Delcroix Academy, Book 1: The Candidates

by Inara Scott

Hardcover, 2010



Call number



Hyperion Books (2010), Hardcover, 304 pages


Fifteen-year-old Dancia is recruited by a boarding school for teenagers with special abilities, where she makes friends for the first time, is attracted to a popular junior, and becomes involved with a dangerous classmate.

User reviews

LibraryThing member astults
This YA read captures teen angst and builds into a bigger storyline. It was wonderful. Scott’s description of Dancia’s home life was spot on. Her grandmother has diabetes, arthritis and cataracts. Dancia is always doing chores around the house, tries not to spend money, loves her grandmother
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and tries her best to blend in. She tries to not draw attention (thus she’s a straight B student with a drab wardrobe and a slouch) and keeps her peers at arm’s length. This changes with her admission to the school.

When she’s given a full scholarship to the ritzy Delcroix Academy she becomes a campus resident. For the first time she can remember, she has two good friends and a possible love interest (or two).

It’s a fairly quick read and one that I found enjoyable. Just so you know, the series has been rebranded. The Candidates is now retitled as The Marked. You can read a chapter on Inara Scott’s site.
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LibraryThing member marybeth1018
The Candidates wasn't at all what I was expecting, it was even better, maybe because the reviews I've read really weren't so great. I really enjoyed the characters, the mystery, the love interests and the story itself.
Danica is a teenager who has cut herself off from friends and everyone basically
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besides her grandmother. All because of her "powers" and how out of control she is of them when she feels someone is being taken advantage of in one way or another. Then 2 recruits (one being the most gorgeous guy she's ever seen) come to offer her a chance to attend the prestigious Delcroix Academy, which is where Danica's mother (who is deceased) always dreamed of attending when she was a teenager. I liked Danica's character. She comes from a humble back ground and has been raised by her awesome grandmother. I really adore her Grandmother. Danica and her Grandmother do not live a life of privilege, they just barely get by on Grandma's social security.

Danica is a character who grows into her powers as she learns to accept what she is and what she can do. I really enjoyed the tension between the two love interests for Danica. Jack who is the "bad boy" who just may turn out to be the good one and Cam who is the "good boy" who just may turn out to be the bad one and is also the one who recruited her. My heart goes to Jack, as he's the bad boy who comes form a broken home and wants to protect Danica. After all, she does save his life, twice. There's a genuine friendship that forms between the two of them, as they both can relate to one another. Cam seems to have an agenda and to say I'm still leery of him is an understatement. I can't say more about him with out giving away part of the plot. I'm anxious to see what his motives really are.

As the story moves on you find out that some of the students know they have powers but some don't. The Candidates started out slow ... but I couldn't put it down and stayed up LATE to finish it. I am looking forward to reading the sequel!
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LibraryThing member Ronrose1
Fourteen year old Dancia Lewis tries to live a quiet life with her grandmother. Dancia seems to be an average student in an average school. Why is she being paid a visit by recruiters from the very prestigious, Delcroix Academy? Could it have anything to do with the secret she is keeping? The
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secret she is afraid to share with her grandma, who has raised her since Dancia's parents died in a car crash when she was four. Recently, during a routine visit to the hospital, Dancia was forced to use her power without thinking, when a crazed man had threatened her grandma and other patients. These men couldn't know she had powers, could they?
An amazing first novel. A smooth blending of teenage angst and the burgeoning of unexplained powers from within. Everyday situations handled with didactic ease. Unusual situations handled unusually well
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LibraryThing member highvoltagegrrl
The writing for the story was good in itself, though there is very little paranormal activity going on within the story. I liked the main character Dancia and her grandmother is very much a character in her own right, but no one in the story really stands out as anything different. The majority of
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the time spent reading the book, I felt as if I was waiting for something to happen. As this is to be the beginning of the series, I can see where the author wanted to set up the story for the future, though this made much of it boring and overly descriptive of things that don’t seem too important.

While the way the kids acted seemed realistic most of the time there were a few times that the kids held back on actions that they would normally take, just to get the story to move along in a different direction. This felt very forced, especially towards the end in setting up the next book. As I said, the writing itself was good, but the outline of the story seemed to be missing many of the key items to keep the readers interest.
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LibraryThing member brandileigh2003
The Candidates is a unique twist on a well-trod theme (boarding school for kids with special gifts). I love the X-men feel to it, the levels of powers, the elemental uses.
This is a first book in a series, so the pacing is a little slow, but that is not a bad thing. We get to enter into the world,
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discovering things with Dancia, we get to make our own decisions about characters as they are introduced, and we get to be in suspense learning what is really going on at Delcroix.
I ...more The Candidates is a unique twist on a well-trod theme (boarding school for kids with special gifts). I love the X-men feel to it, the levels of powers, the elemental uses.
This is a first book in a series, so the pacing is a little slow, but that is not a bad thing. We get to enter into the world, discovering things with Dancia, we get to make our own decisions about characters as they are introduced, and we get to be in suspense learning what is really going on at Delcroix.
I loved the characters! Dancia is a wonderful main character, and I was rooting for her all along. She is brave, and loyal- making strange things happen when those she cares about are in danger, or if she feels injustice is being served. She is a very mature 14 year old, and she has an easy to read voice. Her friends, Hennie and Ester are wonderful and funny; just what I would want in my best friends. And, yes there is a love triangle! It is well written and I am torn right along with Dancia for a while. I ended up chosing Jack (make of that what you will.)
The book did end with quite a cliffie, so I am eagerly awaiting the next book, but will have to wait a bit.
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LibraryThing member JRlibrary
Loved this one. Think the students are going to eat it up! Will wait to see if I'm right before buying multiple copies, but my gut tells me this will fly off the shelf.
Dancia Lewis (not sure how to pronounce her first name ... Dan-sha like Alicia or Dan-cee-ah like Garcia) tries to stay out of the
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spotlight. She does NOT want to draw any attention to herself because when she has friends, and they are threatened, she instinctively responds and bad things... serious things are always the result. She is extremely surprised, therefore, when a recruiter from a very prestigious private school appears at the home she shares with her grandmother, and offers her an all expenses paid scholarship to their school. Accompanying Mr Judan, the recruiter is a very attractive, very charismatic junior student named Cam. In spite of her instincts, which are screaming at her not to accept the offer, her attraction to Cam and her desire to finally find a place where she can be herself, lure Dancia into accepting the offer, and she finds herself enrolled in Delcroix.
This book has it all... suspense, adventure, romance... Ummm... it was yummy.
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LibraryThing member C.Ibarra
Dancia is not your normal girl. She has the ability to make things happen just by thinking about them. She spends most of her time trying to blend in, but Dancia is suddenly front and center as a hero after what was supposed to be a routine trip to the hospital with her grandmother. This also
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causes her to be noticed by the prestigious Delcroix Academy. When she’s offered a full scholarship she knows she can’t refuse. It’s at Delcroix that she meets the charming Cam and troubling Jack. Jack thinks the school is up to something more, and Dancia wants to believe he’s just paranoid. Unfortunately, the accusations Jack has made start to become impossible for Dancia to deny.

I have to admit I was a little worried going into this one because the ARC I received was under 300 pages. I haven’t had the best luck with shorter books recently, but The Candidates really impressed me. The author was able to give readers a well paced and detailed plot in a few hundred pages. An excellent start to this series.

I like how different it is than other books I’ve recently read. It is a fresh take on the paranormal/boarding school theme. I also enjoyed Dancia’s sweetness, and naivety. She loves her grandma, and seems perfectly content with her life even if it involves secondhand clothing, and the inability to afford a cell phone. Even with her special powers she was a believable character, and one I’m sure many girls will relate to. I’m finding this one hard to review without adding what could be considered spoilers. I’ll just say I’m a big fan of anything involving people with special powers, and that I had trouble putting this one down because I was eager to discover the meaning behind the title. I wasn’t disappointed and can’t wait for more.

I also applaud the author for creating a great book for teens without falling back on profanity and random sex scenes to fill the pages. It left more room for character growth and world building. With that said I’m not opposed to Young Adult books with sex or profanity, but lately it is feeling forced into plots where it doesn’t really fit. Alas, that is a topic for another post ;)

I’d consider this a very clean read. Language and content would be safe for even the youngest teen. I can easily see it appealing to both guys and girls. This is a series I’ll continue without a doubt, and share with my 5th grader.
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LibraryThing member ShellyPYA
Dancia has tried to remain invisible because she doesn't want anyone to find out that she has the power to make objects move. So when a recruiter from Delcroix Academy, an exclusive boarding school that only the rich and talented attend, comes knocking on her door, she's not sure how they found out
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about her. She agrees to go to please her grandmother, and soon finds herself making friends, despite her efforts to remain a loner. Just when she feels like she may have found someplace she can fit in, her friend Jack tries to convince her that the boarding school is more like a prison and that someone is watching them all the time.
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LibraryThing member ylin.0621
Danica likes to call herself a mediocre student: basic classes, no special talent, nothing that truly makes her unique. Unless you might consider the incident when she protected her grandmother from an almost-murderer with a gun. If not well she’s not sure why Delcroix Academy wants to recruit
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her (her of all people!) to their elite school.

The Candidates gets mixed feelings from me. On one hand I cannot find a definite fault with the novel, but on the other hand there was not that initial spark, the half-crazed need to finish the book, this extreme desire to hunt down whoever had the sequel. You can’t tell, but I have been writing this exact review for about 2 days now and it is not getting any easier. So instead I am going to back it down with bullet points.

Danica and Jack’s friendship—in general The Candidates focus more so on friendship then on the romance and for that I respect it. For Danica, who isn’t known for having friends, this is all important step and in my opinion, Scott does a wonderful job of side-stepping that awkwardness and heading straight into the gossip and emotional baggage. With Jack and Danica’s friendship, there’s a bit more. There is an instant gravitational pull between the two, but there is also a push. They both stand on even grounds.

Background information—it can get overwhelming especially towards the end when it’s a mass of information. However, it does provide enough so everything makes sense with has a bit of wiggle room as Danica learns more about her powers thus more about the school.

Cam—the male interest; the oh-so-hot one. You have to read the book to understand where I’m coming from. Cam is like freaking perfect, but there’s a twist to him that makes me apprehension. It’s a big spoiler so I’m zipping my mouth shut, but is anyone else keeping an eye out for him!? It’s frustrating to not be able to pinpoint a character down pat, yet at the same time it’s a sigh of relief that you have a character that makes the novel more exciting and different.

Grandma—she gets her own bullet point because she is awesome.

The ending—whoa! Definitely a cliff hanger, but there was enough closure that I did not want to rip the book to shreds. It was one of the better endings (let’s just say) with pow.
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LibraryThing member lisagibson
It didn't take me long to read this book. It pulled me in and kept me reading to find out what was going to come next. I like Dancia. She's a nice girl, likeable in all respects really. She gets recruited to go to Delcroix Academy, which is supposed to be this awesome school but becomes kind of
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creepy too. Dancia winds up caught between two guys also. She develops this huge crush on Cam, who would be a typical choice for a girl to be swooning over. But the moment she met Jack, it complicated things. I'm the girl who always seems to go for the less obvious choice. I don't know, maybe Jack is obvious because he's more the 'bad boy' choice. He's not really a bad guy though. Okay, I'm rambling. I won't tell you what all happens and I have to wait until book two to really see where things go anyway. Needless to say, I'm hooked into the Delcroix Academy series now. Go check it out. The only thing I didn't really like, Cam was very distant and I agree with Dancia's grandma, it took him way too long to kiss her. I'm giving it 3 1/2 supernatural smooches!
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LibraryThing member BookSwarm
So this book is another girl-with-powers-goes-away-to-boarding-school-meets-mysterious-boys story. Another girl who doesn't know what her powers are or how to control them, only that she's different because she has them. Another mysterious boarding school where things just aren't what they seem.
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Another love triangle with the polished, popular boy versus the rebel/bad boy/loner.

However, the book's redeemed by a well-written main character, strong voice, and good writing. Though Danica reads a bit older than fourteen-going-on-fifteen, she's still an interesting character. I like how the love triangle totally plays with her mind, sending her flip-flopping between Cam and Jack in a completely realistic manner.

While I liked Jack (guess I go for the broody, bad-boy types, especially those with awesome powers and shady pasts), I really didn't like Cam all that much. I know he was supposed to be the clean-cut, good guy but he completely rubbed me the wrong way. And I really didn't like the way Danica completely lost her mind when she was around him. She was supposed to be friends with Jack but she'd totally ditch him to pant after Cam. Boo on her!

Many of the minor characters were quite well done. I loved Danica's grandmother. She seemed like a sweet lady who did good by Danica (whose parents died when she was young). Danica's first good friends at the academy were interesting characters, too, and good influences on her, helping her break out of her wallpaper mode.

A quick, light summer read redeemed from meh-dom by witty dialogue and some excellent characters.
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LibraryThing member PattyLouise
Delcroix Academy
The Candidates
Inara Scott
This story is about the students who are recruited to attend Delcroix Academy…an exclusive and expensive private school. Most of the students are not aware of the reasons they have been invited to attend Delcroix. Recruiters appear to potential candidates
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to persuade them to attend Delcroix Academy. This persuasion works with Dancia and her grandmother…who is Dancia’s sole guardian. Dancia’s grades are average. She keeps to herself and tries to ignore the hidden power and abilities that are the reason she is recruited to Delcroix in the first place and which are unknown to everyone around her. Her parents are dead and she and her grandmother live frugally in a small house in the town that houses Delcroix Academy. Dancia decides to attend Delcroix and thus the story begins. Dancia is determined to keep to herself but in spite of herself begins to make friends with other students in her freshman class. She has a sort of semi-crush on Cam…her recruiter and watcher and she has a disturbing and stressful relationship with Jack…another bad boy and new student. Jack is quite troubled and is not accepting of the reasons given for attending Delcroix. He is curious, wary and a trouble maker and in spite of Cam’s efforts to keep Dancia away from him…Jack and Dancia become uneasy friends. Jack teaches Dancia how to use her power and to become less afraid of it. They also work together to find out what Delcroix Academy intends to do with them and their future.

I did not love this book although I enjoyed it. I found it to be sort of slow and not exciting although I did enjoy the slow and steady development of the characters. The ending was a bit abrupt and sets the next book up immediately. But I am finding that many YA books have this same sort of ending. I am not sure how quickly I will reach for the next book, though.
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
WOW! This book has just amazed me. From the very beginning it was mysterious, keeping all the secrets, from me demanding me to read on to discover the truth. At first, when I started this book I was a little skeptical. I kept thinking that maybe I might get bored with it, but it soon proved me
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Dancia is scared. Scared for her life as well as others. Always living under the radar, never doing anything to draw attention to herself, she finds it impossible that she has gotten a full ride into the Delcroix Academy. There she finds friends, love and most importantly herself. I love Dancia. Her character was one I admired right away for her selflessness. She always thought of others before herself, and always thought of different ways to do things.

The love interest in this book was maddening! I mean, two great completely cute boys and even I couldn't decide who to side with. Jack or Cam? Jack or Cam? The attraction she held with both of them was great. The drama, plot and the way the whole story paned out was perfect. The ending for me was just right. With all the went on, it was a good touch.

Now for the secret. It was not at all what I was expecting although I was kind of right. The paranormal touch to it was one I seen before, so I wasn't as impressed. But the writing of the book, kept me well in the dark and always looking for more. I am definitely looking forward to read the next book.
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LibraryThing member AverysBookNook
First off I must say that I love, love, LOVE the premise of this book. I have always been fascinated by shows like "Dollhouse" and "Nikkita" where young individuals are trained to be kick-butt superheroes/ spies/ the likes of, able to take on the world and all of that jazz... But then throw in
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paranormal elements where those individuals are not only kick-butt with their ninja/ assassin/ spy-like skills, but kick-butt with their ninja/ assassin / spy-like skills AND paranormal abilities, and you get a perfect combination- this book.

When I first read that Danica was 14 years old I rolled my eyes, thinking "What am I getting myself into?" Even as a young adult (I am still a young adult right? Peter Pan Syndrome panic attack!!! ;) ), I oftentimes find it difficult to relate to characters on the younger end of the young adult spectrum because I find that they worry too much about trivial things and whatnot- but I didn't find myself thinking that at all while reading this book, in fact I forgot that she was 14- she seemed to be much older, as she was such a strong female with a good head on her shoulders.

Heck, even the (so often overplayed in YA books) love triangle didn't really bother me. As for the boys? Well, me being the lover of the underdog that I am, Jack had me from the get-go. Danica and him share a bond like no other and after being dealt such a happy hand in life I really think that he deserves all of the happiness he can get. As for Cam? Well, he doesn't really do anything for me. I don't know what it is about him, but I just can't make myself love the pretty boy/ jock/ popular boy (though I will admit that learning a bit more about him and his intentions towards the end of the book did boost him up a teeny tiny bit in my eyes).

I found their abilities to be so gosh darn unique! And I cannot help but want to know more about them! This ain't your typical paranormal YA book folks- there ain't no mention of sparkly werewolves/ hot (yet underage) werewolves anywhere- well, at least not yet... ;)

All in all I think that this is an amazing book and I will be the first in line to buy the next book in the series!
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LibraryThing member TheLibraryhag
Dancia Lewis is more than shocked when she is invited to attend the very exclusive Delcroix Academy. She is more than a little suspicious too. What could they see in her. It does not occur to her that they know her most important secret. Dancia has powers and has spent most of her life trying to
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hide them.

I enjoyed this book. I think the character development on Dancia and her friends was very good. But is just seemed like so much happened that was not important to the story.
But it is the first in a series, so maybe all this set up was really necessary. I will be reading the next one.Got to see what happens next. I can't resist these creepy boarding school stories.
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LibraryThing member dasuzuki
First off isn't this cover gorgeous? It was what first caught my attention and then the book blurb made me really want to read this book. There are the basic ingredients that make me enjoy a good YA book-the love triangle. There is the hot, most popular guy on campus, Cam, who appears to take an
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interest in the socially awkward Dancia. Then there is the rebel, bad boy, Jack, who has a heart of gold and is always looking out for Dancia. Who will she choose? Can she really trust their interest? I'll have to admit that through out the book I was routing for Jack. Why do girls always fall for the golden boy? Yes Cam appears sweet and caring but I love when the tough guys fall hard and turn out to be sweethearts.

In addition the supporting characters are just as enjoyable. I love Dancia's grandmother. She is the perfect combination of sweet naiveness and the wise old grandma. Dancia has two close friends who are hilarious and we get a small glimpse of what their powers may be. How these might manifest and how big a part they will play remains to be seen.

The third ingredient that I look for is the action. The action just gets started in this book and leaves you wanting more. You have cars crashing, sink holes opening, invisible walls and more. I did not want to put this one down.
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LibraryThing member books_n_tea
My experience with books that delve into the realm of the paranormal has rarely been a positive one. I always seem to get my hands on the books that have super lame, female main characters. But, The Candidates showed me strong female lead characters can exist in these types of books. Dancia Lewis
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was awesooooome! In the beginning, she struggled with low confidence, but over the course of the book she begins to grow into a strong-minded and independent young woman. Her confidence is on occasion punctuated with moments of self-doubt, but she always manages to pull through. I think this is the kind of growth I’ve been missing in so many of the books I’ve read in the past few years with female main characters. And, the fact that her newly confidence waivers on occasion makes Dancia seem real to me; what young adult hasn’t grown up experiencing this?

My only frustration with Dancia is she seems much older than she really is. If she hadn’t said she was 14-year-old and just entering high school, I would have assumed she was about to graduate high school. She’s really mature for her age, and she doesn’t seem as self-involved as other female characters I’ve read about. On one hand, this was a breath of fresh air. On the other hand, it wasn’t entirely believable. I was 14 once and I know 14 year olds– we were never that mature and aware.

The romance in this book doesn’t make me cringe. For once! There are two possible love interests for Dancia. There is Jack, a freshman like Dancia, who comes across as a bad boy and totally unapproachable to those who don’t know him. Then there is Cam, the eleventh grade heart-throb– the “All-American” type, if you will. Like most teenagers, she is at times preoccupied by the thoughts of these two boys, but it’s not constant; Dancia isn’t another Bella Swan. The romantic relationship she develops isn’t even rushed. I just find it absolutely frustrating that characters always go for the love interest opposite of who I would choose. Seriously Dancia, why couldn’t you choose……just kidding!

The pacing in the novel was a little slow, but this didn’t make me read it with any less vim. Much of the action takes place in the last quarter of the book, and once I got there, I couldn’t read or turn the pages fast enough. Otherwise, there was a lot of background information offered in this book; I have to assume this means the next book is going to be totally action packed and full of win! Regardless of the pacing of The Candidates this was a book I simply could not put down.

I thought the only noteworthy downfall for this book was the lack in descriptions of the setting. I understand Delcroix Academy is a big, brick, square doughnut shaped building sitting on the top of a hill, but I’m perplexed about what the inside of the building looks like. In my head, I imagined the inside of the Academy to look the same as my old high schools, which I’m sure is hardly the case. I would hope the inside of Delcroix is significantly more pristine and grand. But, since there weren’t too many descriptions, I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Overall, the book was awesome! I loved the characters, and I’m really intrigued by the storyline. I can’t wait to find out what happens next, so I’m especially eager for the second book to hit shelves!
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LibraryThing member hrose2931
This was a great book to read over Christmas. It wasn't that long and it wasn't gloomy. It was an interesting mystery. First it took place at a boarding school for "special" kids. Blend into the woodwork Dancia is not sure why she's at the Delcroix Academy. But everyone seems to think she belongs
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there. And for the first time in her life, she's got friends. I loved the friends. Two very solid, very thoughtful and good friends. Hennie and Esther, unique names for some very unique but loyal friends. No real mean girls in this one except for Dancia's roommate, Catherine. Not Cathy or Cat. Catherine. Yeah she's uptight. But she's more of a control freak and lonely than anything else. That was my impression anyway.

The school is unique. The selection of courses is vast and electives are varied-until you find what you're "special" at, you take all kinds of things. Dancia finds that she is not" special" in public speaking nor pottery. But she is good at attracting the attention of the resident bad boy, Jack who keeps telling her there is some kind of conspiracy going on at the school. The locked gates bother him. They, the kids at the school, are told it's to keep anyone undesirable out, but Jack thinks it's to keep them in and he shows Dancia some pretty good evidence that makes her question what she's been told.

But she's also got the attention of the hottest guy on campus, the boy that came to her house to recruit her to come to Delcroix. He goes out of his way to pay attention to her and make her feel special. Now, as I read it, I had my doubts. Dancia is 15 and he's probably 17. What does a junior want with a 9th grader? I was suspect of his motives and what he wanted from her (not that!). But Dancia, being 15, doesn't question his attention to her. She thinks Cam's attraction to her is believable. When I told my husband about this part he nicknamed him Scam and I can't get past calling him that. Anyway, Dancia has to sort out who to believe and who can be trusted and the answer is surprising. And what Delcroix is really all about, besides producing senators, and famous painters and actors and ambassadors, is well, one of my favorite things- something paranormal.

This was a quick read but left a lot to think about. I'm glad there is another book coming out soon so I can see what else goes on at Delcroix! Oh and Dancia finds out what she's "special" at. This book is appropriate for older MG and any YA reader who like paranormal reads with romance.Heathe
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LibraryThing member TValeros
I was impressed and surprised as to how quickly I fell in love with this novel. 'The Candidates' had me on my toes throwing guesses left and right, and still I would be stuck in mystery. The hidden secrecy of the school is what peaked my interest most. Who doesn't enjoy a little sleuthing!
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Candidates' by Inara Scott also reminded me of 'The House of Night' series mixed with the X-men. Whereby the students have special abilities and all attend a school specified in housing them, however, the students attending The Delcroix Academy don't even know they have any abilities at all.
Ms Inara Scott has a great writing style because I was empathetic to each character. Especially with the relationship Dancia has with her grandmother, who by the way is so fraken awesome, and the raw friendship that Dancia has with Jack.
Dancia is such an interesting character. I could not find any flaws to her, even though I disagree in the choice she made in the ending. I totally understand why Dancia did what she did. It was also a great way to set up for the sequel. But the ending is such a killer because I'm dying to read Book 2.
I can't say much without giving away the juicy tid bits, but I can TOTALLY say that this is a MUST READ!
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LibraryThing member psteinke1122
Dancia is invited to attend Delcroix Academy as a Freshman. She is hesitant because she feels as though she has never fit in and going to an elite school like Delcroix is sure to magnify her mediocrity. But it’s that mediocrity Dancia uses to hide her secret…whenever she is fearful or feels
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threatened things kind of happen. Cars crash, buildings collapse, little things like that.

Cam, one of her recruiters, tries to make her feel at home at Delcroix, but the more she gets to know the other freshman, she can’t help but wonder what is so special about her. Why did Delcroix want her? It’s when she befriends Jack that strange things happen and Jack has a theory for why they are both there.

I thought this was going to be a typical love triangle…Dancia is crushing on Cam, a junior, who isn’t encouraging her, but isn’t discouraging her either. Then it becomes apparent Jack has feelings for Dancia, but she is oblivious. Meanwhile it seems Cam and his friends seem to be keeping really close tabs on Jack. The driving force that kept you reading was waiting to find out what was simmering just below the surface. You know there is something hinky at the Academy, but what?

You couldn’t help but like Dancia…she is the epitome of “misfit” and even at the Academy where she gets a completely fresh start, she can’t just let go of all her previous coping mechanisms, nor the negative self-talk. I just wanted to wrap her up in a hug and tell her how wonderful she is and remind her that school is only temporary.

I did enjoy The Candidates. It did lag a bit due to all the backstory, but I think Ms. Scott has created an intriguing world and I will be returning to Delcroix Academy to see where we go from here.
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LibraryThing member DamarisGCR
How can I write this review without giving away anything? 1. Did I like this book? No, I loved it.2. Did I feel some kind of connection to the characters? Yes! I love Dancia's personality and the way she cares for her grandmother. I loved her relationship with Jack and her friends. Thought I would
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have loved more interaction with Jack.3. Did I enjoy The Plot? Yes, it was not predictable at all and I loved playing the whole guessing game til the end of a book. 4. Inara Scott's writing? I think she was great at describing things and making you feel what that particular character was going through at that moment. I felt for Jack and Dancia and wish things took a different path for them. 5. Would I recommend this book? Yes. It reminds a little of X-Men. I am a huge fan of X-Men, so this to me is a GREAT THING! I loved how some knew what they were capable of and some had no clue. 6. Comments?I am team Jack. I did not really feel any chemistry between Dancia and Cam. At first I really liked Cam, but as I kept on reading I found myself rooting for Jack. I understand why Cam is the way that he is, but I think Dancia should have trusted Jack more and sided with him. The only reason I gave this book four stars (and this is just me) and not five stars is because the ending sort of ruined it for me. I love the cliffhanger and CANNOT wait to find out what happens next, but I wished for a different ending. A GOOD READ! :0)
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LibraryThing member A_Reader_of_Fictions
The opening scene of the book with Mr. Judan and Cameron coming to Dancia's house to invite her to attend Delcroix Academy totally caught my interest. Why? Because it totally struck me as another version of the Hogwarts letter. It's this mysterious invitation only school. Obviously, something crazy
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awesome and/or creepy must be going down in there.

I sympathized with Dancia right from the beginning. Partly, this is because I, too, spent my middle school years as an awkward mess noticed by no one, although unlike Dancia, I desperately wanted attention. Mostly, though, the reason I feel for her immediately is because I know what she goes through with her hair. She apparently has the same awful hair I do, namely "half frizz, half ringlets" (32). This kind of hair is the worst. Well, it's definitely better than no hair, but I sure do envy all of you ladies with straight or lightly wavy hair, or curly, non-frizzy hair.

Overall, The Candidates reads like it's marketed to a younger YA crowd. The main characters are mostly freshman (14/15), and they act like it. They are not your sophisticated teens from WB shows at all. Dancia especially retains a lot of youthful naivete and often fails to put together some obvious things.

While I did have a pleasant reading experience, the pacing of the book sometimes seemed a bit questionable. A lot of time would pass without much happening at all, and then everything would happen at once in a rush. In pretty much just one scene, Dancia figures out how to use her powers; she doesn't struggle much at all. That just didn't seem all that realistic; she should have had a proper training sequence, like any good jedi (note: she's not a jedi, but they are referenced in the book).

I'm all set to head into book two later today, and look forward to seeing Dancia grow up some more. Also, I hope she comes to her senses and goes for Jack; I do not trust Cam at all. Recommended to people who like Buffy and the X-Men, and feel like something lighter and fluffier.
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LibraryThing member FlanneryAC
I keep reading books like this. What can I say? I just love them. I am a huge sucker for a teenager with some sort of power going to a boarding school and then coming into themselves whilst falling for some dude--usually some misunderstood loner. And, in one sentence, I've just summed up this book.
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(albeit, colloquially) Anyway, while I kind of wanted to not like this book, mostly because this genre is becoming jam-packed, I really did enjoy reading it.

The main character, Dancia (whose name I wish was Danica because Dancia is an awful name)was always sort of an outcast but I enjoyed the fact that the author was realistic about her growing into her personality and becoming friends with people at her new school. The relationships with Cam and Jack were both a little transparent and I'm interested to see where those go in the future books. In addition, I thought Scott did a good job of developing future storylines with Jack, the Watchers, and the development of everyone's powers. I'll continue to read this series.
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LibraryThing member BridgetsBookNook
Enjoyed the book! It is how I kind of predicted it {guess because it was predictable that} Its just a "getting to know the characters" book. Maybe when the next one comes out, it will be a little more action in it. I can't really say a whole lot about it without giving away the whole
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story. Just click on the title to read the summary & if you decide to read it, hopefully you will enjoy it. :-)
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LibraryThing member OBridget1
Enjoyed the book! It is how I kind of predicted it {guess because it was predictable that} Its just a "getting to know the characters" book. Maybe when the next one comes out, it will be a little more action in it. I can't really say a whole lot about it without giving away the whole
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story. Just click on the title to read the summary & if you decide to read it, hopefully you will enjoy it. :-)
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Original publication date


Physical description

304 p.; 8.3 inches


1423116364 / 9781423116363

Local notes

When recruiters from the prestigious Delcroix Academy show up to offer her a scholarship, Dancia's days of hiding her paranormal abilities may be over. Her mysterious new friend Jack, who can't stay out of trouble, suspects something dangerous is going on at the Academy and wants Dancia to help him figure out what.

Less pulpy than I anticipated, solid fun.
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