc of this whole series (though the personal one is also tied in quite firmly). I enjoy Toby and Tybalt's relationship - it's a
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lovely combo of sniping and deep trust. And her relationships with Quentin, and May, and the Luidaeg...all getting richer with time. So yet again Toby has to figure out where she's going from here, when "here" keeps shifting under her. Fortunately I have the next book right here...
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
Short blurb. Let's just say she's back and she's crazy good as usual! With each book, October is able to find out more and more about herself and her family. THE WINTER LONG dives even further into not only Toby's past but also another firstborn is revealed and it throws just about everyone into a
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tailspin. There is a ton of action in book 8, a few twists and some near death experiences. Toby's fae powers continue to grow and her posse of loved ones are always on her side to help her through any situation she seems to find herself in.

It's been interesting watching the relationships October has with certain people grow and cease to exist with others.When the going gets tough you find out who your real friend are and Toby's life gets tough very often. I love how the relationship between Toby and Tybalt has grown and I absolutely LOVED the ending of THE WINTER LONG. I can't wait to see how their decisions play out.

I absolutely love that we don't get cliff hangers from this series(Too much love?). The author does a great job of wrapping up the storyline for each book while still getting us to want more. Just when you think you know the score she changes it up just a tad bit to get you all excited about what's to come. The October Daye series has a permanent spot on my bookshelf so as long as Seanan keeps writing, I will keep reading.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member Lauren2013
The Winter Long
4 Stars

October Daye's life is finally back on track and she is enjoying a peaceful life in the slow lane when an adversary from her past literally appears on her doorstep to stir up old secrets and awaken dangerous foes.

Toby and Tybalt are particularly adorable together and their
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relationship is sweet and satisfying. It would be even better if their were a sexy scene or two…

The plot is fast-paced and action packed as always with a mystery that contains some shocking revelations and raises some intriguing questions. Not only does Toby come face to face with her archenemy, but her trust in some of her closest allies is undermined, and the potential for future rifts is established.

One troublesome aspect of the story is related to the characterization of Toby's nemesis as it evokes one of my pet peeves, i.e., the notion that evil acts can possibly be mitigated under the right circumstances. No! Evil cannot be redeemed or forgiven, and the idea that it can diminishes the threat that it poses.

Nevertheless, the richly detailed world building, the excellent character development and the exciting story arc make this one of the best Urban Fantasy series out there.
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LibraryThing member chavala
The acknowledgements to this book, page 1, begin with the note from the author that, "This book was one of the first I fully plotted, back when this series was a glimmer in my eye and a fantasy for the future. Everything I have done with October's world to this point has been for the sake of
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getting here, to the book that you now hold in your hands. I am incredibly excited to be at this point, to have gotten this far into Toby's story - and make no mistake, there's still so very far left to go."

So. I really want to hear the author speak more about this. Fascinating.

This series keeps getting better and better. I feel grateful that there were 11 books in the series already published when I picked up book 3 two months ago, because I've been reading them more or less straight through. What a luxury to be able to explore Toby's world and story so deeply and without needing to wait a year for the next installment.
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LibraryThing member karidrgn
this was absolutely great. I love the revelations in this book.
LibraryThing member tldegray
In the acknowledgements Seanan McGuire talked about how she had this book outlined way back when at the beginning of all Toby's adventures. So, yeah, I was a little hyped up by that. Okay, a lot. And it paid off for me in a big, big way. I could see all the little threads tracing back and I
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absolutely loved the way they connected.

I don't know how to talk about this book without huge spoilers and I don't want to do that to anyone. So many of the characters we've come to love were just amazing in this book. And I'm so looking forward to the next few because you don't put a missing, presumed dead, never before heard of half-sister on the table and not use it.
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LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
I think I'm going to have to read it again before I review it. All I will say is this book is best if you reread right before this one.

This book is the payoff for reading the previous seven books. Not that the those were not enjoyable but they were but this one brings a major arc to a close and
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answers lots of questions but throws down questions that have been brought up and ignored by everyone previously have been shoved under Toby's nose so she can no longer be ignorant of who she is and her past. This is not a book for anyone to start the series but this is a payoff for every fan that has wondered about things that have happened in the previous books. And the story also reminded Toby that she has been mostly assuming things and people have assumed that she has known things when in actuality she hasn't. Not to give anything away but a small conversation with Etienne really brings into Toby's face what she doesn't know about herself does effect how people interact with her in the Fae community. Now I need to sit down and read the books again. I said at one point I was going to write down all the prophecy that has been said around her to see what has come true and what hasn't because there must be some clues about what will happen next.
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LibraryThing member m_mozeleski
Yeah, yeah, you wanna snog Tybalt in a back room, we know.
LibraryThing member Anniik
This book gave us a bit more background on Toby and her mother, but I'm still hoping to learn more! Toby's abilities are so new and different that it would be nice for her to actually communicate with her mother and learn the things she needs to know. I really enjoy these books, though. The
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characters and plots are compelling and they're fast, fun reads.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
The Kingdom of the Mists is looking a bit stable and Toby hopes that things might just settle a bit, however she didn't count on Simon turning up and crashing things.

This series has sucked me in and kept me reading!
LibraryThing member caedocyon
I was looking for something fun and relaxing to read. THIS WAS NOT RELAXING. (Connie Willis' To Say Nothing of the Dog is doing a better job.)

It was good, though! Wow, PLOT. As other people say, I can't even begin to go into it, and it's so clear that McGuire was planning this all along. You'll be
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kicking yourself for not noticing some of the clues; I know I did.

I wasn't thrilled with how Toby acted towards some of her friends and allies, but I'll have to think it over and decide if she's as much in the wrong as I think she is. Throughout the series, she is sometimes way too harsh with people. She never apologizes or gets called out for it, and often the people in question don't even seem to hold it against her.

Her falling-out with Sylvester and Luna is gut-wrenchingly sad to me, which was maybe the intent. But still, ouch.

On a totally unrelated note, I finally learned how to buy ebooks from somebody other than Amazon, although I still have to figure out how to get Kobo books through independent bookstores instead of their website. I will probably be buying ebooks more often now!
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LibraryThing member jazzbird61
If I hadn't just read the previous two books to get ready for this one, I'd be reading the whole series over again just to get to this one. Very good!

I like the wrapping up of one story arc so we can move onto the next. Nice work, Ms McGuire.

EDIT 11/10/14 - I can't believe this didn't make it to
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the Goodreads Awards for 2014.
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Gaylactic Spectrum Award (Nominee — Novel — 2014/2015)


Original publication date




Local notes

Simon Torquill comes back, and everything begins to fall apart. In Faerie, nothing stays buried forever. No matter how much you might want it to.

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