Maigret og den stædige pige

by Georges Simenon

Paperback, 1970



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Frankrig, Paris, 1944
Indeholder "1. Træbens begravelse", "2. Metroen klokken seks", "3. Hvad dagbogen fortalte", "4. Nummeret med taxien", "5. Gæst nummer 13", "6. Maigret bliver om natten", "7. Natten med hummer i mayonnaise", "8. Félicies café au lait".

Jules Lapie på ca tres år er død af
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et skudsår og våbnet er væk. Han havde træben pgra et uheld på et skib, han ved et uheld var havnet på og det gav en erstatning og pension, som var nok til at leve af i byen Fécamp og endda flytte ind i det nybyggede kvarter i Jeanneville. Han havde en pige, Félicie, til at bo ved sig og holde hus de seneste syv år og hans testamente giver hende penge og hus og hans bror Ernest Lapie og nevøen Jacques Pétillons en lang næse. Kriminalkommisær Jules Maigret forsøger at få noget fornuftigt at vide af Félicie, men hun svarer undvigende, hvis hun da overhovedet svarer. Til Lapies begravelse har han netop fortalt hende at hun ikke må rejse nogen steder hen uden hans tilladelse, da hun stikker af og hopper ind i en varevogn, der skal til Paris. Maigrets medarbejder, kriminalassistent Lucas, ringer til Paris og beder dem holde udkig og skygge hende, hvis hun dukker op. Jacques Pétillons bliver der også holdt øje med og han ser ud til at være ved at knække. Maigret tager ham med ind i en cafe på Place Pigalle, men Jacques bliver skudt ned, da de går udenfor. Attentatmanden undslipper ved at bruge et fif med en tom taxi, der kører lige som skuddet falder. Maigret er rasende på sig selv, for han nåede ikke at få noget særligt brugbart ud af Jacques og nu ligger han livsfarligt såret på hospitalet og kan ikke afhøres. Tilbage i Fécamp ser han til sin forbløffelse at Félicie ser ud til at have været oppe og slås, selv om der er politi stationeret lige udenfor. Hvorfor har hun ikke gjort anskrig? Er det bare fup? Støvleaftryk tyder på at det er rigtigt nok, så Maigret må tænke nærmere over sagen. Det viser sig at der i Jules Lapies hus er to ens klædeskabe og indbrudstyve har kun forsøgt sig med det ene af dem (det forkerte), fordi han ikke vidste at der var to. Maigret sætter en fælde og fanger en farlig røver, Albert Babeau, kaldet Musikeren. Det var ham, der dræbte Jules, skød Jacques og slog Félicie ned. Félicie har i al sin stædighed fantaseret om at være Jacques elskerinde, men det er kun udi hendes egen fantasi, for Jacques har ikke anet noget. Men det kan jo ændre sig!

Ganske velturneret krimihistorie med gode iagttagelser om udstykninger og nye bydele skubbet ind.
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[Kbh.] Carit Andersen [1970]


Imperious, clever, mysterious: Maigret meets his match in the alluring form of Felicie in book twenty-five of the new Penguin Maigret series, In his mind's eye he would see that slim figure in the striking clothes, those wide eyes the colour of forget-me-not, the pert nose and especially the hat, that giddy, crimson bonnet perched on the top of her head with a bronze-green feather shaped like a blade stuck in it Felicie had given him more trouble than all the 'hard' men who had been put behind bars.

User reviews

LibraryThing member BooksForDinner
Another enjoyable Maigret. I've fallen off the pace I set last year, no longer expecting to catch up to the release schedule, just too many books for me to read. Will read all of them though.
LibraryThing member TomDonaghey
Maigret and the Toy Village (1944) by Simenon. A retired accountant has been murdered in the bedroom of his small, cookie-cutter home just outside Paris. The young woman who is a live-in housekeeper has to be the prime suspect, but Maigret has a father-like fondness for her. This happens despite
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her persistent obstruction of the investigation. Years later just the mention of her name, Felicie, will send cold shivers up him.
There is almost nothing to go on, the woman insists on not helping beyond her initial statements, and the case looks hopeless. Thankfully Maigret has nothing more pressing than to hang around the newish housing development, drink with the locals, send messages back and forth to headquarters in Paris where it appears the entire detective squad has nothing better to do that follow up mystic clues from their chief.
And somehow the case gets solved.
A Simenon story is about place and time, setting is half the story while patience is the other. This appears to be an uncomplicated murder, but the reveal is very surprising.
A nice little tour book for the days when Paris was much more sleepy and civilized.
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LibraryThing member thorold
Another Maigret published in wartime but set back in the idyllic thirties when there was nothing much to worry about beyond murder, robbery, gangland feuds and speculative building...

Simenon takes Maigret into the unusual setting of a crude new middle-class suburban development in the Seine valley,
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but it soon turns out that the murder of a retired accountant there has its roots in much more familiar territory: the nightclubs and brothels of Montmartre, and the Norman fishing community of Fécamp.

The story turns on Maigret's frustratingly slow progress into the confidence of the most important witness in the case, the dead man's insufferable housekeeper Félicie. This is often very funny, but it also reads rather uncomfortably at times. Simenon and Maigret clearly have a lot of sympathy with her position as a poorly educated but ambitious young woman from a deprived, working-class rural background, Eliza Doolittle without the brains, but Simenon also allows Maigret to patronise her appallingly, treating her like a little girl in the end. He literally puts her to bed with a hot drink at the most exciting point in the story...

Technically not a bad crime story, but in social terms it really isn't one that stands the test of time.
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Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

167 p.; 18.4 cm

Local notes

Omslag: Ikke angivet
Omslaget viser en ung kvinde, der knæler ned og er ved at samle en pistol op
Indskannet omslag - N650U - 150 dpi
Oversat fra fransk "Félicie est là" af Karen Nyrop Christensen
Side 41: Félicie med sin Sainte-Nitouche-mine.
Maigret, bind 42

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