Soul Screamers, Book 5: If I Die

by Rachel Vincent

Ebook, 2012



Call number



MIRA Ink (2012), Kindle Edition, 368 pages


Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML: The entire school's talking about the gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. After all, Kaylee's no ordinary high-school junior. She's a banshee--she screams when someone dies. But the next scream might be for Kaylee. Yeah--it's a shock to her, too. So to distract herself, Kaylee's going to save every girl in school. Because that hot new teacher is really an incubus who feeds on the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend's needy ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck...before he discovers they aren't quite human, either. But Kaylee's borrowed lifeline is nearing its end. And those who care about her will do anything to save her life. Anything.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member AverysBookNook
***May contain spoilers***

It is inevitable people are going to be heartbroken by this book because Kaylee has to make some really serious and life-changing decisions to make. That being said, the heartbreak that you are bound to experience while reading this book doesn't make you dislike the book
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one bit, if anything, it makes you love the world that Rachel has created even more than you thought possible.

It becomes evident that Rachel has grown as an author tremendously as an author while writing this series- while I only felt "meh" about the first two books in the series, "My Soul to Take" and "My Soul to Save", I found "My Soul to Keep" and "My Soul to Steal" to be exceptionally better than the first two and "If I Die"? Well, all I can say is that Rachel really outdid herself and I am truly left speechless.

I found that Kaylee really started to come into herself in "My Soul to Steal" (becoming a strong, independent female who wasn't afraid to stick to her guns) and she became even more so in this book, which made me like her all the more. Furthermore, while I really liked Tod in the earlier books I found myself falling even harder for him in this book. Where he was geeky and cute in the earlier books he was totally hot and swoon-worthy in this book (seriously, the whole random swirly eye thing, the over-protectiveness, and the rumbly/ lower octave voice thing going on, I don't know how a girl couldn't fall for him)! Also, I found myself really liking Sabine in this book (well, the first half more so than the second half), her life situation is pretty cruddy (being born a mara- aka a living nightmare) and therefore you cannot help but feel for her and overlook the fact that she is a conniving booger. As for Nash? Well, it should come as no surprise (based upon my reviews of the earlier books), but I have never been a fan of him and therefore (as horrible as this may sound) I wasn't at all saddened by his outcome in this book- dare I say it? I was quite happy with his outcome...
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LibraryThing member STACYatUFI
Wow what a ride IF I DIE ended up being. Early on in the book it is revealed that Kaylee is on the reaper list. While everyone that loves her is trying to find a way to save her she is trying to solve the mystery that is Mr Beck before he ruins anyone else's life.

There is a lot going on in IF I
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DIE. Feelings, relationships and unpredictable outcomes make up a lot of the book. If I found out I was going to die very soon I would be a wreck but Kaylee doesn't break down. She takes in the news and keeps herself busy to make sure when she is gone everyone will be ok. There is a lot of soul searching about what she wants, a lot of hard decisions and a lot of heartbreaking moments. Nash, I really grew to dislike Nash after IF I DIE. He is selfish, and self destructive. I can see the pain that he is in but what he ends up doing in this book is beyond forgivable. I have always liked Tod. He is mysterious, and acts all tough but he always ends up being there when Kaylee needs him. I really liked how present he was in this book and how much more we get to know about him. I have read all of Rachel Vincents books whether they were her adult novels or her young adult and I have never been disappointed by any of them. Her writing is addicting, her characters strong, and the situations she puts her characters in are heart pounding. IF I DIE is the best book in the Soul Screamers series yet.
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LibraryThing member pollywannabook
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

There is a reason that IF I DIE is the first book in the Soul Screamers series to break from the “My Soul to…” formula. Everything we thought we knew, everything we’d been hoping for, planning for, and partially dreading, changes. This is a series
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that has been building momentum with each book, breaking rules, breaking hearts (both the readers and the characters), and IF I DIE breaks more than all the previous books combined.

I’ve learned from the previous books in this series that the best way to start reading this book was to take all my expectations and chuck them out. The first chapter in IF I DIE is amazing and shocking. There isn’t a single thing I didn’t love about it from Vincent’s delicate but strong handling of a very sensitive issue to dropping the biggest bomb of the series only twenty pages in. I can never predict what Rachel Vincent will do to her characters except that regardless of how unbelievable or even cruel it may seem on the outset, she’ll write it in such a way that it feels inevitable by books end. IF I DIE is the best example of that to date.

Rachel Vincent writes incredibly strong and fully fleshed out characters. I never feel neutral about them. I either love them with a blazing passion, or despise them with a white hot anger. Better still are the characters who trick me into liking them before I can think to defend myself (no, not Sabine. I don’t think I’ll even warm up to her). In IF I DIE, the opposite happens. One of the characters I loved from book one slips into the despise camp so slowly that I still can’t believe it happened.

Overall, take my advice and ditch your expectations. IF I DIE is nothing like what you think. Some characters shift into darkness and others emerge in delightful new ways. Pain, anguish, danger, desire, and selflessness are all par for the course in the Soul Screamers series, but never in ways I can predict and that’s why I’m so addicted to these books. If I die before BEFORE I WAKE is published in 2012, Kaylee and I will both be screaming.

Sexual Content:
Kissing. Scenes of sensuality. References to sex.
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LibraryThing member yabotd
Oh. My. Tod. This book was amazing! Killer plot, new evil beings, complex relationships, and a literal life-or-death situation. I absolutely devoured it. And the ending....holy Tod, the ending. I did not expect what happened, yet it was completely fitting. I am so excited for the next installment
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of this series.

One of the strengths of the Soul Screamers series is the cast of characters. There are a lot of them, and Rachel Vincent doesn't forget about them or make them disappear. She weaves them through each story, while also adding new ones for us to learn about. The complexity of several of these relationships was highlighted throughout If I Die. The challenges in each relationship made all the other events of the book more interesting.

I really appreciated that Avari wasn't the main bad guy in this book. Don't get me wrong, the hellion is a crazy good villain, but he's been the main one in the last few books and I was eager for a change or a new angle. While not out of the picture, If I Die wasn't focused on him.

And Tod. *swoons* It's no secret that I'm in love with Tod, but man, I didn't think it was possible to love him even more. If I Die totally does that. As with the previous books, his presence and page time has grown and I liked what I saw (read?). I won't give anything away, but let's just say Tod delivers all the snarky, quick-witted humor I needed, while still being the loyal, caring friend.

Overall rating: Buy the whole series.
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LibraryThing member sithereandread
IF I DIE, by Rachel Vincent, is the highly anticipated continuation of her Soul Screamers series. With Kaylee's impending death only a week away I could not put down this book for a single second. I am such a fan of this series and although I feel my beloved Nash may never be able to redeem himself
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in Kaylee's eyes, I will not stop reading these books until Vincent stops writing them.

The first chapter packed a punch when Kaylee is told that her borrowed time is up. With the threat of death Kaylee does what she normally does and ignores her own problems to solve a current issue involving a new teacher at school who is using young girls for his own advantage. As the clock ticks down, Kaylee comes to many realizations about her life and those around her.

I loved the other books in the series, but I LOVED this book. The tension and anticipation for Kaylee's death day was overwhelming and I could not read fast enough. The Netherworld once again creeps into her life in the form of an incubus which forces her to go back to the one place she promised herself she would never go again. Secrets and lies between Kaylee and those that love her arise into one awesome climax that will have you begging for more.

I wish Kaylee and Nash would get over the hump that was 'Nash on Demon's Breath' and just love each other! But sneaky Vincent comes in with Reaper Tod and puts a definite wedge in their relationship. At first I went in kicking and screaming but after reading the book, I came to understand more of Tod's perspective and I might (might!) start to like the kid. (Grumble) Sabine is a pain in the you-know-what more than ever and I honestly have not found any reason to like her, but I only have hatred for her because Vincent is masterful at creating it.

Fans of the series will love it, and typical Vincent will have you on your knees for more at the insane events at the end of the book. And for those who haven't read the series, I seriously insist that you must!
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LibraryThing member Bookswithbite
Will the real author please stand up? I mean really. If I could give an award for Best Author of the Year, I give to Ms. Rachel Vincent. Not because I am sucking up to her, but for real, her writing is amazing. So amazing that it will burn you with pure awesomeness! I admit that it took me so time
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to gather up the guts to read this book. Why? I was scared. Why? Let's just say that Ms. Vincent writing is so good, I was scared to read it. I had know idea where she take me next in her writing world, but I knew it would be one hell of a ride. And of course, like always, Ms. Vincent presented a ride I would never forget.

As I began this book, my heart raced. I was excited to see what would happen to my favorite characters and where they be going next. I don't want to spoil everything so I am going to keep this review short. Should you read it. Hell-to-the-YES! Read it now! I can say that this book has many changes it. Some good and some bad. All the characters come to a point of enlightenment and change within themselves. I never thought I would feel sorry for some characters. Ms. Vincent writing gives the reader a whole new insight on certain aspects to the characters. Ms. Vincent pulls the reader immediately within her world drowning them. Could I breathe? No. My breathe was short and fast. Somehow, I managed to make it out alive after this book. LOL!
As always, Ms. Vincent creates a great plot line. The plot pacing is right on target as well as the characters. My emotions swirled within this book and I may have shed a few tears.

If I Die is a book that no reader can put down. Ms. Vincent writing is so smooth you won't realize that you are at the end of the book till its over. The plot, the characters, the emotions, are written beautifully. Carefully chosen exquisite words, brings the reader to a place they never thought they be.
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LibraryThing member SupaGurlbooks
5x5 *with loads of confetti and glitter*
I'm not sure if you can tell by that if I really liked this or not... no wait I LOVED this book! Really this whole series started off with a great book then each one just keeps getting BETTER! I'm not sure how Rachel keeps doing it, but well she has it locked
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down *high fives*

Let me just say that Kaylee and Sabine ... totally heart them I about died laughing over their convo's best like/tolerate/hate friendship ever! Kaylee is an amazing character and just keeps true to what she has always been. There are some tough decisions and choices to be made for her this time. Let me just also say at one point *no really two* I thew my book down! One in sheer joy and the other in heartache....

GET THIS NOW and thank me later :)
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LibraryThing member HCross9820
IF I DIE is the absolute best book in the Soul Screamers series so far! There are two things I have come to expect from Rachel Vincent’s books. First, expect the unexpected. She has an impressive ability to break genre rules and work outside the box. And second, her books have an uncanny ability
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of breaking my heart into teeny-tiny pieces. Couples are never promised a Happily-Ever-After and no character is untouchable by death or injury. IF I DIE didn’t let me down.

Rachel Vincent starts this book out with a bang. She tackles a very serious life and death issue within the first couple chapters. It hooked me in and couldn’t put this book down. It was an emotionally tough for me to read, but was extremely well written. She handles these issues in a very delicate and real way. It has probably never been said that Rachel shies away from controversial subject matter

Kaylee has once again found herself sinking in quicksand. Her life is falling down around her. Her friends and family are trying everything they can to help her out of an impossible situation. She has grown emotionally from book to book, and this book is no different. She excepts her limitations, and uses her energy, time, and skills to help her friends and family.

As always, Kaylee’s love life isn’t making things any easier. Kaylee and Nash are trying to get their relationship back after some bumps in the road. They are trying to move on, make new memories, and forgive past indiscretion. Then there is Nash’s mara ex-girlfriend Sabine, who is torn between stealing Nash from her and wanting to be Kaylee’s friend. Kaylee isn’t sure if she can really trust Sabine when the chips are down. Not to mention Nash’s sexy brother Tod, the reaper who is always there to help when Kaylee is in need. He has become her white knight, but instead of wearing shining armor he’s dressed in his pizza delivery uniform.

Rachel Vincent has a knack of turning her fictional worlds up-side-down, and making them all the better for it. Things happen that I never see coming. She has a way of finding unique and ingenious solutions to problems. This always keeps me guessing. The last few chapter of this book shattered my heart, but gave me hope for Kaylee’s future.

IF I DIE is heart-wrenching, shocking, and whispers of new beginnings to come! This book is a real game changer for this series. Bravo Rachel Vincent, you have skillfully develop characters that the readers can‘t help but be emotionally attached to! This book has cemented the Soul Screamers series on my must read list. If you enjoy reading unique and thought provoking Paranormal YA, you should picked up Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamer’s series!
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LibraryThing member LeanneSF
Another wonderful book in the series! Vincent has written a thrilling and tearjerking novel with the resolution of Kaylee's and Nash's relationship and Kaylee's dealing with the news of her own imminent death. Loved the ending! Definitely per-ordering "Before I Wake", the next book in the series.
LibraryThing member Tristan_Bruce
I know with every new book in the Soul Screamers series I always say the newest one is the best one and I'm not changing my ways now.
If I die isn't titled without the usual My Soul To... , until I read the book I couldn't figure out why, now I know, this book is the game changer. Everything you've
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become comfortable with in the series was just pulled out from under you, but in a good way. This along with the countdown to Kaylee's end is more than enough to keep you page turning. I didn't set this book down once from the moment I started reading it, it just wasn't possible. The characters are the same we know and love, or love to hate (Sabine) with a few small additions but this story sticks pretty close to home. That is about as far as I can go on this one and still keep it spoiler-free. It's emotional, suspenseful and my new fav in the series. 5 out of 5!
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LibraryThing member bkwormblogger
Synopsis:The entire school's talking about the gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. After all, Kaylee's no ordinary high-school junior. She's a banshee—she screams when someone dies.But the next scream might be for Kaylee.Yeah—it's a shock to her, too. So to
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distract herself, Kaylee's going to save every girl in school. Because that hot new teacher is really an incubus who feeds on the desire of unsuspecting students. The only girls immune to his lure are Kaylee and Sabine, her boyfriend's needy ex-girlfriend. Now the unlikely allies have to get rid of Mr. Beck…before he discovers they aren't quite human, either.But Kaylee's borrowed lifeline is nearing its end. And those who care about her will do anything to save her life.Anything.Review:Wow! Wow! Wow! This one took me down me down a road I didn't think I'd travel on! From the first book I've been rooting for Nash. Even when he showed signs that he'd do anything for Kaylee to make up for the wrongs that he'd done. But I always knew that would take a miraculous event for her to finally forgive him.And when she finds out that she has six days to live there is no way on earth that a make up is possible. And finally she realises that if its not possible to fix, then leave it alone for someone else to.In this whole book, Kaylee acts selflessly trying to fix all of the problems including the new teacher preying on young girls.Ultimately the more you try to fix things the worse the problems actually become, and for Kaylee the clock keeps ticking.I've never been a Tod fan. I've always found him too annoying and interfering to be good for Kaylee. But in this story he's the only one she can turn to who isn't more screwed up than her.As her family and friends try to find a way for her NOT to die, it all comes down to her own testiment of determination and past actions to prove to the makers that her being on the planet is better for everyone...although it might not be exactly how she planned.With the title of the book being different from the other ones in this series this is definitely a curve in the whole dramatic storyline that is Soul Screamers. I can't wait for the next one to find out what happens now....
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LibraryThing member MaryinHB
***spoilers might be present ***

So, Kaylee is trying to fix another supernatural entity from invading her world and this one attacks right at school. Mr Beck is the math teacher and is also an incubus. He doesn't outright kills people, but some of his actions are starting to have that effect.
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Kaylee enlists Sabine to help her get to the bottom of this evil, like being a math teacher isn't evil enough. Tod gets some information on Kaylee that will have you spinning and well, Nash, isn't quite himself again. This one is my absolute favorite of the series. All of the snarky sarcasm, plot twists and turns and wonderful characters are here and so believable that I can die happy now. Everything happened just as I wanted it too, well, almost.

Kaylee further develops the back bone that started to grow in My Soul to Steal. It is nice to see her take charge and grow. There is a bit more to Tod than meets the eye and more of his back story starts to come out including one revelation that really explains a lot about Nash and their relationship. I had always thought Nash was not quite right for Kaylee and there was something about him that really bugged me, now I know why. I really hope that the story continues since I can see a whole new direction for Kaylee. When I first heard the rumors about Kaylee and the way this one ended, I though, well, that's the end of the series, but now I think it is just the start.
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LibraryThing member LaneLiterati
Pretty fantastic. Important for the series arc. Recommended for an slightly older teen.
LibraryThing member Tinkerbell4726
Wow. What a difference of book makes. Nash and Todd, holy cow! I did NOT see that coming...
LibraryThing member JustAnotherYABlog
I do feel bad about Nash though
He's a good guy,and I personally believe SABINE is wrong for him
but,what a story it was!
LibraryThing member BookaholicCat
4 ½ Stars

I hate Nash... just saying...
LibraryThing member SpazzyDragon13
Rachel Vincent has done it again.

If I Die is the fifth book in the amazing and ever popular Soul Screamers series. Never before have I heard of the killing off of the main character without ending the series...yet Rachel did it, and she did it in style.

Kaylee Cavanaugh, a bean sidhe who sings for
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people's souls when they die, learns that she's going to die in a week. How? She's on the reaper list.(Specifically the special list, which means she has no second chance exchanges) Which brings me to Tod, who is the local reaper. Tod is simply amazing. From book one, I thought Kaylee should have been with him instead of Nash. In book four, I was mad at Tod for being mean to Kaylee, but I was still Team Tod. Now, in book five, Tod is put into the spotlight and revealed in all his glory. I don't want to spoil it, but let's just say that Team Tod has just become much happier now!

Now, plot wise....pretty epic. I know Rachel said that it was hard for her to write the book following this, Before I Wake, because it was really hard to top If I Die. I don't blame her. This book was pretty amazing. Simply knowing the main character is going to die is a pretty big plot right there, but executing it the way she did was simply amazing. I thought I had the ending predicted from back to chapter five or so...but I was wrong. And then TOD! Oh, I nearly cried. (It's really cruel to play with the heartstrings of fans. D:) So, needless to say, the action and plot was amazing (even if just the teensiest bit predictable).

As for characters, they were just as awesome as ever. Kaylee has evolved and I like her better than I did in book four. Nash has stayed the same, which is nice that someone is consitent. He does get pretty bad at the end but it still follows the path Nash would've taken anyway. I'm glad he didn't chance, and I'm also glad he's out of the picture. Sabine is badass as always. Tod...amazing. That's all I shall say.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can't wait 'till June for Before I Wake!
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LibraryThing member LiindaSnow97
Rachel Vincent is something else.
I just...

This book was simply so awesome and had me all the time either laughing, crying, or raging. Most of the things that happened shattered everything we've been reading since the very beginning, and I mean that in the best way possible. Vincent had me laughing
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in the middle of my tears.
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LibraryThing member potterwholockian
LibraryThing member RozzieReads
Oh broke my heart, and then made it all better !
LibraryThing member A_Reader_of_Fictions
For more reviews, Cover Snark and more, visit A Reader of Fictions.

Whoa. I knew this series got better at a certain point, based on ratings from trusted reviewers, but it’s still startling to go from steady 3 star books to a much higher rating. I’ve been waiting for Vincent to bring it, and she
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totally did. If I Die gets a bit darker and raises the stakes. Also, it’s a much more emotional read than the previous ones.

Up to this point, I really never had any feels about the Soul Screamers series. I’ve enjoyed it, but my black heart felt nothing in particular. Here, the feels appeared. Surprisingly enough, they were pretty much all romance-based. I say surprisingly, because I wasn’t sure how I felt about the romance and from a logical level I’m still not entirely certain. What I can say for sure is that Vincent does a really good job setting up the switchover to Tod. I still find the love triangle with brothers frustrating and am a bit disappointed that she and Tod couldn’t continue to be good friends. At the same time, they’re very shippable. As you can tell, I am conflicted.

The reason this works so well despite my complex feelings on the matter and the source of the feelings is the truth bombs Tod drops left and right. Tod has seen a lot through the course of the series, and he’s gone from a fairly passive observer to a major player in the game. His arguments for why he cares for Kaylee and for why they’re better suited than she and Nash are accurate. In fact, Kaylee suddenly becomes a lot more likable once the door closes on her and Nash. It’s shown that they’re not necessarily a good couple, though they wanted to make it work. Free of him, she’s a better person, more free to carry out those impulses she always had to argue with Nash about throughout the whole book; he never wanted her to help others or risk anything, but that’s the kind of person she is.

The plot follows along the standard mystery lines of the other books in the series. The difference is that the mystery has a more personal impact, because, at the same time, Kaylee’s faced with knowledge of her own impending, irreversible death. I think the plot was also helped by the fact that the adults weren’t kept out of the loop this time. The other books felt a bit like child’s play, no matter how dangerous, because, ultimately, there was always a cavalry of trained adults they could bring in if shit hit the fan. In this case, the adults were informed and the outcome still didn’t look bright.

If I Die had two main downsides. The first is that I totally called the ending in chapter one. Not every detail, but it was pretty obvious how everything was going to resolve. The second is that things do turn out rather conveniently. The ending could have been much more heartbreaking. Then again, this has been a fairly fluffy paranormal series, and its fans wouldn’t have been pleased with the sort of bleak ending I would have loved.

Reading the Soul Screamers has now paid off. I only hope this quality can be sustained through the next couple of books, or even improved on.
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LibraryThing member mrso822
Oh my God. Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod.

Okay, now that I got that out of my way… This book was SO good. I got a slow start due to life obligations getting in my way (stupid life obligations, lol), but once I got a chance to really read, that’s all I wanted to do. It’s a good thing I’m
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almost done with this series because it’s interfering with my sleep!

When this book starts, we find out that Kaylee’s new math teacher is hot but not human, and Tod informs her she’s going to die in 5 days. Kaylee knows that she can’t do anything about her impending death, so she decides to try to make things better for as many people as she can before it’s too late. At the same time, we see her struggle to accept it and those around her try to do anything to stop it.

This book was excellent in its execution. As I feverishly flipped the pages, I had so many questions going through my head: What is Mr. Beck? How can they stop him? Can they stop him? How will Kaylee die? Will she die? If she doesn’t, who will be the one to circumvent it and how? What will happen if she does die? Will she become a reaper? What’s going to happen to Emma? Will Kaylee ever love Tod as much as I do? It seems like a lot, but they all get answered, and it’s amazing!

I really love the interaction of all the characters in this book, and there were some scenes that had me ready to scream “Yes! Finally!”, but I can’t spoil it. It’s so very hard not to, though, because I want to jump and dance and scream (in a good way) about it!

There were two twists at the end that I completely didn’t see coming, and both had me in tears for different reasons.

I have said this for every one of Vincent’s books since My Soul to Keep, but this is definitely the BEST book so far! 5 very overly enthusiastic stars!

This review is also posted on Mommy's Reading Break
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LibraryThing member alcarinqa
By now I’m used to something freaky and supernatural going down in the very first chapter of a Soul Screamers novel, but I was surprised regardless! It’s great that Rachel Vincent can keep astonishing her readers five books into the series. If I Die is a roller coaster ride unlike any I have
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ever read before – the protagonist knows she has less than a week to live and finds out that her Math teacher is preying on his female students. This is an emotionally charged book that – unfortunate for Kaylee – hurtles towards its conclusion and leaves readers breathless at the end.

The most interesting aspect of the novel, for me, is how Kaylee deals with her impending death. Many of the characters remark, with confusion, that she takes everything quite well. There’s no screaming or raging. Kaylee wants to spend her last few days with her family and friends and ensure that the incubus preying on her fellow classmates, including her best friend Emma, is stopped. A welcome, and natural, source of support is Tod, who has a much larger role in the novel than previously (which I loved because I’m Team Tod all the way). In contrast Nash, who I believe hit rock bottom in the last book and couldn’t disappoint me any further, started digging.

On a more personal note, the news of her death brings to the forefront everything Kaylee will not have the opportunity to do, and one of the things she decides to experience is sex. Rachel Vincent handles the issue very well, balancing Kaylee’s helplessness and her desire to be in control of one aspect of her life with the concerns of her friends about making a decision she simply isn’t ready for. I have found that Rachel Vincent has handled the issue of Kaylee’s virginity throughout the series with candour and respect and, above all, realistically, and am glad to find this hasn’t changed.

There are a few things I didn’t like in this book. Keeping Sophie out of the loop is doing no one any favours – not only is she in constant danger, but she must be extremely confused because she knows there is something going on, but has no idea what it is. Although I find her attitude towards Kaylee repulsive I understand where the impulse comes from. Similarly Kaylee’s efforts to keep her best friend Emma in the dark proves more dangerous, time and time again, than just letting her know everything up front. Finally, Kaylee’s attitude towards the relationship between Nash and Sabine is both inexplicable and wrong, in my opinion. She and Sabine make a deal for Sabine to inherit Nash as a boyfriend, and possibly Emma as a friend, after Kaylee’s death. These are people we are talking about, not possessions!

This book certainly delivers! Rachel Vincent has packed a lot into this fantastic book, and its conclusions had me reaching for Before I Wake, the next book in the series, immediately. If you haven’t started this series, you are seriously missing out!

You can read more of my reviews at Speculating on SpecFic.
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LibraryThing member lexilewords
Guys, I will admit to this: going in I was afraid. Petrified even. I trust Vincent to not disappoint me with her writing, or with the in-book justification of events and consequences, but I was so worried. I love this series. I adore it--one of my top five Young Adult series I always recommend to
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people. But after the last two books...

Well. Vincent had me pondering, really really hard, about the nature of love and sacrifice and letting go even when it doesn't feel like you should.


There is really three plots at work here. Plot 1) was the book plot--that of the teacher who was an Incubus and taking advantage of the gullible students. Plot 2) involves the ongoing relationship status of Nash and Kaylee (and Sabine) and Plot 3) is the new underlying plot for the next couple of books. Plot 3 isn't such a big thing until the last few chapters of the book, but Plots 1 and 2? Insanity!

I'm going to try to be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers, so forgive me if I don't back things up.

First there's Kaylee's behavior throughout the book. I've been kind of edgy about Kaylee in the last couple of novels due to her behavior and overall indecisiveness on some matters. Granted, what Nash did was bad. Really bad and would have gotten even worse if left unchecked quite frankly. Kaylee has every right to be frightened that it might happen again and want to take things slower.

However at some point in Book 4 Kaylee went from wanting to take things slower to 'Do what I say, act the way I want you to' in her treatment of Nash. She sabotaged, through her own insecurities and fear, any attempts he made to connect with her again. Made no concerted effort to be with him again, but wanted him to avoid someone who she felt was a bad influence on him (Sabine).

This book isn't much different in that regard. I thought they had come to an understanding at the end of Book 4. I thought Kaylee was ready to make a decision and stick to that decision. I thought she was ready to take the consquences of her actions.

Nash, for his part, messes up big time a couple times. He reacts badly and does some things I find extremely questionable given what he kept pleading to Kaylee about. But oh man does Kaylee do him a horrifically WRONG turn. Twice. I mean if there was any two things she could have done to REALLY break Nash's spirit she did them both. Not happily, and with some huge regrets, but still. The outcome of at least one may have been in my favor (preference wise), but I kind of side with Nash in his fury towards her.

There was extenuating circumstances for one of the things, and she did sacrifice something pretty major in an attempt to make it right, but still. I do wonder if Vincent will explore the parallels between what Kaylee did to Nash and what Nash did to Kaylee. I hope she does. While I am content with the way things ended in this book romance wise, I'm anxious over how things turned out relationship wise. I want this to be something that brings them closer, whichever way you want to take that.

I haven't mentioned much about what happens with the teacher because honestly it leads to a whole mess of spoilers that could skew a reader's perception throughout the book. Big surprise he is a BAD GUY and messes with Kaylee and co. in terrifying ways. It really does make me wonder about the general population of their town though, in the same way that I always wondered about Sunnydale in Buffy--are the residents just THAT oblivious and/or used to these really freaky dangerous occurances? Though that's not a fair thing to ask since well its fiction and who knows how people would react if this happened in REAL life right?

Book 4 felt like the closing of a chapter in the series--by that point Kaylee had come into her own (power wise), had a mostly reliable cadre of friends/companions/people she moderately tolerated to help her and seemed better equipped for the world at large. This book, Book 5, felt like the beginning of a new chapter. Certain things happen that make this a more obvious beginning then others, but overall I felt like for the first time in a long time Kaylee was learning what it means to live in that world.

At one point or other her lifelines--Tod, Nash, Emma, her family--are all cut off from her in some way and she's forced to make decisions on her own and shoulder those consequences herself. This is a big step for her and one that Vincent handles well. Kaylee doesn't handle it so well, but then she's only 16 right? If she was perfect this wouldn't be a very interesting series overall would it?

I likely say this every time, but I can't wait for Book 6.
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The entire school's talking about the gorgeous new math teacher, Mr. Beck. Everyone except Kaylee Cavanaugh. Because that hot new teacher is really an incubus who feeds on the desire of unsuspecting students.
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