Mercy Thompson, Short Stories: Shifting Shadows

by Patricia Briggs

Hardcover, 2014



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Ace Books (2014), Hardcover, 448 pages


"Mercy Thompson's world just got a whole lot bigger ... A collection of all-new and previously published short stories featuring Mercy Thompson, "one of the best heroines in the urban fantasy genre today" (Fiction Vixen Book Reviews), and the characters she calls friends ... Includes the new stories ... "Silver" "Roses in Winter" "Redemption" "Hollow" ... and reader favorites "Fairy Gifts" "Gray" "Alpha and Omega" "Seeing Eye" "The Star of David" "In Red, with Pearls" "-- "Shapeshifter Mercy Thompson has friends in high places--and in low, dark, scary ones. And in this must-have collection of stories, you'll meet new faces and catch up with old acquaintances--in all their forms... In a time of fresh starts, Mercy is asked to use an old talent--ghost hunting--in the all-new story "Hollow." You'll learn what happens when an ancient werewolf on his last legs befriends a vulnerable adolescent ("Roses in Winter") and how Mercy's friend Samuel Cornick became a werewolf ("Silver"). The werewolf Ben finds "Redemption," and Moira, a blind witch, assists on a search in "Seeing Eye." From Butte, Montana, the copper-mining town that vampire Thomas Hao calls home ("Fairy Gifts"), to Chicago, where the vampire Elyna buys and renovates the apartment she lived in while human ("Gray"), you'll travel the roads that originated with Mercy Thompson and the fertile imagination of Patricia Briggs. Roads that will lead you to places you've never been before.."--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member jshillingford
I love when publishers release single-author story collections. Short stories allow authors to expand a world that they’ve created in between scheduled release novels. Unfortunately, these stories are usually part of anthologies with other authors who I’m not interested in reading. Every story
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in Shifting Shadows takes place in the Mercy Thompson/Alpha Omega world. And wonder of wonders, every single story is a worthwhile read! Briggs gives a brief intro to each story explaining how it came about (anthology theme, fan request, etc.) and it’s a great way to set the stage.

Silver – The story of how Samuel and Ariana is a bittersweet tale that is only kept from being sad by the knowledge that they do find each other again in the novels. I loved the background of Samuel and Bran.
Fairy Gifts – This was a fun little story with an expected ending. Thomas saved Maggie in exchange for “freedom”. She gave it to him, and so much more.

Gray – Does love continue after death and undeath? Elyna the Vampire intends to find out.

Seeing Eye – How Tom the Werewolf met Moira the witch. I liked these characters when they appeared in the A&O novels, so I was happy to spend more time with them.

Alpha & Omega – The original story that began the Anna & Charles spin-off series. So good, I happily read it again even though I had before.

The Star of David – A redemption story about the werewolf David who is called in by his estranged daughter to help with one of the foster children she oversees. A heartwarming, holiday tale.

Roses in Winter – My favorite of the collection because it revolves around Asil the Moor, the ancient werewolf in Bran’s pack. He has always intrigued me and this story gives readers a peek into his mind.

In Red, with Pearls – This is my second favorite of the book because…Warren, the dominant and very gay werewolf. I love his interactions with Mercy & Adam in her books and it was great to have a story from his POV.

Redemption – This story surprised me because Ben never caught my attention before, just one of Adam’s pack who recalcitrant. There is so much more beneath the surface!

Hollow – The final story of the book is Mercy’s as must return a favor by hunting a dangerous ghost. This is set right after Night Broken and is very entertaining.

Somehow, Briggs manages to make readers care about the characters in these stories in a short amount of time. And, as is often the case, some of the stories left me wanting more – to see where these characters go from here. One thing that elevates this collection above other similar anthologies is the threads that run through connecting the world together. Tom the Werewolf from “Seeing Eye” pops up in the Alpha & Omega novels. Readers don’t need to have read the story and the novels, both stand alone, but the connection is nice to have. Sometimes it’s supporting characters, sometimes locations, but it enriches the world for readers. One last thing I really liked was the inclusion of “outtakes” from two of the Mercy Thompson books, including the last one. These extra scenes were great.

Overall, this is a fantastic book. I sincerely hope the author does another collection. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member dearheart
I’d read all of the novellas that had been previously released, and though I owned most of the anthologies they were showcased in, not all. I enjoy having all of the stories listed in one place. The fact that this also contains four new stories as well as a couple of outtakes only made the
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purchase that much easier. And I certainly was not disappointed.

Only one story is told from Mercy’s point of view. The others center on people we know or have met by now, with the exception of the novella, Gray. Each of the stories is prefaced with an explanation by the author of why she wrote it and where it fits within the series.

Silver – New story of how and when Bran and Samuel became wolves. It also follows Ariana’s struggle with her father and how she and Samuel meet. Bittersweet story that fills in some gaps, it’s the longest story in the book. And for those who don’t remember, they get together again in Silver Borne.

Fairy Gifts – Thomas Hao’s story originally released in the anthology Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy. Thomas played a role fighting alongside Marsilia and Mercy in Frost Burned. I can’t claim that it’s one of my favorites, but you do see that he’s somewhat special and why. The story jumps back and forth between the past and present. I hope we get to see him again.

Gray – The story was originally released in the anthology Home Improvement: Undead Edition. Elyna is a vampire in Chicago. It took me a while to get into this one; at least until things started to happen. I did enjoy the outcome.

Seeing Eye – We didn’t know Moira and Tom when this story was originally released in the anthology Strange Brew but since then we got to spend time with them in the Anna & Charles novel Hunting Ground. It’s about a blind witch who helps a werewolf rescue his brother. I liked these two here, but even more so in Hunting Ground. Really hope to see them again.

Alpha and Omega is the story of how Anna and Charles meet in the Chicago area and was originally released in the anthology On the Prowl. Cry Wolf, the first full length book in that series, starts immediately afterward. Now I feel the need to go back and read the beginning of Cry Wolf; again.

The Star of David – This is a Christmas story involving David Christiansen, the werewolf mercenary we met in Moon Called. This story was originally released in the anthology Wolfsbane and Mistletoe and it’s one that will tug on your heartstrings. Another character I want to see again.

Roses in Winter – This is a new story told from Asil’s perspective, it involves Kara, the young teenager sent to the Marrok back in Blood Bound to learn how to be a werewolf. She’s now been with the pack for two months and is struggling to control her change. Both Asil and Kara affect each other’s lives and futures.

In Red, With Pearls – This is a story from Warren’s point of view when he first started working as a private detective for Kyle. The story was originally released in the anthology Down These Strange Streets.

Redemption – New story told mostly from Ben’s perspective. We learn somewhat about his past and what had him leaving London. This story will also help to explain the changes he’ll be going through as the series progresses.

Hollow – This is a new story for Mercy, taking place right after Night Broken. If you haven’t read Night Broken yet and plan to, DO NOT read this story. It contains spoilers. Mercy is approached to banish a ghost that has been haunting a man for fourteen years, and of course it’s more dangerous than she expected.

There are also two short outtake scenes, one each from Silver Borne that gives a little more insight into the feelings Samuel and Ariana have for each other. The other is from the end of Night Broken.
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LibraryThing member kmartin802
This was a nice collection of novellas and short stories centered around the world of Mercy Thompson. I had read many of them before in various anthologies. But it is a different reading experience to read them back to back.

My only regret is that only one of the stories actually starred Mercy. We
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get a couple of stories about Samuel and Ariana. We get Charles and Anna's first story which has led to some novels. I really liked the story where Warren takes the lead role - "In Red, With Pearls."

I also liked "Roses in Winter" which features a very young werewolf. It also let me see more of one of my favorite characters - Asil. I have always been fascinated by the idea of werewolves living very long lives and wondering what it would be like at the end of them.

All of the stories were powerful and engaging. All of them add depth to the world of Mercy Thompson.
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LibraryThing member DVKov
Shifting Shadows is a great collection of short stories from the world of Mercy Thompson. Some are repeats found in other anthologies, but there are also four new short stories and two short outtakes that didn’t make it into previous full-length novels. I enjoyed revisiting the repeated stories
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that I haven’t read in a while, too much to even pick a favorite because they are all just wonderful glimpses into the lives of some of the series’ supporting characters.

Of the new stories, Silver is the heartbreaking tale of how Samuel and Ariana first met and parted. We know how things turn out in the end (and there is a nice outtake featuring them at the end of the book) but this story closes on a sad note. It brings to light the pain Sam suffered and helps to explain his melancholy in previous books. Roses in Winter feature Kara (a character referred to in a previous book) and Asil, one of the more tragic and interesting characters in the Mercy Thompson universe. We again gain some insight into a figure who has borne his fair share of heartache, and his growing fatherly affection for Kara is a joy to read about. Redemption gives us the story of Ben, a very damaged individual, and his protection of a young woman being harassed at their workplace. We learn about Ben’s past in more detail than presented before, and discover why he is such a head case. As the title suggests, Ben is starting to redeem himself for the sins of his past. Hopefully he’ll show up again in the future. Finally, in Hollow Mercy is asked to help rid a reclusive “multibazillionaire” of a ghost. Another nice story and, since Mercy is involved, you can bet there will be some sort of mayhem and destruction.

Be sure not to skip the outtakes; they are equally great. My only complaint is that I wish they were longer. Overall this was a great read, reminding me of why I love this series so much. Author Patricia Briggs manages to tell a full, impactful tale even with the short story format. If you like Mercy Thompson this isn’t to be missed.
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LibraryThing member hailelib
This is one I found on the new book shelves at the public library and didn't even try to resist.

This collection has all the short stories to date from the world of Mercy Thompson and there are even four that were not previously published. I enjoyed all the stories and particularly liked some that
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gave us a back story for some of the characters that inhabit Mercy's world.
There were ten stories, eight of which were new to me plus an outtake from [Silver Borne] and another from [Night Broken]. Ms. Briggs wrote a short introduction for each story letting the reader know when in the timeline each story was set and sometimes how that particular story came to be written. Definitely recommended for all of Mercy's fans. However, for those who are not caught up on the series some of the last stories may contain spoilers. The last story takes place after [Night Broken] and is a "Mercy" story.
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LibraryThing member jjmcgaffey
Nice! I recognized, I think, all but one of the published stories - didn't realize I was following Mercy and her world quite that closely. They're all good - and range from familiar to extremely familiar. I must have read "Star of David" a dozen times, in different settings (various anthologies) -
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which doesn't make it less good, but not as much fun as something new. The story I didn't know, that was published, was good - about Warren, and Kyle. The four unpublished bits are all excellent. They all illuminate familiar characters in new ways (as did the new-to-me published story) - Samuel, Kara (about whom I remember little), Ben (I finally begin to both understand and like him - not necessarily related), and Mercy herself. Though that one is less about illuminating Mercy than Adam and his relationship to her; not new, of course, but (yet another) new angle. Same for the second outtake, from Night Broken. The first outtake, from Silver Borne, is about Samuel and Ariana. So! Five old, familiar friends; four new stories and one new to me, and two outtakes from books, bits that refused to quite fit in but are still excellent scenes. I read this as an ebook; I think it's one I'll be looking for in paper as well. If nothing else, I'll have "Alpha and Omega" without having to keep an anthology where the other stories didn't much interest me.
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LibraryThing member Capnrandm
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy.

Ardent fans of Patricia Briggs may have already pieced together parts of this collection, housed in beat up paperbacks and anthologies already published. To have these existing stories and more gathered and carefully arranged by series
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timeline, makes this lovely hardback a treasure for any collector to have on the shelf. From a pure reading perspective, "Roses in Winter", a glimpse of the child survivor mentioned in BLOOD BOUND, made this book worth the price of admission for me, all on it's own.

It is not only avarice that makes me call SHIFTING SHADOWS "a collector's treasure". Normally not a fan of short stories, anthologies that contain Patricia Briggs or Ilona Andrews find their way to my shelf alongside their full length companions, as both authors breathing life and magic into even the briefest pages. SHIFTING SHADOWS offers several existing shorts that, while familiar, never made it into my collection. "The Star of David" brought tears to my eyes all over again, and reading "Seeing Eye" sent me back to re-read the entirety of the Alpha & Omega series, just to see Tom and Moira together again. Much as "Alpha and Omega" was a favorite long before Charles and Anna had their own series, "Roses in Winter" introduces Kara in a way that begs for a spin off all of her own. The only werewolf centric stories that were a tiny disappointment were "Silver" and "Redemption".

For Samuel and Ariana, so much of their relationship has taken place "off camera", and I was looking forward to a long, satisfying glimpse of their beginnings. As with all requests involving fae, I should have been careful what I asked for. The very nature of Samuel and Ariana's separation means "Silver" is a story that won't have a happy ending for hundreds of years, and other than the brief outtake from SILVER BORNE, we still have not seen much of Sam and Ariana together and happy. In Ben's story, "Redemption", the supernatural aspects of his character growth was wonderfully written, it was the defining of "IT" and other tech related terms that seemed distracting and forced. This only impacts the opening of the story, however, and may have been caused by my own familiarity with that field.

And if you come to SHIFTING SHADOWS for the werewolves, stay for the two lovely glimpses of vampires included as well. SHIFTING SHADOWS is a thoughtful offering from Briggs' to her fans, well organized and complete. Whether reading these stories for the first time or revisiting old friends, this is the best possible way to gather them in and enjoy.

Sexual Content: Kissing, references to sex, child abuse, and rape.
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LibraryThing member katemiller1724
There were some really fantastic stories in this collection. Some that, even though I've read a book or two since this one, I find myself recalling the characters, or situations to mind randomly.

Briggs has a HUGE talent for creating characters that, though they are fantasy creatures, feel so very
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real. They are whole and complete, and reading these stories only furthers that feeling. The stories prove that there are more to these characters than we see in each book. Sure, in the fan world, even secondary characters live on and have "real" lives beyond the glimpse that we see in our heroes stories (aka Mercy, Charles & Anna). But this! This collection proves that we are not crazy for falling in love, getting overly attached, and creating a whole other world/life for these characters!

THIS is why I read fiction.
THIS is why I love series.
If nothing else, this proves that we are not alone in our love, passions, and creative (or imaginary) worlds!

Very good book for anyone who love the Briggs books and characters as much as I.
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LibraryThing member dmoitzh
I loved Patricia Briggs but had hesitated in getting this particular book. I wasn't sure if it would be a re-hash... boy was I wrong! This had a lot of short stories that bridged her other books extremely well. I liked how she explained where this idea came from or how she incorporated a different
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twist into her novels.

I always pre-order her books and have never been disappointed.
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LibraryThing member anyaejo
4.5 stars. These stories are mostly not from Mercy's pov and mostly focused on various secondary characters. This means that we get a whole lot of insight into all the other supernatural critters out there and get to know some dearly loved secondary characters much better. There are great intros to
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all of them by Briggs to warn about spoilers and give context. If you can't wait for the next books in this world definitely pick this one up and fall in love all over again ;).
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LibraryThing member Robin.D..Green
I love the Mercy Thompson books and reading these was like visiting old friends who you hadn't seen for awhile. I didn't know about some of these short stories being previously available elsewhere so I am really glad I have this compilation.
LibraryThing member llyramoon
Patricia Briggs is currently one of my favorite authors. I've read almost all of her books (I'm missing the first in one of her fantasy series so when I pick it up I'll have read all of her books). This anthology of her short stories includes some previously published and new stories.

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collection didn't disappoint. I loved the way it was chronological to the Mercy world and Ms. Briggs provided great introductions before each story. My favorite previously published story is Seeing Eye. I absolutely loved this story when I first read it (in a previous anthology) and loved it all over again when I read it again. Its about a wolf named Tom and a witch named Moira. I am patiently waiting for them to get their own series (which Ms. Briggs had been hinting about for a long time now!). I think out of the new stories written for this anthology my favorite is Silver. After reading this one I soooo want more of Bran and Samuel.

If you haven't read Ms. Briggs before this may be a great way to be introduced into this world. For fans of Mercyworld, you will not be disappointed in this anthology!
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LibraryThing member phyllis2779
I wasn't sure I would like reading short stories about non-Mercy characters but I did, Turned out that the one I liked best was about Warren. The Charles/Anna story was OK but was too short. I think I do want to read their series but not as badly as I want the next installment in the Maercy series.
LibraryThing member Maaike15274
Really nice anthology with good stories. Great fun for everybody who likes to dwell in Mercy Thompson's world!
LibraryThing member BookJunkie777
Good short stories! I'm not sure that it was worth the cost though - since it is a collection of short stories.
LibraryThing member SashaM
Nice to have these stories together in one place. I've read a couple of them before. Alpha and omega was what got me started on Patricia Briggs in the first place. But all of these short stories have been put into various anthologies that are sometimes hard to get in Australia. Americans can
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probably get the various anthologies easier so might be a bit less excited to get their hands on this book. Some of the stories are a bit uneven but still good and fill in some gaps in the characters backstories
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LibraryThing member jetangen4571
Mercyverse, short stories, urban fantasy, werewolves, witches

Was each story exceptional? No. But I am so delighted that all of my questions about some dangling issues regarding some of the characters in the series in one place without having to go through a pile of books in which there is only one
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relevant to my questions! This is marvelous!
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LibraryThing member chavala
Really enjoyed this collection of short stories from the Mercyverse.
LibraryThing member StarKnits
This book is the kind you read on a rainy day and spend time with your favorite characters. Some of the vampires I didn't remember but the other stories were a amazing! I'd already read alpha and omega but the others were new.
I really enjoyed the outtakes at the end.
LibraryThing member Mrs.Soule
I listened to the audio book - I might have enjoyed this more with a better narrator.
LibraryThing member Glennis.LeBlanc
It was nice to see a collection of short stories that had more than one or two new stories in it. This one had 4 new stories and 6 reissues but it also had two chapters that had been previously cut from books. The stories are set in chronological order and they let the reader know where each story
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falls in the series. I had read most of the reprints before but it was nice to reread them in this collection. What I liked about the collection is you got some back story on several other characters that normally would come up during the course of a book. A good solid collection of stories for someone that enjoys the Mercy Thompson universe.
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LibraryThing member jennybeast
This is a fantastic collection -- some of the stories I had read before, but I was glad to renew my acquaintance with them. Many of the stories thoughtfully flesh out histories I did not know. And the truly wonderful thing is that I felt the same sense of statisfaction when I finished it as I do
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with a regular Mercy Thompson book. A tide-you-over, yes, but a substantial one.
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LibraryThing member murderbydeath
You know how anthologies are, there's almost always a gem or two, a handful of mediocre stories, and a few complete duds. Stories the authors must have phoned it because they barely qualify as stories.

Not this one.

This is the best anthology of short stories in one book I've yet read. A collection
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for Mercy Thompson and Co. fans, and every one of these stories is outstanding. Nothing here has been phoned in: the writing is excellent, thoughtful - it feels like the author spent time getting these right. Even the outtakes at the back are, while definitely not stand-alone stories, vividly written scenes that instantly transported me to time and place.

I'm not sure if I can pick a favorite or not, but Silver and Roses in Winter certainly were stories I enjoyed immensely. But I find myself far more intrigued by Bran, Charles and Asil than I am about any of the characters in Washington State, so that bias might lend a bit of weight to these stories for me. But mostly we're talking about small degrees of difference. Every single story was good - great even. There isn't a single one I'd rate less than 4 stars, so I'm just going to go ahead and 5 star the whole book.

Thanks Ms. Briggs for the wonderful stories.
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LibraryThing member sriddell
I love the Mercy-verse, and this collection of stories was a great reminder why I love this series and this author.

Some of these stories have been part of anthologies in the past, but some were new to me. And a few are deleted scenes from books. Each story was delightful!


Original publication date


Physical description

448 p.


0425265005 / 9780425265000

Local notes

A collection of short stories in the Mercy Thompson universe.

• "Silver"
• "Roses in Winter"
• "Redemption"
• "Hollow"
• "Fairy Gifts"
• "Gray"
• "Alpha and Omega"
• "Seeing Eye"
• "The Star of David"
• "In Red, with Pearls"

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